Thursday, December 6, 2018

A Confidence Boost

Thomas stared forlornly out of his dorm window, barely able to comprehend what he was watching. Just outside his window was the girl he had lusted over for so many weeks, Thomas had put in the time, built a friendship and was working up the courage to finally ask her out but it looks like it was all for nothing. As Thomas stared at the beautiful woman he had hoped to make his girlfriend, anger bubbled up inside him. There she was parading outside where he lived kissing some dumb, ape like jock. Thomas couldn’t understand it; he was a nice, intelligent guy why would she pick that dumb, smelly muscular brute over him? Thomas clenched his fists, this always happened to him the girls always went for the idiot jocks not the smart, kind guys.
Thomas could not grasp why he was always passed over for clearly inferior guys. Thomas knew he was better than the jock he saw outside his window, but it felt at times like only he knew that. Thomas had always prided himself on his intelligence, appearance and manners. He had always been top of his class, had never got below ninety percent on a test and had always engaged in extracurricular activities while in school and now he was studying physics at one of the best universities in the country and what’s more he was undertaking his own research while learning. The professors adored him and relished the chance to mentor such a promising student; however the attention he had received from teachers and lecturers had not translated to girls and friends. Which confused Thomas further because even if being the smartest student at the university didn’t attract a woman surely being attractive should? Thomas was always well groomed, his body hair was always shaved, his eyebrows plucked and his hair was always immaculately styled. Thomas exercised enough to be svelte and slender while not being bone thin and he ate right to maintain a healthy body. Thomas also made sure he was always in a designer shirt and trousers, he wouldn’t dream of wearing sweatpants or gym clothes if he wasn’t exercising, that would just make him look like a loser with no sense of style. Thomas knew that style was far more important than comfort when it came to his outfits and that’s why he was always dressed in the most expensive clothes. Thomas would have thought girls would be dying to jump into bed with him after all he was both handsome, well dressed, smart and furthermore he was also a complete gentleman. Thomas was always polite and courteous; he would never shout indoors, he never would use curse words, never pass wind in front of company and would be terribly embarrassed if he ever had to use a bathroom that wasn’t his own. However while Thomas thought he was the complete package, girls consistently picked other guys over him, mainly ones that looked exactly like the frat bro his crush was walking away with.
Thomas clenched his teeth as he watched the jock stroll away with his dream girl, why were women interested in men like that. Their big unsightly muscles, bulging out of there clearly too tight shirts and shorts, their hairy chest and pits that stunk of sweat and their dumbass smug grins that they always have plastered across there idiot faces. Thomas was almost shaking with rage as he saw the jock give a small slap onto the girls behind, how was such a douchebag, who was probably only here on a sports scholarship with the girl he fancied? How was such a dumb muscle head more popular with women than he was? How was such an immature pig now walking away with the only girl he had ever had a connection with? Their arrogance and confidence to act and dress however they wanted and still get girls left Thomas both baffled and jealous. Thomas couldn’t act like that; he cared too much about how he looked, how he was presented to the rest of the world and how his behaviour conveyed charm and intellect. However as he saw the brutish guy raise one of his legs, scrunch up his face and start laughing, Thomas emotions boiled over. The nasty, hunk of muscle had just farted and was now childishly giggling but while the infantile act infuriated Thomas, the girl he was so fond of was not offended by the rude and odorous act, but was actually laughing and playfully hitting the dumb moron. In a convulsion of rage, astonishment and envy Thomas lost his normally polite demeanour and shouted at his window, making his wish that would soon turn his world upside down.

“For God’s sake, if girls just want idiot jocks like that then why do I even bother?!” Thomas then furiously turned away from the window and started pacing. “Those jocks always get the girls and I’m always left with nothing” Thomas was almost in hysterics as he marched up and down his room, he just could not wrap his head around why women would choose other guys over him. Thomas stormed over to the window just catching the edge of the jock and girl walking away, she chose someone Thomas could never be, while he thought it was some stupid, pumped up douchebag. In reality the girl had chosen someone Thomas could never be because the guy she had chosen was carefree, humorous and most importantly fun. However Thomas would never have worked that out, no matter how much studying he did and that’s why he made his ill-fated wish.

“God dammit I wish I could be more like those immature, dumbass muscle heads, always so smug and confident, maybe then I could find someone who wants to be with me!”

If Thomas hadn’t been so consumed with emotion he may have heard a faint chuckle as the trickster blew green smoke into the room, the emerald fog slowly drifted around Thomas causing his temperature to rise. A few beads of sweat formed on Thomas’s brow before he realised how hot he actually was, he flicked up his shirt a few times trying to cool off but the heat only seemed to intensify. Thomas didn’t want to remove his clothes since he had put so much effort into his preppy outfit, but the intense heat his body was under caused him to remove his sweater. However even without his grey sweater Thomas only felt the temperature of his body increase, at first Thomas thought he was having a hot flush caused by his momentary loss of control over his emotions, but even when he removed his shoes, socks and under shirt he still felt the heat. The warmth was soon unbearable for Thomas, he knew now that this wasn’t just a hot flush and that he may actually be quite sick. He would have gone for help but his body was so hot that he just needed to cool down. Thomas was reluctant to remove his trousers and underwear, even in his own room Thomas didn’t feel right being naked. Being naked was only acceptable in certain situations like bathing and sex, at other times being naked would just make you uncivilised and animal like. However as Thomas’s body temperature continued to rise the hotness intensified mainly in one area, his crotch. Soon Thomas had no choice but to remove his remaining garments and stand completely nude, even on his own he felt awkward being undressed. Thomas rushed to his bathroom and started to splash water on his body and his crotch, he needed to do anything to get his body to cool down. After a few scoops of water Thomas started to feel a little better, but the heat still radiated strongly from his groin, mainly his cock. Thomas didn’t understand what was happening to his body, especially his dick it wasn’t like he’d done anything with it lately. However as Thomas scooped another handful of water onto his chest, the liquid sliding down his lean body before reaching his dick and dripping from the end , he noticed something odd. Either the sudden illness Thomas had contracted was giving him hallucinations or his cock was actually bigger. Thomas rubbed his eyes and looked down at his cock again; he could swear that it looked both longer and thicker. Thomas’s dick was overall rather average, it had decent thickness and four inches of length when flaccid but now it definitely looked at least five or six inches long. Thomas couldn’t help but touch his slightly longer dick, it definitely was bigger and as it plumped up Thomas was shocked to see it was still growing. Thomas didn’t know what to do, was this a hallucination? Was this a side effect of him being sick? But as he stared it his cock he couldn’t deny that it was growing in size. Thomas couldn’t look away as he watched his semi-erect cock grow from six to seven to eight and finally to nine inches long. The thing between his legs was now a monster and he wasn’t even fully hard. Thomas stared dumbfounded at his reflection in his bathroom mirror; he didn’t know whether to be frightened or overjoyed as his dick finished growing in length and girth. Gone was the below average penis and it had been replaced with a huge, fat, veiny cock.
Thomas almost went weak at the knees as he touched his dick again; it was now super sensitive to any kind of stimulation, even when Thomas moved his hips and his new ginormous cock grazed his thigh he felt a jolt of pleasure.

