Bobby had just graduated university and had gained a degree in economics and accounting, normally graduates have to search for weeks to find a job however with Bobby’s looks and superior charm he was able to get one just a day after finishing his studies. It had only been a few months but Bobby was already earning just as much the other men at his company, his way with numbers and his way with words meant he was easily climbing the corporate ladder. With his substantial pay check Bobby was able to dress himself in the finest tailored suits, buy the most flashy watches and jewellery; what’s more he now had his own personal trainer to keep him looking muscular and trim. Bobby couldn’t wait to show off how successful he had been to his university friends, all of them had decided to meet at the local mall before then heading out for drinks.
Bobby had just got a taxi from his office and had started walking to the food court when out of the corner of his eye he spotted someone familiar.
“Hey Professor Hamilton. Long-time no see!” Bobby said jovially, Professor Hamilton had been one of his best and most supportive tutors when Bobby had just started his studies. He had helped Bobby settle into university life and helped him develop his academic skills, Bobby was glad to see him again, however as he walked closer he could tell something was wrong. The older gentlemen’s suit was untidy; his hair a mess, his eyes looked sullen and as Bobby drew closer the smell of alcohol lingered in the air.
“Bob-*Hic- by, how are you my boy? Oh and you know to call me Arthur” the professor swayed slightly as he stared at one of his favourite students.
Bobby almost didn’t want to ask but his curiosity got the better of him “I’m fine Arthur, but you don’t look so good. Is everything ok?” Bobby would soon regret asking that question. His drunken professor then proceeded to divulge everything that had happened to him, it turns out he was drinking his sorrows away. Arthur and his partner were supposed to adopt a baby boy however the adoption had fell through, the resulting stress and trauma had led to arguments which had led to a break up between him and his husband. Bobby’s professor even started to cry, it was obvious he was a broken man having lost his chance to be a father and a husband.
Bobby had listened to the sad tale for at least ten minutes now and his professor still seemed to be disclosing further details of his misery. Bobby looked at his expensive, gold watch and sighed, while he liked Arthur, this was far too much detail and he didn’t know how to deal with a crying gay man. Bobby looked around quickly, he hoped the other people around didn’t think he was gay too, he needed to end this conversation and meet his friends. “Look how about I call you a taxi, it’s the least I could do and I don’t think you should be out in this state” Bobby said with a smile but his impatience shone through. However while Arthur agreed with him he still continued to prattle on about the prospect of a divorce and other depressing things. Finally Bobby had enough, he needed to meet his friends and his professor was starting to make a scene with his sobbing. “Look Arthur I wish there was something I could do to cheer you up and make you happy, but I have to go” Bobby gave a pitiful smile before he started to walk away; however as he did some small wisps of green smoke darted passed him.
“Where do you think you’re going young man?”
Bobby then felt a hand on his shoulder, he knew it was his professor and he was just about to argue with him when he turned and saw his professor now looked very different.

“Daddy knows you like to explore, but when we are in a busy place you have to hold my hand and stay with me, remember daddy knows best”
Bobby was stunned; he was being scalded by his professor for simply walking away and what was with all this ‘daddy’ crap? Bobby was still too shocked to say anything when Arthur grabbed his hand and started leading him in the opposite direction he wanted to go. Arthur’s grip was firm and for some reason Bobby couldn’t free himself, what’s more he was actually following his professor.
“Arthur, what’s going on? Let me go, where are you taking me?” Bobby said more annoyed that his professor was treating him like a child, than the fact he was going to be late to meet his friends.
“Now, now Bobby we’ll have none of that, you know not to call me Arthur don’t you. Plus you know where we are going; we have to get you ready for this afternoon.” Arthur had finally led Bobby a short way down the mall and had stopped outside a hairdressers. The window was covered in pictures of hairstyles but none of them were of grown men, it was all of small children. Bobby still didn’t fully understand what his professor was talking about and why his mind had changed about calling him by his first name, but he had certainly tolerated this weirdness for long enough.
“Look, Ar… professor, I don’t have time for whatever this is. I need to go” Bobby was just about to pull away from his professor’s grip when his body froze. Bobby tried his hardest to take a step away from Arthur but his body just wouldn’t respond, instead his body allowed itself to be pulled into the children’s hairdresser. Even as he stood next to Arthur Bobby was frantically trying to move, why wouldn’t his body listen to him? Why couldn’t he leave his professor’s side?
“Ah is this little Bobby? Well does he want to sit in the chair and I’ll be right with him” A smiley woman quickly pointed to a small chair, before rushing off to get her equipment.
“Little Bobby? What’s going on here Professor, why do they know my name?” Bobby was getting worried now, he thought he had run into his professor by chance, but it seems Arthur had something more sinister planned. The fact his professor had taken him to a hairdressers was weird enough, but now that he was finding it impossible to leave made Bobby anxious. “Look, I don’t know what this is all about but I want to leave” Bobby tried to sound assertive but for some reason it came out sounding almost frightened.
“Daddy knows you don’t like getting your haircut, but it will all be over soon. So you’re going to be a good little boy, sit still and stay quiet while the nice lady cuts your hair” Arthur said in a soothing tone.
