Thursday, December 6, 2018

You'll Never Go Back

Jason was doing yard work when he got the notification on his phone, yet another news bulletin that he didn’t know how to switch off. Annoyed he pulled out his phone and soon an expression of disgust and anger washed over his face as he read the headline of the story, another rally protesting against police brutality towards the black community. For most people this would have been a positive thing, a way to campaign for change against something that was immoral, wrong and damaging to society, however Jason didn’t feel that way. Jason saw this as another attack against his white culture and privilege, just another way for him to be victimised as a white male. Jason plain and simple was a racist, a xenophobic conservative living in an area that supported his views but even though he was just as passionate as the next backwards right wing nutjob he was outcast because of his sexuality. Sure he could campaign to keep certain statues up and condemn certain movements but it would all be ignored because he loved the taste of cock. Nevertheless Jason wasn’t going to give up on his ideals and views and still he joined in with his hate filled community and at one of those bigoted meetings he met the guy he was now obsessed over.
Jason always admired him from a far; the guy he now dreamt about was the epitome of masculinity. He stood just over six foot, his muscles hard from years of gruelling labour and his belly full of beer and cigar smoke. The man had to be around forty almost fifteen years older than Jason but that just made things hotter, this man was a beast, a brute and dare Jason even think it, a daddy. Jason often saw him at the meetings hanging around at the back, quietly surveying everything, Jason loved that this brute of a man didn’t even have to speak his mere presence was enough to drive him crazy. Slowly Jason tried to find ways to get closer to his new crush, attempting to sit or stand near him any chance he got. Jason found that the smell of cigar smoke was always wafting from his jeans and shirts, the faint odour of whiskey and beer was always present and his manly musk caused Jason to get hard. The god never spoke to Jason, in fact Jason never saw him speak to anyone he was just there, a masculine presence that was impossible for Jason to ignore. Jason thought about him every night as he jacked off to the man of his dreams, thoughts of him fucking him senseless out in the field or round the back of the community centre drove his fantasies wild. Things only got more intense for Jason when he was casually stalking his new hunky crush and caught a glimpse of a small tattoo in amongst all of his others on the man’s upper arm, the wind had blew at just the right time and just the right speed to show the inking of a small rainbow, the man Jason had lusted after was also gay. This drove Jason’s jerking off sessions to a whole new level, the uber masculine man, who shared all of his ideals and views and looked like a muscular musky bear shared the same sexual orientation as him, meaning that those fantasies he had thought could never happen were now in reach. However the man wasn’t someone you just approached, his stern intimidating gaze and broad stature would frighten most men, including Jason but that fear was also accompanied by arousal. Jason’s small, lean body was almost eclipsed by the man’s broad, heavy physique; to Jason he was a giant among men and should be worshiped. Driven by lust Jason had tried to talk to the beast of a man but he was either outright ignored or given a stern disappointing look which made Jason’s knees weak. Even being ignored by the man drove Jason wild and his obsession only grew, so much so that he never was far from Jason’s thoughts and looking at the news bulletin had only reminded him of the commanding, formidable man he desired. The man who wouldn’t stand for any of that bullshit, the man of his dreams, the man of his fantasies, the man known as Austin Tarbuckle. 
Jason was already hard just thinking about Austin, his erection was pushing painfully against his tight jeans and belt buckle. He needed to get rid of all the pent up arousal, he couldn’t be seen in his yard with huge bulge in his pants, after all the community already saw him as some kind of deviant. Jason ran inside his house and sat on his sofa, wasting no time unbuckling his belt and pulling down his jeans. With his bare ass on the couch Jason started jerking his modest but thin cock, thoughts of Austin swirling in his mind. The huge, hairy man sitting naked smoking a fat cigar, the air thick with smoke as he stared at Jason’s naked body. His rough calloused hands grabbing him tightly and pulling him closer towards his musky chest and pecs, a deep inhale of smoke then blown directly into Jason’s eager face. Jason had barely started fantasising and he already felt close to cumming, the powerful man just pushed all of his kinky sexual buttons. Jason’s strokes intensified as his fantasy continued, his cock pulsing in his hand as he imagined Austin pushing his small weaker body downwards towards his tight jeans. Austin then mashing Jason’s head into his crotch making him inhale the raw stench of his cock and balls.  The beast of a man would then slowly remove his belt and unbutton his jeans until finally the huge fat cock of a god was positioned right in front of Jason’s mouth. The girthy monster tickling Jason’s lips, the small residue of pre-cum sticking to them, a taste of what’s to come. Austin’s cock would slowly grow larger and more erect as he wagged it so tantalisingly close to Jason’s drooling mouth. Jason would then  open his mouth ready and willing to take everything Austin had to offer, while Austin would snarl and look down in disgust before then plunging his cock deep into Jason’s throat and… ‘Euurrgh’ Jason’s cock erupted, cum landing along the groves of his defined abs and pooling in his belly button. He could never fantasise for long before blowing his load, Austin was his perfect man and he was gay, but yet he was still so unobtainable, which somehow made everything more arousing for Jason.

Jason sighed as he grabbed a rag and started to wipe away his cum, fantasies were hot and all but the real thing would be so much better. Jason could only imagine what sex with Austin would really be like, his cock twitching in response, plus it wasn’t like he was bad in bed either. Jason had a toned body, nice hair and skin and a great sense of style, what’s more his cock sucking skills were far from amateur, Austin would be getting the whole package. If only he could find away into Austin’s life and become part of it instead of a mild annoyance, if only he could get Austin to speak to him, if only he could have sex with him and do everything he had fantasised.

Jason huffed throwing his cum rag across the room and in the midst of his post orgasmic bliss he gave a deep sigh and mumbled his life changing wish to himself. ‘I wish I could have just one sex filled night with Austin, I’m sure after that things would change’

Green smoke enveloped Jason, his vision completely clouded by the dense smoke. Jason coughed and waved his hands trying in vain to clear the dense emerald haze that had appeared out of nowhere. When the fog did clear Jason was now once again fully clothed and certainly not in his house anymore, the sun shone down on him as he was now outside and standing in front of a front-door. Jason looked at the wooden door and the number by the side of it and instantly recognised whose house he was standing in front of, Jason had never entered the house or been this close before but he recognised it because after a day of stalking his target he had come to this very door. Jason was now directly outside Austin’s home. Jason frantically looked around, this couldn’t be possible, he was just at home wasn’t he? He had just finished jerking off and had his pants down, didn’t he? Jason was so confused, how had he got here and why had he come here, to Austin’s house. Was it a dream, had he walked here in some kind of erotic daze? Or was he just plain mad? He couldn’t be here, Austin had never explicitly told him where he lived and now showing up at his front door without a reason would make him out to be some kind of weirdo stalker, any chance of a relationship would be ruined. Jason was just about to make a run for it when the heavy wooden door in front of him swung open. A huge bear of a man stood proudly in the doorway, his thick muscular arms out on display, only half of his shirt buttons fastened allowing his hairy chest to peek out the top and a pair of tight jeans that accentuated his impressive bulge. The smell of cigar smoke, whiskey and manly musk surrounded him and permeated Jason being, causing his knees to go weak. Jason couldn’t believe he was here and was now standing in front of Austin. Jason half expected to get a punch in the face for disturbing the gruff alpha at his home, but the expression on Austin’s face wasn’t one of anger or distaste but one of sheer excitement. Jason had never seen the beast of a man look so happy, was it because of him?

“Ah you answered the Ad and damn you are perfect. Please come in, come in” Austin quickly ushered Jason in.

