Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Smart Thinking

Cliff let out a long sigh as he stared at the view from his boyfriend’s apartment, well his soon to be ex-boyfriend’s apartment. Cliff turned and stared at the naked, sleeping body in front of him, Max had been perfect in nearly every way, he was kind, thoughtful, protective, funny and was always up for a party, however even with all those amazing qualities Cliff had to break up with him. The problem with Max was that he wasn’t the brightest; he wasn’t dumb really, just impulsive which often led him to make bad decisions. Decisions like adopting a cage of mice, drinking eight bottles of beer upside down, buying candy and soda instead of actual groceries or spending money on extravagant items that they didn’t need or want. Cliff had put up with all those things, but after yesterday he finally had enough. Max had kindly invested all of their savings into a virtual currency and had quickly lost it all. Max had lost five grand in a matter of minutes; but instead of arguing with him, Cliff removed his clothes and led his reckless boyfriend to the bedroom.
Cliff watched his boyfriend’s perfect bubble butt in the morning light, it had been one of the best nights they had ever spent together and sadly it was also going to be their last.

Cliff stared as his muscular boyfriend rolled over, his huge flaccid cock resting down the side of his thigh. Cliff planned to wake up early, quickly get dressed, leave a note on his pillow and leave Max far behind, but he couldn’t help but stop and admire his soon to be ex-boyfriends body. His messy bed head, his perky pectorals, his toned abs and of course his meaty cock, that was something Cliff was going to miss greatly. It was in that wistful moment that Cliff made his wish; with another long sigh he whispered.

“If only you weren’t so stupidly impulsive, I wish you were smarter, then I would never have to leave you” Cliff then turned to start getting dressed but before he could the apartment filled with an explosion of green smoke. Cliff let out a few weak coughs and waved his arms wildly to clear the smoke and as quickly as it had appeared the green gas started to disperse. However as the smoke cleared Cliff became aware that he was no longer observing his slumbering boyfriend but that he was now standing face to face with him. Both men now stood completely naked only a few feet apart, Cliff couldn’t hide his look of confusion and panic as looked at his boyfriend’s face that had an expression of annoyance and irritation plastered across it. 

“What did you say?” Max said in an almost bratty tone that Cliff had never heard him speak in.

“Err, ermm nothing I wa-“

“No! You said something about me being stupid or not being very smart” Max interrupted. Cliff was so confused, moments ago Max was asleep, there was no way he could have heard what he had said. Cliff had hoped to avoid a confrontation but now it seemed impossible.

“I was just saying that if you were smarter you could make better decisions” Cliff said trying to twist his own words into something more appealing.

“I need to be smarter? Me? That’s rich, because I’m clearly the smart one out of the two of us! I would like to see you code computer software! What do you say to that huh?”

A sharp pain then ran through Cliff’s head as new unfamiliar memories filled his mind, memories of Max being a technology genius, memories of Max developing some of the most sophisticated computer programmes in the world and memories of meeting Max not at a party but by accident when he bumped into him outside a comic book store. However the person in Cliff’s memories, the guy he was dating and had bumped into outside the comic book store looked nothing like Max, he looked like the biggest nerd on the planet. Cliff was so confused, memories of a guy who was completely unfamiliar to him filled his head but told him that was his boyfriend, but Max was his boyfriend right?

Cliff stared at the naked man in front of him as another sharp pain ran through his head, Cliff knew the man in front of him was his boyfriend but every memory in his head disagreed with him. Cliff shook his head, Max was his boyfriend they had sex just last night and Max had fucked him with that huge cock of his. Cliff started to focus, he needed to weed out these false memories that had flooded his mind and stick to what he knew was true and he knew that his boyfriend had a massive dick. The guy in his new memories had barely a worm between his legs so Cliff knew that, that guy couldn’t be his boyfriend. Cliff shook his head once more and stared at his boyfriend’s thick cock, of course Max was his boyfriend. he loved having that dick deep in his ass. However the more Cliff thought about Max’s dick the less he could recall being fucked by it, in fact even the night before was becoming vague. As Cliff struggled to remember the previous night Max’s dick started to twitch and within seconds it was rock hard at its full nine inches. Cliff couldn’t help but look at his boyfriend’s cock; it was becoming so unfamiliar to him, until it started shrinking. Cliff watched in disbelief as his boyfriend’s previously hefty dick dwindled in size, the hard cock in front of him thinned out considerably and then started to shorten. Cliff wanted to shout to Max about his changing body, he wanted to rush out of the apartment and get help but a wisp of green smoke wrapped itself around his legs, slithered up his body and down his throat, getting him still and keeping him quiet.

