“You shouldn’t be here” Terrence finally said after stacking his file neatly.
“And I shouldn’t be receiving such a harsh sentence, I mean it was just a wallet” Snake didn’t even seem to acknowledge that what he had done was wrong, the air of entitlement surrounding him made the anger inside Terrence start to boil up.
Terrence looked back down at his papers, already tired of the thug. “What do you want? I’m busy preparing for court tomorrow, where you’ll be found guilty and sent to jail”
Snake gave a tired sigh “What is it you want? Money? Drugs?” the thug rolled his eyes slightly “Sex?” I’ll suck your cock if that’s what it takes” The thug then started to remove his loose fitting tank top. Terrence couldn’t believe it; the guy had actually come to bribe him and furthermore insulted him by suggesting he wanted to have sex with him. While Terrence cared about himself, his job, the law and his life, the man in front of him clearly didn’t care about his own, why else would he offer oral sex as a bribe. Either the thug in front of him was vain, dumb, thoughtless, unconcerned or all four, Terrence couldn’t take it any longer. The dumb grin plastered across Snake’s face as he peeled off his tank top to reveal his slender body and pecs was enraging for Terrence and he had finally had enough.
“Are you serious? Who do you think you are? Scratch that I know exactly who you are.” Terrence was almost shouting as he continued his assault on the topless thug in front of him. “You’re just some lazy, good for nothing thug who thinks he is some sort of handsome bad boy. I bet you think everyone hates you but secretly they all want to be you. I bet you think everyone around you is just thinking ‘Gee I wish I could be like him not having a care in the world, then I wouldn’t have to care about the law, my appearance or even bribing my prosecutor with sex, my life would be so god damn easy if I could just be him. Well guess what? They don’t! Because you’re not some carefree rebel you’re a useless, stain on humanity that will soon be locked up and forgotten. Now get the hell out of my office!” Terrence was puffing with rage as he pointed to his office door, he had prepared himself for some resistance but the thug just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something under his breath as put his tank top back on and left leaving the door wide open.
Terrence grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet below his desk, he certainly needed a drink after that, for some reason this particular guy got to him more than anyone else. Terrence just couldn’t wrap his head around the guy’s personality how he could be so careless, how he could just didn’t seem to concern himself with anything. Deep down Terrence knew it was jealousy but he would never admit to that, he quickly repressed the envious thoughts and opened up the thug’s file once more, ready to practice his closing statement unaware of the green wisps of smoke dancing around his office.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, a guilty verdict is the just conclusion to this trial. The man before you, Snake Graves is not an innocent men, he is not a valued member of society and he is not an adjusted law abiding citizen, he is a thug that should not be allowed to leave a free man. This man clearly has no respect for himself, the world around him or the law, we only have to look at him and know this.” Terrence took a deep breath and smiled, after the jury heard what he had to say, Snake Graves would not only be found guilty, he would be despised by everyone in the courtroom. As the hatred bubbled inside Terrence, curls of green smoke danced around him.
“Firstly let’s look at the way Snake dresses and presents himself to the world. Even in court the man has made minimal effort and outside of court it is even more offensive. The dirty, baggy clothes that clearly have not been washed or cared for show that this man doesn’t take pride in his appearance, he doesn’t respect the formality of court and he certainly doesn’t care how society views him. This man doesn’t care and that’s why he stole my client’s wallet, why should you the good people of this city let a man that doesn’t even care to pull up his shorts back out on the streets when he only cares about taking your hard earned money.” Terrence grinned, he had only just started and he was already enjoying himself, the destruction of Snake Graves seemed to overwhelm him so much that he didn’t noticed the green smoke start to circle and surround his designer suit and shoes.
At first the changes went unnoticed as Terrence rehearsed the segment again, undetected his trousers started to become looser and the collar on his shirt began to shrink. His tie started to recede while his shoes started to change colour from black to grey. It wasn’t until Terrence’s suit jacket started to feel lighter that the lawyer noticed something strange was happening. Terrence looked down in confusion as the expensive jacket he had on seemed to be fading away, he went to touch the translucent material it but as he did it seemed to dissipate completely revealing his shirt that was underneath. Terrence rubbed his eyes and massaged his head, was his brain playing tricks on him, had he just seen his jacket disappear? However as Terrence opened his eyes he realised that his jacket disappearing wasn’t the only thing happening to his clothing. Terrence watched as the sleeves on his white collared shirt seemed to shorten, his tie vanished like his jacket, the material changed from cotton to cheap polyester, the buttons disappeared as the centre became sewn up, the collar vanished and eventually the pricey dress shirt morphed and shifted into a cheap, scratchy tank top. A look of disgust then washed over Terrence’s face as he saw several stains appear across the garment, as well as a damp sweat patches under his arms.