Jason didn’t have a chance to even think, it was as if his body went before his brain as he quickly shuffled into his crush’s living room. The odour in the air was much stronger now Jason was inside; the scent of smoke hung heavy overhead and now that Jason was only inches away from Austin the manly stench of his underarms was much more potent. Jason had to stop himself from doing a deep inhale, whatever was happening was exciting and he didn’t want to ruin it. Jason took a few more steps in the modest house as Austin closed the door. The house was surprisingly well decorated and beside the odd beer can and full ashtray, it was pretty tidy as well. Jason took in his surroundings, he couldn’t believe he was looking at the actual belongings of his crush, in fact he couldn’t believe he was here at all. ‘This couldn’t be real’ Jason thought, he had only been jacking off to the thought of Austin a few minutes ago and now he was in his house and breathing in his musk. Was it a dream? Some intense sexual fantasy? Jason hadn’t answered any Ad so it couldn’t be real life could it? But if it was, Jason was now pretending to be someone he wasn’t, a wave of anxiety hit Jason like a truck, what had the ad been for? What was Austin expecting? What would Austin do when he found out he wasn’t who he said he was? Jason had to come clean before things went too far, he fantasised about Austin a lot but doing something like this wasn’t who he was. Jason turned around to face Austin and was about to confess that he shouldn’t be here, but no words passed through his lips as Jason was stunned at what was in front of him. Austin now stood proudly with his shirt off, his wide chest and thick pecs out on display, Jason felt his cock twitch as Austin playfully bounced his muscular pectorals a couple of times and ran his hand over his hard muscle gut. Jason was mesmerised as he watched Jason pull down his jeans leaving him in just a pair of tight revealing briefs with a very noticeable bulge. Jason couldn’t help but stare, Austin’s body was everything he had pictured and more, plus the outline of his hard cock made Jason’s own modest dick stand to attention, he couldn’t look away. Jason would have gawked at that body and bulge for an eternity if Austin hadn’t spoke up.

“Glad you like what you see” Austin winked. “haha you’ll see a lot more in a short while” Austin gave a light chuckle before starting to walk away. “Bathrooms down the hall, when you’re ready the bedroom just opposite and that’s where I’ll be waiting.” Austin gave Jason a wicked smile before sauntering away, the sight of his thick hairy ass caused a glob of pre-cum to drip from Jason’s cock.

Fuck asking questions, fuck how he got here, fuck the ad, he was going to have sex with Austin Tarbuckle and Jason just didn’t care how it had happened. Jason had never moved so fast in his life as he rushed to the bathroom.  Either this was the most realistic fantasy he had ever had or his dreams had come true and he was going to be with the man he had jerked off to for the last six months, either way Jason planned on running with whatever this glorious turn of events was. Jason was no longer leading his body down the hall, his rock hard dick was and not far behind him was a trail of green smoke.

Jason had never got undressed so quickly before, his shirt was already halfway off before he even closed the bathroom door. Within seconds Jason was butt naked, his hard cock free to breathe and stand tall.  Jason splashed some water on his face and a little under his arms, he was about to rush straight back out when he caught himself in the mirror and couldn’t help but admire his reflection. He looked good, Jason was pretty happy with his body overall, his physique was toned, he had just the right amount of body hair and his boyish face made him look younger and more angelic.  The only thing he would change would be his cock, if only it was just that little bit bigger. At 5 inches it wasn’t exactly jaw dropping but it got the job done, however  during sex Jason didn’t have to rely on his cock that often, it was his muscular ass and talented mouth that were the real stars of the show. Jason smiled, his smouldering look was even turning him on and once Austin got a look at him and saw what he could do, he would feel the same way. Jason gave himself a wink before heading for the door. He looked perfect.
However Jason was soon back in front of the mirror as he spotted something odd. On his hip, there seemed to be a small, round, light brown spot.  Jason studied his reflection and blinked a few times, he even rubbed the mirror but still the spot remained. Jason tried to get a better look at the unfamiliar spot but it was in such an awkward position he could only focus on it in the mirror. Jason gingerly rubbed the spot watching himself in the mirror, the area didn’t feel any different, nothing like a mole or skin tag. Jason was just about to dismiss the strange new spot when he swore it had gotten bigger.  Jason watched the new brown spot of skin like a hawk, until he eyes widened in shock, the spot really was expanding. Even as Jason stared the strange brown patch grew and was now spreading round towards his back and ass. Was he ill? Was this some kind of virus? This couldn’t be happening at a worse time, Jason’s mind drifted back to thoughts of Austin he couldn’t keep him waiting, but he also couldn’t go out with some weird chocolate coloured spot spreading across his body.  Jason scrambled for his phone to look for answers or even call for help, however before he could press a single button, a wisp of green smoke tickled his nostrils, and his body stopped responding to his minds commands.

“What the hell is happening?!” Jason whimpered to his reflection, he was frozen in place his body completely ignoring what Jason wanted it to do. “I need to get help” Jason said as he stared at his scared looking face knowing what he had to do, but no matter how much Jason tried to dial for help or even move his hand, his body remained stationary in front of the mirror. Then without his consent, Jason felt his body move but certainly not in the way he wanted it to. Jason watched in confusion and dread as his body put his phone down and turned away from the mirror, leaving Jason staring at the back of Austin’s bathroom and with no way of seeing what was happening to the mysterious growing brown spot. Jason was about to scream for help, when another small wisp of green smoke darted past his mouth, silencing him completely. Fear washed over Jason as his voice caught in his throat, Jason did not like what was happening, it had to be a dream he couldn’t really lose control of his body like this, could he? Jason prayed it was a dream and that he would wake up but Jason had no such luck as his body started to move again. It was almost like an out of body experience as Jason watched his body move without conscious effort, he watched with dismay as his body stretched out his arms in front of him and then began bending forward. Jason started to feel more and more uncomfortable as his body started to bend, his feet remaining still and his arms at full length. Soon Jason’s outstretched hands met the bathroom wall, his body at a right angle with his arms out the front and his legs still completely straight. Then in a swift and shocking movement for Jason he lifted his head up and arched his back and froze once again.
Jason was both frightened and humiliated as he balanced himself against the shower, his muscle ass spread wide open, his butt cheeks pushed out as far as they could go and his little pink puckered asshole on full view. Jason felt so exposed and powerless, what was his body doing? Why had he positioned himself in such a humiliating and vulnerable position when he should be getting help? Jason’s mind was racing trying and failing to find a reason for what was happening, this had to be some kind of dream now. However the pushing and straining feeling that suddenly overwhelmed Jason felt very real. Jason let out a small whimper as an uncomfortable pushing came from his hip and started to spread, just like the brown spot had done. The new sensation wasn’t painful but felt more like a dull ache, the sort of feeling Jason had got when he had eaten too much food but instead of being in his stomach the new full feeling was coming from his ass. Jason desperately wanted to turn his head or move his body to see what was happening behind him and if the brown spot had grown but no matter how much he tried to move, his body stayed perfectly in place in his bent over, ass out position. Unbeknownst to Jason the brown spot on his hip had now spread over his right muscular ass cheek and as it did the pushing and filling sensation followed it. As the light brown colour expanded so did Jason’s ass, it was subtle at first, his hard muscle looked a little softer and his ass cheeks became fuller, the shape of his ass becoming that little bit rounder, but as the pressure increased so did the changes. Jason could feel the pressure and pushing coming from his behind increase as his butt cheeks continued to swell and turn a light shade of brown. Jason’s muscular ass soon lost all definition as fat filled out the previously hard cheeks, his arched position pushing out his expanding ass further. Jason could only moan as the pressure increased again, his ass cheeks growing, the two fatty cheeks filling up so that they no longer spread when he was bent over. Jason knew something was wrong he could feel it, the pressure was unnatural and only seemed to be building, Jason really started to panic when he realised his previously exposed hole no longer felt the cold bathroom air. With another increase in pressure another huge wave of fat thickened Jason’s ass cheeks completely covering the muscle, making it soft and squishy. Jason desperately wanted to turn around but the green smoke held him in place, he had no idea half of his ass was now a light coffee colour, and that his toned ass had now gained a decent layer of fat and what’s more it was no longer just an ass it was now a thick fat booty.
Jason felt such a fool bent over and whimpering as the unusual pressure continued behind him. He had no idea what was happening to him and his body, but for some reason he now felt heavier. What had this weird brown virus done to him? He had never heard of an illness like this before, could it be some kind of allergic reaction causing swelling?  Jason didn’t have long to ponder his newly acquired ailment as the pressure built once again this time causing more than discomfort to Jason. The pushing was much stronger now and the massive amount of strain being put on his ass overwhelmed Jason. The exertion being put on his ass was too much for Jason to handle; he was far too distracted to notice that the pressure had now engulfed his hips and as the pain continued Jason was unaware that they had now widened to help accommodate his growing ass, giving him a very obvious pear shaped body. Jason groaned in pain as the pressure increased again this time it seemed to focus in each of his ass cheeks. Jason gritted his teeth as his ass cheeks grew once more.  Jason’s cheeks became fuller and rounder as the pressure increased each of his fat ass cheeks becoming shapely and thick. The muscle that had once been present had all but dissolved into wobbling fat and the square shape it had once taken was now a perfect peach.  Jason squealed, the pain was unbearable his ass had just become so full it felt like it was going to burst, each one of his cheeks now feeling unbearably full. Jason didn’t think the pain could get any worse that was until one last blast of pressure, pushed and grew Jason’s ass one last time causing the whole shape of his ass to shift. The uncontrollable jiggling fat clung together and became in encased in the new shape of each of Jason’s ass cheeks.  While the pain dissipated and the very last of his was ass engulfed by the brown spot, giving it all a light caramel colour the pressure remained, his ass now permanently feeling tight and full. Jason stared dumbfounded at the bathroom wall in front of him, what the hell had just happened? Then without warning Jason was freed from his stationary position the new weight he felt causing him to become unbalanced, thankfully his arms were still outstretched or he would have fallen over. Jason almost didn’t want to turn around as he stood upright, he almost didn’t want to look at his reflection, he almost just ran for the door and never looked back, but he didn’t. Jason slowly turned his head and looked over his shoulder and with a loud gasp, Jason shuddered in shock and terror, causing his new full, thick, brown bouncy bubble butt to jiggle and shake.
“This can’t be real” Jason almost said in a whisper as his hand slowly dropped to touch his new shapely buttocks. It was so wide, so plump and so perfectly formed it looked more like a woman’s than a dude’s but there it was in all its brown, fleshy and very real glory. Jason’s shock soon turned to worry as he looked at the new shade his ass had turned, no longer was it the pale white ass of a farm boy but the bronzed hue of a person who didn’t understand fake tanning. Jason looked in disgust at his ass, it was now so irregular and odd, and the colouring made him look like a freak. Whether this was some kind of virus, a hallucination or dream it was very clear to Jason that he needed to get out and get help. Jason went to grab his phone from where he left it, taking a couple of steps closer to the mirror his new ass shaking with each step, but when he looked on the counter it was gone. The alarm bells rang in Jason’s head as he realised his only way of calling for help other than embarrassing himself in front of his crush, was now gone. What’s more there was no sign of any of Jason’s clothes, leaving him naked and exposed. “Fuck” Jason cursed, this dream was turning into a nightmare, the door was his only option now and he would have no way of hiding his new ridiculous ass. Maybe if he was quiet he could steal some clothes and then make a run for it, but then… things would be ruined with Austin. Jason stood in a state of indecision he needed help, but he didn’t want to screw up the chance of a lifetime and finally have sex with the man he had been thinking about every night for the latter part of a year. The fact that Jason didn’t know whether this was a dream or reality made things even more difficult, his new ass surely couldn’t be real but yet it felt a part of him now. Sex with Austin was all Jason had fantasised about and whether it was real or a very realistic dream he wanted it so badly, but not at the risk of his health.  Jason was torn, he didn’t know whether to follow his head or his cock, however that didn’t matter as a decision was made for him as a new sensation emanated from Jason’s body, this time coming from his crotch.

