Thursday, December 6, 2018

See You On The Flipside: All The World's A Stage

Romeo had come from a family of actors, his grandparents, his parents, his siblings even his cousins, aunts and uncles all were actors so naturally Romeo wanted to follow in his family’s footsteps. From a young age it was clear that Romeo had talent and he let everyone know it, he had always stood out at school, getting the lead in every play or musical production. Even the local theatre troupe asked him to join where he would often shine and out class most of the other members.  It was in his youth around eighteen that he was approached by some TV producers who offered him a role on a new teen drama. Romeo gladly accepted even though his family advised him not too, Romeo saw this as an opportunity to really get the attention, adoration and appreciation he felt he deserved. Thankfully his genetics had also blessed him with devilish good looks and a trim, toned body so unsurprisingly Romeo was cast as the school heartthrob, an arrogant jock who spent most of time without a shirt on. The show was a success and Romeo proved very popular, his social media accounts were close to a million and teen girls would notice him where ever he went. Not to mention women practically threw themselves at him and more often than not he was going home each night with a different girl to have sex with.  However despite his talent, good looks, fit body and popularity Romeo never felt he had achieved the same level of success as the rest of his family. They believed that an actor’s true value and talent could only be derived from his performance on the stage and although no one ever said anything to him, Romeo knew his family did not respect his work on TV. Romeo craved their respect and their success and at the first opportunity departed from his TV show to pursue a more rewarding career in the theatre. Romeo was offered countless other TV and film roles but he turned them all down, if he wanted to prove his calibre as an actor to himself and his family he would have to do it the same way they had.
The problem was that even with his achievements on TV the number of roles he received for theatre jobs were minimal and soon dried up completely. It appeared that his popularity and followers were also a curse as well as a blessing, his role as an arrogant jock and his gratuitous social media posts had changed many people’s perception of him. Directors and producers would no longer take him seriously or even consider him for major roles in plays; it seemed no one wanted what appeared to be a cocky frat boy to play Macbeth, Hamlet or even his name sake Romeo. In his youthful greed for affection, attention and success Romeo had unwittingly type cast himself as a dumb, handsome jock that was eye candy for teenage girls and housewives. Romeo tried desperately to shake his new unwanted identity, he cut ties with the TV show, he redesigned his look to a classic James Dean style, he reduced his public appearances and he tried to market himself as a serious actor to different audiences. Yet regardless of what he did he would always end up looking like the same arrogant high school jock and his fan base remained the same. It seemed he would never escape his first significant role and always be known as a douchebag party boy who could only act for teenagers.
It was on a lazy summer afternoon that Romeo got the email that changed his life forever, he had just attended another audition hoping at least for one of the starring roles but as usual he had been rejected and offered a bit part instead. Romeo could tell that as soon as the casting director saw him they didn’t see an actor worthy of Shakespeare; he saw a spoiled jock who thought he could pass as an actor just because of his good looks. By then the guy had already made up his mind, regardless of how good his audition was. Romeo huffed as he sat down on his bed and took out his phone, with no acceptable roles offered to him and in an effort to keep his career a float, plus his need for rent money Romeo had reduced himself to social media sponsorships. His account was littered with pictures of him posing next to items, wearing particular brands and eating certain foods. While this kept him living in his posh city apartment it only furthered his identity as some arrogant, model who lounges around looking good and getting things brought for him, which to an extent was now true. Romeo was stuck, he couldn’t turn his back on his previous success without losing a lot of money and he couldn’t progress with his current career ambitions without shedding his acquired façade and image. If only there was a way to get away from his titular teen role but still keep his notoriety and status, and with that thought a wisp of green smoke darted across his phone and a new e-mail appeared in Romeo’s inbox.

Romeo was no stranger to getting e-mails from unfamiliar companies, often they were looking for him to promote new products for them. However this one appeared different it wasn’t your run of the mill hipster fashion line or new range of diet bars, this was an agency. Romeo was intrigued, with his current predicament maybe he could use some extra help, so with a green flash Romeo opened the email.