Bobby couldn’t believe what his professor was saying, he wasn’t going to let this lady cut his perfectly styled and gelled hair, he wasn’t some little boy he could order around and he certainly wasn’t going to sit there and be quiet about it. Bobby wanted to yell at his professor, to tell him what a creepy asshole he was being and that he should go get some psychological help. Bobby wanted to push past his professor and storm out of the children’s hairdressers, grab a drink with his friends and vent about the whole crazy experience. However instead of what Bobby wanted to do, his body walked over to the miniature chair, crammed his ass into the seat and sat patiently as the woman returned and put a cloak over his front. Bobby couldn’t believe what was happening, he tried to get up as the woman washed out the product from his hair, he tried to scream for the woman to stop as she started trimming and cutting a vast amount of his hair but all he could do was stare at his reflection as his expensive haircut was chopped away. Unbeknownst to Bobby it wasn’t just the hair on his head that was changing, a small wisp of green smoke had darted across his face and his stubble had retreated back into his chin leaving him smooth. Bobby couldn’t look away from his reflection as the hairdresser smiled, brushed the excess hair from his neck and pulled the cloak away.
“All finished”

“Thanks. Here’s a ten, keep the change.” Arthur said smiling at the woman before turning to the frowning Bobby, annoyed that he had lost a haircut that had cost ten times that much. “See that wasn’t so bad, now let’s hurry we still have a few places we need to get to before this afternoon” Arthur then grabbed Bobby’s hand once again and pulled him out the hairdressers. As soon as Bobby was free of the tight chair he felt his voice return to him.
“What the hell did you just do to me?” Bobby yelled still being tugged by his professor who seemed to be on some sort of mission. This guy had some sort of control over him and Bobby was becoming increasingly nervous, a haircut was one thing, but what else was he planning? “Let go of my hand you creep” Bobby was trying desperately to get free of Arthur’s grip but no matter how much he struggled all he could do was wiggle his fingers and walk after his professor. Bobby felt like his body needed to stay with him even though his brain wanted nothing more than to run for the hills. Bobby was already angry, but as the pair walked his rage only seemed to build as Arthur continued to ignore his pleas and questions. Bobby didn’t want to have to hurt his professor, he didn’t know what was happening with the guy but this was all too much. Bobby clenched his other fist and was just about to hit Arthur when the older man swung round and held both of Bobby’s arms to his sides, his strength seemed superhuman as he kept Bobby from moving his arms. Bobby looked in panic at his professor, how did he know he was going to hit him? Bobby expected to see a face burning with anger but as Bobby looked into his professors eyes it was more one of pity and slight annoyance.
“Daddy knows it’s frustrating not being able to see properly but that’s why we’re at this next shop, so be a good little boy, keep quiet and do as I say. After all daddy knows best.”
Almost instantly after Arthur had finished his sentence the expression of pity that Bobby was looking at started to blur. Bobby started to panic as his vision deteriorated, the once crystal clear image he had seen was becoming fuzzy and blurrier by the second, until finally he could only see a skin coloured blob in front of him. Bobby wanted to scream as he was made essentially blind, however once again his voice failed him. What had his professor done to him? Everything around him was now a blur, nothing was clear, Bobby looked frantically around the mall trying to find anything he could see properly but it was hopeless. Somehow his professor had taken away his twenty-twenty vision and replaced it with a pair of eyes that could barely see two inches in front of his face. How could this have happened? Why had this happened? And why would his professor do this to him? Was he punishing him for some reason? Bobby desperately wanted to ask all these questions but he was unable to vocalise anything, not even a surprised yelp as the professor grabbed his hand and started walking again. Bobby could barely see what was in front of him anymore; no longer could he navigate the mall on his own he needed his professor to guide him. A terrible realisation hit Bobby as he realised what else he might not be able to do anymore, how would he drive a car? How would he be able to play sports? How would he be able to cope on his own? The anger Bobby had been feeling before had dissipated and had instead turned to fear and with that Bobby unconsciously gripped Arthur’s hand tighter and started following him a little closer.
After a short and quite frightening walk for Bobby he could tell that he was in another shop at the mall. Arthur led him to another chair which he promptly sat in while he seemed to go over to a counter with another person shaped blob at it. Bobby couldn’t understand why he was under the control of his former professor and he had no idea how he had managed to make him do whatever he said and no clue how he had been able to change his eyesight. All Bobby knew was that whatever was happening was not good and he needed to get away, but as his brain tried to formulate a way to escape his body sat quietly and obediently in the chair waiting for his professor to come back.
It wasn’t long before the professor had finished talking and was walking over to Bobby, he had something in his hands and was holding it towards Bobby’s face. Bobby squirmed in his seat, trying desperately to avoid what was coming towards him but still unable to move. As the object got closer to his face Bobby clenched his eyes shut expecting the worse, as something was slipped over his ears and pushed up his nose.
“There. Things should be much clearer now” Arthur said with a soothing sigh.
Bobby hesitantly opened an eye and to his joy he realised the world wasn’t blurry anymore, he could see Arthur’s face as clear as day once more, in fact it might have been even clearer than before. However as Bobby opened both of his eyes his professor’s face wasn’t the only thing he noticed, framing his new perfect vision was a very thick and blocky black outline. Bobby looked around and soon found his reflection; he couldn’t help but cringe as he saw the newest addition to his look.

