Wednesday, December 5, 2018

See You On The Flipside: A Real Fake

Butch had always been a sucker for ditzy blonde bimbos, perhaps it was all the playboys and dirty magazines he read as a teenager. He loved their fake boobs, their bleached hair, their puffy inflated lips, their completely hairless bodies, their skinny waists and their fat injected asses. Basically Butch was obsessed with any women who preferred the synthetic look; he couldn’t stand any of those frumpy feminists that insisted on an all-natural look. Luckily for Butch the Barbie girls he was so attracted to would often approach him. Butch had always been big, he had hit his growth spurt early and was well over six foot, the sport he played through high school had led him to develop lots of muscles, every girl wanted a piece of the buff jock Butch. After school he instantly got a job in construction leading his body to become even more toned and muscular, a beard and some tattoos later and Butch looked like the epitome of masculinity and god did he know it. Butch put on the façade that he was just a caring, paternal, sensitive hunk and the bimbos fell for it every time, by now he must have left with well over a 1000 women. Often a quick fling is all Butch wanted, fuck’em and chuck’em was his motto and he couldn’t see that ever changing, even now that he was 42.
However you couldn’t have sex with that many women and not get a reputation, word had spread around Butch’s county about his scumbag ways and over the past few months his sex life had diminished considerably. Butch had even lowered himself to hanging around plastic surgery offices, beauty salons and shopping centres in order to find any plastic bimbo he could fuck. After another unsuccessful afternoon of trawling the mall for artificial beauties, Butch was going crazy. He needed sex and with every woman near him either avoiding him or hating his guts he was in trouble but that’s when a green wisp of smoke drifted into his livingroom and across his computer. Butch then heard the familiar ding that meant he had just received an e-mail and he went over to check it out. His computer chair groaned under his weight as the giant hunk of a man opened his most recent email that appeared to be from some company called Flipside. As Butch opened the email he swore he saw his screen flash green for an instant, but quickly shrugged it off when he saw the message was from some sort of modelling agency.

‘Dear Butch, we have noticed your charm, personality and perfectly masculine appearance around town and would like to offer you a job at our company Flipside. We specialise in giving people the persona they need to succeed in the world of modelling and shows, as well as giving you a free full body make over just for signing with us. We think you’d be the perfect addition to the team and perhaps even our star. With great opportunities to travel and meet lots of different people, we think a position in company would be perfect for someone like you.  Further details are below and if this sounds like an opportunity you would like to pursue then send a video reply with the words, “I wish Flipside would change my life!”

We hope to hear from you soon and we’ll see you on the flipside!’

“HA” Butch laughed out loud. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed him Butch thought as he continued to read further details on the job, I mean you have to be something special to sleep with thousands of women right? Although flattered Butch was still sceptical, he had often heard stories from the airheads he had fucked about how they were going to be models when they probably just ended up showing their tits in some seedy magazine. The money was good and the hours looked flexible but what really got Butch interested was the travel, he could finally meet some new bitches to pump and dump. A globetrotting model was never going to have shortage of pussy; this could be what he needed to get out of his sexual dry spell. Butch loaded up a webcam he found under his computer and made the 5 second video that would change his life.

“I wish flipside would change my life!”

Almost instantly Butch heard a pounding at his front door, if Butch had been paying attention he might have seen the small wisps of green smoke creeping under the door, but unfortunately for him he was too preoccupied at who was mercilessly slamming his door knocker.

“Yeah Yeah I’m coming calm dow-“ but before Butch had time to finish his sentence and open the door fully he was knocked backwards onto his ass and a man dressed all in green paraded into his living room.

“Good afternoon Butch, I’m so glad you decided to become part of the Flipside Family!” the trickster said with a devious grin.

“Wait what?! How did you know I had…? I don’t think I even sent the emai-“

“No time for that, we need to turn you into your new Flipside persona pronto. I want you working right away.”