“This is crazy!” Thomas couldn’t believe what had just happened to his body; it had to be some kind of trick right? However as Thomas continued to tentatively inspect and touch his cock, the surges of pleasure were undeniable; somehow his cock had grown over five inches within seconds. Thomas stared at his new appendage and mixed emotions ran through his mind, when the growth had started he couldn’t have been happier, a big dick is every guys dream but now that the new tool was between his legs the reality of his big cock set in. The large piece of meat would now be impossible to hide in any of his jeans or trousers, the new girth and size would mean there would be quite an obscene bulge, furthermore if he now wore any kind of shorts he would be in danger of exposing himself. Doubt and worry started to invade Thomas’s mind, his new cock was so big, was it perhaps to big? The more Thomas stared it at the more he found his new cock quite grotesque, its large shaft and thick veins looked rather intimidating and he was now its owner, he didn’t want to know what girls would think of it. However before Thomas could devolve into full blown panic his hand once again grazed his dick and the jolt of ecstasy caused him to moan loudly. The anxiety and reservations Thomas had all but disappeared as he curiously grabbed the thick shaft of his new dick and the pleasure ran through his body.  Thomas never really masturbated, he found it dirty and unsanitary but his new cock was begging to be played with. His body needed to feel that excitement and pleasure, it was as if his body needed a release and that his body needed to touch his new cock.

If Thomas had been thinking clearly he would have been disgusted at what he started to do, with no shame or thought he started to jerk off his new cock, standing naked in the bathroom. The feeling was incredible, Thomas had never felt such bliss as he tugged on his much larger cock and that’s why he didn’t notice the new changes occurring across his body. Slowly his body started to inflate in size, he grew a few inches in height, his biceps started growing and the beginnings of small pectoral muscles meant two mounds appeared on his chest. The changes continued to go unnoticed as Thomas was to enthralled by the delight of stroking his impressive cock, it was normally such a dirty act for Thomas but now he wondered why he didn’t masturbate more often. The thrill Thomas was experiencing stopped him from realising that his once flat stomach now had the start of six pack and his previous flat ass had started to bulge outwards as new muscles were awakened and pumped up. It was only when Thomas was stroking his cock and he felt his bicep now rubbing against his chest that he knew something wasn’t right.

Still standing and jerking his cock Thomas looked over to where he was now experiencing friction and an confused expression emerged on his face. Thomas’s previously lithe arm now sported a sizeable set of muscles and now his large swelling bicep was rubbing eagerly against the small mound of a muscular pec. Thomas looked down at the rest of his body in shock, his flat stomach now had a rock hard set of abs, and his thighs were no longer stick thin, his whole physique had changed to that of an athlete. Thomas stared down and then back up at his reflection as his pecs continued to form and his biceps filled out, he could feel his increased strength as his grip around his cock tightened. Thomas should have been frightened that his body was undergoing such drastic changes but as he stared at himself jacking his fat cock, with the body of a muscular Adonis he couldn’t have been happier.
Thomas found himself almost compelled to stare at his new muscular body, he studied every inch so intently, from the flexing of his bicep as he jerked off, to the bouncing of his pecs whenever he tensed. It was almost hypnotic as Thomas looked deeper into his reflection at the unfamiliar body and cock, this wasn’t him but he couldn’t help but admire his new physique. While Thomas did spend a lot of time on his appearance he had never stared at himself so long in the mirror, let alone naked and jacking off. Thomas felt a swell of pride as he watched his ripped body, flex and tense, Thomas even let a small grin appear on his face as he revered his fit body. Thomas couldn’t help but wonder what response his new body would garner from the ladies around campus, with his new cock and body he wouldn’t need intelligence or manners.