“What the fuck did you do to my eyes and what the fuck is going on?!” Bobby yelled, he was just about to scream for help when his professor once more turned around, but this time there wasn’t mild annoyance on his face, there was anger.
“Daddy knows you don’t like shopping but there is no excuse for you to use a curse word. Daddy knows you’re a good little boy and not some bratty potty mouth, but to make sure you don’t use a bad word like that again I think it’s time you put in your binky” Arthur then pulled out a big pink pacifier from his back pocket and shoved it roughly into Bobby’s mouth. Bobby was stunned; the rubber object forced into his mouth silenced him immediately. Bobby didn’t know how to react, he was angry that his professor had forced a pacifier into his mouth, confused at how all of this was happening, but strangely Bobby felt guilty the most, upsetting Arthur seemed like it was the worst thing in the world. Bobby couldn’t understand why he was feeling like this, he couldn’t even look at his professor’s face anymore just in case he was still angry. Bobby couldn’t help but look at the ground as his professor continued to pull him along the mall, Bobby couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt and shame that his professor had made him feel. However that feeling soon mixed with embarrassment as he looked around the mall, people were staring at him but not with disgust, with pity which somehow made it all the more embarrassing for Bobby. There he was a grown man, being led around the mall by an older guy, his haircut that of a child’s, his glasses thick and dorky as well as a bright pink pacifier in his mouth, he must look like a freak.
Bobby tried again desperately to spit out his binky and get out of his professors vice grip, his face reddening with embarrassment as they walked through a bunch of women. Those women use to look at him with hunger in their eyes, wanting to rip his clothes off and fuck him in the bathroom but now they look liked they just wanted to give him a hug. It was hopeless his professor didn’t even acknowledge his struggles and with his new pacifier his voice was just a mumble. Bobby could sense things were getting worse, his professor had taken away his ability to call for help and with his impossible grip he had also taken away his ability to run away. Bobby knew that as soon as he was free from his professors hand he needed to run, he need to get far away from the crazy old fool before he did anything else to him. However even Bobby wasn’t sure he’d be able to do that as he was led into a clothing store and dragged to the little boys section.
It all seemed to be a blur for Bobby as he was quickly pulled around the boys section while Arthur picked up various items, before long Arthur had his arms full of clothes and had pulled Bobby into a changing room.
“Daddy knows you don’t like clothes shopping, but if you’re going to be a big clever boy then you need to wear big boy clothes, so go try these on and show daddy with a smile”
Bobby felt almost like a robot as he took the clothes from his professor and entered the brightly coloured changing room. Bobby willed himself not to undress but the direct order from Arthur couldn’t be ignored as he stripped from his expensive suit. Bobby looked at himself in the mirror his toned physique, his sizeable dick and flawless skin all tarnished by his nerdy haircut, thick glasses and the embarrassing pacifier in his mouth. Bobby turned and looked at the clothes Arthur had picked out for him, nothing in the pile was fashionable, if Bobby had a choice he would have preferred to just walk out of the changing room naked. However Bobby didn’t have a choice, he tried to fight back, he tried to stop himself from reaching for the clothes his professor had picked out for him but it was no use, his body didn’t obey him anymore it obeyed Arthur. Bobby knew that the clothes weren’t going to fit but his body still put them on anyway, the tiny pair of white y-fronts crushed his dick and balls and rid uncomfortably up his ass. Bobby covered up his toned body with a small white button down shirt and a pair of brown plait patterned trousers. Bobby couldn’t stop his body from tucking the shirt deep into his trousers and underwear before pulling his plait trousers even higher. Bobby let out a small yelp as he pulled on a pair of black suspenders, his already high waisted trousers pulled even further up giving him a major moose knuckle and a painful wedgie. Bobby then slipped on a pair of sandals while keeping on his pair of white socks. Bobby was already uncomfortable and his new ensemble made him look like the biggest nerd he had ever seen, however there was still one item of clothing left to put on. Bobby groaned as he tied tightly a matching bowtie around his neck, the brown plait just as ugly as his trousers. Bobby had shed his expensive tailored suit and replaced it with an outfit his professor had picked out for him and he looked ridiculous. Bobby couldn’t believe that anyone would ever buy clothes like these, but here he was dressed like a complete dork with a big pink pacifier in his mouth, he looked like a cross between a nerd and a baby. Bobby’s eyes went wide as the realisation hit him; he finally understood what his professor was doing to him. His professor wasn’t punishing him, he was turning him into his own nerdy baby boy, he was turning him into the dream child he never had. Bobby writhed and wriggled trying to get some semblance of control from his body; he couldn’t let Arthur do this to him. Bobby then turned to exit the changing room ‘YES, YES I need to get out of here’ Bobby screamed in his head. However instead of sprinting far away from the children’s clothing store, Bobby stopped in front of Arthur and smiled just as instructed.