Jason looked down and almost screamed as he saw the brown that had covered his ass, now had started to spread around to his crotch. Jason panicked as he rubbed and scratched at the ever growing wave of light brown that was surrounding his crotch, but it did nothing to slow its advance. The brown colour had nearly surrounded the base of Jason’s cock and balls and was menacingly approaching his manhood. Jason tried everything to stop the strange colouring from getting to his dick but it was pointless, the strange sensation soon approached his cock bringing a terrible feeling of dread with it.  The brown quickly surrounded his cock and as soon as it reached the base, Jason lost his erection instantly, his limp, small cock now at the mercy of the spreading colour. Jason went to grab his cock, trying one last time to save it from the weird spreading colour, but with another wisp of green smoke Jason found himself frozen once more, staring at his reflection and unable to look away. As soon as the first spot of colour started to travel along Jason’s cock, the familiar pushing and straining began. Jason watched in terror, trying desperately to free himself from his frozen state as his pinkish shaft started to turn a deep brown. ‘Please no, not my cock as well’ Jason pleaded internally as he watched his cock alter in front of him. As the brown spread so did the pressure and with a slither of pleasure Jason’s cock grew a little thicker. Jason would have been thrilled at the newly acquired thickness, except that thickness was also being accompanied by an unsettling sensation and an invading colour that was modifying his cock into something unfamiliar to him. The brown spread and Jason’s mind screamed, as it turned the entire of Jason’s limp four inch shaft brown and with a new inch of girth. Jason looked at his reflection and back down to his cock unable to believe what was happening to his body, he was powerless to stop the spreading of the bronze pigment through his dick and now to his balls as they too turned a deep brown a grew slightly bigger. The only part of his dick that had been infected with the strange brown virus was his bulbous purple cock head but that soon changed. A burning sensation radiated out just below Jason’s bell end, he winced in pain only able to watch his strained expression as the strange throbbing increased. The heat and the burning increased, Jason squinted in pain as he looked at his cock, what was happening? Jason looked at his dick trying to see what was causing such pain, Jason gritted his teeth and groaned at what he saw, it appeared his dick head was getting smaller. Somehow his dick had grown wider but had also got shorter, this is impossible Jason thought as he stared at his rapidly changing cock. However Jason soon realised that his cock head looked smaller for another reason as well. The deep brown shaft seemed to be longer and his cock head smaller, but not because his cock head had shrunk but because it now had a roll of skin slowly engulfing it. Jason’s mind started racing again, he couldn’t help but panic, however even with all of his mental effort he couldn’t get his body he to move, he couldn’t even look away as his cock continued to change. The roll of skin continued to encroach and his cock head started to retreat, the brown fold of skin soon completely covering and swallowing Jason’s cock head. The last of the sensations tickled the skin around Jason’s crotch as within seconds a forest of dark black curly hairs erupted, giving him a substantial pubic bush and making his now shorter but thicker dick look even smaller. As the feelings faded Jason was left looking at the new cock between his legs and something finally clicked in his head, this was no virus, this wasn’t some kind of swelling, this between his legs was a new cock all together.  
Jason’s cock now fully transformed suddenly sprung back into action, leaving him sporting a shorter but thicker erection. As his cock plumped up and became rock hard his new foreskin peeled back, Jason knew now he hadn’t got a mysterious illness; an illness couldn’t create a foreskin. The brown colouring wasn’t a side effect, his skin hadn’t just been bronzed, it had changed at a deeper level, and it had been changed entirely along with his cock and ass. This wasn’t some aggressive new era disease, his body wasn’t fighting an infection, it was changing, and he was changing. It became clear to Jason what he was turning into; his mind raced trying to fight his own frozen body. His cock, butt and skin weren’t his anymore they were that of a mixed race man’s.

A mixture of fear and disgust overwhelmed Jason as he looked at his new brown cock and the dense forest of hair surrounding it, he was unhappy with his cock before but now he couldn’t even stand to look at it. Luckily Jason didn’t have to look at his cock for long as his new brown skin colour was quickly spreading through the rest of his body.  Jason fought so hard against the strange sensation keeping him frozen in place but no matter how much he wanted to move and get away from his rapidly changing reflection he couldn’t move a muscle. Jason could only stare hopelessly as his changing skin colour advanced and spread across his body, his fear and rage mounting as it expanded. First his torso changed to the light caramel colour, his nipples getting darker and plumper, while his pecs now had some added mass. His new skin colour then spread down his arms and legs to his feet and hands which both underwent as sudden growth. Jason’s feet grew longer and wider until they were now massive size fifteens and his hands grew wider and would now allow him to cup a basketball in one hand or one of his butt cheeks. Jason’s body now had the same coffee coloured pigment all over, any body hair had now turned a deep dark black and was now curly,  the only part of him that had yet to change was his head and face.