Terrence was confused he had thought he wanted to leave, but his body seemed to have other ideas. Terrence’s mind seemed to become hazy all of sudden, like a thick fog had surrounded his thoughts. He wanted to leave right? But what if someone saw him? Plus he really needed to finish rehearsing his closing statement for court tomorrow. Terrence rubbed his head again, he did need to prepare for tomorrow and if he waited until later it would be less likely that someone would see him in his new clothes. Convinced that staying was the best option, Terrence grabbed Snake’s file once more as he started to rehearse the next paragraph.
“Perhaps I’m being a little harsh on Snake; he does in fact care how other people view him. You see ladies and gentlemen Snake doesn’t want people to like or accept him but what he does want is for people to be scared of him, why else would he shave his head and pull such a menacing face. This thug whole appearance is centred on intimidation and terror” Terrence finished his sentence with his chest puffed out and his head held high.
The surge of power he got from reading his condemning speech almost made him forget about his change of clothes. However that sense of power and control was soon taken away from Terrence as a loud buzzing sound blasted his eardrums. Terrence couldn’t work out where the sound was coming from or what it could possibly be, he clamped his hands over his ears but the sound persisted as it rattled around his skull. Then a sharp pulling could be felt from the top of Terrence’s head, his hands immediately sprung to his hair, his brown styled locks seemed to be fine however as Terrence ran his through his luscious mane he swore it felt shorter. Terrence scrambled to find anything that could show his reflection, he needed to know if what he was feeling was true. There in his blacked out computer screen Terrence finally got a glimpse of his head and to his horror his hair had thinned out and receded. Terrence watched frantically as the hair on his head wasn’t getting shorter but was actually retracting back into his scalp. He tried desperately to grab at his receding hair trying anything to stop it from disappearing back into his head but it was hopeless, his styled comb over had already become a buzz cut. Terrence pleaded for the changes to stop there but his hair only continued to slip through his fingers. Soon Terrence couldn’t even grab at the hairs as they became shorter and shorter until Terrence was left staring at a reflection of himself with a completely shaved and exposed scalp.

“Speaking of intimidation what do you think all the metal on his face and body is for? It’s certainly not to look good. I know what it’s for; those piercings are to insight anxiety and fear into anyone who happens to be cornered by this thug. Furthermore how can we not be sure that Snake isn’t dangerous both to himself and others, those bars and plugs aren’t comfortable and were certainly agonizing to put in. It’s clear he has no respect for pain after doing such things to himself, it wouldn’t be to bold to suggest that he could inflict that pain on someone else” Terrence would have had smug grin on his face if he was in court right now, Snake’s angry face, the jury’s quiet whispers and the judge nodding approvingly would have only spurred him on further. However Terrence didn’t have a grin on his face in fact he had the same scowl he couldn’t escape, which only slightly flinched as a pain caused Terrence yelp with surprise.
Terrence rushed again to find his reflection to see what the pain was; the aching only seemed to persist as Terrence stared at his face looking for the cause of his discomfort. Then Terrence noticed it, in both earlobes was a small black dot, Terrence’s hands instantly flung to his ears to feel the small circle of plastic now embedded in them. Terrence wasn’t sure what the foreign objects were as he fiddled with them and stared at his reflection, were they earrings? Another sudden jolt pain caused Terrence to yell once more as the discomfort and pain in his earlobes increased. The black dots in his ears were now much bigger, Terrence tried desperately to remove them so to ease the pain but it seemed impossible. Another burst of pain shot through Terrence’s body however this time it did not subside in fact it increased, Terrence was almost screaming in pain as the black dots in his ears continued to grow. Those dots soon sported a hole through the middle as Terrence realised that he wasn’t getting a pair of earrings but a pair of rather large ear gauges. Terrence could do nothing as his tiny ear lobes were stretched beyond his comprehension, the holes in his ear growing wider by the second and the pain becoming unbearable. When the pain finally subsided to a dull ache Terrence looked back at his reflection and let out a small gasp. His cute tiny earlobes had been destroyed as ear gauges that could allow golf balls to pass easily through them dangled by the side of his head. Terrence couldn’t believe what was happening to him, his ears where now irreversibly damaged, he could never get them back to normal. What’s more Terrence found them hideous to look at, his stomach churned as he imagined what his ears would now look like without the gauges in, two long loose hoops of flesh hanging from his head. However Terrence didn’t have long to mourn the loss of his virgin ear lobes as new shots of pain darted across his face.
The pain was agonising for Terrence as large metal piercings impaled themselves through his face. Four metal studs speared themselves through the top of his ears; eight more metal studs were then speared through his cheeks and chin. Terrence was now in tears as more and more metal stung his perfect face, scarring and littering it with more and more piercings. Four metal rings pierced his lips and a long thick bar pierced through the top of his nose. Terrence struggled to stay upright as the waves of agony washed over his face, yet he kept standing only to watch as his groomed professional face was ruined by glimmering metal. A surge of pain caused Terrence to scream as discomfort unlike anything before surrounded his nose and tongue. Through his teary eyes Terrence watched the as the thickest, heaviest septum piercing he had ever seen grew from his nose. The ginormous piercing caused Terrence’s face to lurch forward slightly at the new weight, the growing metal ring soon blocked both of his nostrils before stopping just over his top lip. With Terrence’s inability to breathe through his nose, he was forced to open his mouth where the other source of pain seemed to be emanating. The tears now fell freely down the sides of his face as a large metal bar with a large metal ball impaled itself on Terrence’s tongue. A reprieve from the pain allowed Terrence to get his breath and wipe the tears from his eyes, he didn’t want to look at his face anymore but he also couldn’t look away. Gone was the dashing, intelligent face of a lawyer, substituted for a face covered in metal and ears stretched to their limits.