Bobby couldn’t handle it anymore, the realisation of what Arthur was doing to him was just too much and the fact he was going to parade him around like he was his son was insane and Bobby wasn’t going to tolerate it anymore. Bobby wanted to dive at the older man, beat his face to a bloody pulp and leave him writhing in pain on the ground, but instead Bobby’s face turned red, his fists clenched and his brow furrowed. Bobby spat out his binky, threw his glasses to the ground and stomped his feet as the grown man had a temper tantrum. Bobby felt so angry but his body would only let him express it in this childish way, he wanted to scream and curse but all he did was wail loudly like some petulant child. His childish stomps and ear piercing yells were not going unnoticed as people stared at the grown man dressed in children’s clothing throwing a fit. While Bobby was happy that he was finally able to express himself, he was getting increasingly worried that he was only able to do it in the form of a fussy temper tantrum. He needed to get away now before his mannerisms and personality devolved further into Arthur’s dream child. Bobby couldn’t see his professors face having thrown his glasses but he could tell by his body language that he wasn’t pleased. Bobby was making a scene and all eyes seemed to be on Arthur, if his vision was what it used to be Bobby would have seen his professor blush with embarrassment as his child continued to act out. The professor even looked around to acknowledge the people around him that he was dealing with the situation but as he did Bobby saw his chance, he made a run for it.
Bobby sprinted in the opposite direction of his crazy professor, his arms stretched out in front of him to stop him bumping into anything. Bobby didn’t stop running until he couldn’t see any more person shaped blobs, he could tell he was still in the clothing store, but he was now surrounded with what looked like dresses. Bobby crouched down and got his breath, he had finally escaped his insane professor. Bobby reached his hand into his trousers, his tiny underwear was crushing his junk and the wedgie he had got from running was quite painful. Bobby had escaped the clutches of his professor but he still needed to sort out his clothes and eyesight, plus he couldn’t let Arthur get away with what he had done to him. Bobby didn’t know who to call, his friends, an ambulance, the police? But it was only when he looked down and grimaced at his brown plait trousers that he realised he no longer had his phone, in fact he no longer had his wallet, ID or even his car keys and without those there was no way for him to get help or get home. An overwhelming feeling of dread and anxiety suddenly filled Bobby, the emotions so strong tears started to well in his eyes; he couldn’t go back his professor would be there and he was probably mad at him for running away. Bobby shook his head as the guilt of upsetting his professor started to set in again, No! he didn’t care what his professor felt he was a psycho, yet as he sat crouched in the women’s department his bottom lip trembled.
“Excuse me, do you need some help” A woman shaped blob almost made Bobby jump with fright as she appeared beside him.
“Yes! Yes! Please help me, I can’t see, a crazy man is after me and I need to get home” Bobby almost gushed, his emotions all becoming too much to handle.
“Aww don’t worry sweetie, come with me. I know where it’s safe.” the woman rubbed his back soothing him and helped him up off the floor. Bobby could barely see what was in front of him so happily grabbed the hand that was offered to him. He knew he looked ridiculous but if it got him out of this nightmare Bobby would have done anything. The woman led the almost sobbing Bobby across the store until the came to a door.
“Now sweetie everything is going to be ok” the woman said innocently as she pushed opened the door and led Bobby in. Bobby was relieved this nightmare was finally over; he could use the store’s phone to call the police to find Arthur and one of his friends to come pick him up. He could get out of these stupid clothes and somehow find a way to fix his vision; Bobby turned to ask the woman for a phone but as he turned he saw she was letting someone else into the room. It was a much taller bulkier figure, from the outline of his uniform he looked like a policeman, Bobby had never been happier to see an officer of the law before. The officer then walked over to Bobby and started to place something on his face.
“There you go young man. I believe these are yours and don’t you look handsome”
As Bobby’s vision became clear again the officer shaped blob cleared up and became a mall security guard and the room focused into a small waiting room. “Now I think its best if we leave you two alone, little boys like yourself shouldn’t runaway”.
Bobby almost froze as he sensed a presence shift behind him.
“Thank you so much for your help. Would you mind closing the door, this daddy needs to have a few words with his son”
Bobby tried to run for the closing door but before he had even taken a second step a rugged hand had landed on his shoulder and the door closed with a click. Bobby didn’t want to turn around; the tension in the air was making him nervous already. Bobby could only look at the floor as he was spun around, his professor’s expensive shoes looking much more grown up than his socks and sandals combo.
“You made daddy very worried you know that!” Arthur almost growled “Daddies knows this will upset you and cause an accident but you need to be punished. Daddy will not tolerate naughty little boys” Arthur then used his superhuman strength to drag Bobby along as he sat in one of the chairs and pulled Bobby over to his lap.
“Please Arthur stop whatever this is, let me go!” Bobby wailed as he was pushed over his former professor’s lap and his brown plait trousers were yanked down at the back, his hairy butt now on display.
“I told you not to call me that!” Arthur yelled “Its disrespectful, you are to call me daddy and that’s final!” Arthur then landed a hard open palm slap onto Bobby’s bare ass causing the businessman to yelp in pain.