“Wait. What!” Thomas shook his head violently from side to side as if to throw that absurd thought from his mind. What was he thinking? Why was he thinking like that? Thomas stared at his body and his hand jerking him off, what was he doing? Thomas tried to pull his hand away from his new foreign dick but his body just didn’t respond, sure the pleasure he was feeling was unlike anything he had ever felt before, but he had just watched his body change in front of his very eyes, he needed to get help. However it seemed Thomas’s body had other plans, instead of letting go of his cock, grabbing some clothes and heading for the nearest hospital like he wanted to, Thomas stayed put. Thomas couldn’t move away from the mirror, all he could do was jerk his dick and watch his reflection, his eyes darting around from his cock to his muscles, to the small grin on his face. What was wrong with him? Whatever was happening was certainly unnatural and he could be in danger. So why couldn’t he stop himself from staring and jerking off? Thomas was helpless as he watched his body continue to pleasure himself, the longer Thomas watched the more he found himself admiring his body and the more he wanted to keep on staring which caused Thomas to panic more. Thomas was just about to yell for help when something in his reflection caught his eye, Thomas stared now more with fearful curiosity than egotism as he kept his eyes trained on his chest. Thomas didn’t want to believe it, but as he continued to gaze at his reflection anxiety took over as he realised his body hadn’t finished changing, it was still growing. Thomas’s mind went crazy as he tried desperately to move away, to stop jerking off or at least to stop staring at his reflection as his body continued its changes. The once respectful pair of pecs ballooned out from his chest giving Thomas a nice pair of muscle tits, the inflated size now blocking his view of his feet and toes when he looked down. The decent set of biceps Thomas had once modelled doubled in size, the large mountains pushing themselves outwards now rubbing hard against a very meaty pectoral. Thomas didn’t like what was happening, the veil of pleasure that had once distracted him from his changes had now been removed, he had liked being lean, he had even liked the added muscle but now it was just getting too much. Thomas wanted to yell and scream in protest but all that came out of his mouth was a low moaning, which did nothing to effect his changing body. Thomas’s thighs swelled as pounds of muscle built up on top of them, the thick, chunky slabs of meat soon began to touch each other as Thomas’s body grew in size. Thomas also felt a new weight coming from behind him and he groaned as he realised his ass was also receiving its fair share of growth. Thomas stared hopelessly at his growing body; he looked nothing like he did only a few minutes early, he had inflated like a balloon. As the growth persisted, Thomas involuntarily sped up his jerking off the feeling of pleasure increasing. Thomas wanted to stop so desperately, but the intensifying pleasure from his huge cock and growing strength from his muscles was just too strong. He wanted to look away so bad, Thomas didn’t want to witness anymore the changes his body seemed to be going through but his body just wouldn’t let him. With a loud bellow Thomas found himself pushed backwards onto his toilet as he sprayed the first shot of cum over his bathroom mirror; however his body didn’t stop jerking off his cock. With each stroke a new thick, white gush of cum spouted from Thomas’s new cock all over his bathroom and all over himself.
Thomas panted heavily reeling in the most intense and distressing orgasm he had ever experienced in his life. Thomas had shut his eyes tight during his eruption of cum and now he didn’t want to open them, his body had changed, he had changed and the hot semen dripping down his body was a constant reminder of that. What he had done was disgusting, he would have never masturbated in front of his reflection and he certainly would never have ejaculated on himself, he was covered in the gross sticky substance. Thomas felt so dirty as he sat on his toilet feeling the cum trickle down his naked body, he wanted to get clean so badly but he didn’t want to see what he had become. He had been too distracted with his new, larger cock and toned physique that he had ignored the unnatural situation he was in. Thomas didn’t want to open his eyes but the cooling liquid that was now collecting on the seat below was just too vulgar for him. With one quick motion Thomas quickly stood up, opened his eyes and stared into the mirror causing his jaw to drop open in shock. Gone was his skinny, lean body, gone was his slightly toned, fit body and now staring back at Thomas was a hulky, lumbering body of a bodybuilder.
Thomas had to stop himself from crying as he studied his much larger, heftier frame. The huge set of muscle tits, with their small hard little nipples was the first thing Thomas noticed, the inflated balloons on his chest would now be visible in any shirt he chose to wear. They would stick out proudly from his puffed up chest, giving him breasts and cleavage most girls would be jealous of. His arms now had huge, hard boulders attached to them, the two large veiny lumps now sticking awkwardly outwards always pressing against the side of his body or rubbing his large muscle tits. Thomas grimaced as he looked at his bulky arms wondering how awkward and clumsy they would make him now, the added bulk getting in the way all the time. Thomas had heard rumours that bodybuilders had trouble wiping their asses and with the huge mountains on his arms he could see that rumour being true. Thomas poked his stomach curiously, the whole thing was rock hard and uncomfortable and when he unconsciously flexed he could see every crease and vein which only disgusted him more. Thomas took a step forward trying to get use to his new larger, bulkier frame; the first thing Thomas noticed was his thighs. While previously he had had two slender thighs and a gap in between them, he now had two overstuffed sausages that rubbed together with every motion.  The unnaturally large muscles jutted out further increasing the width of a much heftier Thomas. With another tentative step Thomas had to stop, the new weight of his body was exhausting to move around, running and most cardio would now be impossible, he had to weigh over 250 pounds now. Thomas nearly shed a tear as he imagined himself running to a lecture, his big muscle tits bouncing up and down, his thighs rubbing painfully together and his massive bulk barely being able to squeeze through the lecture theatre door.  Thomas’s eyes went wide as new ramifications about his body entered his mind, what would people in the physics department think of him now? How would they take such a big muscular freak seriously? People would no doubt assume he was more interested in the gym than creating and designing experiments, he would be instantly written off as a joke, how would anyone think he was a genuine physicist when he looked like this now? Thomas watched his bottom lip tremble as his future career and prospects all became uncertain, the big hulking mass of muscle looking even more ridiculous when it was on the verge of tears.

However no matter how disgusted and horrified Thomas was of his new body, he kept on staring, his eyes never once looked away from his bulging biceps, rippling abs or impressive pecs. Thomas watched his musclebound form move, sure his biceps were massive but that just showed how strong he was, his thighs may be bulky but he could squat more weight than anyone he knew and while his pecs were unmissable it told everyone how dedicated he was to his body. Thomas flexed his bicep and watched as the veins and muscles popped in his reflection. Completely unaware of what he was doing Thomas started to pose and flex, instinctively knowing what muscles to make bigger and which ones to show off. It must have been at least ten minutes before Thomas realised what he was doing. With great difficulty Thomas shook his head and turned away from the mirror his hands covering his face. ‘What am I doing? I hate this body, I hate these muscles so why can’t I stop staring at them?’ No matter how much Thomas thought about how ugly his new muscles were his brain would always follow it up with a compliment. Thomas scrunched his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts, he didn’t think that way he hated big muscles, he didn’t admire them. It was as if his mind was becoming more self-obsessed, more arrogant, more cocky and more narcissistic by the second. Soon it was nearly impossible for Thomas not to think about his body. Thomas screamed out loud and shook his head causing his whole body to wobble, his relaxed muscles shaking like jelly. Thomas was losing his mental fight against his new narcissistic self and he would have kept thinking about how hot his new muscles looked and how they made him look strong but the shaking of his head had caused something else to wobble which Thomas couldn’t help but focus on.

