Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Doing anything for a patient


Luke Irwin was a successful doctor, after graduating medical school he decided that he didn’t want to work in the area he had grown up in. His hometown was affluent enough to have a large number of practices and was a place where everyone could access healthcare. Luke decided to move away to a town where his skills were more needed, an underprivileged backwater town with only one other doctor available.

It’s been eight months since Luke moved to his new home and things had been going pretty well. His doctor’s office was going well; he even had managed to make enough money to hire a hot receptionist named Cassie. Coming in everyday and seeing the cute blonde with huge tits made coming to work that much easier for Luke. Life was good for Luke he good looking, the women in this town basically threw themselves at him and what’s more he was raking in the cash. Sadly this was not the case for one of his regular patients’ a sixteen year old boy named Jackson. Jackson didn’t come from a wealthy family and barely a week would go by without him making an appointment to see Luke. Jackson was not a bright boy, he would often come to see Luke with cuts, bruises, sprains and other injuries all caused by the nonsensical actions the boy had engaged in on his farm. Whether it was jumping from a tractor, being kicked by a cow or trying to run through thick thorny bushes, Jackson always had some weird tale to tell about how he got his injuries. At first Luke was worried that there might be an issue with his home life and parents, but as the number of meetings grew Luke suspected the kid was injuring himself just so he could visit his doctor.
From what Jackson had told Luke he had deduced that the boy had little to no friends, he never spoke of other kids just of the animals he took care of on the farm. Luke feeling sorry for the kid had let slide his copious amount meetings with him, the kid was lonely so he didn’t mind keeping him company for a little while each week. However as the months progressed Luke started to notice certain things about Jackson when he was around him, he would often catch the boy looking at him with quite an intense stare, he would always try to initiate some kind of physical contact a squeeze of the arm or a touch of the hand and he had become over complimentary often commenting on Luke’s muscles or attractiveness. After one particularly uncomfortable appointment Luke finally understood that Jackson didn’t visit him just because he was lonely but that he also had a crush on him.  From then on whenever Luke saw him around town or at his office he couldn’t look at the short, skinny Jackson the same anymore, the timid kid he had once felt sorry for now just seemed like a creepy gay loner.

So Luke tried to discourage Jackson from making more appointments, he acted cold around the boy and would try to limit the meetings to less than five minutes and sure enough Jackson’s appointments became fewer and fewer. Luke was relieved that he didn’t have to deal with the little closeted weirdo; nearly a month had passed without him coming in and leering at him with lust. Although he couldn’t blame the kid who wouldn’t be attracted to him especially in this town where most of the people fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. After another month of no contact Luke thought he had finally rid himself of Jackson, however that morning as he greeted Cassie, sitting in his waiting room was Jackson hunched over looking at the ground. He looked pitiful, pangs of guilt and sorrow ran through Luke’s body perhaps he had been too harsh to drive the poor kid away.

“Morning Jackson, I haven’t seen you in a while” Luke said with a wry smile

“Hello Dr Irwin, sorry to be a bother but I really need to talk” Jackson sounded as if he was on the verge of tears.

“Ok come in and take a seat” Luke said as he motioned to his office. He studied the teen as he shuffled into the back office, his clothes were dirty and smelly, his eyes looked sad and it seemed as if all life had been drained from the boy. “So Jackson what seems to be the problem?”

Jackson just sat there avoiding eye contact with his handsome doctor, it was obvious he was having trouble vocalising what was wrong. After a minute of silence Jackson finally spoke, “I’ve not been feeling well, you know … in the head. All I do is work and not much else, well I did use to come visit you but... now I’m just real sad all the time and I don’t know what to do about it?

Luke could see that the boy was visibly upset he wanted to comfort him but also didn’t want to give him the wrong idea about their relationship. “Have you not got anyone you can talk to about this?”

“No… my parents won’t understand and I don’t have any other friends besides my animals. I was hoping maybe I could talk to you?” Jackson said looking up from the ground with a weak smile.

As soon as Jackson had finished his sentence Luke started to feel creeped out again, he couldn’t spend more time with the boy; he had to keep this from going on any further. “I’m afraid that I’m not properly trained, I can refer you to a psychologist or perhaps put you on some pills?