“God damnit I knew this would happen” Arthur then let out a deep sigh “Quickly let’s get you to the little boy’s room”
Bobby was still trying to process what had happened to him when his hand was grabbed and he was yanked out of the little room and out into the mall. Bobby was a grown man who had just received a spanking from his professor and pissed himself because it was all too much. Bobby was a businessman that was now dressed like a nerd, with soaking wet trousers and underwear and his bright red bum out on display for the whole world to see and Bobby felt like the whole world was watching as he was pulled through the mall. It seemed like everyone was staring, Bobby already red from the tears turned a deeper shade of scarlet as he felt all eyes on him as his ‘daddy dragged him across the busy shopping centre. A group of women gave each other stares before cooing and awing to each other, a few businessmen looked away from him in disgust and a group of teenagers giggled and laughed as they saw the wet patch in the front of his trousers. Bobby had never been more humiliated in his life, he should have wanted to scream for help and escape from the man that had done this to him but instead his body pulled itself closer to him and even used both of his hands to grip tighter to him. Bobby knew he was losing himself, he was becoming dependent and attached to his crazy professor, if he didn’t do something soon he would be trapped as his professor new baby boy.
For Bobby the trudge across the mall seemed like it took hours, but after only a few minutes Arthur had dragged his sobbing little boy into the men’s bathroom.
“Hmmm no table” Arthur sighed “The floor will have to do, now be a good little boy and lay down for me”
Even in his emotional state Bobby was confused, why couldn’t he get cleaned up in a cubicle? Why did he have to lie on the floor? And why did his professor want a table? Bobby looked down at the public bathroom tiled floor, dirty footprints, toilet paper and hair littered the floor, there was no way he was going to lie down on that, but as those thoughts rushed through his head the stinging in his backside made him reconsider. Bobby miserably lay down on the floor, wanting desperately to get out of his nerdy soaked clothes, well Bobby got want he wanted as Arthur began to remove Bobby’s clothes. Bobby immediately began to wriggle; he wasn’t going to allow his professor to undress him on the floor of a public restroom. On top of being an insane lunatic his professor was going act all gay around him too, there was no way Bobby was going to let him near his dick. The sudden understanding of the situation seemed to snap Bobby out of his emotional turmoil and back into his adult processing, he couldn’t let this go any further, but before he was able to sit up his professor had pushed down on his shoulder keeping him pinned.
“Daddy is sorry, he knows you have a weak, nervous bladder and he should have put you in one of these before we went out” A green burst of smoke then exploded behind Arthur as he used his free hand to reach around and grab what he was looking for. Bobby almost started crying on the spot when he saw what Arthur had planned; Bobby squirmed and fidgeted doing anything in his power to avoid the object Arthur had magically pulled out from behind his back. However Bobby was fighting a losing battle as Arthur removed the rest of Bobby’s clothes including his soaked y-fronts and tried to put on the thickest, puffiest blue diaper Bobby had ever seen.
Bobby didn’t even care that he was now naked, writhing on the floor of a dirty public restroom his main and only priority now was to avoid being put in that diaper. The coloured shapes and faces on the diaper seemed to taunt Bobby as he dodged and kicked his way free from the blue menace that his professor wanted him to wear. More than ever Bobby wanted to escape, he didn’t think things could get any worse after what Arthur had already done to him but this was crossing a line that Bobby never wanted to cross. Bobby was seemingly being successful at avoiding his diaper, his constant kicking and fidgeting made it impossible for the professor to get the diaper any further than on one of his feet. Bobby couldn’t help but smile, he was finally fighting back, perhaps there was still hope after all and as if to answer his prayers someone else entered the bathroom. Bobby watched as a big, hairy burly man dressed in high visibility gear walked into the restroom, the smell of rubbish and construction hanging heavy around him. As soon as Bobby saw the man he called out for help.
“Please you’ve got to help me, this guy is crazy and he’s keeping me priso-“
“Shhh keep quiet for daddy, I’ll ask the nice man for help”
Bobby was once again silenced, he continued shouting and screaming for help from the bulky man but nothing came out of his mouth. But wait, did Arthur say he was going to ask for help?
“Excuse me sir, I’m having some trouble with my son would you mind helping me while I clean him up?”
Bobby couldn’t believe what Arthur had just asked the man, no-one in their right mind would help some old faggot help diaper a grown man in a public restroom right? Bobby looked up pleadingly at the hairy beast of a man, his naked form on display and his sopping wet clothes in a pile next to him. Bobby stared into the man’s eyes willing him to ignore his professor’s request and to go and get help.
“No problem mate, I have five boys myself and they can be a handful” The burly man then got on his knees and held Bobby shoulders and arms down. ‘NOOOOOOOO’ Bobby screamed internally as his professor held down his legs, and began wiping his privates and bottom with a wet wipe. Bobby tried frantically to fidget and get free of the two men but his struggles seemed to go unnoticed as Arthur dumped a truckload of baby powder onto his crotch. ‘No please anything but this, please don’t do this Arthur! I’m a man not a boy!’ Bobby wailed once again but no sound escaped his mouth. Arthur lifted up his legs and slid the puffy diaper under his red bottom; he brought them down and strapped the diaper on tight, trapping Bobby’s cock in a fluffy absorbent prison. Once the diaper was on both men let go, the bulky man gave both Arthur and Bobby a smile before standing up and heading to the urinal. Bobby immediately clawed and grabbed at the tape on the sides of his diaper, he couldn’t let this happen; he couldn’t be left in a diaper.
