Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Perfect Fit

Hugo tensed up, held his breath and mindlessly flicked through the pages of the magazine not even caring to look up at the guy stomping around his apartment, a pathetic attempt to look busy as he waited for his front door to slam shut. Once Hugo heard the loud bang he finally relaxed and let out a long exhale, before getting up from the bed and peeking out his bedroom window as the guy he was seeing marched down the street. Winston was his name and up until very recently Hugo had thought he could have been the one, the guy he would spend the rest of his life with, but after what Hugo had just seen the relationship was never going to happen.
The pair had met at the gym where Hugo was a personal trainer, his sculpted body; chiselled jawline and impeccable bubble butt meant he received a lot of attention, however mostly from desperate losers. Hugo only dated those he deemed to be as perfect as he was and if any aspect of the guy turned out not to fit Hugo’s version of perfect they would be dumped and ignored.  Winston had seemed to tick all the boxes, muscular, good looking, wealthy and a decent sense of humour, leading the pair to date for the past two months. Things were going so well that Hugo had suggested they finally get intimate and until ten minutes ago that’s what the pair had planned to do. However as the two undressed and finally exposed their naked forms to each other Hugo gasped with shock as he saw Winston’s penis. The thing was huge, well over the average length and thickness, it would split Hugo in two if that python got anywhere near his ass. Hugo wouldn’t have it, he couldn’t be in pain every time they fucked and he certainly wouldn’t want to stretch his perfect pink hole. Hugo had sent Winston home on the spot, told him that he wouldn’t go through with it and it would be best if they no longer saw each other. Hugo was perfect, his asshole was perfect and Winston’s ginormous cock didn’t fit into his perfect little world.

Hugo sighed as he sat back on his bed, this wasn’t even the first time he’d sent someone home just before they were supposed to have sex, another guy had terrible back acne which Hugo could barely look at and another had the smallest dick he had ever seen, he wouldn’t have felt a thing. Why was it so difficult for him to find another flawless guy like him? Hugo got up from his bed and stared at his body in the mirror; he couldn’t help but flex his biceps and give his thick ass a shake. He had so many admirers but none of them ever seemed to measure up, perhaps his standards were too high? Maybe it wasn’t them, maybe it was him? But as Hugo stared at his reflection he knew that couldn’t be true, he was faultless and he just needed to find a guy that was his equal and with another flex and a deep sigh, Hugo made his wish.

“I just wish I could find a guy that was the perfect fit for me.”

The trickster smiled, he was going to have fun with this one and with a deep chuckle the trickster blew a billowing cloud of green smoke into Hugo’s bedroom.  As the emerald cloud of smog surrounded Hugo he felt his body contract and weaken, before his vision disappeared and his body drifted into unconsciousness.

When Hugo did regain consciousness he still couldn’t see anything and he immediately felt cramped and constricted, like his whole body was crouching down in a very small space. However his body didn’t feel like it was in a crouching position, Hugo felt as if his head was looking straight up and his ass was touching the floor while the rest of his body seemed squashed in between. Hugo tried to get up and instantly started to panic as he found it impossible to move a single muscle in his body; it was as if the small space he was in was keeping him from moving an inch. In his panic Hugo frantically tried to call out for help, but no sound was produced. Hugo didn’t understand what was happening to him, it felt as if his mouth was wide open yet he couldn’t produce any sound, he could still feel his body but he couldn’t move it at all, it seemed as if he couldn’t do anything. However as Hugo sat in the darkness trying to figure out what to do he realised some of his senses were still active. Hugo noticed he could taste something almost plastic like, while he could smell something similar but with metallic undertones, Hugo also noticed he could hear some thumping in the distance like someone was walking around. Hugo once again shifted into a fit of panic, had he been abducted? Were those footsteps his captors? Hugo tensed up as he heard the thumping getting louder as whomever or whatever it was got closer to his confined body. With a loud scraping sound of wood on wood Hugo’s environment jolted forward, his body and whatever he was surrounded by hurled head first. The sensation of being thrown was new and frightening for Hugo; thankfully he wasn’t hurt, as his weird surroundings seemed to protect him. Hugo then heard a muffled voice coming from outside his tiny cramped room.

“Hmm this will have to do” the voice seemed to grumble, the tone somewhat familiar to Hugo.

‘Who’s there? Where am I? Where have you taken me?’ Hugo screamed internally not a single syllable making a sound. Hugo then felt his stomach churn as something seemed to grab his enclosure and lift it upwards. Hugo didn’t understand what was happening and what the mysterious voice was planning but it couldn’t be good as he felt himself lifted further into the air. Hugo then felt an intense pressure coming from outside his protective surroundings, the forced push down heavily on his body as Hugo heard a slick tearing sound and light flooded into his claustrophobic space. Hugo tried not to panic as his vision adjusted to the harsh glow above him as the rest of his room was removed. As Hugo’s eyesight adjusted, the blurry figure of a person appeared in front of him, Hugo’s anxiety skyrocketed as he waited for the blurry scene to clear, his mind racing wondering who was responsible for his strange predicament. However as the picture in front of him increased in clarity Hugo’s anxiety soon changed to confusion as the figure in front of him materialised into someone Hugo knew quite well. As standing in front of him was his ex-boyfriend, it was Winston.