Thomas opened his eyes and stood up straight, facing away from the mirror, he could still feel part of his body wobble even though he had stopped moving. Thomas shook his body just a little once again; morbidly curious to see if the wobbling sensation was just a one off. After a brief shake Thomas felt his pecs move a little, his thick thighs rub together and then after everything else had stopped moving was there very distinct feeling of one part of Thomas’s body still vibrating after his small shake. Thomas looked like he was about to cry as he continued to discover new things about his body that he couldn’t help but loath. After another small shake and the tell­-tale wiggle still occurring Thomas looked over his shoulder at his grief stricken face in the bathroom mirror. Thomas let a small gasp as he lowered his eyes and with much trepidation he wiggled his body once more and watched his reflection. He was ruined professionally; no one would ever take him seriously again, as people would be far too distracted by the humungous, jiggling booty that now jutted out from his backside.
His ass wasn’t just huge, it was obscene. The two ginormous bubbly cheeks were thick with muscle and layered with fat, combining to make one of the biggest, bounciest bums Thomas had ever seen on a man. Thomas looked back at his reflection and his fat ass with disgust; with another shake he sent his huge cheeks into a frenzy. The two juicy mounds of ass clapped together and bounced up and down and continued to do so long after Thomas had stopped moving. Thomas’s anxiety was building once again; he was supposed to be studying physics and committing his time to experiments, papers and research now had the ass of a stripper. If he walked into the lab tomorrow he would be laughed right out, firstly because of his overly pumped, bulging body and secondly as he walked away they would all see his fat ass shaking from side to side as he struggled to get through the smaller doorframe. He now looked like he should be dancing around a pole in skimpy underwear than trying to answer questions about the universe. Thomas watched in despair as he shook his plump cheeks once again, with every jiggle he saw his future career start fade away and with every booty clap his professional reputation lessened. Thomas couldn’t be a physicist with an ass like this, the fat mounds swaying, the cheeks slapping together, the whole thing jutting awkwardly outwards, he was a joke. Yet even though Thomas thought his life had been ruined by his thick ass cheeks, he kept shaking them and then what escaped Thomas’s lips surprised and frightened him more than anything else that had happened, Thomas laughed. However not his normal demure laugh but a loud, dumb chuckle.

Thomas cupped his hands over his mouth as if to trap any further idiotic laughs from escaping his body. ‘What was that? He didn’t laugh like that and why the hell had he laughed in the first place?’ Thomas’s mind was racing ‘This wasn’t funny. His whole life could be ruined all because of his fat ass’. Again without warning Thomas let out the same dumb chuckle and again he rushed his hands to cover his mouth. Thomas had heard that laugh before, not from any of his friends, they were far too mature and proper to laugh in such a unrefined and raucous manner. No, Thomas had heard it just the other day when he was walking past a group of jocks who had just finished practice. The muscular meatheads were just talking when once of then seemingly at random slapped another jock right in the balls, while shouting loudly ‘Cup Check!’. The dumb gorillas had all erupted in loud moronic laughter as their friend grabbed his genitals and curled up on the floor. Those over inflated, arrogant, dumbasses disturbed everyone within earshot with their mindless hooting and snickering, it was just another reason why Thomas hated them so much. However Thomas’s rage soon turned to realisation and a look of pure horror washed over his face, the face that was now looking at his over inflated body, his pendulous cock that caused his mouth to constantly change to an arrogant smile and the dumbass chuckle that had escaped it seconds earlier. Thomas’s body wasn’t changing at random he was turning into the very thing he despised, a gym-obsessed, cocky meathead, jock.

The evidence was undeniable as Thomas took in his whole reflection, the grotesque muscles, the freakish cock, the idiotic laughter and his obsession with his new body; all were the building blocks to any douchebag frat bro around campus and Thomas looked just like them. With great haste Thomas rushed out of his bathroom, he couldn’t stay here any longer he needed to get help; he needed to find someone that could get his body back to normal. Thomas ran to his front door causing his now monstrous cock to slap against his thick thighs and making his ass bounce and shake. He stopped just before grabbing the handle, he couldn’t leave like this he’d be arrested for indecent exposure and what’s more his reputation in the scientific community would be ruined if he was seen streaking across campus. Thomas turned and headed for his closet, he wasn’t sure what he could wear with his new size and bulk but he couldn’t just walk out naked, even if a new part of him thought it would be funny. Thomas was just about to open his closet when an itching suddenly engulfed his body, the new irritable sensation was so maddening that Thomas couldn’t help but stop to scratch. The itching seemed to spread through his whole body, tiny pin pricks of discomfort causing Thomas to scratch and rub his body all over. If Thomas had seen himself now he would have be horrified, his big, hulking frame, his fat cock and him itching furiously, he really was just a big gorilla now.

The itching driving Thomas insane was now getting much worse, to the point where Thomas was in pain. While the maddening prickles seemed to be all over Thomas’s body, particular areas seemed to be much more severe. Thomas scratched at his skin feverishly trying to do anything to stop the constant itching; unwittingly Thomas was now finding himself scratching at his armpits, chest, face, crotch and ass more than other places on his body. It wasn’t until he grazed something unfamiliar under his arm did he realise what the itching was. Thomas quickly looked under his arm to see what the foreign object was, only to let out a groan of displeasure at what he saw, there under both of his arms was a cluster of short, black curly hair. Thomas didn’t have long to look at the bunch of slowly growing hair as the itching continued to get worse. The infuriating itching made Thomas yell with frustration and pain; he could feel the hair sprouting from his body. Every tiny follicle that grew from his previously smooth hairless skin could be felt by Thomas and he could do nothing about it except sob. His previously tidy, trimmed and shaved body was being desecrated by the thick, greasy black hairs causing Thomas to close his eyes and writhe in pain on his bed. Thomas couldn’t take it anymore, the irritation, the itching, the scratching and pain was all too much and just as the overwhelming sensations reached there crescendo, it stopped.