Jason watched as his changing skin colour reached the top of his neck. Jason had tried to be brave, he had tried to appear calm, he had tried to focus on his hate rather than his fear, but as soon as the mysterious sensation that travelled with his new skin colour reached his face, he lost it. ‘Please no NOO!’ Jason thrashed around in his mind, his panic and fear doing nothing to effect his body. ‘STOP Please, NOOO’ Jason cried as he was forced to watch his face transform. His brown skin seemed to spread quicker the more he panicked but watching his cute white farm boy face change was too much for Jason as he screamed for help internally. Jason shouted and cried as he watched his lips grow bigger and fuller, his nose grew wider and his chin become more chiselled and sharp. A tear escaped Jason’s eye as it changed from green to deep brown, his eyebrows and facial hair changed like the rest of his body hair turning the same sleek black. Jason winced in pain as the racist hateful brat watched as the hair on his head receded into his scalp, turned the same black colour and became tight curls. Lastly the pressure building inside his face ended with a painful crunch as Jason’s jaw and bone structure changed to be more angular and defined, getting rid of the rounded babyish features Jason had loved.  Jason was left sobbing as he looked back at a face that wasn’t his own, a face that most people would describe as beautiful, with its flawless skin, chiselled features and kissable lips but to Jason the only thing he saw was the colour of his skin which caused him to hate his own reflection.  
‘This can’t be possible’ Jason thought as he looked at his new body and face. ‘This has to be a dream or some kind of fucked up nightmare’ Jason thought, trying to reason with himself, to help him understand what had just happened to him, a dream was the only explanation. However the pain he had felt when his jaw had reconfigured, the pressure he felt from his growing ass and sight of his new foreskin engulfing his cock were all too real.  Jason didn’t want to admit it, but it had to be true he really had changed race. Terror and dread started to consume Jason as he looked at his new body, he couldn’t live like this, he couldn’t be someone he despised and he couldn’t have this skin colour. Jason was on the brink of a panic attack however the green smoke wasn’t finished with him yet as the weird sensations that had changed his body washed over him. A surge of energy raced through his body, it was the first good feeling Jason had experienced since the nightmare had started. Perhaps he would change back now, perhaps it was over, perhaps it was just some fucked up magic trick but as Jason looked at his reflection the last of his hopes were dashed. Instead of seeing his pale, farm boy physique return he instead saw his new body become more lithe, his facial hair disappear, his face look softer and his skin becoming clearer and wrinkle free.  Jason watched as his body regressed, the years falling away as the pleasant feeling continued. Until, Jason was no longer the twenty five year old man he had been before but was now a skinny, mixed race boy no older than eighteen.
Jason felt control of his body return to him, but he didn’t want to move. The person now staring back at him was no longer him; the person in the mirror was a stranger, a stranger his mind was now inside. Somehow he had changed into everything he despised, everything he discriminated against, everything he and his community hated. Jason continued to stare hopelessly, how would he live like this? How could he go back to his house, his friends, his family looking like he did now, just as he despised himself they would despise him too. Would he even be able to step foot back on his street looking like this? What would the community do to him, what would they think? What would Austin think? Jason took a sudden sharp intake of breath, what would Austin think? He was now a mixed race teenager in the bathroom of a deeply conservative and frightening man. If Jason had been scared before, he was now terrified, he had no idea what kind of reaction to expect if Austin found him like this, would he beat him up? Call the police? Kill him? They were all possible considering the area and type of man Austin could be. No, this was stupid, Austin would have to help him, if he explained everything he would help him surely? After all Austin let him in and he had been in the bathroom the whole time, there would be no way a different person could have gotten in and replaced him, so he would have to believe that he was the same person right? Even Jason didn’t believe that, perhaps if he was in his old body, Austin might be inclined to indulge him but not as he was now.. If he wanted to get help, if he didn’t want to get the crap beaten out of him or be arrested and sent to jail he needed to just get out.

Jason threw open the bathroom door and ran to the right; if he was quick Austin wouldn’t be able to even catch a glimpse of him. Jason almost ran through the next door, not even caring if he bruised or hurt his new body, however as he stumbled into the next room he froze. Not because of the mysterious green smoke but out of sheer fright. It seems that instead of heading to the front door Jason had barged directly into a bedroom and sitting on the bed was the man he had desperately tried to avoid. There sitting on the bed, smoking a cigar, his body completely nude, his face shielded by a pair of sunglasses and a confederate hat on his head was Austin.
Jason didn’t know what to do, he could tell even with sunglasses on that Austin was looking him dead in the eyes and it was as if he had the powers of medusa because Jason felt like his body had turned to stone. The silence was maddening, Jason just wanted Austin to react, to hurry up with the beat down or verbal abuse but he just kept staring like he was in some kind of trance. Furthermore to add to Jason’s distress was the fact that the sight of Austin’s naked body had kept his cock quite erect and it was now pointing directly at him. Jason could feel the sweat starting to gather on his forehead; he couldn’t even muster the courage to cover his dick, he was sure to get the beating of his life now.  Then after what seemed like an eternity Austin broke the silence.

“You are perfect” the muscular daddy smiled still staring at Jason’s new naked form.

“What?” Jason almost whispered back, not sure he heard correctly what the bullish man had said.

“You’re perfect. You’re young and fit, you have that flawless mocha coloured skin and damn what a big bouncy booty you have” The smile on Austin’s face had turned to a devilish grin and Jason could tell his eyes had dropped to look at the expansive bubble butt he now possessed. 

Jason was taken by surprise; he had expected many different reactions from Austin but not this one. Was he attracted to him in this body? Did he find this skin colour attractive? Jason was so confused; his entire construct of Austin had been shattered. He was supposed to be this masculine, alpha conservative that wouldn’t take any shit from anyone who wasn’t from around here, someone who stood up for the whites and was a lover of the confederacy, yet here he was lusting after Jason’s plump black behind. Austin removed his glasses to get a better look at him and Jason saw the desire and want in his eyes, he truly was turned on by him in this body. Jason felt somehow betrayed, even though he didn’t know Austin and had barely had any contact with him, Jason had built up his own picture of the man in front of him and now it appears that picture was quite inaccurate. Jason partly forgot about his new body and predicament and was overwhelmed with a feeling of loss as he mourned the death of his perfect man.  He didn’t even bother to move when Austin stood up, he didn’t even care that Austin’s cock was out, he just watched with disappointment and annoyance as the man that he had fantasised circled around him. That was the problem, the man Jason had fantasised about was just that a fantasy and the Austin in real life was attracted to and by the look in his eyes obsessed with black guys.  Jason didn’t understand, why was Austin at all those meetings, why was he such a big presence in the community? Why would he even be part of such a group? The disappointment had now turned to anger, Jason wanted answers and he was just about to ask them before Austin land a hard, open palmed slap onto his jiggling right butt cheek.

“Damn look at those cheeks go.” Austin whistled as he watched Jason’s now sore ass slowly stop wobbling. “Now let’s get you ready. I hope you live up to the Ad I posted, but from the look of you, I won’t be disappointed.” Austin then gave Jason a slight shove and led him towards an odd wooden contraption that looked partially like a stool. “Here I thought we could use this?” Austin said as he dragged it closer to Jason.