“Wait hold on!” Butch had now stood up and was ready to punch the green intruder that had rudely pushed his way in and knocked him over. “I don’t know what this is but I’m not doing anything with you, I don’t even know who the fuck you are?”

 “Ah but I know you. You’re Butch, the big tough macho construction worker, with a libido that’s dangerously high, who fucks any fake bimbo you can get your hands on. I bet if I gave you a toaster with fake lips and tits you would fuck it?”

Butch let out a small chuckle “Yeah that’s me. But that still doesn’t explain who you are and why you’ve barged into my house!”

“I’m from Flipside, you agreed to work for us and now I’m here. So are you ready to get started I already have so many plans for you”

The weird smile on the green man’s face only made Butch more uncomfortable, he needed to get this freak out of his house. “Listen, I don’t know how you knew I was signing up for this Flipside thing, but what I do know is I’m not working with you and  I want you out of my house now.”

“I’m afraid I can’t Butch, I want you working tonight and we haven’t even started your makeover, So I won’t be leaving and you’ll be offering me a seat” The green man’s tone changed, no longer was it jovial and light but deep and slightly menacing. Even though Butch was a huge burly man as slither of green smoke hit his nostrils he was became nervous and felt suddenly a lot more obliged to listen and obey the smaller man in front of him. Butch then reluctantly walked back into his living room and motioned for the scary intruder to sit in his favourite armchair while he sat on the couch.

“Now that’s much better. We have a lot of work to do, so no more interruptions or opinions unless I ask them from you Butch, you got that?”

Butch gave the man a small nod; he couldn’t understand why he was so timid. His mind was telling him he should have beaten the shit out of this guy and thrown him out by now but his body just wouldn’t obey him anymore, all he could do was stare at the green man who was now inspecting him with great detail.

“Ok let’s get started Butch, eurgh Butch I feel like I’m talking to a dog, that’s got to go. I think we should go with something cutesier you know? Something adorable like err … umm Kenny! Yeah Cute Kenny! My Flipside customer would love to see cute Kenny “

Butch was absolutely livid, he had been called many things over the years but never cute! Plus fucking Kenny? But try as he might Butch was unable protest; his mouth remained firmly closed as the man in front of him continued to market his new persona of ‘cute Kenny’ to him.

“Yes Cute Kenny it is, there so much we can do with it. Isn’t this exciting Butch?”

As soon as his name was spoken Butch felt his lips loosen. “Fuck no! I’m a fucking 42 year old, tattooed ladies’ man. I’m Butch! Not some pansy called Kenny!”

The trickster scowled at the rude objections and nearly instantly Butch started to feel that same nervous feeling from earlier. However the scowl on the green invader’s face quickly melted away back to its previously creepy grin. “You’re right Butch, I need Kenny to be cute and no one has ever called a 42 year old man cute, so we better change something. How about we make you a  cute 30 year old?”

Butch instantly started to feel strange but it felt good, he suddenly started to feel more energised. The small aches and pains he had felt before started to disappear, his vision and hearing also seemed to improve slightly and the grey hairs on his arms seemed to darken. However Butch’s gaze remained fixed on the green man in front of him who was still smiling, he wondered if the strange man had somehow drugged him it was the only explanation for the pleasant feeling running through his body and his weird tendency to listen and obey him. 

The trickster smiled at the regressing man in front of him; sure he was getting a little cuter but not nearly as much as he needed him to be.

Butch then started to feel a pushing sensation on the top of head, unbeknownst to Butch the previously bald man had sprouted some thick brown locks; his skin had begun to tighten, the wrinkles on his skin had ironed out and the callouses built up from years of hard work faded from his hands leaving them soft and moisturised. His previously gruff and chiselled face had started to soften, his nose shrunk and his cheeks became rosy. His body hair became trimmed and styled from his beard to his pubes and one of his newest tattoos faded from his body.

“Oh that’s much better and much cuter too”

A look of confusion formed on Butch’s face, the man hadn’t done anything how could he have looked cuter?