Jackson’s face dropped “I don’t want to talk to no stranger and I don’t want to be drugged up either.

“Well that’s about all I can do Jackson” Luke said trying to make his lie sound convincing.

“Well then it’s hopeless” Jackson put his head in his hand and let out a few quite sobs.

Luke felt bad, he did want to help, but also didn’t want some gay teenage crushing on him all the time, this meeting alone was already uncomfortable. Luke sighed

“Oh Jackson, I wish there was something, no anything I could do to make your life better but-“

However before Luke could finish his sentence a cloud of green smoke burst in front of his face and the trickster scrambled down his throat completely choking him of any words. Luke tried to finish his sentence but all that came out was an odd gurgling noise, Jackson looked up to see why his doctor had made such a strange sound and was met with Luke’s happy face with a wide smile plastered across it.

“So Jackson, is there anything that would make your life better?” Luke said while reaching out and rubbing the sad boy’s shoulder.

Jackson gave a small smile “I guess there would be a few things” he said while staring at the large biceps of his hunky doctor.

“Well what are they, you can tell me” Luke had no idea what his body was doing and saying, he was so close to getting the kid out of his office but now his body was encouraging him to open up. As he spoke a slither of green smoke drifted over to Jackson and was sniffed up the teary boy’s nostrils.

Suddenly Jackson felt more relaxed and all the things he wanted came to the forefront of his mind. “Well my life would certainly be better if I had a handsome face and muscular body like yours” Jackson instinctive covered his mouth after blurting out one of his private thoughts, why had he said that?

Luke cringed as he heard the over complimentary answer, the kid couldn’t make it any more obvious that he fancied him. That’s when Luke start to notice something, Jackson seemed bigger all of a sudden, not taller but wider, his once skinny legs and arms seemed to be inflating and his previously baggy clothes looked tighter. Luke watched in fascination as the scrawny average kid in front of him started to pack on muscle, his features became more proportioned and symmetrical and his hair became thick and styled, the kid was becoming hotter by the second. Luke didn’t know why it was happening but he actually felt happy for Jackson, he would certainly stand out more and definitely attract the attention of guys and girls his age, however Luke’s happiness was short lived as he felt his own clothes become looser. Luke looked at his own body and his eyes widened, his once sculpted muscular body was withering away. His large biceps dwindled like someone was letting the air out of a balloon, his broad pecs sunk back into his body leaving his shirt with a lot of extra room and he could feel his rock hard abs disappear to leave nothing but a flat soft belly.

No No No what’s happening?! Luke looked back at Jackson who now sported the very physique he had once owned, the young boy however didn’t seem to notice anything different at all and sat there quiet while wearing clothes that were clearly too small. Luke wanted to get up and interrogate the little creep, how had he taken his body? If he could he would have punched the smug little loser right in his perfect face, but he couldn’t. Luke remained sitting in chair opposite Jackson, with no control over his body and a smile on his face, he was stuck. Luke’s panic only increased as a strange numbness spread across his face, he tried to stand up and again to look in the mirror behind him but all he could do was crane his neck. He stared horrified at his new reflection as his once beautiful face morphed in front of him, his teeth yellowed, his eyes turned a dull brown and sunk back into his head, his nose grew and his lips thinned. Luke watched helplessly as his hair sunk back into his head and thinned out considerably, his hairline receded particularly at the temples, he would be bald within a couple of years. Luke’s once handsome face had been replaced and he was left looking completely average, no one would look twice at that face anymore. His once athletic body was gone and he had inherited the skinny bony arms and legs of someone who had never even entered a gym. Luke turned back and stared at Jackson who now looked like a hot jock who spent every other day working out. Luke wanted to scream at the kid for taking his body but he didn’t have control anymore and his voice betrayed him.

“Oh I don’t think you need those things, I mean look at your muscles I don’t think they could get any bigger?” Luke said in a jovially tone. No No NO that’s not what I want to say, why can’t I speak!