Thomas was left out of breath on his bed, his body had changed once again and he didn’t dare open his eyes to see it, but even as he sat up on his bed he felt the new hairs rub and itch together. Why was this happening to him? He despised how those jocks looked, he did everything in his power not to look like them so why was his body changing? He needed to get help, he couldn’t sit on his bed all day and continue changing into the thing he hated most. With a new sense of focus Thomas opened his eyes and took in his new furry changes. Thomas looked down and saw the light dusting of hair now covering his hefty pecs and abs, the black treasure trail leading to a dense bush of black pubes. Thomas grimaced as he lifted his arms and saw the wet, matted clumps of hair now sticking out from his underarms.
Thomas had to look away, his new hair was repulsive it made him look like some feral animal. However it wasn’t just the sight of the new hair that made Thomas almost gag with disgust, it was the new smell that drifted up into his nostrils. The stench of ripe B.O hung like a cloud of toxic fumes around his armpits, the thick black hair dripping with sweat and still poking out from underneath his bulging arms. It was as if Thomas had just finished a workout and hadn’t showered in days, the odour surrounded him and even with his arms tightly huddled against his body the dank stench still made its way to Thomas’s nose. Thomas stood up and shuddered as the shift in his body aggravated his new displeasing body odour. Panic set in once more as Thomas was forced to smell his new filthy, hairy body, he had never smelt this bad before, he was clean and hygienic and struggled not to take at least two showers a day. The changes were going too far now they were altering his very body chemistry, anyone within a few feet would be able to smell his new pungent scent, he was gross. Thomas didn’t think he could have been any more disgusted with himself, well that was until his hand grazed another crop of black curly hair. Thomas took his hand and tentatively stroked one of his ginormous fat ass cheeks, the feeling of the damp, wiry hairs that now covered its surface almost made Thomas throw up in pure revulsion. His thick, bouncy ass now was covered in the same unsightly hair and was producing the same nauseating odour.

Thomas didn’t know what to do, he desperately wanted to escape his room and find help but he both didn’t want to remain smelling like he did or much worse have other people smell him like this. Thomas could feel the grime and sweat now covering his body, the smell invading his very being. Thomas was in crisis did he grab some clothes and escape or wash his filthy body first, however before Thomas had a chance to decide his body had its own idea. Without his control Thomas watched as his hand once again lowered itself towards his ass, Thomas didn’t know why his body was moving without his consent but he knew he didn’t like it. Thomas tried frantically to regain control of his hand but it was useless, a look of pure disgust washed over his face as he extended his index finger and scraped in between his ripe, hairy ass cheeks. Thomas couldn’t believe what his body was doing, why didn’t he have control and why was he being so disgusting? It was then that Thomas realised he still had large globs of drying cum all across his chest and crotch, how had he forgotten about that? Why hadn’t he cleaned himself up afterwards? Thomas was clean, neat and sanitary how could he possibly allow himself to stay covered in the gross substance? Thomas didn’t have time to answer his questions as he realised his body was still moving, the hand and finger that had just rummaged around in between his dank ass cheeks had now been brought back in front of Thomas. The finger was slick with sweat and a dark, wiry hair remained stuck to it, Thomas body then started moving it closer to his face. Thomas begged for his body to stop, he was a clean, hygienic boy he didn’t do things like this. Thomas’s eyes welled with tears as the grimy finger continued to get closer to his face. ‘Please NO! Stop! Please STOP!’ Thomas pleaded but his body just ignored him as the finger made its way under his nose. Then with a small whimper from Thomas his body took a large, long sniff. Internally Thomas was sent into sensory hell, the concentrated smell of dirty sweaty ass cheeks was coursing with his brain. The foul stench causing his internal monologue to splutter and gag, Thomas had just inhaled the smell of a jock’s ripe stinking asshole and the stench was not leaving anytime soon. The raw, vile smell of unwashed ass burned Thomas’s nostrils and engrained itself deep into his mind, he would never forget that smell now, it would be with him forever. Thomas was screaming in his mind, disgusted at the smell and at his body for doing such a gross and immature thing. However on the outside the only reaction Thomas gave was a slight grin and the same dumb chuckle.

That was the final straw for Thomas, he needed to get help.  It was now very clear to him that the changes that were occurring to him were not purely physical they were also affecting his personality and mind. Thomas no longer cared that he now smelt like the undercarriage of a football player’s underwear, he needed to get some clothes and get out. Still with the stench of his ass in his nose Thomas grabbed at his closet door and pulled it open, he needed anything to wear so he could just get out and get help. Except before Thomas had fully opened the door a few wisps of green smoke had darted in, so when Thomas got a look inside his closet he didn’t see anything he recognised. His clothes were gone; there was no trouser or chinos, no shirts or ties and not even a pair of dress shoes. Instead Thomas’s wardrobe railing was filled with tank tops, stringer tees, basketball shorts and tracksuits, littering the bottom of his closet were flip flops and gym shoes and all of them had the same undeniable stink of him coming from them. Thomas’s heart sunk like a stone as he now realised that the changes weren’t just effecting his mind and body they were changing his surroundings as well. Thomas rummaged quickly through the clothes trying to find anything respectable or at least something that would cover his nipples and pecs. Thomas pulled out the drawers at the bottom where he normally get his underwear and socks and was unsurprised they had changed too. Instead of boxer shorts his underwear drawer was now filled with skimpy briefs all in bright flamboyant colours. None of them were folded or ironed and as Thomas dug around in the drawer he saw that most of them weren’t clean either. Thomas tried to find any pair that wouldn’t be so tight and revealing but it was pointless the new him didn’t own anything that wasn’t going to cling to his body and show off his muscles and dick. Thomas was forced to grab a blue pair that only had a small brown stain on the back, he felt dirty as he pulled them up his thick thighs. He didn’t want to be this gross, muscular pig and he didn’t want to be wearing dirty clothes but if he was going to get help he needed to wear something. Thomas looked again at his new wardrobe all of it was so unappealing and stunk of sweat, the only thing that didn’t repulse Thomas was the baseball cap hanging on the back of the door and even though it was unnecessary Thomas found himself grabbing it and placing it on his head. Thomas then turned his head and caught a glimpse of his reflection, had there always been a full length mirror in his room? Thomas seemed to ignore his own question as he stared at himself, his muscles did look big and the tiny briefs he had on really accentuated his big package and round ass. Thomas flexed his bicep and smiled, why was he getting dressed again? He looked so hot.
Thomas almost fell into a daze, looking at himself was so soothing and hypnotic now, he just looked so fucking hot all the time it would be hard not to star- “NO NO NO, This isn’t you Thomas. You’re not this smelly, bulky lump of meat. You’re a scientist” Thomas was practically screaming at himself, finding it mentally draining to focus his body and to stop him from falling into self-obsession.  Thomas stared deep into his own eyes “You need to get help, you need to get dressed and get out”. Yet even as Thomas spoke those words to himself the slight twinge of desperation and panic could still be heard in his voice.