“Oh of course, wait here let me grab a mirror” The trickster quickly returned with full length mirror from the bedroom and positioned it in front Butch.

At the sight of his new reflection Butch was able to overcome the strange frightening feeling that had kept him compliant thus far and tried to run for the door, however before he had even taken a second step a mist of green smoke entered his body and kept him firmly in place. Butch’s eyes grew wide as the green man stood in front of him.

“Now we can’t have you running off like that Kenny, we need to finish your makeover and while you do look cute we are not nearly finished turning you into cute Kenny. So I want you to go stand in front of the mirror so we can carry on, oh and lift up your shirt let’s see what we are working with on 30 year old Kenny.”

Butch begged for his body to run for the door or at least for his mouth to tell him his name was Butch not Kenny but neither would respond. He helplessly followed the green man’s instructions, stared at his reflection and lifted his shirt with one hand.

Sure he was younger but this wasn’t what he looked like when he was 30. His face had lost its chiselled features and stern eyes that intimidated other men, now he face was soft and rosy, his eyes were wide and his nose was now an adorable button. While he was happy to have his hair back he certainly wouldn’t have styled it in such a boyish fashion. Butch tried to remain calm but the fear on his face said it all, he knew he wasn’t in control anymore the man in front of him was and he was determined to turn him into whatever he wanted.

“Hmm nice abs, but I’ll need to see the rest. Strip down for me Kenny”

Once again Butch tried to fight the urge to obey the other man but his efforts seemed futile, his body was now on some kind of autopilot as it removed his shirt, trousers, socks and finally his underwear. Butch didn’t know whether he was going red with embarrassment or anger, there he was butt naked in his living room while a strange man inspected his body and he could do nothing about it. Butch was proud of his body and now that he was younger he was certainly more toned, but his body was for attracting big boobed airheads not this creepy guy. Butch tried his hardest to gain control when he saw the man’s hand reach for his dick, but just as before he remained still but with an expression of utter distaste as his sizeable member was fondled.

“Well I see your dick is a nice size but it’s a shame about that ass of yours. Way too flat for someone as cute as you Kenny” It was then the tricksters eyes twinkled and new devious intentions flooded his mind. “If I recall Butch you’re a big fan of the fake look yes? You know, fake boobs and lips etc?”

“Fuck you” was the only thing Butch could muster, while desperately trying to maintain his strong imposing persona, which was difficult when you were paralysed and butt naked.

“Now now Kenny doesn’t swear, in fact I don’t think Kenny can even raise his voice he doesn’t like confrontation that’s why he so compliant. So… tell me Butch, do you love the fake look?”

Butch wanted to scream and call the man every name under the sun but a wave of uncertainty and anxiety hit him. He didn’t want to upset this guy and he certainly wasn’t going to shout, that always made him super uncomfortable. New memories flooded into his mind of picking up extra shifts at work; always paying the bill at restaurants and the constant favours and errands he did all to avoid upsetting others or the possibility of confrontation. Butch had to respond he didn’t want to make the man angry.

“I love the fake look; I get hard just at the sight of fake tits, lips, ass or face. I love the Barbie look” Butch said eager to please.

“Well good news I’m sure you’re going to like the next part of your makeover”

Butch felt only a subtle change at first, as if his centre of gravity had shifted slightly. He looked in the mirror to see if anything had happened but no new changes became apparent to him until he started to feel heavier. Butch started to panic he didn’t want to be fat, he had tried so hard to maintain his physique over the years, to avoid the beer belly stereotype of a construction worker, but as he scanned his reflection for added chub he was confused when he didn’t see any. Butch certainly felt an added weight to his body but he couldn’t make out where it was, until he realised he looked a bit wider in the hips.

“So? What do you think Butch?”

Butch wanted to yell, but instead he calmly asked “What have you done to me?”

“Why don’t you turn around and find out?”