At first Hugo was relieved to see Winston, however given his current situation and how he had just moments ago broken up with him after seeing him naked, that relief soon faded. Something was not quite right as Hugo stared at his ex-boyfriend who had freed him from his confinement; it seemed his perspective was off; perhaps his eyes were still adjusting. Winston seemed much bigger and larger than usual; his pectorals now looked like mountains, his muscular chest broader than a football field and his biceps were bigger than double-decker buses, in fact all of Winston looked enormous. Hugo willed his eyes to adjust but Winston only seemed to look even more immense and intimidating. His now ex-boyfriend seemed so much more daunting and menacing from his new perspective and as Hugo stared up at the humongous behemoth of a man Hugo realised his eyes didn’t need to adjust. Winston was a giant but only because Hugo was so small and insignificant that his former boyfriend seemed like a god and from the expression on his face he wasn’t a happy god at that.
Hugo had been too distracted by his now giant ex-boyfriend that he hadn’t realised he wasn’t simply in front of him, he was actually being held by him. The pressure he felt was one of his big meaty hands, his giant fingers clasping tightly onto his body. A whole new flood of questions raced around Hugo’s mind as he looked up at his frowning ex. How was he able to pick him up? Why was he so small? And why did he still feel cramped and confined even though Winston had freed him from whatever was keeping him trapped? Hugo tried to wriggle free from the grip Winston had him in but even though Hugo was no longer enclosed he still couldn’t move and his body was still in the strange head up, ass to the floor position. ‘Winston what are you doing? What is happening here?’ Hugo asked once again internally, unlike his sight, his ability to speak still seemed to be inhibited. Hugo wanted to ask so many questions, the whole situation was so confusing and strange, but Hugo didn’t get the chance as his whole body seemed to be lowered downwards. Hugo only got a glimpse as his head and body was turned the opposite way but he knew that Winston was naked and Hugo didn’t like where he was being lowered to.

Hugo tried screaming out as he felt Winston’s ginormous cock graze his asshole, Hugo was even more surprised that when he felt the massive cock once more it also seemed to graze his mouth as well. Hugo didn’t know what to do, was this Winston’s sick revenge? To finally fuck him without him able to cry for help. Hugo winced with pain as he felt the cock enter his ass; Hugo begged for Winston to stop, he didn’t want his perfect little rosebud turning into a gaping asshole. However the pain only persisted as Winston slid his cock deeper into Hugo’s body, his asshole stretching to accommodate the massive size; however it wasn’t just his asshole that seemed to be stretching. Hugo felt his entire body stretch and encase the enormous cock that was being pushed into him, what’s more while Hugo felt his asshole stretch his mouth seemed to be undergoing the exact same strain as the taste and smell of sweaty cock filled Hugo’s senses. Winston’s cock seemed to go on for miles as it pushed deeper into Hugo’s mouth and ass, his whole body felt strained and painful as if it was being filled from the inside. Hugo didn’t think the pain and discomfort could get any worse until he felt a pushing coming from behind his head as the giant penis bulged out his face causing it to stretch painfully. Hugo didn’t know how this was possible, how his tiny body had taken Winston’s huge cock but the stretching and discomfort was almost unbearable, Hugo just hoped and prayed that the sex would be over soon. However Winston didn’t start to thrust or move his cock he just stayed still, his erect member throbbing inside of Hugo, with every pulse sending new waves of discomfort through Hugo’s poor stretched thin body. Hugo was frightened and frustrated as he clung to Winston’s cock, why wasn’t he fucking him? That’s what he wanted right, but as Hugo bobbed up and down on the erect cock he caught a glimpse of himself in a bedroom mirror and screamed in pure horror at his reflection. The reason why Winston wasn’t having sex with him, the reason why Winston had shoved his huge cock inside of him against his will now became clear as Hugo stared, mortified at his reflection. It wasn’t because he wanted revenge; it wasn’t so he could finally fuck Hugo’s cute bubble butt it was because Hugo wasn’t human anymore. He was a condom and he barely fit on the massive eleven inch penis that now throbbed inside him.
Hugo didn’t have much longer to stare at his new humiliating form as another person came marching into the room and they too were completely naked. 

“So glad you called Winston, I’ve been dying for a good fuck. I take it things didn’t work out with that guy you were seeing?”

“You wouldn’t be here otherwise” Winston grunted still clearly hurt from the dumping he had received earlier. “Now are we going to do this or what, I was supposed to have sex today and I’m going to have it one way or another” Winston then grabbed the unfamiliar guy and started kissing him.