Thomas used all of his mental strength to will his body to grab some clothes and cover up his alluring body. With great effort Thomas made himself grab something from the railing of clothes, he avoided the tiny stringer tops and pulled out a plain black tank top. Thomas winced with disgust as the underarms of the garment were damp with his sweat. Thomas didn’t have much time he could feel his body wanting to turn back and stare at him, so with one last surge of power Thomas made himself take the first pair of shorts he could find. The tight pair of black shorts left little to the imagination as Thomas pulled them on. The outline of his huge cock was still clearly visible and the way the clung to his huge hairy butt cheeks made his whole ass look bigger but it would have to do.

Thomas couldn’t believe what he was wearing; it was dirty, uncoordinated, lazy and just displayed a complete lack of concern of how he looked. He was now dressed almost identically to the gross, idiot jocks on campus and Thomas hated it. Nevertheless he was dressed now, it had taken maximum effort but he had finally achieved his task, he was dressed, now he just needed to… what did he need to do again? Thomas knew there was a reason he had gotten dressed and he knew he was going out but what for? He needed to get out and … go to the gym? Thomas once again found his body turning towards his reflection, he knew that it was bad but he was too exhausted to stop himself. Thomas once again found himself staring at his wide, bulging, muscle bound frame; he hadn’t got his pump on today so the gym would be the best place for him to go. In fact after all the partying last night he needed to burn off all those beers. Wait ‘pump on’, ‘party’ ‘beers’? ‘Oh no’ was what Thomas wanted to say but no words came out from his mouth. Thomas wanted to talk to his reflection to tell himself that he never went to parties, he never drank beer and he certainly had never got his pump on before, but his body didn’t vocalise a thing. In fact as Thomas tried to tell himself that he wasn’t some gym going party boy a sharp pain darted through his skull and new memories wormed there way into his mind. New memories of going to the gym at least twice a day, making protein shakes and eating nothing but chicken breast and rice, memories of hanging out with other big, dumb muscle jocks, sitting watching crap comedies, playing video games and watching the game together. New recollections of spending hours in front of the mirror getting his hair just right and picking clothes that would show off all of his muscles. New experiences of parties, clubs and bars, getting way too drunk and bringing home some vapid big boobed bimbo. Thomas clenched his fists and banged on the side of his head, these weren’t his memories, he didn’t drink, he didn’t live in the gym and he would never have a one night stand. However as Thomas was trying to extract his new memories his recollection of the night before changed as well. Instead of being in the library reading articles and writing up his paper he was at a house party, he was drinking beer and doing shots while dancing with girls and his bro’s, he had such a good time. Thomas knew that the memory had just been fabricated but the experiences seemed so real, he could remember the taste of vodka and energy drink, he could remember grinding up against some blonde and he could remember downing a four pack of beer in a matter of minutes. Soon it wasn’t just his mind that recalled the night before as his body changed to deal with the after effects of a night of drinking. Thomas’s stomach churned as the leftover beer played havoc with his gut, his rock hard stomach soon bulged outwards filling with last nights booze and the gas it now produced.
Thomas didn’t have the time to care about his now bloated physique, his past and very existence was rewriting itself. Thomas’s memory now told him that he was no longer in college for good grades and hard work but for getting a scholarship in sports. While he had attended every lecture, written every paper and aced every test it seemed it was no longer the case as new memories of partying and working out replaced every aspect of his academic career; he was barely scraping a pass. Thomas begged for mercy, the changes were taking away his future, his career and his dreams and replacing them with his nightmare. No longer was he an aspiring physicist, no longer did he garner the attention of professors and intellectuals alike, no longer was he going to be what he planned instead he was going to be a generic, gym going, beer drinking, bad smelling, idiot jock. “Stop, Stop STOP!” Thomas yelled at his muscular jock reflection “You can’t do this! You can’t take away my future!” Thomas started to cry as his knowledge of formulas and theories became locked away from him, instead sports statistics, workout routines and the cheapest beers became his main thoughts and focus. Thomas’s keen, intellectual brain was being bullied and shoved deep down to make way for the cocky, arrogant jock he was becoming. He could feel himself losing control, the bro inside him taking charge of his body and consciousness. However Thomas was a fighter, he had worked hard for everything he had achieved and he wasn’t going to let slip away that easily, while his new brutish persona was big and beefy it was no match for Thomas’s brain. He hasn’t going to let some moronic frat boy take away his life, he was charming, intelligent and he planned to be successful and no one was going to take that away from him even himself. With great determination and resilience Thomas fought back the invasive mental intrusion and slowly Thomas could feel himself gain control over his body.

Although Thomas was able to gain substantial control of his physical self, he had taken heavy losses mentally. The new memories had firmly embedded themselves into his brain, while Thomas knew he was a physics student and a rising star his brain told him he was flunking his classes and doing a very basic business course. Thomas took a deep breath and tried to focus his thoughts, his intelligence was at risk and part of him had already lost it but that didn’t matter as long as Thomas, the real Thomas knew who he was, then he could still salvage his life from whatever this trainwreck was. Thomas wiped away a tear that was still rolling down his cheek; the notion of losing his intelligence had more than frightened him, it was one of the things he valued most about himself and having it teetering on the edge of being lost made it very difficult from Thomas to stay calm. It seemed that whatever these changes were they planned to take everything Thomas held dear, he had already lost his stylish, groomed body and physique to the bulky, veiny monster and now his intelligence was at risk. The only thing that was relatively unscathed was his charming sensibility and gentlemen like manners which was something to at least be happy about. However as if on cue Thomas’s bulging stomach started to grumble and churn. Thomas’s face contorted as the bloating in his gut caused him discomfort, his new beer belly painfully full and what’s more adding to his new frat bro look. The pain was unbearable but there was one way to relieve it, a way that Thomas would never have done so publicly, so proudly and so enjoyably if his hadn’t already lost what he held so dear. With an animalistic grunt Thomas allowed the pain in his gut to ease as he squeezed out that loudest, longest and wettest fart he had ever done in his life. Then without his consent Thomas uttered loudly “Damn dude, I need to take a shit!”

