Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Miles could have been a great investigative reporter, he had the skills, the charm and the knowledge but after he sold his first story about a movie star soliciting sex, he soon found out that working as a paparazzo was far more lucrative.  He could make double maybe even triple by selling a story about a celebrity or politician than some informative piece about an oil company or the Middle East. So Miles had dedicated himself to finding all the juiciest, scandalous and naughtiest secrets celebrities had to hide. Miles had sold stories exposing drug use by musicians, exposed top actresses nude photos, reported on a models mental health issues and even outed several closeted celebrities. Sure he may have ruined a few careers and relationships but he was earning so much money that he really couldn’t care less about the people he was writing about.

Currently Miles had a new target he wanted to expose; Omar Brown was football player and a rising star. He had quickly gained popularity due to skill on the field, it also helped that he was pretty good looking and was particularly charming in interviews. Miles knew that magazines and companies would pay a lot of money if something shameful was exposed to the world about the popular player. However after a couple of weeks Miles found himself trudging home after finding nothing about the player that wasn’t already public.

It was 3am when Miles finally got to his apartment and after a quick snack he sat on his bed going over the information he had gathered over the last few days. Miles sighed, he had nothing on Omar, and the portfolio he had created was basically empty.
“Arggh” Miles cried in frustration as he scratched at his head chaotically.

“Medical conditions: none, Criminal convictions: none, bad past relationships: none, how can any guy be this perfect?” Miles shouted into his files. The only thing slightly naughty Miles had unearthed was a near naked picture Omar once sent to a girl but that wasn’t even close to a story, especially as similar photos could be found on his social media.

Miles huffed as he put away the information he found and got into bed, he lay there staring at the ceiling wondering which area of Omar’s life he should probe next.

“Everyone has a secret, everyone has a skeleton in their closet but what they hell is yours! Eurgh I wish I knew what you were hiding, you can’t be this perfect Omar!”. As Miles finished his sentence the trickster smiled and green gas filled the room causing the unsuspecting paparazzo to fall unconscious.

Miles awoke suddenly he heard some bumping around and assumed someone had broken into his apartment; his job didn’t exactly make him popular so a disgruntled fan finding him was always a possibility. However as Miles tried to get up, he found that he couldn’t move, not even an inch. The only movement that was possible was his eyes and as they darted around the room he realised that he didn’t recognise it at all. From wherever he was positioned Miles could see a toilet, a shower with a bath and what looked like a laundry hamper, he was in someone else’s bathroom! What’s more his perspective seemed to be off, everything seemed a lot bigger than it should be.  Miles immediately began to panic, he must have been kidnapped or drugged or something like that, why else would all this be happening to him.

‘I have to calm down’ Miles thought, perhaps he could figure out a way to escape his new unfamiliar surroundings. From what he could see and smell he was most definitely in a man’s bathroom, the lingering scent of aftershave and the shaving kit on the side proved that. What’s more the bumping and groaning he heard sounded to lumbering to be a woman so however had done this too him was a guy. Instantly a list of names ran through Miles’s mind as he tried to recall some the guys he had majorly pissed off, he wanted to close his eyes and think but that’s when he realised he no longer could. Miles could no longer shut his eyes, it was as if his eye lids had disappeared he couldn’t even feel them anymore, but he had just woken up and he must have opened them then hadn’t he? Even though Miles tried to remain calm the fact that his eye lids were now missing was too worrisome, if he had more control he was sure he would be having a panic attack. However he wasn’t, as it dawned on Miles that he wasn’t only missing his ability to blink but he was also missing his ability to breathe. Over the last few minutes he had not taken a single breath, yet he was still alive, he could still smell, he could still spea… His voice was gone too! Miles’s mind was racing, he had somehow been kidnapped, paralysed and perhaps even mutilated, he needed to escape and he needed help! But just as Miles was about to lose it, the bathroom door opened and a familiar face presented itself.