‘Dear Romeo, we have noticed your online presence and of course your frankly spell binding stage performances. We think that your outstanding acting ability, illustrious reputation and your striking good looks would fit in perfectly at our company Flipside. We specialise in giving people the persona they need to succeed in the world of shows and the stage, as well as giving you a free full body make over just for signing with us. We think you’d be the perfect addition to the team and perhaps even our star. With great opportunities to adapt, adjust and rework your brand, to market yourself to new exciting audiences and even help extend your career into whole new professions and passions, we think a position in our company would be perfect for someone like you. Further details are below and if this sounds like an opportunity you would like to pursue then send a video reply with the words, “I wish Flipside would change my life!”

We hope to hear from you soon and we’ll see you on the flipside!’

At first Romeo was hesitant, this could be a scam and another way for him to get further away from his goal of being a successful theatre actor. Yet the email mentioned his stage performances and it said nothing of his teen drama, perhaps this agency truly saw his real potential. Romeo was doubtful plus did he really want to do something as extreme as a remodel and rebrand? Romeo paused to think and his eyes drifted around his bedroom, Romeo stared at his room and the pile of free merchandise, maybe he would have to do something drastic, maybe he needed a change and perhaps this agency could do it for him? Romeo sighed he couldn’t go on like this, he wanted so badly to prove himself to his family, he wanted so badly to be the actor they thought he could be and currently everything he had tried had proved unsuccessful at shedding his teen jock identity.  Romeo exhaled loudly, what did he have to lose? He couldn’t keep living off sponsors and promotions, he needed to get back to his true passion, he needed to prove himself to his family and most importantly he needed to prove to himself that he was a truly great actor. Romeo smiled as the adrenaline started racing through his body, this was it he was going to lose his crappy dumb frat boy guise and become the actor he knew he could be. With a renewed sense of purpose and drive Romeo opened up the video camera on his phone and happily filmed himself.

“I wish Flipside would change my life!”

It was almost instantaneous, as soon as Romeo sent his video response a loud banging came from his front door. Normally Romeo would have ignored the visitor, he wasn’t expecting anyone or a package so why would he answer it? However Romeo was unaware of the small wisps of green smoke crawling under the door and how the dancing green curls tickled his nose, beckoning him towards the knocking.  Before Romeo even realised what he was doing he had got up gone to his front door and without hesitation opened it to see a man all dressed in green.

“Good afternoon Romeo, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you accepted our offer and plan to work for my eccentric little agency. You have so much potential, you could even be my new rising star” The green man announced as he strolled past Romeo, leaving him stunned and confused.

Romeo had barely registered that he had opened the door let alone the person in front of him, the stranger dressed in green had already made his way to the living room before Romeo finally came to his senses. With a quick lunge Romeo managed to get in front of the stranger, blocking him from entering his home any further. “Excuse me! Who are you?”

“Well I’m from Flipside of course, here to give you that full body make-over and new persona we promised. Now where shall we start the bedroom?” Without waiting for an answer the sharply dressed green man pushed past Romeo effortlessly and without directions went into Romeo’s room.
Romeo couldn’t quite believe the nerve of the bizarre stranger as he found himself following him into his bedroom, his frustration and anger building. “Hey! Come back. I only just signed up for that agency and I never agreed for anyone to come to my house.” Romeo barged into his own bedroom and found the green stranger making himself at home on his bed. “I want you out no-“ Romeo was cut short as a flurry of green smoke encircled his body causing his voice to catch in his throat and his body to freeze.

“Oh they always want me to leave” The green invader sighed “Although it’s a different story when I do have to go” A devious, frightening smile grew across the tricksters face as he leered at Romeo.
 “My dear boy, you wanted Flipside’s help and so I’m here to give it to you”.