Hugo couldn’t believe it, he had only broken up with Winston in what seemed like a few minutes ago but he was already kissing someone else. This had to be some fucked up dream, there was no way he could be a condom, there was no way he could be wrapped around a ginormous cock and there was definitely no way that Winston would have gotten over Hugo so quickly. However the constant stretching and taste of sweaty cock were so vivid it was unlike any dream Hugo had had before. However a dream was the only way Hugo could make sense of his new uncomfortable situation, perhaps he had felt a lot more guilt than he previously thought and this dream was some sort of punishment for breaking up with him? Hugo would have kept trying to figure out how his current predicament was even possible if his thoughts hadn’t been distracted by the unfamiliar man pulling away from Winston and giving Hugo a taste of what was to come.

“Are you ready Winston, baby? My ass is dying to be filled with that big, thick cock of yours” Then with a loud slap on his own ass the man seductively swayed his ass from side to side, his cheeks jiggling playfully taunting Hugo while arousing Winston, his enormous cock swelling even more.
“Get that ass over here” Winston growled

Hugo was barely given a second to scream as Winston jumped up and pulled the jiggling booty onto his cock and onto Hugo. Hugo was hit with sensory overload as he was shoved forcefully into the bottom’s asshole, his body was already stretched and constricted from the massive cock inside him but now Hugo felt even more pressure as the walls of the guy’s ass surrounded him. As soon as Hugo was pushed deeper into the ass his sense of smell and taste started to overwhelm him, the dank stench of ass causing him to cry out in disgust. Hugo desperately tried to wriggle free of the ginormous cock or try to escape the reeking ass around him, but it was futile. His body was so tightly wrapped around Winston’s cock it would be impossible to get free, all Hugo could do was watch helplessly as he was shoved back and forth into another guys asshole, the smell and taste disgusting and the painful stretching of his body and face only getting worse as Winston upped his thrusting. As Winston got more aroused his thrusts got faster and the guy’s asshole clenched tighter, their moans and groans of ecstasy growing louder drowning out Hugo’s screams of torment. Winston made sure to plunge his cock in deep, enjoying the moans the bottom made as he felt the dick inside him prod his prostate. Hugo could only cry internally as he was forced to endure it all, experiencing the deeply sexual act without getting any of the sexual pleasure. The taste and smell of ass soon mixing with cum as Winston’s cock began to leak inside of him, the added fluid only adding to Hugo’s torture. Hugo’s started to become frenzied as the stretching and distending of his tiny rubber body started to overwhelm him, the pain and discomfort becoming the only thing he could focus on.  Hugo was stretched so much already, his body could barely contain the thick cock before the sex but now as Hugo was continually thrust inside another guy’s tight asshole; Hugo could feel his body giving up. Hugo could feel Winston’s cock throb as it grew thicker still, his thrusts becoming rampant and with a booming roar a jet of cum blasted its way into Hugo’s face. With the added force and pressure Hugo’s tiny body couldn’t take it any longer as another gush of warm sticky cum shot into Hugo’s face his fragile body split. The pain was over quickly as the pressure of containing such a huge cock subsided as Hugo’s body retreated away from the throbbing monster that had surrounded him. Hugo could only sob as his broken body clung to the softening python and the clenching ass walls. 

Hugo had no idea what he had done to deserve the surreal punishment that had been inflicted on him, but as he felt Winston’s cock soften Hugo was just glad that it was over and perhaps he would finally wake up from this nightmare. However as Hugo felt Winston’s cock start to recede from the cavernous ass, it seemed his body wasn’t being taken along with it. His broken condom body covered in sweat, cum and other anal fluids clung to the rectal walls. Hugo was too exhausted to even call out for help as he watched Winston’s cock leave without him, a small flash of light gave Hugo a more detailed view of his grim surrounding before quickly being shut off as the asshole clamped shut leaving Hugo trapped, broken and defeated in some stranger’s freshly fucked asshole. Hugo spent what seemed like an eternity waiting in the crevice of another man’s asshole, it seems his punishment wasn’t over yet. The heat of the ass only seemed to increase, causing the smell and taste of the ass to intensify, the cum covering Hugo’s body warming up and giving off another malodourous stench. Hugo began to sob as the fetid smell and taste of the depths of another man’s ass surrounded him and overpowered him, Hugo didn’t think things could get any worse. However as he was jostled around as presumably whoever he was inside started to move, Hugo would soon find out things weren’t over for him just yet.

As gravity started to do its work Hugo could feel his slimy coated body start to slide down, the anal walls beginning to shift and undulate. Hugo could only groan in defeat as his body was pushed and squished downwards by the flexing fleshy walls until he reached the very bottom. With a sickening squish and squirt Hugo was pushed out of the guy’s anus, slowly being dragged against its muscular walls. Hugo had never felt so humiliated in his life as he was essentially defecated out of an asshole and with a gut churning fall Hugo’s broken, disgusting body plopped into an awaiting toilet bowl. Hugo looked helpless upwards at the giant ass he had just been inside, his mind reeling from the devastating series of events he had just been through. Hugo prayed for whatever this was to end, for his suffering to come to a conclusion and as he watched Winston’s fuck buddy get up from the toilet he stared into the bowl at Hugo’s slowly sinking form and smiled. The satisfied bottom then gave the toilet a flush and once again everything went black for Hugo as a small green wisp of smoke darted into the bowl and surrounded him, saving him from the sewers.