Butch reluctantly turned around and looked over his shoulder at his reflection. Immediately his eyes went wide with terror at what he saw, this had to be a trick there was no way what he was seeing could be real.

“Go get on the couch, have a feel really show off your new asset, I know I would haha”

Butch knelt on the couch while still looking over his shoulder; he just couldn’t take his eyes off the new frightening change that had been made to his body. Gone was his previously flat ass and what it had been replaced with was an over inflated, bouncy bubble butt. His ass cheeks were now humongous each one the size of a basketball, they looked obscene on a man of his shape and size, there was no way he would be able to fit into any pair of trousers, jeans or shorts he owned. Butch’s own curiosity led him to move his hand over one of the cheeks and give it a squeeze and what he felt only made him panic more. It wasn’t the feeling of a muscular or chubby butt cheek but one overstuffed with a mixture of plastic and fat, his butt cheeks had literally been filled to bursting point with the liquid to make them so huge. Butch could only stare in horror at his surgically enhanced ass, the way his butt cheeks jutted outwards so unnaturally, the way the mixture inside them pushed them awkwardly away from each other giving a clear view of his hairy hole and the way they stayed perfectly in place even when he moved made him feel sick, he looked like a freak.
“Well Kenny, I have to say I’m jealous. Although I don’t think a lot of people would have gone for the biggest size possible, it certainly works for you. I bet buying those butt fillers got you a lot of attention.”

New memories bombarded Butch with new information and experiences. The guys at work always slapping his ass calling him wide load, guys constantly yanking down his shorts to release his giant melons and the non-stop flirting he received from gay guys who were eager to cop a feel of his perfect bubble butt. No! Butch shook his head roughly from side to side, this wasn’t him. He was a strong masculine man, there was no way he would let the guys at work harass him, there was no way would he tolerate the constant groping and he certainly wouldn’t have paid for ass injections. Butch could feel his mind slowly fading as the green man gained more control of his body and life.

“What’s the matter Butch? I thought you liked the fake look?”

“Stop this. This isn’t real.”

“Why do you say that Butch?”

“Because I would never pay for ass surgery, I don’t think girls even like big asses? So why would I do it?”

“Well I guess because you don’t care what women like; you only care about what the guys think, after all there the ones you want to sleep with”

Butch suddenly grabbed his head in pain as his mind was altered yet again. It was as if his memories were being attacked by a pair of scissors that were cutting away anything that didn’t fit with what the green man had just said. Gone were the memories and names of all the women he had slept with over the years, gone were all his sexual experiences of being with women, gone was his reputation as a ladies man and gone was any arousal he felt towards the opposite sex. Butch looked in fear at the green man as he realised he couldn’t even clearly picture a set of breasts or a vagina only those he had seen in movies. Butch desperately tried to remember at least one of the times he had had sex but none came to mind, he tried frantically to remember watching a porn film or reading a dirty magazine but instead of images of blonde, big titted bimbos images of rugged hairy men filled his mind. Images and movies of strong, heavyset men with chunky hairy asses and fat cocks filled his head and against his will Butch got hard. Butch was frenzied but he fought hard to gain control; with maximum effort Butch was able to fight off the new gay memories but this didn’t go unnoticed as the green man continued his inspection of the new giant ass Butch had acquired.

“This isn’t me!” Butch growled.  I’m a 42 year old construction worker, I fuck a different woman every week, I get tattoos, I get into fights and I beat the crap out of guys like you. I’m not some pretty boy with a fake ass.” Butch tried his hardest to sound intimidating but now that he couldn’t raise his voice it was difficult. “Now change me back.”