Romeo started to panic, his body was completely paralysed except his rapidly darting eyes, his ability to speak was non-existent and a menacing stranger was grinning at him. He needed to get help immediately but no matter how hard Romeo fought at the invisible bonds that kept him in place he did not move a muscle.

“Now I think its best if you only speak when spoken to, I do hate when people are noisy when I give them their make-over” The emerald stranger grinned. “Now let’s get started. Romeo you’re tired of being mistaken as the dumb, jock, you want to be a great actor, a master of the stage, you want people to travel for miles to see one of your performances and of course you want the attention and admiration of a cheering crowd, correct?”

Romeo suddenly felt his mouth return to him, Romeo first instinct was to scream for help but instead he found himself blurting out the answer to the question that had been posed to him. “Yes absolutely, I want nothing else” If Romeo could have clasped his hands over his mouth he would have, it appeared while control of his mouth had been given back to him, what came out of it was still firmly under the stranger’s control.

“Excellent. Then you have no need to worry or be afraid. With the help of Flipside all of those wants and needs will be answered.” The trickster smiled as he sensed Romeo relax ever so slightly. “Now let’s begin. Firstly we will have to change your style, while you see it as classic, I see it as outdated. I think its best if we update your look to something more modern, something more… you”

A wave of green smoke erupted from the stranger and weaved its way into Romeo’s clothing, who was wearing his standard faded blue jeans, simple white tee and stylish brown brogues. Any calmness or composure Romeo had quickly dissipated as the foreign green smoke attacked his clothes.  His tight t-shirt and jeans suddenly felt looser and there colour was quickly becoming darker, his jeans becoming a dark navy and his t-shirt a dark blue. Romeo couldn’t believe what was happening; the clothes on his body were literally changing before his very eyes. If he was afraid before he was terrified now, not being able to move was one thing but the man was actually changing what was on his body. Romeo could feel his underwear shift and change; his baggy boxers were becoming tighter while the rest of his clothes seem to be getting bigger. Romeo could only watch as his t-shirt sleeves receded and then disappeared, the fabric of his jeans turned from denim to cotton and his shoes felt like they had some added cushioning. Soon Romeo’s plain white t-shirt has turned into a dark blue vest, the cotton turned into a cheap polyester blend and some red and white trim appeared around the arms and neck. His jeans were no more as the zip and button faded away and a band of elastic encircled Romeo’s waist, two toggles then sprouted out and a sports brand emblem appeared down the side. Romeo watched as brands and writing appeared across his chest, his new style becoming very apparent. Romeo looked down to see his expensive shoes finally lose their brown colour and go bright red as plastic replaced some of the leather. Romeo was momentarily distracted as his five hundred dollar watch also began to shift, the sleek and stylish timepiece bulking up and turning the same bright red as his shoes as it was replaced with a tatty sports model. Romeo wanted to shout at the green invader for substituting his expensive watch for something clearly inferior but a sharp pain suddenly came from his earlobes as two large, diamante studs appeared in both of them. A then unfamiliar object appeared on his head and instantly Romeo knew what it was as his new backwards baseball cap fitted itself on his head.

“Perfect” the trickster stated proudly before twirling his finger making Romeo turn and allowing him to face his bedroom mirror.

Romeo would have gasped if he could as he took in his new look the green man had given him. His classic, 60’s casual look was gone replaced with a cheap basketball jersey, navy sweatpants, what felt like a pair of tight briefs, some ridiculous looking gym shoes, gaudy earrings and a dumb looking backwards baseball cap. Romeo wanted to scream, he looked like a gym obsessed, muscle loving jock, the exact look he was trying to get away from and now he looked like it more than ever.
Romeo was furious, the green man had given him the style of stereotypical jock bro, if he turned up to an audition looking like this the producers what laugh him out of the room. Romeo was about to argue and dispute his new style with the green stranger but was once again unable to vocalise a thing, the only way he could possibly display his disgust was with an irritated and infuriated glare.