Everything was dark once more for Hugo as he lay with is eyes closed, the pain and aching had now gone and he once again felt comfortable. The terrible smells and tastes that had permeated his senses had now vanished and his body once again felt intact. The nightmare was over, he had no idea he felt that bad about dumping Winston, he needed to call him right away. However as Hugo tried to open his eyes and move he found them once again impossible.  Hugo was in denial as he tried fruitlessly to move his body as he realised he was in a very familiar position, his head facing up and his ass touching the floor. Hugo didn’t want to believe it, but he had no choice, he hadn’t woken up, he was still a condom and once again trapped in his packaging. Hugo was on the brink of having a panic attack, he couldn’t go through what had happened with Winston all over again, he couldn’t experience it another time, he didn’t think he was mentally strong enough. Hugo tried to calm himself and focus his thoughts, it wasn’t possible for people to just up and turn into condoms; that would be ridiculous so this still had to be some kind of dream or cosmic punishment, maybe the universe was trying to teach him something?  Perhaps this was a punishment for the way he treated Winston and perhaps once the lesson was learnt he would turn back to normal. Hugo knew that his newest theory was farfetched but he couldn’t admit to himself that he might never be human again; he had to have faith that he would eventually turn back into his good looking self.  Hugo tensed up as he once again felt the pressure of another hand picking him up and his packet was once again ripped away from him. Hugo prayed that Winston wouldn’t be staring back at him once again and thankfully the figure staring back at him wasn’t his well-endowed ex. However the new man in front of Hugo was still someone familiar and in fact added some validity to his knew theory as once again in front of him was another ex-boyfriend.
Placed on a bathroom counter Hugo watched as another one of his former boyfriends flexed in front of the mirror and playfully batted at his meaty pecs. Hugo desperately tried to remember his name and why he had broken up with him. The guy looked great, his physique was perfect, his cheeky smile and chiselled jawline made him look like a model and his skin was tanned and clear, so why had Hugo broken up with him and why was he now his condom? Hugo’s questions were soon answered as the hunky jock in front of him pulled down his boxer briefs to reveal a very underwhelming cock and Hugo’s break up came flooding back. The jock’s dick was embarrassingly small and when he had shown it to Hugo he couldn’t help but laugh. This perfect looking guy with strong muscles and a cocky grin had a tiny little nub between his legs and Hugo wouldn’t have that. If people found out his boyfriend had a baby dick then he would be a laughing stock so Hugo had kicked the jock to the curb. Hugo couldn’t help but stare at the small penis in front of him, it was even smaller than he remembered it and again he mentally chuckled at it huddled in between the nest of pubic hair. However Hugo’s laughter was soon cut short as he was roughly held and lowered down to the jock’s minuscule dick. At least he wasn’t going to be stretched thin over this guy, Hugo thought smugly as he felt the small dick start to enter him. Hugo was waiting for a similar feeling he felt with Winston, the stretching and pushing that seemed never ending but as soon Hugo felt the cock in his asshole and the taste of it in his mouth the pushing ended. Hugo felt the cock start to rub his body as he felt himself droop as his body was obviously far too big for the small little thing. Soon Hugo was looking at the floor as his body was fully unravelled, his asshole and mouth being held tight around the base of the dick by the jock, if not he would have just fallen free. Although the taste still wasn’t pleasant Hugo let a small sigh of relief at least he wouldn’t be in pain like before. Hugo then felt his face being grabbed by the jock’s large hand.
“Fuck I brought the wrong size. Shit, this will have to do” The jock grumbled as he trudged out of the bathroom holding his condom tightly on his dick. 

As Hugo was brought along with the jock he couldn’t help but wonder what the sex would be like now he hung so limply off the hunk’s tiny nub. It certainly wasn’t going to be as painful and uncomfortable as his last experience, but Hugo hoped it would be over soon he really wanted to be human again. Plus because of how poorly he fitted it was very likely that he would just come free or the jock would do away with the ill-fitting condom and just go bareback so perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all Hugo thought. However as Hugo and the jock exited the bathroom Hugo didn’t see anyone else in the bedroom, in fact the only thing on the bed was a laptop. It was only when Hugo got a little closer that he actually saw what was paused on the computer screen, an older guy with a very large meaty cock, with several twinks below him, it was porn. Hugo started to panic as he realised what was going to happen, the jock wasn’t going to use him for sex he was going to use him for a jerk off session with minimal clean up. The fact that Hugo wasn’t even going to be used for his intended purpose only seemed to add to his humiliating situation, things got even worse when the jock pulled a rubber ring over the top of Hugo and round the base of his dick. A tight cock ring was now keeping Hugo perfectly in place, so there was no chance he would fall off. Once again Hugo tried to wriggle and escape his predicament and once again he found that he had no control over his clear body. Hugo just had to watch and endure as the jock pressed play on the porn film and began to rub his dick through Hugo. Unlike with Winston and the bottom Hugo felt barely anything, there was no stretching or expanding just increasing friction coming from the lower part of his body as it was violently rubbed over the tiny dicklet. However while there was an absence of discomfort and stress there was no decrease in the smells and tastes Hugo was forced to endure. The tiny cock was clearly unwashed and the funky smell only seemed to get worse as the jock pumped his cock. Hugo had nothing else to focus on but the maddening stench as his face at the end of the condom drooped down and slapped against the jock’s hairy balls. While with Winston things had been painful, this was just embarrassing as Hugo’s limp form was being thrown around, his face continually hitting the jock’s balls, his mouth forced to taste the grubby little cock inside him and the unattractive grunting and groaning of the jock above him made Hugo pray for the jock to cum quickly. Though Hugo’s prayers would not be answered as the jock planned to have a pleasurable afternoon and nearly an hour of masturbating later the jock was finally ready to blow his load.