Miles instantly knew the man coming into the bathroom as Omar Brown; however while Miles instantly recognised Omar, Omar didn’t even acknowledge Miles as he strolled around the bathroom in nothing but a towel. The tall, muscular man looked even bigger from Mile’s weird perspective, he looked a like a giant. Miles had hoped coming face to face with his kidnapper would help him understand what was happening but the appearance of Omar had only confused him more. As the giant hunk of muscle brushed his teeth and gathered up some sundries he didn’t say or do anything to Miles. The most acknowledgement Miles was given was a cursory glance, it was as if he wasn’t even there. At first Miles was angry that this guy would do something so terrible to him and then just ignore him, but as he continued watching the football player and pondered over his current state he wondered if he really was there. His last memories were of him falling asleep and the weird state his body was in wasn’t exactly normal, but his senses were too awake to be a dream and his mind was to coherent. Miles tried to work out what could be happening to him and then he remembered what he had said before bed, perhaps this was the universes cosmic way of helping him. Perhaps this was how he was going to get his scoop on Omar brown. If Miles could of smiled a large devious grin would have spread across his face as the thought of exposing Omar’s secrets to the world and getting paid filled his mind. However Miles was soon bought out of his day dream as Omar walked over to the toilet and let his towel drop to the floor.
Miles was in mild shock at the sight of such a huge dick swaying in front of him, he had heard rumours about the young football player but the real thing was quite a sight. Omar began pissing into the toilet in front of him completely unaware that someone was watching him. Miles wanted to look away, he wasn’t gay and he didn’t particularly want to watch another man piss, but unfortunately he had no choice as he remained frozen in place watching the golden stream. Miles discomfort only increased when the bulky football stud raised his left leg a little and let out a loud smelly fart. The smell instantly hit Miles who would have gagged if he had the choice, the dense odour seemed to permeate his body and mind, all Miles could do was concentrate on the foul smell.

“phewwee! Damn ma pre-game gas is starting early today” Omar said finishing up his piss and waving his hand behind his ass successfully wafting the stench over to Miles. “Maybe I should ask the doc why this always happens.” Omar then turned to his shower and started to run the water.

“For fuck sake!” Miles thought, that had to be one of the worst smells he had ever experienced. “Breaking news football player farts before big game, that’s not a story! C’mon show me drugs or a gay lover!” But Miles had no such luck as the football player plugged his iPod into some speakers and jumped in the shower. At first Omar listened to a few rap songs, a bit of R &B then he began singing some ballads and then to Miles’s surprise began belting out some cheesy pop songs. Miles actually felt embarrassed as he watched the hulk of a man dance and sing to some crap pop anthem. Miles got even more uncomfortable when a recognisable song about booty started playing, he watched as Omar swung around his huge ass. If it had been a woman in front of him Miles would have been having the time of his life seeing such a great ass, but unfortunately it was Omar farting fat ass. As the chorus played Omar started to wiggle his ass faster and harder, all in all the songs were getting Omar pumped up.
“Hmmm a twerking, pop loving football player would make a great fluff piece but it’s not the story I want. Come on Omar stop dancing and do something scandalous!” Miles thought.

After some time dancing and singing Omar finally got out of the shower and too his credit he did seem a lot more focussed. Every athlete has there rituals Miles thought, shame his is so embarrassing. Once dry Omar started looking around his bathroom and Miles noted he appeared to be looking for something. “God please be drugs or sex toys or something! I need this story Omar”. However when Omar did find what he was looking for Miles began to panic as the ginormous stud looked directly at him. It was as Omar’s hand reached out towards him that he realised his perspective wasn’t off, he was just smaller. Miles cried out in terror as a massive hand grabbed hold of him. Miles felt as if he was weightless as Omar picked him up, he could feel Omar’s hands all over his body and face, he could taste the water that still clung to them and he could smell the scent of shower gel off his freshly washed body. How is this possible? Miles thought as Omar’s other hand grabbed another part of his body and then began to stretch him.  Miles was powerless as the hot muscular guy toyed with him in his hands, why was he so small? Miles became even more flustered as the giant man in front of him then planted a kiss onto his small fragile body and whispered “Do your thing”.