“You’re right, this isn’t you”

Butch was shocked he didn’t expect it to be that easy; a sense of relief washed over him as he started to feel his body change again. He would take being old with a flat ass over being a gay freak any day, but as he continued to feel the changes he realised he still couldn’t move and the green intruder still had a wide grin plastered across his face. Butch’s eyes darted over to the mirror in front of him and bulged as his old body got further away from him. First to go were his tattoos, every single one faded away as if it had never existed leaving only smooth skin behind. Second were his muscles, Butch watched in horror as his wide stocky frame withered away, his mountain like biceps shrunk down to small mounds, his thick barrel stomach slimmed down to form a set lean skinny abs, his tree trunk legs thinned out and shrunk a little. Unfortunately for Butch his chunky fat ass stayed the same size making it look even more ridiculous on his smaller body. Gone was the strong, tough construction worker body, replaced with the physique of a gym bunny who was a couple inches too short and who definitely skipped leg day. Next were the clothes if you could call them that, the previously naked Butch watched as some semblance of clothing appeared on his body. A tiny red crop top appeared on his torso with a phrase he didn’t quite understand emblazoned across its back, with his abs and nipples still fully on display for the whole world to see. A baseball cap materialised on his head, backwards of course, followed by a very tight jockstrap, some long red socks and red boots. Butch looked at his new reflection completely disgusted, he looked like a faggot with his slutty top and exposed ass. Gone was the imposing foreman that bossed around other men and lifted heavy bags of cement with his hulking frame and impressive muscles. Butch was left with the shapely, more feminine body a guy more concerned with looking good than getting strong.
Anger started to build in Butch as he stared at his reflection and then at the chuckling green man who was now the same height as him. But before Butch could speak a pain ran through his head as a new bunch of memories pushed their way into his mind and pulled the old ones out. No longer did he work at a construction site, there would be no way he could do all the manual labour with a smaller body like his. The memories and knowledge of working in construction drained from his mind like water down a drain. Butch tried desperately to claw onto them, construction was all he had ever done, it was all he knew but as he tried to recall building a house or driving a bulldozer his mind went blank. Butch started to panic what was he supposed to do now? That’s when the new horrifying reality filled his mind of what he did now for employment. Memories of dressing in skimpy thongs and jockstraps and dancing in clubs and bars all over town crowded his thoughts. Nights spent gyrating on stage and on poles for horny men filled in the gaps in his memory. Butch could have cried as memories of dancing to a club beat and shaking his exposed ass as people shoved money into his underwear became his nightly routine. His long career in construction was over replaced with his new profession as a stripper by the name of ‘cute’ Kenny.

“Well you were right Butch, a straight, tattooed brute who works on a construction site. That isn’t cute and it certainly isn’t Kenny, so I made a few changes. Gone is that bulky, overly muscular body and all those hideous tattoos, now we are left with a smaller, sleeker Kenny. Haha imagine if you got into one of your fights now? I don’t think you would last long, I doubt you can even throw a decent punch now. You definitely wouldn’t be able to work on a building site, so I thought a dancer would be the perfect fit for your new cute persona and body. Plus with an ass like that people are bound to throw tonnes of money at you.  I know, Kenny why don’t you show me what gets you the most tips when you’re on stage?”

“Sure thing boss” The words slipped effortlessly out of Butch’s mouth, he hadn’t said them, he didn’t want to say them but none the less he had.
Butch could only watch in dismay as his body got onto all fours and then began to shake his fat, fake rump for the green devil in front of him. Butch wanted to stop the degrading and humiliating act but another part of him was all too happy to oblige the man. That’s when Butch realised he wasn’t fighting for control against the green man, he was fighting against Kenny and he was losing. All Butch could muster was a pained expression as he continued his shake his massive cheeks around for the magical green man.

“That’s great Kenny; if I had the cash I would be making it rain haha But I’m sure you don’t pull that face when you’re on stage, I mean Kenny loves to dance, he loves to show off his body, in fact he’ll go to almost anywhere if it means he can shake his ass for his adoring fans.”

Butch tried to fight off the new feelings that invaded his brain, the unease and humiliation from before started to dissipate and feelings of enjoyment and pride swelled inside him as he arched his back and stuck his ass out more. He loved all the attention he got from the guys at the clubs and bars; why else would he dress and act like he did if not for their attention and affections?