Hugo was exhausted, the smell and taste inside him was unbearable and the vast amount of pre-cum had caused the unwashed cock’s stench to amplify.  Furthermore Hugo didn’t think he could take any more of the mindlessly slapping against the jock’s hairy scrotum. Hugo was almost pleased when he felt the pathetic strokes of the jock speed up and the minuscule cock engorge further. At least it would be over soon Hugo told himself to stop his psyche from breaking. Hugo had expected a tiny weak squirt of cum to emerge any minute now as he heard the jock bellow as he finally reached his climax however far from a squirt was launched from the tiny little cock in fact it was more akin to a fire hose. The jock’s cock acted like a geyser as seemingly endless amounts of cum were pumped out filling Hugo’s limp body. The taste of hot cum intensified as blast after blast of semen was shot into Hugo. Hugo could feel his body bloat as more cum was deposited inside of him the force and quantity never appearing to lessen. Hugo’s face was soon swollen and distended by the shear amount of cum the jock was producing, it was as if the jock hadn’t had a release in some time as still more of the sticky white fluid filled Hugo’s body. All Hugo could do was weep as the taste and smell overwhelmed him and the same uncomfortable pressure he had felt before stretched his face out.  After nearly thirty seconds and a final spurt the jock’s tiny cock finally finished unloading its warm stinky goo and Hugo was left with an overstuffed body filled with cum.
Hugo was mortified as the jock stood up and the cum drifted downwards making sure his face was fully stretched out with the impressive load the jock had just unleashed. The tight cock ring around the base of the dick had meant not a single drop of the liquid had escaped and had all been contained inside Hugo’s condom body. Every single drop savoured for Hugo to smell and taste constantly. Hugo almost cried out in joy when he felt the jock start to remove the cock ring, Hugo hoped he would soon be thrown into the toilet once more, allowing him to finally be free of the copious amounts of cum inside him. The jock was careful, he had intended on having a mess free wank and didn’t plan on that changing, he headed to the bathroom Hugo’s cum filled body in hand. Hugo had never been so happy to see a jock’s filthy toilet, the cum inside him had started to cool and solidify causing him to wretch with disgust. The jock then held up Hugo’s body and admired his remarkable load; he then grabbed Hugo’s now asshole and mouth and twisted it around his body. Then with a sharp tug the jock tied a knot and dropped Hugo into a nearby bin, and with a bounce and jiggle Hugo was left alone, a big cum filled balloon crying out for mercy as he bathed in the taste of the cooling cum.

Hugo was left to suffer in the bin, the maddening taste and smell of cold cum driving him insane. The tight knot tied around his body making sure none of it would escape and all of it would constantly be bloating out Hugo’s face. Hugo begged for mercy, for the universe to finally turn him back to normal surely he had suffered enough? But still Hugo stayed coated in cum, a discarded semen balloon that would eventually make its way to a dump where he could only hope something would burst him, freeing him from the disgusting sensory overload he was facing. With what seemed like an eternity Hugo was distracted from his torture as the jock plodded back into the bathroom and picked up the bin with Hugo inside. He didn’t even care to look down as he tipped Hugo into a black bag, sealing out the light as he tied it up and then dumping it outside on the curb. Hugo then heard the sound of a heavy vehicle pulling closer to him, his new life as garbage only moments away. This couldn’t be it? This couldn’t be his life? Hugo was frantic as the sound of the truck drew closer, he was human not some cum filled piece of trash, but as the bag around him was roughly picked up Hugo doubted he was anything else. Hugo was tossed carelessly into the back of the garbage truck, the creaking of heavy machinery causing him to weep in despair, but as the sounds grew louder a wisp of green smoke surrounded Hugo in the darkness and saved him from a life buried in a landfill.

Once again in darkness Hugo was thankful the bloating and taste had finally gone and all he was left with was his thoughts. This couldn’t be a dream, nothing he had ever dreamt about before had been so vivid or so real.  This torture he was facing must be some kind of cosmic punishment for being terrible to his former partners and being a condom was some perverse way of teaching him lesson about the size of their dicks. However Hugo still didn’t understand why he had been turned into condoms that were not the correct size, he had been far too small for Winston and way too big for his jock ex-lover. Nevertheless Hugo shook the thoughts from his mind; he should be turning human any moment now as those were the only two guys he had broken up with because of their penis size. Logically that meant that his punishment was over, he had certainly suffered enough, but in Hugo’s darkness he was sure he made out just the tiniest slither of green smoke and once again Hugo found himself in a very familiar position.