Max didn’t even seem to notice as his dick shrunk down to five inches hard, then four, three, two and then one. Cliff thought that was the end of it until the tiny little nub that was left gave one more twitch and shrunk to a pathetic half inch. The miniscule little cock that Max now owned was now much more familiar to Cliff, his boyfriend would only barely be able to penetrate him now with such a tiny dick and even when they started fucking Cliff would feel nothing.  Cliff shook his head again trying to remove the new, unwanted memories of countless unsatisfying sex sessions, getting into weird and uncomfortable positions so his boyfriend could get his little cock in his hole and the nine inch dildo he kept under the bed that could actually satisfy him. No No No this is wrong, Max had the nine inch dick that could satisfy me, I didn’t need a dildo, Cliff thought but even as those thoughts raced around his head the memories of ever having been fucked by such a big cock disappeared. 

Cliff stood frozen staring at his boyfriend’s pitiful manhood, what was happening to his memories and more importantly what was happening to Max. Max seemed completely unaware that anything was different; in fact he almost seemed frozen as well. Cliff desperately tried to move, he didn’t like what was happening and he needed to get out, his mind and memories were changing and he was powerless to stop it, he had already forgot what Max’s dick looked like before . Cliff hated the fact he couldn’t even remember having decent sex anymore and the main emotion he felt when he thought of sex was dissatisfaction, but then another sharp pain darted through his brain, as Cliff realised he also associated sex with hard-work.

Cliff felt uneasy as new memories of heavy lifting, being squashed and doing all the work associated themselves with his sex life with his boyfriend. Cliff tried to dismiss the memories and tried to picture Max fucking him over the bed or both of them giving each other a blowjobs but those memories faded away almost instantly as Cliff watch Max change again. Cliff noticed that his boyfriend’s previously toned physique looked ever so slightly softer, as if he hadn’t worked out in a couple of weeks. At first Cliff thought it was a trick of the light but as he watched more closely it became clear that Max was gaining weight in front of his very eyes. Cliff watched on in disbelief as his previously muscular boyfriend started to gain weight, at first the fat distributed itself evenly across Max’s entire body giving him an ex-athlete kind of body but soon the fat started to deposit more rapidly. Cliff was powerless as he watched his boyfriend’s body balloon with fat.

Max’s previous slender and toned stomach bulged out rapidly giving a large hefty gut, his firm pecs soon sagged as they accumulated a large amount of fatty tissue turning quickly from pert pectorals to drooping man boobs. Max’s previously tight bubble butt exploded with fat widening considerably, the smooth rounds cheeks grew dimples and creases as fat collected around each ass cheek. Max’s slender thighs and legs swelled to thick, fatty tree trunks that rubbed against each other with every step he took, his hands and feet looked swollen as fat deposited itself everywhere and a series of chins appeared under his face. Cliff’s fit and muscular boyfriend was now long gone and had been replaced with a 400 pound super chub. Soon new memories of sex with this ginormous man bombarded Cliff’s mind, unwelcome memories of having a huge gut resting in his back as he gently rocked back and forth on his boyfriends insignificant dick, memories of being crushed under his enormous weight whenever he cummed and fell forward, but the most common and most undesirable memory that filled Cliff’s head was having to bury his head deep into the fat and having it rest on his face as he struggled to give his new boyfriend a blowjob.