The trickster grinned at his twerking creation, he was pretty pleased with himself but he knew there was still more work to be done. “That’s enough for now Kenny”

Butch’s control was minimal now, his mind had taken a beating and he was just too tired to fight. His body got up and stood in front of his green tormenter and smiled.

“I’m glad you were enjoying yourself so much, you love to please your fans. In fact I think you would do almost anything to look cute for them am I right? ”

Butch should have been worried but at this point he knew it was pointless to resist. His body nodded eagerly and almost instantly Butch felt himself change once more. A tingling sensation ran through his body, all the way from his toes to his face. Butch looked to his reflection in defeat as he saw all of his body hair fall away from him, his arms, legs, beard, butt, dick and balls were now as smooth as they were when he was born. Memories of paying for laser hair removal entered his brain and he knew that it would never grow back; his fans liked him smooth, it just made him look more adorable. Then another tingling sensation washed over Butch’s face, he watched as his lips inflated and became red and puffy causing him to have a perpetual pout on his face. His cheeks grew slightly bigger and rosier contouring his face and giving it a fuller healthier look. Added memories of lip and cheek fillers now popped up in Butch’s broken mind, he needed the surgery to look cute for his fans. Butch then watched as his previously chestnut hair started to lighten, first to light brown, then to blond and finally to the synthetic bleached colour he was so fond of on women. He now knew that this was his normal hair colour, bleaching his hair was a pain but his fans loved his cute Barbie boy look. As he stared into the mirror at the man he had become, he knew cute Kenny had finally arrived.
As Butch looked at his new perfectly groomed appearance, his bleached hair, his completely hairless body and his surgically enhanced lips, cheeks and ass a new wave of emotions filled him. His body, his career and his life had just been taken away from him, he didn’t deserve this, nobody deserved what had been done to him. Anger and frustration bubbled up inside of him, the trapped masculine brute that was still inside him started to fight, he shouldn’t be some prissy homo who stripped for a living. He should be the tall, rugged heartthrob that all the guys wanted to be and who all the women wanted to sleep with. Butch’s fury only continued to build as he fought to remember his old memories and old life, however Butch’s mounting wrath did not go unnoticed by the trickster.

“Oh dear, there’s that angry face again. What’s the matter Butch aren’t you happy with your new delightfully cute body?”

“Of course I’m not fucking happy!” Butch boomed, the deep aggressive tone sounded completely out of place coming from such a loveable body. “I hate this body and everything about it, from the ridiculous ass to the petite little waist; I look like a fucking girl. I am a man I shouldn’t have this absurd hair colour, these puffy lips or this childish hairless body. I don’t want to be this preened pussy boy called Kenny and I certainly don’t want to be some slutty queer who shakes his ass for tips. I am a man, a hard-working, lady fucking, tattooed, hairy man! “

The trickster stared intently at his red faced creation, if Butch had been in his old body his tirade may have intimidated him and perhaps he would have left him alone. Furthermore he would have admired his spirit; it was rare thing when someone could fight back against his control. But unfortunately for Butch he wasn’t in his old body, he was in his knew adorable body where his big ass jiggled with every step, his lips remained puckered after every word and his floppy, bleached, blond hair kept drooping over his face.  All the trickster could do was laugh.

“Hahaha Aww is Cute Kenny having a little diva tantrum”

“Shut up! I am not cute, men aren’t cute!”

“Well there’s your problem Butch you’re not a man” The trickster let out a maniacal chuckle “You’re just a boy, a dumb, slutty, surgery obsessed boy”.

