The day had mostly been quite bland for Aaron, even though he had turned 25 and was a muscular jock he was still being bossed around by his parents and had been made to visit relatives most of the day. He was glad he was meeting his friends later at a bar where things were bound to get more exciting, but for the moment Aaron was waiting around at a dining table with extended family as someone started to bring round his birthday cake. As his relatives started singing happy birthday a buzz from his phone distracted him, it was a notification from one of his favourite pages telling him a new story had been uploaded. Aaron’s dick twinged at the thought of it, maybe he could jerk off quickly before he met his friends later. As the song came to an end and his cake was placed in front of him Aaron was still distracted, he hoped this update involved some overweight pig or a big booty slut, then again he was kind of in the mood for a sissy fem boy. Aaron then blew out his candles, the dirty thoughts still running through his head and just under his breath where he thought no one could hear he said
“I wish I could be like them”
Unfortunately for Aaron someone did hear as green smoke engulfed the room, Aaron coughed and spluttered as his vision became obscured by the smoke. However when it did clear something wasn’t right, Aaron looked around confused and a little scared, his family seemed to be frozen, most still in mid-clap or cheering from when he blew out the candles. He tried to move himself, but found that his movement was limited to his head.
“Guys if this is some kind of joke this isn’t funny” Aaron said quite panicked now. Aaron started to panic more when a wisp of green smoke danced around his earlobe and whispered “Happy Birthday”. The changes happened almost immediately, the clothes Aaron was wearing disappeared completely leaving him butt naked in a room full of his family. Aaron wriggled and tried to get up from his chair but found it impossible, he couldn’t let his family see him naked his dick and ass out for all to see, he’d be mortified. That’s when Aaron felt something around his cock; he looked down panicked as some sort of plastic had appeared around the base of it and seemed to be spreading. Aaron tried to move his arms to try and pull it away but it was futile he had no choice but to watch as the plastic spread and turned pink. A burst of pain shot through his body as the plastic started pulling and contracting around his dick making it shorter to fit the plastic casing that had covered it. Aaron now knew what the plastic was and tried desperately to free himself as he watched the device tighten, his dick aching in pain as it was crammed into the plastic casing. Aaron eyes went wide as a heavy piece of metal then sprouted from the plastic, Aaron couldn’t believe what was happening to him as he saw a shiny new padlock appear and rest on top of his encased dick. Then with a satisfying click it locked into place, immediately Aaron’s arms felt looser, he instinctively grabbed at his dick. He tried to pull at the plastic but it only caused him more pain and discomfort, he tried to loosen the lock but it was pointless without a key. Aaron sat there dumbfounded, he couldn’t quite believe it, but there it was, his brand new, bright pink, too small chastity cage.

“Please someone help MeEeEEe” Aaron voice seemed to break and stutter as he finished his sentence, he coughed and tried again. “PLeaSe, I dOn’t KNow whaTs HAPPening TO MEEE” Aaron's voice now sounded higher and squeaky. “Oh No my voice” Aaron's hands instantly wrapped around his throat as his Adams apples disappeared, his voice now sounded like that of a small boys. It was so whiny and high pitched nothing like his previous baritone voice. Aaron was panicking it was one thing to be put in chastity, the cage could be broken but to actually have his body altered made the situation he was in a lot more severe. What would his family say now if they unfroze, a high pitched squealing man with a pink cage around his cock, Aaron needed this to end now or at the very least get some clothes on. Luckily for him clothes wouldn’t be an issue in a few minutes as fabric started to materialise around his crotch. Aaron was relieved when he saw some pink fabric appear and start to cover his newly acquired cage. However that relief soon dissipated as the pink fabric just seemed to stretch around his waist and up through his butt crack. As the fabric connected itself, Aaron felt his legs loosen and immediately he stood up and investigated his new item of clothing.

A few hours later and Aaron was dancing wildly in the club, his new body loved to dance and loved to show off. Aaron was having the time of his life dancing, drinking and doing shots with his friends, he didn’t quite remember his friends dressing in such tight and bright outfits or being so out there before but Aaron pushed that thought to one side as he got another drink. It must have been about 11 when his friends sat him down and told him that they had gotten him a surprise. The club music changed as a slow R&B song started playing, and a spotlight lit up the stage. Aaron squealed with excitement as a tattooed muscular jock came out onto the stage. The jock turned his baseball cap backwards and started to gyrate, the bulge in his pants obvious to everyone. Aaron's cock ached as it strained against his cage; damn he wanted to touch it so bad. As the jock peeled off his tight tank top, tore off his pants and stood in front of Aaron pre-cum dribbled from his cage. The jock still flexing and gyrating in front of Aaron slowly started pulling at his tiny black briefs and as he did he started singing happy birthday. Aaron couldn’t control himself from screaming like a giddy schoolgirl as the jock finished the song and revealed his huge hard cock.