Jason stared at the device in front of him, it looked like a wooden stool, but attached to each of the legs were some leather braces that looked like they could be tightened. Jason was confused at first but the realisation hit him like a ton of bricks, Austin wanted to strap him into it. Jason had no intention of staying; he had no intention in helping to indulge this betrayer, Jason’s only intention now was to get out and get help. Jason needed to leave, everything had gone wrong, Austin wasn’t who he appeared to be and the fact that Austin had planned out this whole evening and was attracted to black guys made Jason wonder, was it him who was responsible for his transformation? Had he turned him into a mixed race teenage boy? Had he planned this from the very beginning? Jason wasn’t prepared to find out those answers, he had already found out his dream man was a betrayer he didn’t also want to find out he was some perverted voodoo weirdo. Jason knew he had to run but he didn’t even managed to turn his head before the green smoke once again surrounded and invaded his body, his voice and muscles no longer under his control. Jason wailed in despair as he felt his mouth curl into a smile and his body walk towards the wooden sex stool. Jason cried out for help and begged for his body to disobey the green smokes wishes but he had no such luck as he lent across the surface of the stool and draped his arms and legs near each of the straps. The stool was hard and uncomfortable, and his legs were too long but still he held in place, his ass bent over and exposed for Austin to marvel at. All Jason’s body allowed him to do was look pleadingly upwards as Austin stood in front of him and smiled before then fastening all of the straps tight, trapping Jason in the sex stool and his nightmare. Jason was completely at the mercy of Austin now and from the way Austin was staring at him and his ass, Jason knew he wasn’t going to enjoy whatever was coming next.

“Oh I have one more thing, I hope you don’t mind, well it’s not like you can do anything about it now haha.” Austin laughed as he opened a side drawer and pulled out a leather strap with a large red ball in the centre and then brought it over to Jason’s face. Jason didn’t even struggle as the ball gag was pushed into his mouth.
As if to add to Jason’s humiliation he felt control of his body and voice return to him, but even with all his energy and shouting only amounted to the stool shaking and a muffled hum. All of his struggles and shouts just seemed to make Austin smile and his cock harder. Austin turned and picked up a crumpled piece of paper. “You really do  fit my ad perfectly” Austin cleared his throat as he read out the ad Jason had apparently answered “Wanted for one night only,  submissive bottom bitch, young fit mixed race male with a fat ass, bitch must be addicted to serving big booty and getting his own ass destroyed.” Austin threw the paper over his shoulder “Well I know the first half is true, now let’s see if the rest of it is as well.” Austin then lent down, his mouth only centimetres away from Jason’s ear “I hope you’re ready because I am going to wreck that fat bubble butt of yours” Austin then started to head behind Jason. Jason could only wriggle and wail into his ball gag as he felt Austin take up position behind him.  He had wanted sex with Austin but not like this, not as a booty bitch boy, not as some mixed race teen. Jason started to scream as he felt Austin’s cock graze his plump butt cheeks, when a loud banging and a constant ringing of the doorbell caused Austin to pull away. 

“God damnit” Austin growled as he grabbed a bathrobe from behind him and headed to answer the door, leaving Jason and his ass safe for the time being. 

Jason let out a sigh of relief; hopefully Austin would be busy for some time. Jason couldn’t believe it somehow his deepest fantasy had been twisted into his worst nightmare. He was finally attractive to Austin but now he was a in a completely different body, he was finally going to have sex with Austin but in some weird fetish contraption, this was all wrong, he didn’t want this, he needed to escape somehow. However the restraints were too tight and his ball gag was restricting any cry for help, his only hope was that Austin might release him if he struggled enough. Jason then heard Austin open his front door, Jason couldn’t quite make out what was being said but from the tone it seemed friendly. Jason didn’t hear most of the conversation but he certainly heard the last part as Austin jovially said ‘Come in’ and slammed his front door.

Jason started to panic once again as he heard the dual set of footsteps approach him, he was already humiliated and having another person see him in this state would only make things worse. As the footsteps got closer Jason could hear the big heavy steps of Austin’s companion and from the sound of it he was even bigger than Austin. Jason started to sweat as he heard the bedroom door open and the two sets of footsteps come in behind him. The first thing Jason noticed was the new heavy musk that invaded the room, it was a dense, sweaty odour that made Jason’s nose wrinkle in disgust but he had no choice but to inhale it thanks to the ball gag in his mouth. Jason hated the position he was in, he felt so vulnerable and exposed, his new unfamiliar body and ass sprawled out for everyone to look at and ogle, he felt like a piece of meat. Jason felt even more uncomfortable as he felt a large callous hand run over his back and over his ass cheek followed by a satisfied whistle.

“Damn” a deep gruff voice said, causing Jason to shudder.  Jason shivered as he felt the huge hand run up his back as the huge, hulking mammoth of a man stood in front of him, his crotch only an inch away from Jason’s face. Jason’s eyes slowly gazed upwards at the massive man now standing in front of him, he had to weigh at least three hundred pounds and most of it was muscle. The man’s chest had to be wider than most doorways; his pecs strained against his muscle shirt. His biceps bulged like bowling balls through his sleeves and his hands were as big as they felt. Jason’s gaze finally reached the colossal man’s face, his deep browns eyes looked hungrily at Jason making him sweat and panic more. Jason watched with a mixture of terror and awe as the huge man scratched his beefy chest, pulling his shirt up to reveal his strong hard stomach covered in a thicket of black curly hairs. The unmistakable stench of sweat and musk radiating off him as he scratched away, his gaze never straying from Jason’s naked body.  Jason had to look away the man’s powerful, intimidating stare causing him to squirm as he became more aware of his vulnerability; however Jason’s gaze had fallen back to the face level crotch, where a noticeable bulge had now appeared. As Jason’s new form appeared not only pleasing to Austin but also to the gigantic, black bodybuilder standing menacingly in front of him.
“I take it you’re impressed Duke” Austin said with an element of pride in his voice.

“I sure am” Duke smiled. “So this is the booty bitch huh?” Duke spoke edging his growing bulge closer to Jason’s face, the scent of his musk intensifying.

“That’s right. This boy wants nothing more than to serve big ass and get his own wrecked by strong dominant men” Austin chuckled before giving Jason another hard slap on the ass.

“Hey Austin did I ever tell you I’m an expert in booty destroying?” Duke smiled and leered as Jason’s eyes grew wide.

“No you didn’t, but you know what, I’d love to see an expert at work.” Austin then circled back in front of Jason, both men looking formidably into Jason’s eyes. “I’m sure our booty bitch would to”. Jason then watched as Duke started to step behind him, causing Jason to go into a frenzy, his body violently trying to escape, his voice going hoarse from the constant screaming and protests into his ball gag. “Oh I take that as a yes” Austin chuckled, removing his bathrobe and sitting on his bed, slowly stroking his rock hard dick.