Immediately Hugo knew he was still a condom, the same plastic smell and faint taste of lube, the weird body position and lack of vision were all present. Hugo was about to become frustrated but before he even had time to complain he was grabbed and ripped open. However the man in front of him this time wasn’t an ex-boyfriend, it wasn’t even someone he knew, because if Hugo had seen such a perfect specimen before he would have certainly remembered him. Hugo marvelled at the beautiful face that stared back at him, the mysterious man must be a model, his angular chin perfectly shaven, his crystal blue eyes and gleaming white smile all portrayed perfection. Hugo couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful face in front of him it was almost hypnotic watching him smile, the dimples on his cheeks appearing as he stared seductively at Hugo in his hand. Hugo almost didn’t want the stare to end as he was placed on a bathroom sink, but as he got a view of the mysterious man’s body he was glad he could admire every aspect of the guy. His body was built and muscular but not so much that he looked bloated and puffy; his pecs were large and perky with a cute set of nipples sitting perfectly erect at the tips. The handsome stranger’s biceps bulged as he fiddled with some of his clothing, just the right size to not be obscene but still conveyed strength. The man’s thighs were thick and strong and while Hugo was a bottom he couldn’t help but admire the firm muscle butt perfectly protruding out from his behind. As the man stripped Hugo was too mesmerised by the Adonis in front of him that he almost forgot he was just a circular piece of rubber, the guy was truly flawless. Hugo watched as the man moved effortlessly round his stylish and neat bathroom, clearly he had good taste and a fair bit of money which only led Hugo to become more enamoured with the man. The stranger finally finished his fussing and was left just in his designer briefs, his tanned shaven body would have made Hugo drool if he still had the ability to do so. The guy himself even seemed to marvel at his own Adonis physique and good looks, he was a Greek statue come to life and Hugo had never felt such lust and desire before.  Every aspect of the man was something Hugo found undeniably attractive, he was his perfect man, he was his equal physically and his beauty was astounding.
The guy was perfect and as he pulled down his underwear Hugo almost squealed with glee as the cock dangling in front of him was perfect too. It wasn’t offensively big like Winston’s and not pathetically small like the jocks, it was just the right size to be both comfortable and pleasurable for Hugo. Whatever the universe was doing it was certainly looking a lot better now that Hugo was staring at the faultless nude man in front of him. Hugo almost didn’t even mind being grabbed and teased with such an impeccable cock, as the Adonis slid him down the shaft of his dick, he could feel his body start to fill up but it wasn’t uncomfortable like before.  While the taste of cock was still present it didn’t bother Hugo as much because the scent and taste came from such a god like man. As the man finally finished unrolling Hugo down his penis he almost felt complete, unlike the previous two experiences Hugo snuggly surrounded his ideal dick.  He wasn’t stretched painfully and he wasn’t hanging limply, in fact he was a perfect fit.
Suddenly something clicked in Hugo’s mind, something he had said just before all the madness had started, he had wished for all of this, he had wished to find a guy that was the perfect fit for him. Although the universe had taken some liberties with the interpretation he had eventually show Hugo the guy who was perfect for him. It almost made the two horrifying experiences beforehand worth it; Hugo no longer had to search for his perfect man. Sure the universe still wanted to punish him for a bit, but as soon as this was all over Hugo would know who to find and make his perfect boyfriend. The Adonis stared at himself in the bathroom mirror his erect condomed cock bobbing in front of him, the muscular god gave himself a wink and blew himself a kiss. Hugo almost felt his heart flutter; this was certainly the guy for him. however Hugo was soon brought out of his daydream of picturing the perfect relationship as his Adonis walked into his bedroom to an older man sprawled out in front of him. Hugo’s heart dropped as he saw the naked man, was his perfect boyfriend already taken? The older man certainly didn’t deserve such a perfect specimen, he was hairy, chubby and balding his adonis surely couldn’t be with him. Nevertheless the muscle god Hugo was currently wrapped around walked closer to the naked man, his cock getting harder causing Hugo to squirm. The reality that Hugo was still a condom came crashing down on him as he watched the older guy spread his ass cheeks to reveal a puffy well-used hole.
“Ok you have twenty minutes, do you want to just get straight into things” The Adonis asked in a rather blunt tone. It definitely wasn’t something you would say to your partner which only confused Hugo as he dangled inches away from the older man’s asshole.

“Sure Forrest. Let’s get this thing started. I’m just so happy you were available you’re surely the best looking guy at thenescort agency” The older man gushed. Hugo didn’t know whether to give a sigh of relief or gasp with shock, on one hand his perfect man was in fact still single but conversely was his perfect man really employed as an escort. Hugo was torn, clearly Forrest made good money and that would certainly sustain Hugo but could he handle all the sex? Hugo didn’t have much time to debate his conundrum as he was about to find out first hand whether he could handle it or not.