“Please no! Not one there!” Terrence yelled as the pain increased exponentially as a new foreign metal object grew in his underwear, stretching his cock painfully. His face had already been mutilated he didn’t want his cock to suffer the same fate, however the unbearable pain in his underwear made it clear that his dick had indeed suffered the same destiny. As the pain died down to a dull throb, Terrence was finally able to grab his dirty underwear and yank it down to view the newest piece of metal that had impaled itself on his body. A very large, stainless steel price albert piercing now pulled down on Terrence’s cock, the heavy chunk of metal would make sure that even with an erection Terrence’s cock would always hang limply downwards.

“We already have spoken about Snake’s lack of respect for this courtroom, himself and anyone who happens to be cornered by this violent thug, but we also have to talk about his lack of respect for the law. This isn’t the first time Mr Graves had been in trouble; in fact only two months ago he would have found himself in handcuffs once more. You see Mr Graves has a habit of being caught with his pants down, literally. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury on three separate occasions Snake Graves has been cautioned, arrested or warned over giving oral pleasure to men for money. Not only does this man steal his money, he also acquires it through the most seedy and unlawful ways and should not be allowed to go free to continue his debauchery.”
A stinging pain ran through Terrence’s head as new memories buried themselves into his mind. Memories of still being straight but giving blowjobs to men for money and a place to stay for the night. The newest memory was as clear as day and seemed to be the only thing Terrence could now focus on. Terrence felt like he was having an out of body experience as he watched his new grungy body and filthy clothes following a similarly dressed and tattooed hulk of man round the back of a dumpster. Terrence cried for his body to stop, that he would never do anything with another man let alone the degenerate standing in front of him, but his body continued removing its loose fitting tank top and kneeling in the grime of the alleyway. Terrence wanted to look away but his body was too focussed on one thing, the rather large veiny cock the hulk of a man had fished out of his underwear. Terrence pleaded for himself to stop, to not degrade himself any further, but another part of brain told him that he needed to do it or else he wouldn’t be able to eat tonight. Terrence couldn’t stop as he opened his mouth and swallowed the unwashed, uncut cock in his mouth, the taste and smell fresh in his memory as if it was happening at that very second. Terrence felt humiliated as he starting sucking on the stranger’s fat dick, the engorging cock filling up his mouth and causing him to gag slightly. Terrence’s pitiful wretches stirred something in the stranger as he grabbed the back of Terrence’s head and pulled it roughly down onto his cock. Terrence could do nothing, he couldn’t fight back, he couldn’t bite down and he couldn’t stop, after all this was just a memory and it had already happened. The rough face fucking behind a dumpster full of garbage seemed to last an eternity for Terrence his gags and groans did nothing to stop the hulk from plunging his cock deeper and deeper into Terrence’s throat. Terrence couldn’t even close his eyes as he watched his face being repeatedly smacked into the gross bush of pubic hair, the smell of sweat invading his nose.