Jason writhed and struggled in his restraints, the unknown of what Duke was doing behind him making his heart beat fast and his brow sweat. Jason jumped with fright as he felt a wet fat finger circle his exposed asshole before plunging inside, invading Jason’s virgin brown booty. ‘No please stop!’ Jason shouted into his ball gag, his mumbles ignored by the two men. Jason felt tears start to well in his eyes, this wasn’t supposed to happen, this couldn’t be possible. He was supposed to be a handsome, angelic white farm boy who would be romanced and whisked away by his fantasy muscle daddy, where they would share a night of passionate, sensual sex. Instead he was now trapped in the body of a skinny, black teen, strapped down with his butt on display, where his dream man watched as a titanic black titan now fingered his virgin hole. Jason cringed as he felt the chunky finger explore the depths of his asshole, loosening and lubing him up.  Disgust washed over him as the ugly racist part of him couldn’t believe he was letting someone like Duke touch him so intimately; however that disgust was then met with dismay as Jason realised that he was now someone like Duke. Jason felt the finger retreat and could hear Duke remove his clothes, Jason knew the main event would soon be starting, at least he could close his eyes and bite into the ball gag and pray it would all be over soon. However the trickster would never be so kind, the filthy, racist bastard soon felt the green smoke once again dance around his face, this time prying open his eyes to look dead ahead. The mysterious green smoke the swirled in front of the hateful little man and a full length mirror positioned itself in front of him. Jason screamed as he was forced to look at his pathetic reflection, the tears in his eyes and ball gag in his mouth and then Jason saw it, Duke was just behind him with just a sweat stained pair of red briefs on. The outline of his penis very visible, but it was only as the dirty pair of briefs was pulled down did Jason finally start to cry as the huge, fat ten inch dick flopped free.
Jason tried one last time to get free from his nightmare, but his reflection told him how hopeless it all was. His skinny body was firmly tied in place, Austin was already stroking his cock watching and Duke was now perfectly aligned with his virgin brown boy pussy. Jason wanted desperately for everything to be a dream, that he would wake up again on his couch covered in his cum having fell asleep after a taxing masturbation session, but as Jason felt the slick, plump cockhead tickle his hole and then violently push itself deep into his ass, the pain and pleasure told Jason how very real his situation now was. The initial push was painful, the thick, fat cock was far too big for Jason’s tiny hole, but Duke wasn’t going to accept that. With each thrust Duke pushed his cock in harder and faster, his giant dick stretching and straining Jason’s asshole. Jason could do nothing but cry into his ball gag and watch his body shunt forward with every hard thrust, his weak little body no match for the might of the huge bodybuilder. Jason watched as Duke gained momentum, his face had morphed into a snarl and a loud grunt could be heard with every thrust. As Duke sped up he landed a heavy slap onto Jason’s jiggling ass causing him to scream into his ball gag, he felt so used and disgusted. Jason hated watching his pitiful body being shaken and slapped by the hulking black man behind him, his cute little hole being forever stretched and ruined by his monstrous cock. Yet while Jason tried to convince himself he was in hell, his cock disagreed as it was rock solid, Jason didn’t understand, he knew he was hating every deep thrust and every hard slap on his ass but his cock yearned for it to continue. Even as Duke increased his speed and started to put more of his weight onto Jason causing the pain and pleasure to intensify Jason’s cock begged for attention. Was it possible when his cock changed what he found arousing also changed? Jason would have pondered this for longer if he didn’t have a ten inch cock being thrust deeper into his ass with each thrust.

Duke had now bent right over, his thick hairy chest now tickling Jason’s back, and his weight now pushing down painfully on Jason’s body. Jason watched his reflection as Duke’s huge arms snaked their way around his neck locking him in a tight vice grip. The thrusts were now much faster and rougher now and Jason was screeching with pain every time the cock plunged into his ass. Jason couldn’t ignore the raw stench of sweat that was emanating from Duke and his underarms, that powerful odour would have made Jason gag if he wasn’t too busy trying to ignore the painful pleasure his body was undergoing. He shouldn’t like the big black cock in his ass, he shouldn’t like the strong arms around his neck and he certainly shouldn’t like the stench of his unwashed pits but yet his cock betrayed him and he felt his body arch his butt to increase Duke’s access to his ass. Jason cringed as he felt this body move in this way, helping to serve the bucking bodybuilder. Duke also noticed Jason’s new compliance and happily obliged but making his pounding even rougher, with every thrust he made sure to pull his whole cock out and then shove it deep in between his little bitch’s cheeks. However with all the weight and violent thrusting, Duke did not hear the ominous creaking coming from the stool below but Jason did. Jason cried and shouted, he tried to warn Duke, to tell him to stop but his mumbles just appeared to be pleasurable groans. Then as Jason watched helplessly in the mirror and with one particular violent thrust the stool collapsed, causing Jason to fall to the floor and with Duke right on top of him. As the pair hit the floor Duke’s thrusting cock had the added force of gravity behind and as it plunged in between Jason’s bubble butt it went deeper than ever before. Jason was seeing stars as he felt the huge cock sink deep in between his ass, his prostate being assaulted like never before, Jason had never felt such pleasure and he was disgusted that it came from someone like Duke. Yet even though he was free from his restraints he did not struggle, he just watched, his face partially buried in carpet as Duke climbed completely on top of him and continued to hammer away at his hole.
Duke continued fucking Jason for what seemed like hours, his thrusts never slowed and neither did the force behind them. Jason had no energy to even fight back now all he could do was watch helplessly as the black bodybuilder continued his assault on his asshole. Jason tried to tell himself how ashamed and dirty he was but the feeling of arousal he got from Duke’s gyrating body and thick cock was impossible to ignore, no matter how much he told himself he didn’t like it, Jason now loved black cock.  Duke must have been pounding away for more than forty minutes when Jason winced with orgasmic pain as Duke’s cock got thicker and his thrust reach peak force. Jason let out a defeated squeal and Duke a triumphant roar as he unleashed a monstrous load deep in Jason’s ass. Duke made sure to pump every last drop of the thick white fluid into Jason’s tight asshole.  The sickening plop of his thick cock being pulled out of the destroyed hole made Jason cringe, his ass now gaped and would never be the same again, Duke truly was an expert at destroying booty. Jason felt the weight of the bodybuilder remove itself from his weak little physique and he looked up to see the conquering man. Duke had a despicable smile on his face and his thick wet cock still wagged in between his legs, but while Jason was exhausted the muscular behemoth looked like he was ready to go again. Jason turned his head a fraction and saw Austin standing  in front of the bed, still stroking his cock, he may have cummed he may not have, Jason didn’t care anymore, his ass and his life was ruined.
Jason just wanted to stay collapsed on the floor and disappear, the racist brat had faced the ultimate humiliation, having been fucked into submission by a thick black cock and what’s more part of him enjoyed it as well. Even now as he looked up at Duke who was cleaning his dick off, Jason felt his own cock twinge at the sight of the man, but that was impossible. Jason hated people like Duke and would never be attracted to them; he liked muscular white daddies like Austin. However as Jason looked over at the slowly jacking bear, he felt nothing, not even an ounce of excitement. In fact the more he looked at Austin the more his dick went soft, which caused Jason to panic. Jason desperately searched his mind for all the fantasies he had had about Austin, the fucking in the field, the late night blowjob in the barn, the secret handjob under the table during a community meeting, all of them had drove Jason crazy but now they only acted as boner killers. Jason could feel the tears returned to his defeated face as Austin now appeared to diminish arousal rather than incite it. What had happened to him? What had happened to his cock? Why didn’t he find anything he used to enjoy arousing? And if he didn’t find masculine cigar smoking bears attractive anymore what did he find arousing? Jason’s arousal crisis was soon interrupted as Austin took a step forward his hand still on his cock.

“Damn you took that cock like a true booty bitch. I think you deserve a reward for surviving that pounding, don’t you agree Duke?” Austin said smiling his eyes looking at Duke and then falling downwards.

“Shit, you did say this bitch loved serving booty. It would only be fair to let him have some pleasure from mine” Duke then grabbed Jason’s arm and pulled him to his feet with ease.