Thomas stood stunned, he couldn’t quite believe what he had just said and done, the only thing that made it real was the dense, vulgar smell that surrounded him. He couldn’t have lost his manners already; surely he would have noticed that? Yet even now his body took a deep involuntary sniff, intensifying Thomas’s torture and humiliation, his own body had just purposefully sniffed his fart. “No, NO NO. This can’t be happening!” Thomas yelled as he felt his stomach churn again. Thomas searched his mind for his manners, looking for proper etiquette and charm but he didn’t find any. What Thomas did find was a multitude of new gross and disgusting thoughts, such as not showering for three days, wearing the same pair of underwear for over a week, blocking the campus toilet and burping into freshmen’s faces. He was revolting now, his hygiene, manners and attitude were akin to that of six year olds and he lacked the maturity now to see anything wrong with that. To drive the point home Thomas’s body once again let rip a spluttering wet fart, the thick, foul odour burning at his nostrils. Thomas’s body then finished the fart with a long satisfied “Fuuuuuuck that felt good”. Thomas was both horrified and nauseated by himself, the indecent smells his body now produced nearly caused Thomas to gag. His body and his language were now just offensive, Thomas never would have used swear words and never would he have used them after blasting ass so loudly and rudely. He was revolting and everyone around him would think so too, horrible thoughts then raced through Thomas’s mind, thoughts of farting loudly in lectures, burping in front of his professors and exposing his lab to dank B.O. He couldn’t be part of that community anymore, it would be impossible to maintain a professional relationship with anyone if you farted in their face. Plus no one would take a scientist seriously if he was chugging beer and burping out the names of chemical elements. Thomas would be laughed out his lab, laughed out of his classes and laughed out of the university he had worked so hard to get into. Thomas mourned the loss of his manners, another part of himself lost to the dumb, smelly gorilla that was gaining more and more control. However  as Thomas moped he had an idea, the lab, someone or something there was bound to know what was happening to him and how to change him back. After all they were scientists it was there job to study and uncover secrets and whatever was happening to him was certainly something that needed to be studied, Thomas wouldn’t want anyone else to go through what he was going through right now. Thomas collected his thoughts and planned out the quickest way to the lab but even while he was thinking his body found a way to betray him by letting out a silent but deadly fart. While Thomas was repulsed by the concentrated rotten stench his face told a different picture, instead of disgust a pleased, smug grin was plastered broadly across his face proud of the reek he produced. Thomas shook his head; he needed to get to the lab before he lost himself completely even if deep down part of him really wanted to take a shit, just so he could snap a picture of it to send to his bros.

Thomas let out a roar and lunged for his front door, that was it; there was barely anything left of him, if he wanted to salvage his life he needed to go now. Thomas grabbed the door handle not seeing the green smoke gush under the doorframe. As Thomas opened the door he expected to see his dormitory hallway instead he was met with a very different setting. However it wasn’t what Thomas saw that told him he was no longer on his university campus but it was what he could smell. A wall of noxious odour almost knocked Thomas back; it was a combination of a gym locker room, a public toilet and a brewery. Yet the putrid stench wasn’t coming from any of those places, it was coming from the filthy, sweaty living room of a frat house. Beer cans, pizza boxes and condom wrappers littered the floor, a beer pong table still with half the cups full sat in the corner and a ratty sofa facing a flat screen tv and games console took pride of place in the middle. Thomas had been to shocked to even notice that sitting on that sofa was your stereotypical, muscle head jock and now Thomas’s new frat brother.
Thomas’s head surged with pain as new memories filled in the gaps in his brain, Thomas had moved to a frat house as soon as he could, he now lived with eight other bro’s and his house was known for hosting the best parties at the university. The bro in front of him was Brandon, they had both started at the same time and now were inseparable, they went to the gym together, partied together and chilled together. Thomas hadn’t just inherited the body and mannerisms of an immature, muscle jock he had also gained their friends. Thomas could only stand and stare as the equally smelly and equally muscular jock sat sprawled out on the stained sofa, a can of beer open just by the side of him. Thomas’s eyes darted to the nearest window and his heart sank as he didn’t see a street he recognised, he had no idea where he was, he would never be able to get to the lab now. Thomas couldn’t fight any longer, whatever these changes were doing they were determined to stop him from even getting the chance to get help or turn back. Without access to his friends or his lab he would never be able to find someone to help him, he doubted Brandon would have a clue he looked dumber than a bag of rocks, Thomas then hung his head in shame knowing that soon he would be joining him. All he wanted to be was more confident, to have the arrogance those idiots around campus had, he didn’t want to be exactly like them.

It was pointless trying to fight back he had already lost his body, his once slender, hairless physique was gone substituted for the hulky, furry mass he was now. Gone was his flat chest and cute butt and replaced with giant muscle tits and a bubbly booty, he would never be able to find clothes that weren’t either to baggy or too tight now and suit would be completely out of the question. Not that he would have to be formal any time soon seeing as his charm and charisma had been taken away from him as well. No longer would he be so polite to hold in his gas, no longer would he spray air freshener after using the toilet and no longer would he see women as anything more than a pair of tits. He had been turned into a childish brute; the only people he would garner respect from now would be the other meatheads at the gym as he would show off his impressive gains and powerful protein farts, the only way he would ever be considered professional would be to start bodybuilding. Thomas felt the tears well up in his eyes as bodybuilding may now be one of the few choices he had as a career since he had lost any chance of becoming the brilliant scientist he had dreamed he would one day become. Now instead of contemplating the universe or engaging in spirited scientific debates he would be discussing the size of the shit he had just taken and arguing with his frat brother about buying beer. The only thing Thomas hadn’t lost completely was his intellect; his keen scientific mind was still hanging on but only by a thread. Thomas was distraught he had lost everything, was there even a point in holding on anymore? If he just let the changes take control he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore, he could just drift into moronic jockdom. Thomas was just about to say goodbye to his previous life, when he was rudely interrupted by Brandon. The colossal lump of muscle shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa before leaning to one side and unleashing a very long, loud and reeking fart. The foul blast of gas added to the mist stinking air in the frat house causing Thomas to gag, was he really going to allow himself to turn into that? Was he going to let these changes convert him to the very thing he hated? Was he going allow himself to spend the rest of his life smelling that dudes ass gas? Thomas dug down deep and held fast, there was no way he was going to let these changes win. Thomas managed to focus his mind once more though it had been much harder than last time especially as Brandon had now leaned over again and unleashed another nauseating fart. Thomas couldn’t stop his body even with the small amount of control he had regained as he let out a dumb chuckle, which alerted Brandon to his presence.