Terrence shook his head widely, trying to shake the new disturbing memory from his head but it was pointless the events had permanently engraved themselves inside his head and now he would never forget that day. “No NO, That didn’t happen!” Terrence shouted as he desperately tried to separate the new memories from his head. The humiliating dick sucking episodes that his brain told him he did so frequently weren’t real, he was a rich successful lawyer he didn’t need to suck dick for money. Yet every time Terrence told himself he didn’t do such unlawful acts, a new demeaning scene would play in his mind, even the one where he was arrested by the police. Terrence couldn’t deny it any longer no matter how much he told himself he would never suck another man’s dick, the memories were of him and whatever was changing him had made sure all of them were incredibly degrading and vivid in his mind. Terrence now sucked dick for money. A wave of sadness washed over Terrence at the realisation of whose memories he had absorbed, Snake Graves had probably gone through similar experiences. The man Terrence had painted as a prostitute and thug was probably just a messed up kid who had nothing and nobody. Terrence knew the sentence he had been fighting for was to severe, he knew that Snake couldn’t afford a good lawyer and he knew the jury wouldn’t give a crap about him and for the first time Terrence actually felt sorry about what he was doing to Snake. Terrence knew that this was some kind of punishment and perhaps he deserved it for being so cruel. However very quickly that sympathy for Snake soon turned to self-pity as Terrence once again got a glimpse of his reflection. Terrence looked at himself and back at the statement in his hands, he was just trying to do his job after all Snake did break the law. The small slither of sympathy that Terrence had for snake was soon extinguished, he was a good law abiding citizen he shouldn’t be punished, Snake should. With a new sense of empowerment Terrence knew he could overcome the changes he had undergone. A change of clothes and hat would fix his thug look, as well as a few weeks off to let his piercings heal over. Plus a few well-placed bribes would keep his gay sex acts from every reaching anyone he knew, meaning he could still salvage his career.
Well it would have possible if Terrence hadn’t started to read the penultimate paragraph of his closing argument.
“Debauchery, violence and theft, this is man either has no place in society or just doesn’t want a place. This man doesn’t want to follow the rules, he doesn’t want to fit in and he doesn’t want to contribute anything positive to the world. This man doesn’t want to be accepted or to be a law abiding citizen like the rest of you good people, why else would he have such hideous and offensive tattoos? The ink covering his body is there to show that he is a disobedient and defiant aggressor whose only job is to instigate violence and fear. He is an example of the rebellious stain of humanity that feels like the world owes them everything and they owe nothing. Well I feel the world owes Snake Graves a lengthy time in jail.” Previously this segment had been Terrence’s favourite, he would have enjoyed the courtrooms eyes all on him as they bended to his will and were swayed by his words, however Terrence felt very differently now as a new wave of torture washed over him.
The previous pain Terrence had undergone from the piercings suddenly seemed mild as Terrence felt as if his skin was lit on fire. Every inch of his body stung and throbbed with agony, his head, torso, arms, legs, cock and ass all vibrated with a deep pain that Terrence had never felt before. Terrence screamed as he could no longer stand up due to the torture, all he could do was shout as he writhed around on the floor praying for the pain to be over or death, whatever came first Terrence no longer cared. Through screams and sobs Terrence was able to catch glimpses of his exposed arms and legs as the painful alterations to his body continued. Bright colours and thick black lines seemed to dance around his skin, covering all of the pink flesh until none of it was left. New images and ink appeared all over his body as it became a canvas for a terrible tattoo artist. Crude drawings of dragons, odd patterns and tacky quotes stained themselves onto Terrence’s supple skin. Terrence was left staring hopelessly as the last of the skin on his arms was covered by ink and finally the pain stopped.
For a short while Terrence just lay on his office floor, curled up in a sweaty, frightened ball, the pain had been traumatising. However it gave Terrence time to stare at the ink now covering his arms and legs, the patterns and pictures were both poorly drawn and hideous. Terrence almost didn’t want to look but as he pulled his underwear down his saw that the ink had also invaded and covered his torso, crotch and his dick. Terrence’s whole body now seemed to be covered in the crude tattoos, Terrence’s eyes went wide and he hurried to find his reflection, if his whole body was covered that would mean everything would be covered. As Terrence found his face in his computer screen he immediately started to cry, he was ruined, he would never work again. His face, his neck and his scalp had been completely covered with ink, coupled with his piercings and menacing scowl he didn’t look like anything but a delinquent, disgraceful convict.