“Ha I don’t know about that, but let’s say I’m never short of clients. Now let me show you why.” Forrest then began to tease the tip of his cock around the older man’s hole, rubbing Hugo’s face into the puffy anus before plunging it deep inside. The older man immediately let out a groan of pleasure as he felt Forrest’s dick slide deeper inside him. Unlike before Hugo didn’t have to deal with the pain of being stretched beyond belief, the bloating of the cock inside him was still there but not unbearable. Hugo only wished that he could at least experience some kind of pleasure, as he was pulled in and out of the rather loose asshole the only feeling he got was the pressure from the clenching walls and the slight stretching from Forrest’s cock. On top of that Hugo was forced to watch as he was continually pushed deeper and deeper into the dank confines of some older guy’s ass. Hugo had not missed the gag inducing stench and taste of the inside of another man’s asshole, he had thought that the bottom he was inside before was bad but this was much worse. It seems the older guy had only haphazardly cleaned himself as Hugo screamed as he felt the debris left in the guy’s ass start to coat his thin rubber body. The foul taste being slathered all around him and spread further by Forrest’s increasing thrusts. Hugo would have screamed in disgust as a gust of foul smelling air was blown across him, his senses burning at the concentrated musk that had being dislodged from the older guys bowels. Hugo started to weep as his senses were once again overwhelmed with the scent, taste and sight of the job of a condom. He begged for Forrest to hurry up or just to take him off, but why would he? He couldn’t hear Hugo’s sobbing, he had no idea the hell he was putting his condom through, he was far too focussed on satisfying his client and getting paid.

With an increased pace Forrest pounded the older guy’s hole, making sure to leave him and the client content. Hugo could feel the cock inside him swell again and the uncomfortable stretching started, the pain, the smell, the taste, the whole nightmarish situation sent Hugo once again into a downward spiral of horror and dread, Hugo knew what was coming and he couldn’t do a single thing about it. With a triumphant howl Forrest unleashed his load, the forceful blast of cum splattered across Hugo’s face bulging it out further and filling his already overpowered senses with cum. The spurts continued slowly dying down, the load certainly not as impressive as the jock’s but still a good effort. Hugo was going mad as he felt the cock inside him start to soften; his body starting to deflate as the cock receded from him. Hugo prayed that he wouldn’t be left in the stinky hole, his senses were already being constantly assaulted and he didn’t want to amplify the source. Thankfully the universe had decided to grant some mercy on Hugo, no matter how minimal it was he was thankful. Hugo was then slowly pulled out of the well lubed ass and with a sickening plop he was left dangling from his perfect man.
As quickly as Hugo was put on he was discarded, quickly thrown by Forrest into a nearby waste paper bin. With a splat Hugo landed on some old tissues, the grated metal still giving him a partial view of his dream man. Hugo needed some time to recover, the cum inside him was slowly leaking out giving him some reprieve, he watched exhausted from the bin as the two men cleaned up and got dressed. After a few minutes of awkward silence the older man looked ready to leave.

“Well that was fantastic Forrest. Here, I’ve put a little extra in.” the older man then placed a stack of bills on the counter before starting to head out the door. “Oh and I forgot to say, I was a big fan of your last film. I put it on whenever I need some fun.” The older guy then gave a wink immediately regretting it. Hugo almost didn’t care that his perfect man was more of a prostitute than an escort and what’s more clearly did porn as well. Hugo had been through hell, he wasn’t going to let that go to waste over the job his perfect man did, even if it was a bit seedy.

“Thanks I owe everything to my fans; in fact I’m filming my next scene this afternoon. I’ll have to let you know when it comes out so you can be the first to see it” Forrest then gave his own wink back and the older man blushed, Hugo almost felt pity for the older guy as he was so effortlessly manipulated by Forrest. With another bumbling goodbye the older man finally left and Forrest started to get ready to leave as well.

Hugo let out a long sigh, the drying cum inside him still tormenting him, he had paid a heavy price to find his perfect man but at least now it was over. Hugo knew that any moment now he could be human once more; he would immediately search out his perfect man and make him fall hopelessly in love with him. A panicked thought then rushed through Hugo’s head, what if he turned human here and now? He would look and smell hideous! Plus how would he explain himself? How would he not come across as some crazy weirdo? Hugo struggled to control his panicked mind but after a while he managed to focus, if the universe had found him his perfect man then chances were Hugo was Forrest perfect match too. The universe clearly wanted to find Hugo the perfect man so it wouldn’t put him at such a disadvantage, surely? Even Hugo wasn’t convinced by his last thought, so he decided to try and come up with possible explanations for his sudden appearance in Forrest’s life. However before he had even started he heard a door slam and realised he was now alone. ‘Well that makes things a bit easier’ Hugo thought but as he still wasn’t human yet he still decided to use his time to think of ways to interact with Forrest.