Jackson just smiled at the comment made by his doctor. “I guess you’re right, I don’t know why I said that, I go to the gym all the time haha” Jackson then took off his shirt and ran his hands over his abs. “Although is it normal to see those bones like that?”

“It’s perfectly natural for someone as muscular as you are Jackson, now you were saying what would make your life better?” Once again another slither of green smoke escaped the smiling doctor’s mouth and drifted into the lungs of the now muscular and beautiful young man.

“Errm  I guess I was always a little unhappy with my height, I mean all the other guys in my class seemed to be taller than me”

The changes were almost instantaneous, the previously averaged heighted Jackson started to grow, his arms and legs lengthened to accommodate his growing size, while additional muscle was added to keep him looking fit, the shirt he had previously worn would no longer fit and his shorts became tighter as they clung to his growing thighs. Luke on the other hand was freaking out, he wasn’t particularly tall to begin with but as Jackson grew Luke could feel himself getting smaller. His bones contracted as his spine shrunk and his limbs began to pull inwards, Luke could only watch as every inch he got smaller Jackson got bigger, while Jackson’s clothes were getting tighter his now hung loosely from his shorter skinnier frame. When the changes had finally stopped Luke estimated that Jackson must have grown well over six foot, he didn’t even want to look at his own body to see how small he had got but the trickster had other plans.

“Ok then Jackson if you want to stand over against the wall with the ruler we can measure you height and see if there’s anything we can do.”

As the shirtless Jackson happily got up and stood by the wall, Luke’s body forced him out of his chair to measure the now much taller Adonis.  Things were far worse than Luke had thought as he stood next to Jackson he realised his head barely reached his chest and he was eye level with a pair of very thick bouncy pecs. Luke turned and looked at the ruler on the wall he was now barely 5’5, Jackson now towered over him  Luke’s body continued to disobey him as he measured Jackson’s new height who now stood at an impressive 6’4, he was nearly a foot taller than his puny doctor. He stared helpless upwards at the now much more imposing young man; the kid seemed oblivious to any change as a dumb grin appeared on his face and a baseball cap materialised on his head.

 Luke couldn’t help but hate Jackson, he was supposed to be this wimpy, fragile little boy but instead he was some muscled up model that completely towered over him. Jackson had taken his beauty, his muscles and his height leaving him in a new diminutive, pathetic body and Luke had no idea why it was happening. He wanted nothing more but to grab the newly changed boy and demand him to give him back his body but once again his body took control and deprived Luke of any answers.

“Now Jackson you’re well over six foot tall, the boys in your class must have been giants haha” Luke’s body playfully joked.

“Haha I guess I have grown a bit over the summer” Jackson laughed.

Luke was shocked at the new much deeper voice Jackson now had, which only made him more jealous as he realised how whiny his had become.

“I guess there no need for you to worry about your size Jackson, so is there anything else that would make your life better?” Luke said standing opposite Jackson as another green wisp escaped his mouth and made its way into the muscular boy’s nose.

“Well speaking of size…” Jackson began to blush “I’ve always been disappointed with my size, down there” It was almost comical seeing the muscular giant turn red with embarrassment and  act shy  as he pointed to his penis. While others would have laughed Luke wanted to cry, because as soon Jackson had finished his sentence he immediately felt a tugging coming from his own underwear. Luke had no choice but to stand and smile politely as his penis shrunk and shrivelled away. Luke could feel his penis snake its way back into his body, his underwear becoming looser and looser as he lost inch after inch of length. Luke had no control over himself as he felt the tip of his penis touch the base of his crotch and nestle into the fatty tissue, Luke didn’t even flinch as he felt his balls contract as they were pulled sharply upwards and tucked themselves neatly under his now tiny dick. Luke desperately wanted to grab at his now miniscule dick or at least take a look at it but he had no control over his bodies actions as he walked over to a nearby drawer and put on some rubber gloves.

“Well then Jackson, if you don’t mind pulling down your shorts and underwear I can take a look”

Jackson hesitated, he was still embarrassed that he had even brought up his penis size, but eventually he complied with Luke’s request.