Jason didn’t know what was happening; he had been picked up like a rag doll and had no strength to fight back anymore. With a sharp shove Duke then pushed Jason down on the bed, his back enjoying the comfort of the soft pillows rather than the chest of a sweaty bodybuilder. Jason watched as Duke stood in front of him and spread his legs, allowing Jason’s cock to flop down, his balls rubbing against his own moist hole. “Now bitch, its time you got to serve my big ole booty” Duke then turned around and Jason let out a small gasp, Jason had only seen Duke from the front, he had only watched his body thrusting and his cock swaying he had not got the chance to see what Duke possessed below his back but now he did. Duke’s ass was just as big as the rest of him, his ass cheeks had to be bigger than basketballs but certainly not as firm. The two fleshy cheeks bounced and jiggled playfully as Duke gave his hips a small shake, Jason couldn’t comprehend how a big muscular man could have such a fat ass but there they were two colossal mounds of butt dancing in front of him. As the shook the also seemed to release on odour, Jason had thought the smell of Duke’s underarms was bad but his ass was on a whole other level. Duke’s ass was far from clean and the smell burned at Jason’s nostrils, it was clear that the massive cheeks were either hard to keep clean or Duke just didn’t bother.  Jason tried to grimace through his ball gag to try and signal his disgust , but the two men in the room had no interest in Jason’s face the were only interested in the plumping cock growing in between his legs. ‘NO! Please anything but that! Please anything I’m begging please let anything else turn me on but not this’ Jason screamed into the ball gag as he watched his cock start to become erect. The green smoke once again darted past his eyes, taking control and making them focus on Duke’s large smelly cheeks, Jason tried to think of anything else, anything to distract him, anything else that should turn him on but his mind always drifted back to the ass in front of him. Jason could only focus on one thing and that was the huge ass in front of him, all he could think about was Duke’s ass and how it seemed to be the only thing in the world that turned him on.  Jason knew that the fat, sweaty, black butt cheeks shouldn’t be causing his cock to grow. Jason knew that the smell coming from them was foul and disgusting but it was so intoxicating to him. His mind told him how disgusting the fat jiggling ass was and how it stunk of sweat and farts but his cock betrayed him and now stood fully erect, throbbing and waiting for the big filthy butt to get closer to him.  A frightening feeling filled Jason, a need, a hunger.  Jason now wanted Duke’s ass more than he ever needed Austin and if he didn’t get it, if he couldn’t service it, then he would go crazy. Jason felt a drop of pre-cum leak from his cock as he watched Duke sway his ass cheeks in front of his cock before moving them towards Jason’s awaiting cock.
Jason would have protested as he watched Duke’s ass lower towards his erect cock, but the overwhelming need for release and to service that ass was too much.  Jason did nothing but watch as Duke bent over his sweaty sticky cheeks parting to reveal the musky, moist hole, lining it up with Jason’s throbbing stumpy cock. As soon as Jason’s cock entered into Duke’s asshole, Jason’s needs were met, his mind began to clear and the realisation that he was now fucking a big, dirty black ass hit him. Jason groaned in dismay as he watched his cock slowly being eaten by the huge jigging ass, the giant butt having no problem with Jason’s cock. As Jason watched his cock disappear in between the sweaty cheeks he realised that something else was disappearing as well. It seems that it wasn’t just his body that was changing it was his mind as well, the old Jason never would have taken such pleasure in being fucked by a black cock, the old Jason never would find a fat black ass attractive, the old Jason would never inhale deeply at the stench of an unwashed booty and certainly the old Jason wouldn’t have allowed Duke to sit on his cock. Jason watched as Duke slowly raised his ass up teasing Jason’s cock as he did, a wave of pleasure washed over Jason and it took him a moment to recuperate. Jason knew he shouldn’t have enjoyed that yet the feeling was unmistakable, he had been trying to fight these new feelings but parts of him now found them irresistibly pleasurable. The Jason he was becoming took great pleasure in satisfying the big ass now engulfing his cock and a new urge to serve and please Duke was growing inside of him. Duke then once again slammed his ass down onto Jason’s cock causing another moan of pleasure to involuntarily escape Jason’s lips. Jason started to panic, as another moan escaped him, he was supposed to be fighting back yet, he had done nothing to get away, he hadn’t even tried to get up from the bed. It was now very clear to Jason that while his old self was trying to fight back, it hadn’t one a single brawl.  Jason was losing himself, he was becoming the Ad Austin had described, he was becoming a booty bitch boy.

Jason tried to focus and gather his thoughts; he couldn’t turn into some submissive black teen obsessed with black booty, yet even as he tried to convince himself that this would be the worst fate imaginable, Duke was still slowly bouncing on his cock. With each bounce Jason’s thoughts became more and more jumbled, his need to escape, his need to remain himself and his need to stop enjoying himself were all gradually pushed further and further back in his mind with every booty bounce. Soon Duke found a rhythm his fat ass slamming hard onto Jason’s cock, the thick fat ass making a loud slapping noise with every plunge. Jason desperately tried to get away; to get the mesmerising ass off of him, to get the filthy stench out of the air but all he managed to do was lightly graze one fat cheek before he laid back down as Duke continued to milk his cock. 
Duke was taking great pleasure in toying with Jason’s cock, he would speed up his bouncing causing Jason to be on the verge of cumming before quickly slowing down, denying the release that Jason now desperately needed. Jason was now once again at the mercy of Duke, the aching and need inside of him to cum was almost painful but Duke always keep him just a stroke away from orgasm. Duke face once again turned into the menacing snarl he had had when he was fucking Jason, his animalistic and dominant nature taking over.

Duke bounced on Jason’s cock teasing and edging him “You want to cum so badly, I can feel it” Duke growled, Jason moaned in response wishing he could beg for release. He couldn’t believe he would ever beg a person like Duke but the pain and wanting was becoming too intense.

“Yeah, I hear you moaning like the little bitch you are, you want to cum inside my ass so fucking badly but I’m the one who decides when you can cum.” Duke sneered as he increased the speed he was milking Jason cock. “You see your cock, isn’t a cock. It’s a toy, something for me to play with and something for me to enjoy.” Jason knew that he was being insulted, humiliated and degraded but his cock only throbbed more as Duke spoke. The more Duke spoke the quicker he bounced on his cock and the more Jason was brought to the verge of cumming. What’s more out the corner of his eyes Jason could see that he wasn’t the only one of the verge of cumming as Austin was stroking his cock furiously,  a crazed lust in his eyes, but Jason couldn’t focus on him he needed to focus on Duke’s booty, that beautiful fat booty. “Your cock isn’t for pissing or for pleasuring yourself, it was made to pleasure me and to pleasure my big, thick ass, because pathetic booty bitches don’t live for themselves they live to serve ass, an ass like mine.” Duke once again slowed down showing just how much control he now had over Jason, how much his ass had dominion over his cock. Duke then playfully bounced his ass from side to side; with every bounce he spoke a word, taunting Jason.

"Your. Cock. Be. Longs. To. Me. Now. Bitch."
Duke roared as he suddenly went into a crazed frenzy slamming his ass down as hard and fast as he could. Jason’s poor cock was crushed and bent under the massive weight of the ass, the huge heavy cheeks slapping painfully against his thighs and the stench of unwashed ass intensified, yet Jason had never had an orgasm like it. Jason shot his load deep into the bouncing fat booty, the painful pleasure returning as Duke continued his intense milking and causing Jason to scream in pain as every last drop of cum was sucked dry from his stubby cock. Until eventually Jason was left with Duke sitting on his softening cock, the huge weight of the man on top of him, pleased at his powerful display of dominance. Jason could feel his old self being pushed to the back of his mind, the need to please black ass replacing it. If he didn’t fight back soon he would be lost, trapped in the worst life he could imagine, however Jason wasn’t finished just yet. While Jason hadn’t thought about Austin through his entire cock milking ordeal he was now very difficult to ignore. The muscular daddy bear was still pumping away at his cock and Jason could tell he was close to shooting his load, but it seemed he still wanted one more thing from Duke and his booty bitch. 

‘Bitch on your knees quick!’ Austin cried. Jason didn’t want to move, he had been fucked into submission and now had been milked for everything he had, he was drained, that was until Duke spoke.

‘You heard him booty bitch on your knees’

Jason didn’t want to but in his weakened state he couldn’t fight back as the new part of had to obey Duke. Jason felt his fatigued body drag itself off the bed and then fall downwards onto his knees. He looked up at Austin jerking his cock, he probably just wanted to cum all over his face, a scene that use to excite him but now only conjured feelings of revulsion.

Austin grinned at the worn out booty boy in front of him “Now bitch, it’s time to see if you truly are dedicated to serving booty.” Austin grinned at Duke and then back at Jason. “A true submissive booty bitch wouldn’t leave an ass so filthy”.

“Damn Austin you’re right, you can’t just expect me to walk around with your pathetic cum in my ass do you?” Duke grinned as he turned and faced his ass towards Jason.
Jason was stunned he was expecting a degrading cum facial but it appeared the two men had something much worse in mind. As Duke backed up his ass, Austin ripped the ball gag from Jason’s mouth; he didn’t even have a chance to scream before Austin grabbed his head and pushed it deep into Duke’s sweaty filthy ass.  “Now get to work bitch!”

