Tuesday, December 4, 2018

See You On The Flipside

Kevin was one of the best looking guys on campus, years in the gym had meant his body was toned and lean. His wealthy background meant that he could afford all the right foods and equipment to maintain his perfect body and with the right connections he had found himself at one of the best schools in the country even though his grades were pretty average. However while Kevin looked perfect on the outside, Kevin was pretty darn ugly on the inside. He was racist, homophobic and prejudice to anyone who didn’t have the body type he had, which meant his number one enemy was Robby.  Robby was a shy, overweight black  guy who enjoyed the company of men, he had been extremely excited about attending college hoping to find people similar to himself and to avoid the discrimination he had faced in his rural town.

Unfortunately not long after starting he ran into Kevin, literally, Robby was late for class and had worked up quite a sweat and in his hurry barged through a set of double doors that Kevin was on the other side of. Kevin ended up on the floor with his Starbucks Frappuccino all over his designer jeans and that’s all it took for Kevin to decide to ruin Robby’s life. Not a day went by without a barrage of online abuse as well as insults been hurled at him whenever he was on campus, vicious rumours and hurtful images were constantly spread around the college and no matter how many times he asked for help, nothing to any real effect was done. So after only 4 months at university Robby gave up and once again he was living back home, in his backwards town trying to think about where his life would go next.

Now the trickster doesn’t often care for morality, if you’re bad or good you’re likely to be tricked. However in this particularly case the trickster felt a small sense of duty to find a way to trick Kevin. It was a Saturday evening when the trickster executed his plan to bring Kevin down.

Kevin was sitting at his laptop in his rather large student accommodation, pondering over how to start a paper that was due in few days when a notification of a new e-mail came through. If Kevin had been more vigilant he might have noticed the green flash that occurred on the monitor before he opened the weird e-mail.

Dear Kevin, we have noticed your talent, personality and overall perfect appearance around campus and would like to offer you a job at our company Flipside. We specialise in giving people the persona they need to succeed in the world of modelling and shows as well as giving you a free full body make over just for signing with us. We think you’d be the perfect addition to the team and perhaps even our star client. Further details are below and if this sounds like an opportunity you would like to pursue then send a video reply with the words, “I wish Flipside would change my life!”

'We hope to hear from you soon and we’ll see you on the flipside!’

At first Kevin thought it was a joke that his friends were pulling on him, but as he scrolled down he was convinced it was legitimate. The pay was reasonable but more could always be earned for shows and the hours would be dictated by him so he didn’t have to make any commitments. It was kind of ideal for Kevin; he could make extra money and brag to his friends how he was now a model. So Kevin did his hair and adjusted the lighting before starting up his webcam and in a cocky voice spoke “I wish Flipside would change my life “. No sooner than a minute of sending the e-mail Kevin got a knock at his door.

Kevin opened the door expecting it to be a friend but was instead met with a man dressed all in green and what looked to be green fog around his feet.

“Kevin good to see you, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you agreed to work for me”

“I’m sorry who are you?”

The man in green then effortlessly pushed his way inside Kevin’s apartment, “Well I’m from Flipside and I’m here to give you your full body and persona make over”.

“But I only just signed up for that. Wait! Have you been spying on me?”

“Haha not spying, but I have been observing you and I think you really deserve this” The trickster smiled.

“I want you to leave or I’m going to call the police”

“I don’t think you are, I mean I haven’t even started your make over, here come sit on the bed and we’ll get started” A small slither of green smoke wafted over Kevin and he somehow felt like he had to obey the strange green man. Kevin then slowly walked to his bed and sat in front of the intruder.

“Now that’s a good boy, I think its best that you only speak when I say your name don’t you Kevin?”

“Yeah I guess”

“Ok then let’s get started. See I’m not a big fan of your name, it seems so uptight and I’m getting a boring middle aged vibe from it. So I think your Flipside persona should be something more fun and a little playful” The trickster thought for a brief moment before deciding on a better name. “I think you would be much more suited to a name like Randy, playful and with a little bit of double entendre”

Kevin tried to protest but for some reason he couldn’t speak, he had what he wanted to say but his mouth didn’t even open; this guy was really starting to freak him out now.

“No objections to Randy? Good. Now I think Randy is more suited to short hair and he definitely doesn’t have any body hair below his neck, does he Kevin?”

“Wait I don’t want to cut my hair or shave my body, wait why can I speak now? Oww what’s that pulling!”

Kevin pulled at his clothes to try and find the source of the pain, taking his shirt and jeans off he only managed to see the last of the transformation as all his body hair pulled itself inside his skin. It was then that Kevin knew he had to get out and immediately tried to make a beeline for the door.