A new wave of changes then washed over Butch and they felt stronger than any of the previous. Butch tried to fight the changes but he was once again helpless as he watched as his body got shorter and thinner, the muscle he had left started to dissolve leaving him with skinny bony arms and legs. Butch looked over at the green man with pleading eyes as he watched his reflection become a much younger version of cute Kenny, his body sailed backwards through his 20s, memories he had made faded away. Gone was  all his experiences with education, gone was going to parties, gone was drinking with friends and gone was buying his own home. The surroundings suddenly warped around him as Butch now found himself in a cheap city apartment across from one of the clubs where he had just recently been employed. Gone were his memories of saving his money and replaced with him splurging on plastic surgery and clothes. His previous face started to morph and change as Botox treatments, chemical peels, nose jobs and more lip injections applied themselves to his face. His already small body became thinner as the many liposuction treatments he endured worked there magic. Butch then felt something unfamiliar attach itself to his body as pectoral and bicep implants worked their way under his skin, the unnatural shape and large size of them on such a small frame made it obvious to everyone that they were fake. When Butch’s body finally stopped changing he fell to the floor, his body was so weak now. Butch was almost too scared to look at his reflection but painful curiosity had to see what he had become.

Butch was gone and all that was left was an 18 year old, fake, bleached blond femboy. This was too much for Butch as he finally lost his grip on his own mind; he wanted to be in control but how could he? There was nothing left of him all that was present was Kenny and as he took control a wide grin appeared on his face.

“Well aren’t you the cutest thing Kenny and what a nice apartment you have here”

“Thank you! Its super close to work so I get to go over and dance like every night, you should totally come over and watch me some time” Butch’s new cheery jovial voice of an airhead bimbo made him wince with embarrassment.

“I think I might Kenny, but you won’t be over there every night now you work for Flipside. You’ll be travelling across the globe dancing in clubs and bars and performing shows nearly every night for your fans, isn’t that exciting?”

Kenny squealed with excitement “It sure is, I can’t wait. I’m going meet so many new and different people”

“Speaking of new people Kenny, I’ve invited a couple of people over is that ok?”

Before Kenny could even respond the trickster had opened the door and two tall black men walked into the apartment. “This is Roman and Ryder, I thought they could help you out with your first show was Flipside?” A green wisp darted across the apartment as a laptop and webcam appeared in front of them with the Flipside Logo flashing on the monitor, below it was a timer counting down.

“Umm yeah, sure I guess they can help” Butch knew what was going to happen as he watched the two men undress to reveal their sizeable manhood’s. He couldn’t let this happen, he could handle the body but he couldn’t let this be his new life.

“Great because these two are your new roommates, I know all that surgery is expensive and it can’t be cheap to live alone in the city so I thought this arrangement would be perfect. Now boys why don’t you make yourself comfortable with Kenny on the couch, you guys are going to be helping him out a lot from now on.”

Butch tried to fight for control as the two naked men came and sat either side of him, their dicks getting hard at the sight of his ginormous rump and plump lips. As their hands started to explore his cute little body Butch struggled to gain any kind of control, he needed to stop himself from becoming some internet slut but as the timer on the computer finally reached zero and Ryder jammed his meaty finger into Kenny’s virgin hole and Roman pulled his head towards his 9 inch dick, Kenny took control.  Without hesitation Kenny plunged his mouth onto the big dick in front of him and arched his back ready to take whatever Ryder would bring. Butch tried in vain to gain even a shred of control of his former body but before he could Ryder thrust his thick cock deep into his tight little asshole, sending waves of pleasure through Kenny’s body and pushing Butch to the back of his mind, now forever a passenger in the life of ‘cute’ Kenny, the slutty, stripper who got doubled team by his roommates every night. All Butch could do was cry as his new roommates pounded away at his mouth and ass, knowing full well that this fuck would be the first of thousands to come.
The trickster smiled at the new addition to the Flipside family, the bleach blond Barbie boy would do well and certainly rake in the dough especially if he continued to work with Ryder and Roman. The trickster wondered with such a big ass, Kenny might be the perfect person for Randy to do a show with. The trickster was just about to ask if Kenny would be interested, but he stopped just before. He smiled, he would ask later, at the moment Kenny was very very busy. 

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