Recollections of his boyfriend pushing his face deep into his fat folds so he could get his mouth around his diminutive cock became one of Cliff’s most prominent new memories, often instead of sex his boyfriend would prefer that Cliff suck on his tiny cock. Cliff wildly shook head from side to side as if to shake the new memories from his head. As he stared at the mammoth man in front of him Cliff tried frantically to remember what he had looked like before and how sex had been before, but all that came to Cliff’s mind was images of him on his knees looking up at a huge jiggling belly before being smothered by fat as a tiny half inch dick prodded at his mouth. Cliff let out a whimper as he realised whatever was happening was changing his life as well as changing his boyfriend. Deep down Cliff knew that he wasn’t with a tiny dicked fat guy, he had been with a big dicked jock called… err M.. mm.. Max, that was it Max. With all the focus on sex Cliff had nearly forgotten his boyfriend’s name, he needed to remember he had too if he wanted to get help once whatever was happening stopped. Cliff need to remember Max, he needed to remember his slender, toned body, he needed to remember his thick, veiny cock and he needed to remember how good the sex had been, not the unsatisfying, hard-working and repulsive sex he had now. Wait repulsive? Cliff had never found sex repulsive and that’s when another spasm of pain rippled through Cliff’s mind as new more disturbing collection of memories appeared in Cliff’s head.

New feelings of revulsion and disgust surrounded his memories of sex. No longer did Cliff get excited for sex, in fact he dreaded it, having sex with his boyfriend was now a chore that needed to be done instead of something that was a treat. As the new memories became clearer in Cliff’s mind, new changes occurred to Max’s body. First a layer of darker curly black hairs sprouted across his vast jiggling stomach, more dense thick hair then grew around his stubby little cock and down his now extensive butt crack. The black curly hairs were then covered in a coating of thick sweat, clumps of hair became matted and stuck to his chubby body and has entire physique now glistened as it became covered in sweat. That’s when the smell hit Cliff’s nostrils, the strong, repugnant odour of B.O, it was as if Max hadn’t showered in a week, Cliff would have gagged if the green smoke would have let him. Just standing in front of the chubby, smelly man was becoming difficult for Cliff, but still he tried to hold onto the original Max or the qualities he thought the original Max had. However the changes weren’t over yet, small patches of acne sprouted around Max’s new sweaty, greasy, body and hair sprouted on his back. Then a loud, low rumbling echoed throughout the apartment, Cliff winced as his new memories told him what was coming next as Max’s fat stomach bloated and bulged even more. Then with a slight raise of one leg Max let rip an enormous wet sloppy fart that droned on for five seconds, Max then followed it with a loud belch and blew the gas forward.  The smell was almost toxic, the heavy smell of the gas hung in the air refusing to disappear, Cliff had no choice but to inhale the foul concoction of disgusting gases that Max had dispelled. Then the new memories of sex filled Cliff’s mind and his eyes went wide in horror at the recollection of some of offensive and gross actions he had to undertake. Memories of licking Max’s armpit and fatty folds drifted through his mind, memories of sucking his cock while Max sat on the toilet and the most popular memory, Max sitting his massive fat ass on his face, as he licked his asshole all the while Max would fart relentlessly into Cliff’s poor face. Cliff managed to let a small snivel and moan as memories of coming home and always being greeted by that big, fat, smelly, farting ass solidified in his mind.

Cliff served and rimmed that ass daily no matter how disgusting it was.

Cliff was starting to become alarmed, gone was his near perfect boyfriend and now he was left with some overweight, geeky slob. Cliff frantically tried to remember Max but with this new body and memories it was becoming increasingly difficult the only thing remotely similar was Max’s face. Even though it too was bloated with fat it still had his features, he could still remember his laugh and he could still remember his voice. A weak smile appeared on Cliff’s face as he recalled laughing and joking with his boyfriend and not whoever was invading his memories. However Cliff’s smile didn’t last long, as if on cue Cliff watched as Max’s face rippled and changed. Acne popped up on his forehead and cheeks, a patchy neckbeard and goatee grew on his face and his hair became thick and greasy. Cliff watched in horror as Max’s ears grew wider, his nose became more bulbous, braces strapped themselves around his teeth and a pair of dorky wire frame glasses appeared on his face. Cliff’s boyfriend now looked unrecognisable and the unknown man in his memories was now becoming very familiar. The man who always had food stuck to his beard and in his braces, the man whose voice was deep and guttural and sounded like he was going to burp at the end of every sentence, the man whose breathing was deep and laboured and needed an inhaler every time he walked up stairs, that man was his boyfriend.