“Randy stop!”

Kevin’s entire body froze, he was completely stationary the only movement from his eyes darting around the room looking for an explanation for his paralysis.

“Randy we need to finish your make-over. I mean we have only just begun, so I want you to do what I say until we’re all finished ok?”

Kevin’s body betrayed him as he stood upright and stared at the green man who now had a vicious smile on his face.

“Oh you look worried Randy?” The trickster then proceeded to look at the papers scattered on the desk. “Is it the paper you have due? Well you don’t have to worry about that anymore seeing as you don’t go to college and dropped out of school at 15”

Kevin’s eyes went wide as his surroundings instantly changed; his dorm room melted away and was replaced with his old room at his parents’ house, the same hot babes calendar and playboy centre fold nailed to his wall gave it away.  Kevin’s mind was then met with conflicting memories, he knew he was at college but part of him now believed he had never went and had basically been sponging off his parents for the last 4 years. Knowledge of his degree and school fell out of his mind like water through a sieve; the guy in front of him was actually making him dumber.

“What a nice room, bet you’re glad to be back here? Oh you still seemed worried, well I guess I would be too if I was struggling for money, I mean whose parents are going to support a lazy party boy?”

Once again Kevin’s surroundings warped around him, the scenery out the window changed from rural estate to an urban apartment complex. His bedroom began to change in shape and size as it now became his tiny one bed apartment. The expensive gadgets and tech disappeared, his wardrobe shrunk and his designer clothes became cheap knock offs. His once luxurious king size bed became single with dirty white sheets. A rusty set of dumbbells, a ratty sofa and TV with a giant back replaced his previous possessions. The only thing remotely the same was his computer and posters of hot babes but they now were crinkled and ripped. Kevin’s mind was then filled with arguments with his parents over his lazy attitude and arrogance of never needing to work and of the day they finally threw him out.

Kevin was on the verge of crying as his former life was ripped away from him, his education and money were now gone and he was just left with his sad little apartment.

The trickster noticed the tears welling in Kevin’s eyes and knew he was close to breaking him and he couldn’t quite resist rubbing it in further. “What’s the matter Kevin, why so sad?”

“You bastard, give me back my life, I don’t know how or why you’re doing this but it isn’t fair!”

“Oh Kevin, life’s not fair” The trickster scowled with a deadpan look upon his face causing Kevin to become even more frightened.

“But don’t worry, while you seem to be all angry and nervous, Randy is just the opposite, he’s carefree or perhaps you could call it slutty? I mean he’s definitely a horny exhibitionist.”

Kevin then felt his body relax, even though his mind was racing. He then felt a tugging at his crotch, he watched in awe as his baggy boxers appeared to shrink before him into a skimpy pair of white briefs. He then watched as the clothes in his wardrobe all began to shrink and tighten, meaning all of them would show some skin and the outline of his body. The posters on the walls seemed to double in number, hot girls painted the walls of his tiny apartment and more than one of them had stains shot over them. Kevin then noticed another few additions to his new home, near his computer a bottle of lube, a fleshlight and a box of tissues had appeared, his very own masturbation station.

“Mmm those briefs look much better on you than those baggy boxers, turn around and let me see the back”

Kevin tried with all his might but to no avail as his body turned and faced away from the green man.

“Hmm not bad, how about you give us a little bit of a twerk”

Once again Kevin was betrayed by his new sluttier persona as he pulled down his briefs and shook his pale, little butt.

“Well that is quite disappointing, I mean if you’re going to be doing shows for Flipside we need to do better than that, I think we better give you a plumper, perkier butt.”

Kevin almost jumped as he felt the sensation of his expanding buttocks, he could feel the added weight being applied to his behind as it lifted slightly and his cheeks became more of a handful. He desperately wanted to look, to see how his body had been altered but due to the intruders command he was left facing the opposite way while he once again began to shake his ass.

“Now that’s much better, however now that I think about it, while a perky butt is nice it doesn’t really appeal to all women. But who it does appeal to is homosexual men”

Kevin wanted to scream at the green man who was holding him hostage in his own body; he didn’t want to be exposing himself to men that would be really gay… That’s when Kevin caught a glance of some of the posters around the room; the images in them began to change shape. As pin ups of hot blondes with huge boobs became bodybuilders in tiny posers, twinks in pink thongs and of black Adonis’s with huge dicks. As Kevin stared dumbfounded at the multitude of images of nude men another part of his body began to betray him as his penis started to become hard. This can’t be happening, Kevin thought, I’m straight, I know I’m straight, but as he tried to think about all his sexual encounters with women they became hazy, distant and thoughts of jacking off to guys at the gym seemed more familiar to him. Kevin was losing himself and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Now the room looks much more suited to a person of your sexuality, but while a white guy with a nice ass could make the agency a bit a money, a mixed race guy with a bubble butt could really rake in the dough.”