If Luke was still in control he would have gasped, Jackson’s penis was now a monster. It had to be ten inches long and was as thick as a beer can, it could literally tear a person in half if it wanted to. Luke then watched helplessly as his hands moved towards the now gigantic penis, he begged for his body to stop but it continued to ignore him as he grabbed the shaft and examined the colossal penis. Luke’s now petite hands could barely wrap themselves around the thick piece of meat, it was even thicker than his forearm and as Luke continued his examination he could see just how enlarged Jackson balls had gotten, his testosterone levels must be through the roof. After an uncomfortable examination Luke finally spoke “Well it is a lot bigger than average, but I wouldn’t be worried about that and all together you look very healthy down there”

“Thanks Doc, I feel a lot better now, I guess I just don’t like the stares the other kids gave me”

“I’m sure they were just jealous Jackson” Luke smiled but was unable to take his eyes off the enormous cock that hung before him. Luke was mortified; as he stared at the massive cock in front of him new memories of his own diminished manhood flooded his mind. Gone were the countless number of girlfriends he had slept with, gone were the hot steamy nights spent with models and bimbos and gone were the memories of his late evening escapades with Cassie. Instead they were replaced with the odd awkward one night stand, memories of paying whores to have sex with him and countless nights of masturbating in front of his laptop. That’s when it hit Luke, Jackson wasn’t just taking his body he was also taking his life too, he was going to take literally anything and everything away from him! That’s when it finally clicked, that’s why he involuntarily asked if there was anything that could make Jackson’s life better, he had wished for it and now it was mercilessly coming true. As Luke stared at the monstrous cock to swinging in front of him, he tried with all his might to stop himself but it was no use as he once again asked “Now Jackson is there anything else that could make your life better?”

Jackson again inhaled the green smoke that emanated from his doctors mouth sat in thought for a while “Well I never really cared for books and learning stuff but I would like to be a little smarter”

Luke waited in fear for their bodies to change again but nothing seemed to happen, he half expected glasses and braces to appear on Jackson’s handsome face but nothing seemed to happen. Luke breathed a sigh of relief perhaps he had been spared a change, however something did seem different not with himself or Jackson but the room. It had gotten smaller, Luke watched in terror as the room around him morphed and twisted, he watched as his office shrunk leaving only space for two chairs and a tiny desk. His laptop changed into a cheap computer with a fat monitor, the medical textbooks he had used for studying disappeared, and the expensive medical machines disappeared leaving only a blood pressure machine and a stethoscope. A sharp pain then darted through Luke’s brain as knowledge and memories rapidly erased, gone were his experiences at medical school, gone was his knowledge of anatomy, organs and bones, gone was his years of getting As and Bs and gone were his years of hard work. Luke panicked as he desperately tried to cling to memories of him graduating as a doctor and getting his own practice but instead they were replaced with studying healthcare at a community college and having recently got a job as a trainee healthcare assistant to the new doctor in town. Luke could have cried as he watched the expensive watch on his wrist disappear, his designer clothes turn into cheap replicas and his phone thickened and folded in on itself as it became a crappy flip model. The knowledge that he no longer had a car, the fact his house was now a shared apartment and he had three roommates almost caused Luke’s mind to break. No longer was he a successful intelligent doctor but trainee assistant in his own practice, who could only do simple tasks such as taking pulses and labelling urine samples. No longer was he rich and successful but was barely scraping by on this wage and had to split the rent with three other dudes who worked around the neighbourhood. He wasn’t Dr Irwin anymore, he was just Luke, some average hard working schmuck with a tiny dick.

Luke’s mind was defeated, he had lost his body and his job, but yet he still sat in front of the big dicked muscular Jackson with a big smile on his face as if nothing was wrong. Luke didn’t even try to stop himself when once again he opened his mouth “Oh c’mon you’re not Albert Einstein but you’re still pretty smart, is there anything else you can think of that would make your life better”

“Yeah I guess I am pretty smart, thanks Luke” The fact that Jackson called him by his first name stung even more and only made him feel worse. Luke stared at the beautiful hunk in front of him still completely naked, he had everything surely there was nothing else he could give him. However as that thought crossed Luke’s mind another wisp of green smoke travelled into Jackson’s mind.