“Now daddy knows you’ve been having accidents more frequently so he thinks its best if you always keep your diaper on, ok. After all daddy knows best” Almost immediately after the professor had finished his sentence the tape on Bobby’s diaper seemed to disappear, yet the diaper remained tight and constricting. Bobby clawed desperately at the sides to try and find what was keeping the diaper on but he couldn’t see it anymore and without the tape there was no way for him to remove the big, blue, puffy diaper.

Bobby couldn’t believe what was happening, he was a grown man that worked in accounting, was climbing the corporate ladder and had just purchased a sports car, but he was now crawling along a public restroom floor, over to a stinky workman to thank him for humiliating him and placing him in a diaper. As Bobby crawled the thick diaper pushed his legs apart making it impossible for him to move normally, his new waddle was uncomfortable and embarrassing yet he couldn’t stop himself. Bobby was disgusted with himself; he had been reduced to some diapered loser crawling around on a filthy toilet floor. As he approached the bulky man, he seemed much scarier and intimidating than before and from his crawling perspective he seemed a lot bigger. Bobby couldn’t believe that he was still crawling over to him; as if it wasn’t humiliating enough that he had been diapered by the stranger he was now being forced to thank him for the displeasure. Bobby was now directly behind the workman, Bobby sat and up into a kneel his thick diaper at least making it comfortable. Bobby could hear the man was still taking a piss, but he still couldn’t stop his body from tugging meekly on his baggy trousers and asking “excuse me sir”. Bobby was then met with a loud and lurid fart to the face as the workman let rip as he continued pissing into the urinal, Bobby’s weak attempt not even reaching his ears. The smell was vile and Bobby’s eyes began to water at the stench, if he had control over his body he would have simply walked or waddled away but because he hadn’t finished his task Bobby was left to bask in the foul stench of the workman’s emission. Bobby tried once again as he tugged on the workmen’s jacket, the smell of his fart still fresh in his nostrils “Excuse me sir” This time Bobby was met with success as the giant hairy man look over his shoulder at the grown man in a diaper on his knees in front of him.
“Thank you for helping me with my diaper” Bobby looked up at the intimidating, masculine man and half expected to get a punch in the face. However the workman just gave a big toothy grin, he then shook his dick and used the same wet hand to tussle Bobby’s hair.
“No problem kiddo” The workmen’s eyes then went wide as he smelt his own fart “ Sorry about the fart there squirt, but looking at those glasses and haircut I doubt this will be the last time someone farts in your face” the workman then zipped up his fly, smiled at Arthur before exiting the restroom without even washing his hands. Bobby had no idea what the workman meant by that last comment but Bobby didn’t have time to dwell on it as Arthur came over and grabbed his hand pulling him to his feet.
“Now let’s get you off this dirty floor. Now daddy knows it’s been a stressful day so I think it’s time we go get a treat” Arthur then gave a warm smile to the frowning Bobby and started pulling him towards the door. Bobby immediately resisted, he couldn’t go out in public in a diaper, and he didn’t even have any clothes to cover it up. Bobby tried desperately to pull himself back from the approaching door.
“Daddy I don’t have any clothes on” Bobby whined
“It’s ok, no one cares if a little boy is just in his diaper, now keep quiet and come quickly if you want your treat. I don’t want to be late for this afternoon.” Arthur said giving Bobby a sharp tug pulling him out of the toilets and into the mall once more. Bobby wasn’t ashamed of his body, in fact he was quite proud of it and in certain situations like the beach or at the gym Bobby would be more than happy to show it off, however walking around his local mall with nothing but a diaper on was not one of those situations. Bobby hung his head in shame, his face beet red; he didn’t even want to look at people anymore as he was paraded around the mall in nothing but a diaper. There was no use calling for help as his daddy had told him to be quiet and there was no point in trying to run away again as his grip was just too strong, besides someone would just return him to Arthur anyway. Bobby couldn’t understand why people wouldn’t help him, the woman at the store, the man in the bathroom they acted like the situations Bobby was in was normal they treated him just like a kid. Bobby finally figured it out, it wasn’t just his professor that saw him as his baby boy but the whole world did too. It was only Bobby who knew that he was a grown man, Bobby couldn’t help but let the feelings of depression and defeat overwhelm him. Bobby could feel his bottom lip tremble, how could he escape his life as an adult baby if everyone saw him as a baby? Bobby was just about to break down into tears as Arthur stopped and rubbed Bobby’s bowl haircut.
“Here we are son, daddy knows you love ice cream so he’s going to get you two big scoops of your favourite, mint choc chip. Hopefully this will cheer my little buddy up”
Bobby was losing himself to his childish instincts, he shouldn’t have been distracted by ice cream, he needed to get away from this terrible torment, he needed to find a way for him to be treated like an adult again but as the two scoops were placed in front of him all of Bobby’s worries seemed to disappear. The sweet treat in front of him made him forget all about his devolution into babyhood, he even forgot that he was only wearing a diaper in the middle of the mall, as he spooned the cold creamy goodness into his mouth his anxieties seemed to melt away like the ice cream in his mouth. Bobby only noticed when it was too late that he had eaten the whole bowl of ice cream in under a few minutes however he didn’t have to worry for long as Arthur was already there with another couple of scoops for Bobby to devour.