It seemed Hugo had ample time to think of cute meetings, funny encounters and seductive fantasies as after nearly thirty minutes of stewing in the waste bin Hugo still hadn’t transformed. Hugo started to panic, but as soon as he let his mind run wild a familiar wisp of green smoke could be seen out the corner of his eyes. Hugo had never been so excited, his life was going to change from now on and as the green smoke faded, Hugo felt a strange pressure before being blasted with light. There once again in front of him was Forrest, his beautiful flawless boyfriend to be, yet he wasn’t looking back at another human, he was staring back at another condom.

‘NO NO NO NO! This isn’t right screamed Hugo as he was once again slid down Forrest’s ample cock. He had already been his condom why was he it again? He was supposed to be human, he was supposed to be meeting his perfect man in person and he wasn’t supposed to be another god damn condom! Hugo wailed as he was once again snugly wrapped around his perfect man’s perfect cock. This couldn’t be happening, this couldn’t be real, Hugo desperately tried to enter a state of denial but as his body was once again pointed at another asshole, it was very difficult to convince himself that he wasn’t going to be used again. Out of Hugo’s view an unknown voice distracted him from his fate.

“Now Forrest, I want you to take it easy at first, we have the next three hours to get the shots we need so we don’t want you blowing your load early.”

“Sure thing, you ready Kyle because it looks like we’re going to be at this for a while” Forrest then gave another cheeky wink as he teased his cock against the man sprawled out in front of him.

Hugo screamed and shouted as he stared at the hairy asshole in front of him, why wasn’t he human? Why wasn’t he turning back to normal? Hugo’s questions went unanswered as Forrest once again plunged him deep into the depths of another man’s asshole. Hugo was put through the misery of sex all over again, except this time it didn’t end after twenty minutes.
Hugo was plunged in and out of that ass for hours, in different positions, different speeds and different angles. Every time Forrest needed a new condom Hugo was instantly transported to a new packet ready for him to rip open and use all over again. There was no escape from the suffering and by the end of it Hugo was more than just sobbing, he was wailing as he was forced to endure the sights, sounds, smells and tastes a condom had to experience for over three hours and even then Forrest still wanted to fuck more. As soon as the shoot was finished Hugo was discarded becoming trash once more, his cum soaked body resting on top of a pile of his previously used and abused forms. For the good part of the day Hugo had spent his face and body deep inside an asshole with his mouth and asshole stretched by a cock. It was hard for Hugo to stop sobbing, this couldn’t be his fate, this couldn’t be his new life, he couldn’t be a condom for his perfect man could he? Hugo’s questions were soon answered as once more green smoke surrounded him and he was transported back into his confined plastic prison knowing that he would never be human again. Within seconds Hugo was free only to be met with Forrest’s giant, flawless body and meaty cock. Hugo screamed as he was pulled down the cock he admired once again, the fact that his life would now be spent with it shoved inside his asshole and mouth causing him to mentally breakdown. Hugo couldn’t do this; he couldn’t experience the dreadful life of a condom for the rest of his life. Forced to repeat the same act over and over again with no pleasure what so ever, obliged to smell and taste the inside of guys assholes as well as every load of cum Forrest released from his cock. Hugo prayed for the universe to end his torment, but it wasn’t the universe that had led him there it was the trickster, so his pleas for forgiveness and a second chance were ignored as Hugo was lined up with a twink’s bubble butt ready to start another lengthy sex session and the rest of his life as a condom on his perfect man.
Three months later…

Forrest’s life only seemed to be getting better; he looked down at his perfect body and cock and couldn’t help but smile. His porn career had blown up, making him one of the most sort after men in the industry, he was virtually filming a scene every other day. What’s more he had maxed out on clients from the agency and was now their most popular escort, it seemed the only time he wasn’t fucking someone was when he was asleep and Forrest couldn’t be happier about that. He’d even managed to find a boyfriend, meaning the amount of sex he was having was almost insane. Forrest grinned as he gave his dick a few strokes to plump it up, he was happy, in love, sexually fulfilled and raking in so much cash especially as it seemed he was spending far less on condoms than he use too. Forrest  looked down at the condom on his bed, he always used the same brand: Hugo’s, he hadn’t heard of them until a porn shoot he had done a while back but now it seemed to be the only brand he ever used. Well they felt great and fit perfectly around his cock, so why would he use anything else.
Forrest was soon snapped out of his daydream as his newest client walked in from the bathroom and Forrest ripped open his condom and slid it down his cock, still impressed at how well it fitted.

“C’mon baby you don’t need to wear that thing”

“Sorry dude. Company policy to wear a condom. But don’t worry this will still feel good, I use this brand at least ten times a day and I’ve never had any complaints”.  Forrest gave a small chuckle before lying back on the bed, his erect condom covered cock pointing upwards.

The client immediately hopped on top of the bed, he was dying to ride the cock of Forrest, one the most popular pornstars in the world.  He had even paid for extra time as wanted to savour this experience. If anyone was listening they may have heard a tiny scream of defeat as the client lowered his ass down on top of Forrest’s cock, trapping it and the condom inside his ass ready for a long, slow three hour fuck session.
The condom never became slack or loose as it fit perfectly around the perfect cock, the cock it would be wrapped around for the rest of its life.

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