Miles entire world was thrown into disarray as he was lowered downwards, he watched in horror as a gigantic foot went over his head and stepped in between him. What in between? How is this possible? Miles screamed. However he soon found out as the other foot did the same and Miles started to be pulled upwards. Miles cried out in anguish as he was pulled swiftly upwards, his whole body stretching as he moved up the beefy football players tree trunk legs and thick thighs, his face then started to sink as it was pulled into the gigantic crack of the muscular giant, his face became squished as it was smothered by fatty ass flesh. With a satisfying snap Miles was locked into place, the back of his body sagging as it struggled to hold Omar’s enormous meat while his face remained deeply wedged in between his humongous ass.

Miles was panicking, he was actually being worn by Omar, Miles just hoped that whatever was happening a dream, a vision or whatever would end soon. Miles cringed as he felt the entire length of Omar’s sizable dick; he could feel the scratching of his pubes and the heat coming off muscular body. Miles became even more anxious as he realised he could taste the leftover shampoo on Omar’s body, he could smell it too, that was until Omar bent over and unleashed a monster fart directly into Miles unsuspecting face. Miles tried to hold his breath, anything to avoid inhaling the foul gas that had been shot into him but it was no use he had no control of his senses anymore. He had no choice but to constantly inhale the toxic odour surrounding him. It was unbearable, the raw smell seemed to cling to Miles. He tried in vain to move and wriggle free, but he was tightly wrapped in place, uncomfortably trapped between two fat butt cheeks. Miles tried his hardest to wake himself up or escape this disaster, this nightmare, this opportunity? Miles stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and knew he had his story.

Miles wasn’t just a random pair of underwear; he was in fact a pair of pink, lacy, women’s underwear. 
 This was the scoop he had been waiting for; the top football player this season likes to wear women’s panties. “This is brilliant, I could even spin this into some sort of transvestite, cross dressing story, yeah the papers would love that! “ Miles shouted with glee. He had his story; he was going to be rich, now he just needed to wake up or something. However as Miles waited while still being uncomfortably squished and stretched around Omar nothing happened, even when Omar unleashed another hot gas blast into his face Miles remained optimistic that he would soon wake up in his bedroom. Although Miles’s faith started to fade when Omar pulled on a pair of regular undies over the top of him. Miles started to become impatient as the football star continued to get dressed and then started walking to his car, the smell and sweat of ass growing stronger as time passed. Miles started praying as he was sat on in Omar’s car and a series of wet farts were discharged into his weak little face. Miles was screaming in distress when Omar pulled him back up after his pre-game shit and got dressed ready for the game. Finally Miles lost all hope as he heard the roar of a crowd and felt Omar bend over, stretching his pathetic face over his asshole and release one last nervous fart into him as the game began.
 Unsurprisingly Omar went on the win the game and was awarded most valued player and no one was aware that the star player had a kinky little secret. After the game Omar thanked his team and god in the post-game interview but in his mind he was thanking his lucky underwear as he let rip a silent but deadly fart into the pair of sticky, sweaty panties forcefully rammed in between his ass cheeks. Omar knew that his panties were lucky and the smellier they got the better he played.

After a few weeks Miles gave up trying to communicate with Omar, he gave up trying to wake up too as he accepted that this wasn’t a dream anymore but some kind of fucked up nightmare. Omar needed him for his pre-game ritual if he wanted to win, so he wore him for every game and even for important practices. If Omar won he thanked his lucky underwear and if he didn’t he put it down to not farting enough into his lucky absorbent panties. The taste of ass sweat and the smell of farts were now firmly ingrained into Miles’s silky body and mind, his life now revolved around an underwear drawer, two muscular butt cheeks and the foul smell of a football players rank gas. Miles did get his scoop; he now knew a secret that only he and Omar knew. Its shame that the pair of dirty, stained, pink panties couldn’t tell a soul.


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