“Hmm well I guess I’ve always been quite shy, I guess I could use a bit of a confidence boost”

Luke groaned as the changes in Jackson persona changed immediately, no longer did he look uncomfortable and shy. He stood up tall, puffed out his chest and began to flex his ginormous muscles, no longer was he nervous about his huge dick he was proud he happily slapped it around until it became hard. His former cute smile changed into a cocky, smug grin as he paraded his clearly superior body in front of Luke, memories of being the most popular guy in school flooded his mind, everyone wanted to be Jackz the hottest guy in town. Meanwhile Luke could only watch in awe as the Adonis continued to flex, he then realised he had started to become nervous and anxious around such and tall and masculine guy. Luke began sweating and found it difficult to make eye contact as his confidence drained away, he now felt small and inadequate being around a guy whose dick was nearly five times as big as his. Luke tried to fight off his new shy and timid personality but it continued to invade his mind and his memories. He now didn’t have the confidence to talk to girls let alone ask one to sleep with him as he realised he was now a virgin who had never even kissed a girl, he now certainly didn’t have the confidence to confront his roommates anymore so he did all the washing, cleaning and cooking at his apartment and he definitely didn’t have the confidence to tell them to stop making fun of his cock, especially in front of other people. Luke had to face it he had become a smaller, skinnier, shyer, tiny dicked version of Jackson. But even with his inability to look Jackson in the eye and with Luke trying his very hardest not to, he still opened his mouth to speak.

“Jackson, err erm sorry Jackz you’re surely the most confident person I know” Luke virtually mumbled

“I know, but you can never have too much confidence” Jackz said with a wink “Dude when can I see the doctor I feel like I have been talking to you for ages are you even qualified to examine me? Or are you just some kind of pervert who wants to see my junk?”

Luke squirmed he didn’t want to be in a room with this big naked jock but the doctor said she’d be back any minute. Luke went to open his mouth to explain but Jackz cut in.

“I don’t mind if you are checking out the goods, to be honest I’ve always had this weird crush on you, I don’t know why? You’re so small and scrawny but I can’t help who my dick likes haha” The big muscular jock then grabbed Luke and put him in a headlock coating the scrawny former doctor in the underarm sweat of the giant jock. After the little wrestle Jackz dropped Luke onto the floor chuckling to himself as he looked at the bewildered little man. Luke stunk like a gym locker room, his face and clothes had been coated in sweat and he now sat on the floor. If he was his former self he would have argued or even fought with Jackz about what he had done, but he wasn’t himself any more, all Luke could do was look up at the six foot hunk who now sported a raging boner and say “Good one Jackz you win”

He was pathetic now; just some skinny loser who couldn’t even tell the guy in front of him that he wasn’t interested in him or even guys for that matter. Even though Jackz now had the body, the beauty, the muscles, the intelligence and the confidence Luke once had, he still felt the urge in his body to ask once more the all-important question that had ruined his life. “So Jackz is there anything that could make your life better?”

“Well life’s pretty good little man” the confident jock said with another flex of his bicep. “Although I can barely do anything at this age it sucks, I can’t wait to grow up”

NOOOOOOO Luke mentally screamed, he couldn’t take his age too! He watched helplessly from the floor as Jackz matured, a lot more hair appeared across his body and face, his balls got larger and his muscle mass increased. All the while Luke could only scream inside his mind as he body got even shorter, his penis got even smaller, the hairs on his face and body shrunk back into his skin leaving just a small patch around his balls. Luke watched in the nearby mirror as his features became softer and more childlike and layers of fat appeared over his skinny body. Memories of community college disappeared as fast as they had come as well as his knowledge of the job, this wasn’t his office, he wasn’t qualified to be an assistant of anything, he was barely qualified to bag groceries. He watched in horror as his clothes became too big and fell away leaving him in just his underwear. Gone was Jackson the sad little kid and what was left was Jackz the 26 year old professional bodybuilder and left sitting on the floor was no longer Dr Irwin the rich, successful and good-looking doctor but Luke a timid small dicked boy of just 18 who worked part-time at a supermarket, who had been taken to the doctor by a guy who had a crush on the scrawny guy. Luke felt like crying, this wasn’t who he was supposed to be, he was supposed to big and confident, he was supposed to be strong and handsome and he was supposed to have a dick that was bigger than his thumb. As Luke mourned the loss of his life, the doctor finally entered the office, Cassie in a tight blouse and white lab coat enter and stared at the two naked men in the room.