“Daddy knows he shouldn’t be feeding you so much but you’re always so happy when you eat and you always finish your food. Daddy doesn’t care if your fat you’re his little chubby cherub”
Every time Bobby seemed to finish his ice cream another couple of scoops seemed to be put in front of him and every time Bobby would happily eat it all. The sweet taste and comfortable feeling distracted Bobby completely from his predicament and also the changes his body was undergoing. The changes were small at first, Bobby’s toned, flat stomach started to bulge and lose its definition, his chiselled features began to soften and round out and his trim arms and legs inflated ever so slightly. If Bobby wasn’t so absorbed by his ice cream he might have noticed he had put on thirty pounds in a matter of moments, but the minty, cold treat was just so enjoyable. However after fifteen minutes of eating, a drop of ice-cream dripped from his spoon and instead of it hitting the floor Bobby felt a cold sensation on his stomach that caused him to look down in confusion. Bobby couldn’t believe what he was looking at as he stared at the drop of green ice cream running down his now prominent gut. Gone was his flat stomach and pecs, what was left was a pot belly and a small set of man boobs and as he swallowed his mouthful of ice cream he could see it was still growing.

“What’s the matter little one? You always eat your ice cream?” Almost instantly the grin came rushing back to Arthur’s face “I know what it is, daddy knows your tired face so how about I feed you the rest of this yummy ice cream, now be a good boy and eat all of this delicious treat up” Arthur then grabbed Bobby’s discarded spoon and shovelled a large spoonful of ice cream towards Bobby’s mouth. ‘No NO NOOO’ screamed Bobby internally as he once again lost control to his now more infant urges to obey his new daddy and with a smile Bobby opened his mouth and ate the large spoonful of ice cream. Bobby’s body instantly started jiggling and growing again as his new daddy fed him more and more of the delicious ice cream; however Bobby could no longer enjoy the taste as he was to focussed on his inflating physique. Bobby didn’t want to eat anymore, he was full, he couldn’t eat anymore, yet Arthur kept getting more ice cream and spooning it into Bobby’s waiting mouth. Bobby could only watch in horror as his pot belly doubled, then tripled in size as the vast amount of fat sagged and went from belly to overhanging gut. His small chubby man boobs amassed pounds and pounds of fat, his tiny nipples enlarging to match the growing set of tits he now had resting on top of his stomach. Bobby would even find it difficult to pick up his enormous man boobs as they were now far bigger than a handful. If it wasn’t for the soothing ice cream Bobby would have been in tears as he watched his arms and legs swell until they were swollen with fat, his entire body storing more and more of the gelatinous tissue. Rolls and folds appeared over his growing body as his face, stomach, back and ass struggled to find places to store the seemingly unless amount of fat being deposited into it. Bobby’s diaper was now stretched thin, his new gut and folds covered most of the embarrassing garment but the blue padding still peaked through. Bobby felt his face swell, his cheeks, chins and neck soon all moulded into one as Bobby went from toned and trim to gluttonous and obese.

Bobby couldn’t even look at himself as he felt his new obese form wobble as he was pulled up, his whole body seemed to slosh and jiggle as he walked and now every step took increased effort. Bobby didn’t know if he could carry on anymore, he had lost his cool suave look, he had lost his style and clothes, he’d lost his vision, he had lost his dignity and not to mention his ability to use the bathroom. Bobby was powerless, he couldn’t even act independently unless his new daddy let him, perhaps it would be best if Bobby just gave up. Bobby knew his infantile side was taking over and maybe it would just be easier to embrace it and stop all the fighting and humiliation. The tantrums and emotional surges, his wetting and spanking were all things that babies did and Bobby couldn’t deny it anymore, as the obese diapered man was pulled through the busy mall he realised that he was just a baby except he was still in the body of a grown man.
Bobby was so close to just letting go, he was just about to let his rational, adult Bobby brain be pushed to the back of his mind when he spotted someone familiar out the corner of his eye. It was Joe, one of his university friends he was supposed to meet. Bobby looked up from his fat form and there they all were, all of his friends waiting outside the place they had decided to meet and they were waiting for him. This was Bobby’s chance, his friends had to recognise him, and even if they saw a baby they had to recognise his features or something.
“Hey! Hey guys over here help me!” Bobby yelled and to his surprise his friends all looked over and what’s more Arthur stopped walking as well. Maybe he had come to his senses, maybe seeing Bobby’s friends had snapped him out of this nightmare, maybe this whole ordeal was finally over as Bobby watched his friends bound over to him. Bobby’s childish mannerisms took over as he let out a squeal of joy; this whole ordeal was finally over. “Guys thank god, daddy did this to me, you’ve got to get me away from him”
Joe was the first over and Bobby had never been happier to see him “Hi professor Hamilton fancy running into you here, and who’s this chatty little fellow?”
Bobby’s heart sunk as more of his friends came over but only seemed interested in seeing their old professor “Guys its me Bobby, you’ve got to help me, daddy’s gone mad. No not daddy, daddy!” Bobby started getting frustrated he needed his friends to help; this may be his last chance to escape this crazy situation.
“This is little Bobby, my baby boy and it seems he’s taken a liking to all of you” Arthur smiled as he tugged Bobby forward a little, showing him off to all of his friends.