Cliff just stared in disbelief at what his boyfriend had become; even though he was going to break up with him, Cliff didn’t want this for him. He had cared about M.. Errrm, Ma.. no erm. Oh no Cliff couldn’t remember his name, what was his boyfriend’s name? He knew it started with an M, but as another rush of memories collided with Cliff’s brain only one name now sprung to mind when he thought of his boyfriend and that was Milton. ‘No my boyfriend didn’t have such a dorky, lame name it was Milton, No Milton’ As much as Cliff tried to remember his boyfriend former name only Milton would pop up in his head, Milton, Milton Dumps. Cliff gave up, the memories of his old boyfriend were fading fast, whoever he was had been replaced by the naked, obese nerd in front of him. Cliff needed to focus on himself now, he needed to escape and get free from his frozen state and the gross smell coming off of Milton. However the Trickster still had some changes to make so Cliff wasn’t going to be free any time soon. A wisp of green smoke darted across the room and surrounded Milton’s crotch, a dirty, grungy pair of tighty whiteys appeared, stretched thin over his enormous fat ass. Yellow stains then appeared in the crotch while brown stains made an appearance around the back, the smell in the room intensified as the underwear quickly became drenched in sweat. A tight pair of tan cargo shorts them pulled up themselves up Milton’s fat thighs and allowed his drooping stomach to tuck into the front, a white tank top then materialised over his large gut and man boobs. The pits quickly became soaked and stained as other assorted food and drink stains appeared down the front. Next an unbuttoned black shirt appeared, with a picture of a wolf howling at the moon on the back, then a pair of black socks pulled themselves onto Milton’s chubby feet and stopped hallway up his shins, a pair of brown sandals quickly followed strapping themselves in. Milton now had the look of any stereotypical neck-bearded nerd; he spent more time on a computer than being outside. Cliff grimaced at the new clothes his boyfriend was wearing, the greasy hair and beard, the tucked in shorts, the high socks and sandals and the stink coming off of him made Cliff embarrassed just being in the same room as him. Cliff no longer cared about whoever this loser use to be he needed to get out now before he threw up from the smell of this sweaty nerdy beast. It was as that thought crossed Cliff’s mind that both men found they could move. 

As Milton shuffled about, Cliff tried to bolt for the door, but before he could his head went fuzzy once again and the room started to spin. When the room finally stopped spinning, Cliff no longer had a door in front of him in fact he didn’t see any door just a flight of stairs. Cliff looked around panicking; there were no windows and no doors he wasn’t in an apartment anymore he was in a basement. Cliff became frantic as he looked around the room not recognising anything; the walls were covered in posters of anime girls, dragons and cartoons. Board games like dungeons and dragons, Warhammer figurines and magic the gathering cards were scattered across the floor and table. DVDs and videogames were stacked in front of a large TV which was opposite a smaller, dirty bed, covered in an off white sheet and a superhero themed comforter. Empty cans of energy drinks littered the floor and every surface, pizza boxes and other fast food containers and bags seemed to be tossed just anywhere and a big bowl of cheesy nachos was resting on a table next to the bed and where Milton is standing. Cliff once again winced in pain as the memory of living in Milton’s mother’s basement made what he was seeing more familiar but not any less unsettling. Gone was Cliff’s city life style with his previous boyfriend and it had been replaced with sharing a dank, smelly basement with his obese boyfriend out in the middle of nowhere. Cliff took a step back towards the set of stairs he needed to leave and find out where the hell he was. As he took a small step backwards Milton started to move, he removed his black shirt clearly too hot in the extra layer, he grabbed a handful of nachos and shoved them in his mouth, cheesy powder smothered across his face and hands. Milton then squatted down and let rip the loudest, most disgusting fart Cliff had ever heard, before standing up and continuing to eat his nachos.

The whole room was engulfed in the disgusting smell, the stench of B.O, greasy fast food, Nachos and farts filled Cliff’s senses and he couldn’t help but let out a small gag. This got Milton’s attention as he turned his bulk to face a now much smaller Cliff.

“So? what would you say to that huh? You want to try coding somfing” Milton said in a condescending tone. Cliff cringed as he realised that Milton’s braces prevented him from saying th, giving a dorky lisp.

“No” was all Cliff could muster as he took another step back towards the stairs.