“Jackz I thought I was here to examine Luke? Why are you naked?”

“Er I guess so he didn’t feel self-conscious but I guess that wasn’t the best idea” Jackz then started to get dressed as a pile of clothes magically appeared on the chair behind him.

“Now Luke” Cassie began with a cheerful smile “Let me have a look to see if there’s anything I can do about this tiny penis of yours”

Luke turned a deep red of embarrassment, he couldn’t bear to show his former receptionist his tiny little dick but against his orders his body reached his down and pulled away his underwear to reveal his miniscule cock.

Luke was completely humiliated as he stared at the little one inch dick; it was already hard just looking at Cassie, but no one would know that. He then watched in horror Cassie put on some rubber gloves and with only two fingers held his little penis, Luke tried with all his might to stay calm but this was the first time a woman had touched his tiny cock and he was getting too excited. As Cassie continued to examine his tiny manhood he couldn’t help his building arousal, his little dick was so sensitive and after only a minute of touching his dick Cassie made Luke cum all over her hand. Luke was mortified he tried to apologize but he ended up just looking at the floor.

“Oh dear Luke, it seems we’ve had a little accident. But not too worry that’s why I wear gloves” If Cassie was annoyed she didn’t seem it but as Luke looked up from his crotch and looked at her he could see the pity on her face and that just made everything worse.

“I’m afraid its bad news Luke, even with surgery there is no way to make your penis any bigger”  Cassie sighed “If you ever need to talk about it please feel free to come and see me” and with that Cassie left Luke to get dressed.

Luke was left mortified, he had never been so humiliated and degraded in his life and with his new body it was only going to get worse. However before he could wallow in any more misery he was given a hard slap on the back by a now fully clothed Jackz. The bodybuilder now wore a baseball cap, a tight tee shirt that emphasized his pecs and tight trousers that showed the outline of his massive dick.

“Don’t worry Luke it doesn’t matter if your dicks the size of a peanut, that won’t even matter to some people” The bodybuilder gave Luke a shy smile. Somehow being comforted by the man that had stolen everything from him didn’t make him feel any better. He hated Jackz and everything about him and he would do anything in his power to take back what had being stolen from him and once he had it back he would beat the crap out the tiny gay weirdo. However as the hate bubbled inside Luke another wave of green smoke hit the two men and without even thinking Luke blurted out once more that terrible haunting sentence “Jackz is there anything that could make your life better?”

“Well my life is pretty awesome, I have a great body, a fun job and a lot of friends, but I guess what would really truly make me happy would be to have someone who I could laugh with, cry with and mostly importantly have sex with haha”

Luke was then bombarded with memories of Jackz flirting with him, taking him on dates and buying him presents and it seemed the two had been dating for a little while now.  Luke was in a daze as he got dressed and followed Jackz out of his former practice. Luke was now completely in the shadow of the taller muscular older man, he felt like a little puppy following his owner. He felt even more emasculated as Jackz got in Luke’s old car while he slumped into the passenger seat. He stared at the hot Adonis next to him as they drove away from his former place of work, he was defeated. He would never be able to get that life back, he would never be smart enough to get into medical school, he would never be able to talk to girls and sleep with lots of women and he would never be rich enough to afford all of his expensive things. He had given anything and everything to make Jackson’s life better but now he was trapped in a life he didn’t want. As his body took over and followed the bodybuilder into his home, Luke didn’t realise that there was still one thing he hadn’t given Jackson but it wasn’t long before Jackson had ripped Luke’s clothes off and mercilessly took it from him. Luke knew now as his anal virginity was taken from him that he was no longer a successful doctor he was just Jackz’s live in fuck toy, satisfying his enormous cock and doing anything to make his life better.

Although he wished he still had the confidence to tell Jackz that he was straight.

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