Kevin wasn’t really paying attention, his old life was slipping away from him, piece by piece, what had he done to deserve this? He watched helplessly as his skin darkened to a light caramel colour, his hair began to tighten and frizz as it turned jet black. He felt his lips expand ever so slightly as well as his hands and feet, but the major part of his body that was expanding he still couldn’t see. His perky white butt swelled with muscle and grew a nice layer of fat. His ample buttocks now gave him a nice set of curves and cheeks that would bounce with every step.

“Now randy would you mind getting on the bed for me and giving me a better look at your new delicious bubble butt.”

Randy complied instantly, Kevin struggled as he lost even more control over his body, he then proceeded to lay downward dog sticking his butt into the air and once again started to shake. Kevin could feel each cheek shake from side to side, much more so than before.

He forced himself to look up from the bed and was able to catch his reflection on his wardrobe mirror. If Kevin had more control he would have gasped at the sight of his new plump behind, it was huge and was certainly now his defining feature. As he viewed his now darker complexion, feelings of hate bubbled up inside him as looked at his darker skin. Unfortunately the trickster sensed the hatred radiating from his creation on the bed and knew he had to go further.

“Nope I’ve decided this is no good too, we’ll have to change you again, sorry Randy”

Kevin’s hopes lifted as he heard those words perhaps he had to be gay and poor but at least he could be white?

“The real money isn’t in bubble butts it’s in booty’s and we all know who has the best booty's”

Kevin’s eyes widened as it dawned on him what the green man had meant, he watched in horror as his skin tone darkened until it was a deep brown almost black in colour. His once perfect bubble butt now expanded with layers of fat as his cheeks now promptly grew to the size of beach balls. His bones groaned as his hips expanded to make way for his booty, giving Kevin a pear-shaped body type. Once the transformation had stopped Kevin once again went back to twerking but this time with every thrust his new bigger cheeks clapped together, leaving Kevin even more humiliated.

“Now that’s better a nice big black booty can make anyone happy, oh and look you’re clapping you’re so happy with it haha”

Kevin was now crying as a tear rolled down his cheek, gone was the straight white boy and what was left was some black homo. All he wanted was to be left alone to wallow in the remains of his life.

“Now I have question for both and Randy and Kevin”

Kevin stopped twerking and looked up at the green tormenter, a tear still rolling down his cheek.

“I can either leave you like this or I can make one last change. A change that will make that ass clap even louder. So guys what will it be, change or no change?”

Kevin tried to fight, he wanted to scream until he was sore that he didn’t want to be changed anymore, but Randy was strong, Randy had the body, the instincts and the memories. With a loud excited shriek the words “Change” fell from Randy’s mouth as Kevin wailed in disapproval.

“You got it”

All Kevin could do was watch as his formally fit and trim body disappeared under layers upon layers of fat. His tight pectorals became sagging man boobs, his six pack abs vanished under a bulging belly and his once average cock appeared small as fat surrounded it. Kevin had been destroyed and in his wake Randy had been created and the trickster was pretty happy with his new creation. A green wisp then floated across the computer and webcam. The Flipside website appeared and a countdown to Randy’s first show appeared.

“Well Randy it looks like you have a show to perform, make sure to fulfil the requests if you want those tips, after all you need all the money you can get. Oh and Kevin I hope you like your new Flipside persona!”

“Please no, I want to turn back I promise I’ll be b-“

But before Kevin could finish the trickster landed a large slap onto the fat rump of the former college athlete, kicking in the new dumber and sluttier Randy who instantly started shaking his new larger fatter ass for his fans, his loud clapping butt cheeks silencing Kevin completely. With that the trickster disappeared leaving Kevin screaming and crying for help, the mind of straight, rich, white guy trapped in the body of gay, black, fat camstar.

Meanwhile across the country Robby, now Robert was waking up in a overly large house in LA. He had to get ready for his flight as he had yet another photoshoot. Robert sighed as he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror; he let out a small yawn. It sure was tiring being an international fitness model for Flipside. As he fiddled with his impressive dick Robert got an e-mail telling him of a new client at the agency by the name of Randy accompanied by a screenshot of his latest show. Robert’s dick instantly grew hard to its full ten inches and he knew soon or later he was going to be making Randy his bitch.


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