“I didn’t fink so, you’re too stupid to know how computer software works, and that’s why I’m the smart one, not you.” Milton was noticeably red faced, annoyed that anyone had dared questioned his intelligence. Milton looked at Cliff’s blank expression and continued to get annoyed “Is there anything else you wanted or are you just going to stare at me?”
That’s when Cliff finally realised what had happened he had wished for this, he wanted his boyfriend to be smarter, so now he had a smart boyfriend who was neither kind, nor caring, nor funny but he sure was smart but also very condescending. Cliff had wished away his near perfect boyfriend for some fat, nerdy slob; thank god he was going to break up with him.  Cliff stared at his new “smart” boyfriend, the noticeable smell coming from him, his fat rolls, his stained clothing and his smug face that automatically assumed whatever you were going to say was going to be stupid. If Cliff wanted to break up with him before whatever the fuck just happened, he definitely did now. The man in front of Cliff disgusted him, his fashion sense was embarrassing, his appearance unsightly, his smell offensive and the sex was unsatisfying and unbearable. Cliff would have no problem breaking up with Milton. Cliff took a deep breath and in his mind he said forcefully, confidently and with conviction “I want to break up with you”.

However now that Cliff had got his wish, he no longer had to leave his “smart” boyfriend and what actually gushed from his mouth was “Will you marry me!” Cliff looked down in panic as he felt himself get down on one knee, he tried desperately to stop his body from getting any lower but it was useless as his body knelt on the grimy, smelly carpet. A novelty ring then materialised in his right hand, it looked similar to the one a superhero wore to use his powers. Cliff tried desperately to get up off the floor, to take back those words he never wanted to say to this repellent man, but Cliff had no control over his body, he just knelt there stupidly looking pleadingly up at the smelly obese nerd in front of him. Cliff wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that he would never marry a man like Milton that he found him vile and disgusting but instead Cliff said a meek “It would mean the world to me if I could spend the rest of my life with you”. Cliff felt like he was going insane as he heard those words escape his mouth, what was happening! Cliff frantic thoughts were soon interrupted as Milton gave his answer.

“Yub Yub” he said with a smile, before then seeing Cliff’s confused face, Milton let out a long sigh
 “Its means yes in Orcish you idiot”. The smelly, lumbering man then grabbed the ring from Cliff’s hand and shoved it on his fat finger. Cliff wanted to run for his life but instead was drawn in to a massive rancid hug, his face pushed deep into the putrid tank tops armpit. Cliff let out another gag as he got a strong whiff of the disgusting underarms of his now soon to be husband. Cliff wanted to cry but instead Milton planted a sloppy wet kiss on his face, he then stuck his tongue deep into Cliff’s mouth before pulling away and burping loudly in Cliff’s face. Cliff’s started to sob as he tasted the leftover cheesy nachos that had been in Milton’s mouth and the smell of the pungent burp burned his nostrils.

“This calls for a celebration” Milton wheezed as he removed his clothes.

Cliff’s body once again started to move on autopilot, instead of up the stairs where he wanted to go he removed his clothes a laid down on the grimy, dirty bed. Milton quickly stood over the bed his huge naked ass hovering over his soon to be husband, a night of disappointing, unsatisfying and disgusting sex ahead for Cliff.

Cliff managed to shed a tear as the fat ass covered his face, the ripe smell of unwashed ass filling his sense of smell and taste as he started to lick at Milton’s filthy asshole. Milton grunted and sighed with pleasure as he let rip a squeaky wet fart onto Cliff’s face, Cliff coughed and spluttered over the foul smell and struggled to breath fresh air, yet Milton maintain on top of him enjoying his efforts to get free.

“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, you know that Cliff” Milton said while letting another fart escape his asshole. “I’m so excited, let’s have the ceremony sci-fi themed, I can dress up in my spandex uniform and you can wear that revealing slave number”

Cliff groaned at the thought of walking down the aisle to see his repulsive husband dressed in tight spandex, while he wore nothing but a gold jockstrap. Cliff was now getting married to this nerd; he was going to become Mr Dumps! All Cliff could do was internally cry as his soon to be husband listed off terrible and embarrassing idea after idea, while letting slip fart after fart onto his face. Cliff was going to spend the rest of his life with a man he detested and despised, but at least he was smart.

“Oh let’s get married at the comic book store and serve different fast food as meals. Oh and for the wedding night perhaps we could try something even raunchier” Milton then let rip an enormous ten second fart directly into the mouth of ever loving boyfriend.

It seemed one thing had stayed the same; Cliff’s boyfriend was just as impulsive as ever.

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