“Hey bro! You still hungover? You’ve been in there for ages. Not that I’m surprised Tommy, Bro you drank sooo much last night I’m surprised you can even stand up. That beer gut is gonna be permanent if you keep that up haha.”

Thomas cringed as he heard the same dumb chuckle escape his “Bro’s” lips, his hatred for idiot jocks came flowing back even if he was now a complete clone of them he still despised them. Thomas didn’t even want to reply, he hated being called Tommy it was so childish and unprofessional, so Thomas didn’t however, Tommy was more than happy to chat with his frat brother. Thomas couldn’t believe it, he thought he had some control over his body but that control obviously didn’t include his vocal chords as Thomas’s mouth opened and his lips started moving on their own accord, happily replying to his best bro.

“Dude last night was awesome but I’m definitely feeling it now. I mean look at this gut, I need to get my pump on and sweat off this hangover. Gym?” Thomas couldn’t believe how naturally his body was acting and talking, none of those words of thoughts even entered his mind yet he had spoken them. His vocabulary and tone matched that of Brandon’s perfectly, he was talking exactly like the jock he had seen on campus and now he had even suggested the worst, going to the gym. Thomas knew that as soon as he set foot into that gym he would be lost forever, Tommy’s natural environment would be too much for him. Being surrounded by other frat bro’s, lifting weights, drinking protein shakes and farting together would just be too difficult to fight back against. Thomas wouldn’t stand a chance against Tommy, so with all his might he prayed Brandon would say no, but every good muscle bro has to get there pump on.

“You read my mind Tommy bro, I’ll meet you in the car” Brandon then pulled himself up from the sofa stirring a cloud of foul odours into the air as he left the room.

This was it, it was over for Thomas as his body took control he started his stroll to his car, as he walked towards his car he felt like he was walking down death row. Thomas would die and Tommy would take his place, the successful, brilliant scientist would be gone and another vapid, muscle hunk would take his place. Even as Thomas climbed into his car and the vehicle rocked and groaned under his weight he was reminded of what he was now, he couldn’t even get into a car normally. It was then a lightbulb went off above Thomas’s head, he was in a car, he could get away. He didn’t have to drive to the gym; he didn’t have to hang around with that other farting gorilla he could escape. Campus had to be close by he could get to the lab, there was still hope for salvation, he could still be Thomas. A huge smile spread across Thomas’s face, this wasn’t the end for him he could still have a future. Thomas grabbed the keys and put them in the ignition, the purr of an engine had never sounded so good. Now all he needed to do was drive… Yet Thomas remained stationary on the driveway, all he needed to do was push his foot down on the accelerator then he could be free. Except Thomas didn’t move, his body sat patiently waiting for his friend Brandon. Thomas willed his body to obey him, to do what he wanted just one more time, but nothing happened. It was only when Brandon clambered into the passenger seat; the car rocking from side to side that Thomas started to drive. However even as his body drove Thomas was still fighting, this was his last chance, his only hope he needed to get to his lab. After only a minute of driving Thomas realised he recognised where he was now, he was literally yards away from his physics lab, only metres away from the great minds that could help him out of his predicament. Thomas’s mind raced with optimism, possibility and desperation, he was so close to help that he was almost internally screaming. His increased mental activity finally triggered something in his body as he stopped the car before the turning. One way led to his physics lab and the other to his gym.  It was as if his body and mind were at a cross roads whatever direction they went would determine who they would be. If he could get his body to turn into his lab he could be saved, if he didn’t he would be lost to the gym obsessed body forever. Thomas needed all of his concentration, he needed all of his focus and he needed all of his attention if he was going to win and prevail over his new dumb jock self. Thomas’s intense focus was probably why he didn’t hear Brandon unclick his seat belt and was why he didn’t even react when pulled himself up from his seat and why it was all too late for Thomas to stop anything as his new bro bent over and pushed his large, sweaty muscle ass into Thomas’s face and blasted the nastiest, filthiest most toxic fart straight into Thomas’s terrified face. The sickening stench hit Thomas like a ton of bricks, the ripe concentrated stink of a muscle jocks shit shot directing up his nose and into his brain. The repulsive odour caused Thomas to lose his concentration just for a second but that was enough for Tommy to take it all. With a loud, dumb laugh Tommy drove the car and turned towards the gym, his constantly giggling drowning out Thomas’s cries of defeat. Thomas sobbed and cried as he was pushed to the back of his own mind, forever becoming a passenger in a body that he no longer controlled, forever trapped as a gross, vain party boy, trapped with a gross vain party boy best friend and trapped with the worst beer fart he had ever smelt.

Not that Tommy cared anymore as he pulled up to the gym, he found it pretty funny. That’s why he locked himself and Brandon in the car, pulled out his phone and recorded himself adding his own foul smelling fart to the already reeking car.  Both of them laughing as they inhaled each other’s potent ass blasts, leaving Thomas crying and gagging in the deepest part of his mind.

Tommy ended up being pretty popular, he managed to fuck the girl he liked although it was a shame that he also slept with her best friend and sister , which quickly ending that relationship. It seemed that Tommy didn’t find being with one girl very interesting so preferred flings much to Thomas’s disappointment. Surprisingly Tommy didn’t graduate but luckily quite a few of his new bro’s didn’t either, so they all happily moved in together to a cramped, gym obsessed and protein fart filled apartment. Tommy didn’t have many prospects on account of his low intelligence but what he did have was a rocking bod and a nice ass, sure stripping wasn’t the most respectable occupation but it paid well and he loved the attention. It was a shame how often he had to shave his ass now but the customer was always right and they loved some smooth booty. Deep down Thomas was still trying to get free, to break from the monotony of the gym, beer, dancing and rank farts but his pitiful screams for help and attempts to regain power were often quickly silenced by the heavy bass line of a new club tune. Tommy needed to practice his dance moves, he was aspiring for big tips tonight so while Tommy practiced his booty popping, Thomas was left sobbing watching his reflection waste all the opportunities he had worked so hard to get and live out a life he never wanted, and most importantly, thoroughly hated.

1 comment:

Another Birthday Wish

It was nearly midnight and for once Brandon was actually looking forward to his birthday, normally it would be a quiet meal with the family ...