“In summary ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this man broke the law and should be punished for it. However we push for this lengthy sentence for a particular reason, this man does not have any skills; this man left school at thirteen and has minimal education, this man is a danger to himself and also others and this man needs to be taught to conform to society and obey the law. Where better for this man to learn, grow, develop and possibly thrive is prison. If not this man will just go back to any filthy hovel he can call home and continue his cycle of crime and prostitution. So I plead with you, the good people of the jury give this man structure, a home and a future by sending him to a place where he can become a valuable member of society. Thank you” The fake concern and false sympathy would have worked wonders on the jury, Terrence would have been confident that a guilty verdict was almost certain, however Terrence currently didn’t feel any pride or satisfaction he only felt regret as the green smoke returned.
As Terrence finished his statement a flurry of green smoke surrounded him, causing his vision to blur as his surroundings changed around him. It was immediately clear to Terrence that he was no longer in his office anymore. Terrence started to panic as he now found himself in the middle of dingy, messy bedroom with barely any furnishings besides the grimy bed in the centre. The first thing Terrence noticed was the smell, the stench of sweat, farts and beer surrounded his new environment. The bed in the centre of the room with its off white sheets and dirty comforter had a particular strong, pungent odour; Terrence didn’t even want to get close to it as he tried to navigate his unfamiliar surroundings. The room was filthy, dirty clothes littered the floors and various garbage was seemed to have just been thrown to the floor, whoever lived here must be a total slob. Terrence wasn’t planning on finding out whom that slob was as he headed towards a door, hoping to escape the nightmare he was trapped in; however before he could someone else entered the bedroom. A shirtless man over six feet tall and covered in tattoos now stood over Terrence, the man’s face just as angry and frightening as his own.

“I was going t-“Terrence was instantly cut off by the much more imposing and intimidating man.
“You were going nowhere; I just heard that you tried to bribe one of the lawyers with sex? Is that fucking true?”
Terrence suddenly felt so meek and submissive like he needed to please whoever this man was but he knew that he had failed him. Terrence couldn’t even speak all he could do was give a defeated nod; he knew that it wasn’t true but his body and memories told him otherwise.
“You dumb fuck, you’ll for sure go to prison now. You’re a fucking moron you know that!” the tattooed man shouted at Terrence. “Looks like I’ll need to find a new cocksucker now mines going to fucking jail. Fuck, get on your knees now!”
Terrence could only obey the terrifying man in front of him as he slumped to his knees, his face now eye level with his crotch.
“Fucking idiot, I give you a home and a nice big cock to suck and this is how you repay me?” The tattooed man sharply pulled down his shorts and underwear and let his thick nine inch dick bob up and down. Then with a sharp swing the tattooed brute slapped his hard cock across Terrence’s face. “No one wanted a pathetic freak like you, but I showed you kindness and your response is to get sent to jail? It should have been an easy steal but you had to fuck it up didn’t you! I should through you out on the streets right now!” the brute then let out a sigh “But then I would waste that talented mouth of yours and I can’t have that” with a violent thrust, the brute shoved his hard cock deep into Terrence’s mouth. Unlike before Terrence tried his hardest to please the man now fucking his face. He needed a place to stay, plus he had fucked up and he needed to make it up to him. Terrence could feel his mind and personality being pushed to the back of his consciousness as the persona he had described so vividly in his closing argument took control. The confident, successful lawyer lost more and more control with every rough thrust of the cock down his throat as the new poorly educated, unskilled, violent cocksucker took his place. Terrence could feel the cock in his mouth swell and with a sickening pop the brute pulled out his dick and stroked it allowing himself to cum all over his cocksucker’s tattooed face and head.

“You know…” the tattooed brute shouted from a nearby bathroom “ It’s probably for the best you’re going to jail, I mean here you’re just a pathetic loser and freak but at least in prison you’ll have prodigious career as a cocksucker”
Terrence couldn’t help but cry as the straight, uptight lawyer started his new life as a dirty, tattooed, pierced cocksucker and soon to be convict.
Meanwhile across town…
Snake didn’t know what had happened, after trying to bribe that jerk of a lawyer his world had been engulfed in green smoke, he had only mumbled something stupid but now his life was completely different. He now owned a house, had a job at a law firm and more money than he could count which was all pretty good except it all came with an unhappy bitch of a husband, four ungrateful kids and a body that needed to stop eating donuts. Gone were his tattoos, piercings and sense of style and replaced with the attire of some neurotic snob. ‘Fuck what had he said when he left that dick’s office early errm…’
“Asshole has no idea; I wish I could be some uptight fag who thinks he’s better than everyone. Fuck I wish I was some unhappy cuck with tons of money, sending him to jail. That would show him. ”
‘Shit’ Snake thought as he watched the humiliating scene in front of him, he had wished for this. Now he would have to work ten hours every day, now all he would wear were these uncomfortable suits, now he would have to deal with his bratty kids and now he would have to wank his tiny cock over the muscular black Adonis who pounded his husband every night because his cock wasn’t big enough.

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