Immediately Jason’s senses were overwhelmed, the smell alone caused Jason to splutter and gag. The dense stench of unwashed ass burned into his nose, forever solidifying its place in Jason’s memory and his nostrils. Duke’s ass was slick with sweat, having only just been pushed into the gigantic ass; Jason’s face was already drenched with the bodybuilder’s ass funk, the added lubrication only allowing his face to further be swallowed by the mammoth butt cheeks. All of this was made worse by the intense heat coming from Duke’s ass, the powerful warmth caused a muggy and moist atmosphere only making Jason’s hell more nightmarish as the smell and sweat increased. Nevertheless even with his mind telling him not to, that it would be the most degrading, most filthy and most humiliating thing he could do, Jason’ stuck out his tongue and licked the dank, sweaty asshole nestled between the fat, moist cheeks. The taste was revolting and Jason tried to concentrate on anything else so he wouldn’t have to think about what he was licking up. Jason let out another small gag as he began to taste his own salty load as it dripped out of Duke’s ass. The taste of the sweat and the taste of his own cum was nauseating but his body kept going, dutifully cleaning Duke’s ass just as he had been ordered to. The whole experience was made even worse when Jason felt his own cock twinge as he lapped away. The taste, smell, the heat and suffocating feeling of being crushed by the massive cheeks was causing Jason to scream internally but his body wouldn’t stop cleaning and servicing the booty that owned his cock. Jason wanted to cry as he felt his own cock spring back into an erection, not only had his new body gave him an obsession for huge black booty, but it appeared he enjoyed it even more when they were sweaty and stinking. He truly had been turned into a submissive booty bitch that lived to serve plump, fat .stank booty.  Jason had already stooped so low, he didn’t think he could be anymore more pathetic, that was until Duke lent forward and squeezed the last of his dirty load of cum into his mouth, causing his own cock  to erupt once again.  Forever sealing Jason’s fates as a dirty little booty boy who loved taste and stench of a stinky black ass. 

Jason wasn’t the only one to cum, the sight of the lowly submissive bitch boy eating his own load of cum had sent Austin over the edge, a thick ropey burst of cum shot over his chest. Austin roared and moaned triumphantly. The evening turning out better than he had ever planned.
Jason was left used and abused, his old self was barely hanging on. The feeling of the cold load of Duke’s cum in his ass and his own dirty load on his lips were stark reminders of who he had now become. If he ever wanted remain as Jason and not ‘booty bitch’ he need to stay in control, he couldn’t lose himself to Duke’s will anymore. Sure it was clear to Jason he was going to have to live with his new fetish for unwashed black ass, but he could still find a way back into his old body, he could still go back to his old life once he got help and if he was lucky he could find a way to forget this whole dreadful night, he just needed to focus.

Jason felt like he was in a trance as the time passed, he had to use all of his willpower and concertation to not become distracted from his goal. It was hard; the stench of Duke’s ass was always taunting him, beckoning back between the sweaty cheeks. However Jason was determined, he had lost too much already he couldn’t lose his life to this invading bitch personality Austin had created.  It wasn’t long before Jason was dressed, not in his own clothes but some spare gym gear Duke had in his stinking gym bag. The stained t shirt and baggy shorts reeked of Duke but still Jason focussed, he didn’t speak or even look at the two men as they laughed and chatted away, he just concentrated on the piece of him that was left. The last shred of the rural farmboy who desperately wanted to be a part of his community. Jason was given a glass of water and after only fifteen minutes since Austin had blown his load, Jason was outside on his front step standing next to Duke. Jason wanted to run right there and then but the new him was now putting up a much stronger fight, and Jason had no choice but to wait until everyone had said their goodbye’s.

“Wow what a night” Austin smiled as he looked at the two men outside his house. “Duke I know you came over for a different reason but I’m sure glad you stayed”

“Me too Austin, tonight was a lot of fun, but as you said I did come over for a different reason”

“Oh right of course, let me grab the folder” Austin then ducked back into his house and returned shortly with a manila folder. Jason looked on confused but could Austin possibly have for Duke? “Here you go Duke, the details for the next rallies, protests and possible riots the community has planned are all in there. What’s more I’ve updated the list of businesses and people that you want to avoid. This community is so savage and hateful, I would hate for any of you and your friends to get hurt.” Austin said with a weak smile before passing the folder over to Duke.

“Thanks Austin, we appreciate you doing this. It can’t be easy listening to all their shit”  

“Don’t worry about, these people are backwards but we’re not all like them”

Jason couldn’t believe what he was hearing; Austin was some kind of undercover snitch. He had been leaking the community’s plans and ideas this whole time. He wasn’t some stoic, muscular presence that was a secret leader of the group, he was a spy. The last part of the old Jason grew stronger as the rage built inside him; he couldn’t believe who Austin had turned out to be and neither would the community. He had to be exposed, the community had to know of the betrayer in their midst, sure it would be difficult in his new body but Jason swore he would do whatever it took to take down Austin.

Jason was burning with rage as Austin turned to him.

“Well you certainly fitted my ad perfectly. You’re the best booty bitch I’ve ever met” Austin chuckled. “But as you know the Ad specified just the one night, it’s best with my current situation if he don’t see each again or at least for a very long time. Plus this area isn’t particularly safe for someone like yourself. Anyway thanks for a great night.” Then with a last goodbye Austin closed the door leaving Jason seething with rage.

Jason knew what he had to do, even if it destroyed him he needed to tell everyone about Austin. He needed to let them all know what he really was and what he was really doing. Jason turned and was about to march straight to the community centre and tell them all what he had just witnessed but he was soon stopped as a loud booming voice shouted behind him. Jason didn’t want to be he stopped, but Duke had such a command over him, his new submissive personality needed to obey and so against Jason’s wishes his body turned around. There was Duke standing next to his car the door open, the muscular behemoth scratched at his hefty ass and then sniffed his fingers, before turning his attention back to Jason.

“Bitch where do you think you’re going? I own that cock of yours now which means I own you too. Now get in the car, I’ve got some friends who would benefit from a meeting with you.” Duke stared deep into Jason’s eyes, the gaze burning into his very soul. Jason could feel his body start to betray him as it took a step closer to hulking man’s car. Jason couldn’t lose this fight, if he got in that car there would be no turning back, no escape from Duke and his musk and no escape from that fat ass. Jason had to use all of his mind power to stop his body from moving, he wasn’t some submissive bottom bitch, he wasn’t a black teen with a love for eating ass, he was a conservative farm boy who loved the sight of a daddy bear smoking a cigar. Jason could feel his body start to turn away; he could feel his mind taking control. Jason looked away he looked at the path leading in the opposite direction, the path leading to freedom and a life away from a bodybuilder’s unwashed hairy ass. Jason was going to get away he was going to be himself again; the next step would take him away from this nightmare. Just as Jason was about to take his first step THWACCCKK a large open handed slap was planted on his right ass cheek. Duke had got tired of waiting ‘Bitch get in the car, NOW’. With that hard painful slap and the assertive command, Jason felt his grip on his body and mind slip. The stench and musk once again invaded Jason’s senses, the sweaty manly odour pushing Jason back into the deep caverns of his mind. ‘NOOOOOOO’ Jason screamed as he lost control and his body followed Duke back to the car, his mind lost to the submissive booty bitch that lived only to serve. The racist, hateful man wailed in defeat as he became trapped, his life now consisting of  forever serving dominant black men with huge, fat reeking butts.

“Bitch your mine now and you better get used to it. Fuck I’ve got to text the boys and tell them I’m bringing you back, I think they were stopping for Mexican food after the gym but they should be back home by now. Fuck I hope you don’t mind some gas with your booty. Damn I better give them a heads up not to shower since they won’t need to anymore not now that we have our very own booty bitch’ Duke chuckled as he started the car, leaving Jason screaming and crying, trapped inside a body and life he was going hate every second of and trapped in a car leading to a house full of fat, black stinking booty’s.
"Duke is that you? Send that Booty bitch in here, I haven’t showered or wiped so my booty needs that bitch now!”
"Yeah get him in here, my ass could do with a thorough tongue bath. I haven't washed this whole weekend"

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