Instantly the room filled with green smoke, Aaron managed to stand up before the all too familiar feeling of being frozen returned. Aaron looked around and found the stripper frozen in place his hard dick only millimetres away. Aaron didn’t understand he had already gotten his birthday wish, why was he frozen again was the wish ending? Aaron's mind started to clear from the fem boy fog that had covered it. This wasn’t right, he didn’t go to strip clubs, do shots or go clubbing for that fact, he was supposed to be at a bar with friends the guys he was with he didn’t even recognise. Aaron looked down embarrassed by his outfit, a sleeveless tight pick top and short shorts with the top of his thong peeking out the top. This wasn’t him and he was glad that he might finally be turning back. But as the recognisable feeling of transformation returned it wasn’t exactly what Aaron was hoping for. Aaron clothes once again disappeared leaving him naked except for his chastity cage. A new item of clothing was presenting itself as black fabric appeared around his crotch; a mesh netting covered his caged cock while two bands of elastic stretched around the top and bottom of his ass cheeks. A slutty new jockstrap was not exactly what Aaron was hoping for, it seemed he wasn’t changing back he was changing more. Fear started to consume Aaron as a new feeling started coming from his behind, new added weight started to appear on his previously cute bubble butt. His hips groaned as they widened to help make room for Aaron newest transformation, his ass cheeks almost doubled in size as they grew outwards from his body. When the feeling finished Aaron arms became unfrozen, he was almost too scared to feel his new rump.

“Get this down your throat” The jock growled, Aaron happily obliged as he bobbed up and down the massive dick in front of him, new feelings of satisfaction spread across his body as his mouth was filled.
“Not good enough” The jock pushed harder on the back of Aaron head, he spluttered and gagged as more of the dick slid down his throat. He needed air the dick was too big, Aaron pulled himself up from the monster cock. Aaron only managed to draw one quick breath before the jock forcefully pushed his head back onto his dick.
“You don’t get to decide when you stop sucking my dick, I do!” The jock then pushed Aaron’s head down the whole length of his cock and placed his leg of over the top of him preventing any retreat from the ginormous cock that was sliding down his throat. Aaron’s face was now directly next to the strippers crotch his balls touching his lips and his asshole an inch away from his nose. Aaron moaned and struggled as his need for air increased and the cock inside him throbbed harder.

“Pheeww looks like I need a shit” The stripper released Aaron from his grip and got out of the bed. “See you in a moment my slutty little sissy” the jock taunted as he slapped Aaron’s ass and then headed towards the bathroom. All Aaron could do was lie there exhausted, his ass and throat aching from the assault of the strippers enormous dick, his cock straining painfully against his tiny cage and the terrible smell of fart still lingering in his nostrils. He had become a big assed, sissy fem boy for his birthday and now he just wanted it all to end.
That’s when the Trickster appeared in the room admiring his handiwork; he wanted to personally wish Aaron a happy birthday. It took a while for Aaron to even notice the green intruder, but once he did he knew instinctively that he was the one to blame for the transformations that had occurred to him. Aaron was just about to get up and tackle the asshole that turned him into some slutty caged whore, but before he could even get out of bed the Trickster smiled and said “Happy Birthday”. Green smoke flooded the room and Aaron froze his face with an expression of panic plastered across it. The first thing Aaron noticed was how much he was now sweating, his whole body seemed to be wet especially his huge ass, it took a little while but soon Aaron noticed the smell as well. The smell of a man who hasn’t washed in a few days, the smell of a man who is sweating when he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, Aaron was now that man. The smell only continued to get worse as Aaron still frozen stared at the green man grinning at him. Next was the gurgling, Aaron's stomach started to do flips as gurgles and groans emanated from his gut. Aaron didn’t like the sound, it was unsettling and soon Aaron found out why as he let out a long loud belch. “BUUURRPP” Aaron eyes widened as he realised he had no control over it, he had to let it out, the sound and smell of it disgusted him. However the gurgling didn’t stop and neither did the burps, Aaron now uncontrollably released burp after belch, each more disgusting than the last. However that wasn’t the only thing that was uncontrollable. Aaron could have cried as he watched his previous flat toned stomach grow, with every burp it grew larger and larger until Aaron now sported a large overhanging gut and a pair of floppy man boobs.

“Please no, stop this” Aaron yelled as he turned over onto his now much larger stomach, the fem-boy fog and the slutty hunger leaving him, making him fully aware of what was now happening to him. The green man smiled and blew some green smoke over to the naked man which darted quickly into Aaron’s aching asshole. The gurgling had changed now, it was deeper and now more of a rumbling, Aaron could feel the mounting pressure in his lower body and a tear feel down his face as he worked out what was going to happen next.
PPPPPHHHRRTTTPP A loud wet fart erupted from Aaron's jiggling booty, the smell raw and vile. PPPHHHRRTTPP Another one slipped out without any resistance from Aaron. Aaron sobbed as fart after fart burst from his ass and then it too started to grow. Pounds and pounds of fat filled Aaron's butt and body, his once perfect cheeks began to sag with the vast amount of fat that was being packed into them. All the while Aaron was burping and farting all against his will, he couldn't hold them back even if he tried.

Aaron turned to the green man, “Please I’m begging you Sir, change me back. I can’t live my life like this” A sad wet fart escaped Aaron’s ass making Aaron sob even more.
The trickster smiled as an alarm clock in the room buzzed telling everyone it was 12am. “Looks like your birthdays over now, perhaps next year you’ll think of a better wish HAHAHA” The trickster then disappeared into a puff of green smoke, leaving Aaron crying like a big fat farting baby.
One year later…
Aaron had tried desperately to find a way to turn back, but life was a lot more difficult now. The fem-boy fog meant he was a lot dumber and found it very difficult to concentrate, his slutty big ass always need to be filled meaning he was always horny and the lazy slob in him meant he couldn’t even be bothered to get off the couch most days. When it came to his birthday he thought he could wish it all back to normal, that was until his fuck buddy the stripper showed up at his door. Aaron had been serving him ever since the first night they fucked and tonight was there one year anniversary. So it looks like Aaron will be far too distracted to make a wish this year.

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