“Please guys it’s me, Bobby you’ve got to recognise me, please you’ve just got to!” once again Bobby’s bottom lip began to tremble as his friends acknowledged him but not in the way he hoped.
“Awww who’s a little diaper man?”
“What a tubby little cutie we have here”
“Someone’s going to grow up big and strong”
“What a messy little chubster you are”
“You’re just the cutest little nerd I’ve ever seen”
Bobby kept calling for help and begging for his friends to save him but it was as if he was speaking gibberish. Bobby couldn’t believe it, his friends were just like everyone else, they didn’t see their adult friend, they saw a fat, ice cream covered baby. The coddling and fussing his friends continued to do was starting to get to Bobby; his face blushed with embarrassment as his good friends treated him like an obese infant. Bobby could once again feel the overwhelming emotions, his brain no longer able to process them rationally. Bobby was supposed to be this big, successful businessman, but instead his friends were squeezing his chubby cheeks and booping him on the nose. He was supposed to be showing off and bragging to his friends, he had got a promotion and a great salary and what’s more he had just brought a sports car, but now he was just some fat diaper nerd who was on the verge of crying his little heart out. Arthur soon said a quick goodbye and started walking away from his former students and Bobby’s former friends. Bobby tried frantically to pull Arthur back towards the group of people who were supposed to save him, but his weak little pulls didn’t even faze his new daddy as they continued walking. Bobby looked pleadingly over his shoulder, his double chin bunching up as he did, there went his last hope of escape and as they turned around the corner Bobby was once again left alone with his new daddy and his new life.
Bobby had tears in his eyes, his bottom lip was sticking out and his face had already started to redden, however before Bobby could break down in tears Arthur put his arm around him.
“Daddy knows you’ve been acting up all day because you thought I had forgotten but… SURPRISE!”
Bobby was then pulled into a cheap children’s pizzeria where balloons and streamers covered one of the tables. Pictures of orcs, fairies and wizards surrounded the table and little castle decorations were spread out between the plates, ‘the perfect nerdy party for a nerdy little boy’ Bobby thought. Bobby didn’t like where this was going as Arthur pulled him over to the table and sat him down, his fat form barely fitting into the brightly coloured chair. Arthur then stood behind Bobby, his hands on his shoulders as a group of waiters came out with a cake. As they placed it down on the table Bobby read what was written on it and tried frantically to stand up, but Arthur held him in place.
“Daddy knows you’re going to remember you’re first birthday forever, it’s going to be magical” Arthur then let out a hearty chuckle as he laughed at his own pun. “Now blow out your candles, like the big one year old boy you are”
“NOOOOOOO” Bobby screamed as his mouth blew the candle out and a strange tingling feeling engulfed his whole body. Bobby watched in terror as his body started to shrink, his arms and legs contracting in on themselves, his height plummeting. The tears were finally allowed to flow as Bobby watched his adult body diminish before his very eyes; however his weight only seemed to decrease slightly, his form becoming that of a ball of fat. Bobby howled as his body shrunk down to that of a more manageable size for his new daddy, something he could pick up more easily, diaper without a struggle and pull around with minor resistance. Bobby’s shrinking form was all held in place by his ever growing daddy who just smiled as Bobby lost his height and rounded out, turning into a five foot tall butterball. His body hair disappeared, his penis shrank to nothing, his adult teeth retreated back into his gums and any control over his bladder and anus was lost. Bobby speech was reduced to nothing but garbled rubbish with the odd real word thrown in. Bobby had all the attributes of a baby now; with a small shred of his adult mind trapped inside but all that part could do was cry. Bobby was doomed to grow up all over again, but not into the successful, charming, handsome and exciting life he once had but into that of a morbidly obese, nerdy, weak bladdered daddy’s boy. The last words the workmen in the bathroom said ran through his head as the trials and troubles of growing up as a fat nerd caused little Bobby only to cry more. A grown man forced to relive his life but with a mind and body he didn’t want, cursed to obey his new daddy.
Bobby screeched as he stood up on his chair that had moments ago been too small for him, he turned to Arthur who was still taller than chubby little Bobby even while on the chair. Bobby wanted to let Arthur have it, to tell him that he would never be his daddy, that every day he would vow to run away, that when he was old enough he would get his revenge and there was nothing more a sadistic freak like him could do to him. However all that came out of Bobby's mouth was a rushed garble of gibberish, his anger reduced to the start of a temper tantrum. The shortened and babied man was just about to erupt into the biggest and loudest tantrum the world had ever seen when as if on cue, Bobby let a big smelly fart escape his behind and with no warning a giant adult size turd filled his entire diaper. The shear force and weight caused Bobby to wobble and with his new lack of coordination Bobby fell backwards onto his little chubby butt with a sickening squelch. With a quick sniff baby Bobby couldn’t help but wail as he sat in his own filth, as Arthur rushed to pick him up, the first of many diaper changes coming Bobby’s way.
Little baby Bobby couldn’t help but cry for the rest of the day and the day after that and the day after that, his adult mind soon being pushed to the back, forced to become a passenger in a baby’s life. However even though he cried all day his daddy was so happy having him in his life that nothing could ever make him sad again. Arthur would have his perfect baby boy, after all daddy knows best.
Even if his perfect baby boy did make the biggest stinkies ever.
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