“What’s the matter Romeo? You don’t like your new look?” The trickster then snapped his fingers and all of Romeo’s wardrobe doors popped open revealing that it wasn’t just the clothes on his body that had changed.  Romeo gawked as he looked at the new attire that filled up his wardrobes, his jackets and coats had all been replaced by hooded sweat shirts, his t-shirts and dress shirts all exchanged for sleeveless tank tops and vests, all of his shoes had been substituted for flip flops or brightly coloured workout shoes and his trousers and jeans were now shorts and compression leggings. If Romeo had line of sight he would have also seen all of his underwear was now tight and bright briefs or skimpy jock straps.  Romeo could only let out a weak cry of defiance as he mourned the loss of his expensive, tailored and designer clothes and replaced with cheap, brightly coloured workout gear. Everything he now owned had been exchanged for something tight and exposing, it appeared his arms and legs would now always be out on his display, just like the vain douchebags down at the gym. Romeo stared back the mirror, then at his new look, then his new clothes before finally staring back at the green man. Romeo stared enraged, he wanted to demand his belongings be returned to him, for his clothes to revert back to the much more fitting and classy style and for the green man to leave, but the best he could do was a small growl and an aggravated scowl.

The trickster paused as he stared back the exasperated looking Romeo “Oh I know why you’re looking so glum, it’s because this style isn’t right for you”

‘Yes, Yes Yes. I hate this look, I hate this style. I look like an idiot frat boy who drank one to many protein shakes’ Romeo shouted internally, relieved his expression was able to convey his disapproval.

“Of course it isn’t right, that’s because we haven’t given you the body to go with it” The trickster smiled, the green man waited for Romeo’s relieved expression to change back to one of panic before letting out a hearty chuckle and blowing another load of green smoke towards Romeo.

The green smoke seeped into Romeo’s skin and caused an invigorating feeling to wash over him, his entire body suddenly felt full of energy. Romeo felt like he could have run a marathon with the new electric energy coursing through his veins, yet he could not enjoy the pleasant feeling as he was still frozen in place unable to move an inch. The changes at first were incredibly subtle and due to his new attire Romeo was seemingly unaware that his body was expanding as his muscles began to grow. It wasn’t until Romeo noticed that his previously baggy tank top was now feeling tighter around the chest and shoulders. Romeo looked at his reflection and squinted, with a small bulge and bubble Romeo watched astounded as he saw his chest and arms inflate. A new surge of terror filled Romeo as he watched his body grow; a change of clothes was one thing for a new body was something entirely more disturbing. Romeo looked at the green man and tried to plead with him to stop and thankfully his pained expression caught the stranger’s attention. 

“Something wrong Romeo?” the trickster asked in a condescending tone. The devious green man looked at the dressed up frat boy and at his expression, Romeo was right there was something wrong. “How stupid of me, no wonder you look irritated” with a wave of his green hand the clothes on Romeo’s body disappeared leaving him completely naked. “There now you can appreciate your new body”.

Romeo blushed beet red as his clothes disintegrated around, leaving him just with his earrings and baseball cap on. Romeo would have been glad that his hideous, stereotypical jock attire was gone; yet he much preferred his new clothes to his current naked predicament. Romeo squirmed uncomfortably; he had never been naked in front of another man before and the leering green man was making the whole situation more embarrassing. Romeo felt like a piece of meat as the devious green man stared at his body and chuckled as he looked at his cock, while Romeo had been blessed with talent, good looks and a decent body he was sadly lacking in the penis department. Romeo blushed a deeper shade of red, if only he could move his hands to cover his crotch and if only he could talk so he could say how cold it was in his room, but he couldn’t and so he was forced to stare at his naked body and small cock while the green invader continued to study him. Thankfully Romeo had little time to focus on his exposed three inch dick, as his reflection now displayed a body that was very different to the one he was used to. Just by guessing Romeo estimated he must have put on at least thirty pounds and all of it muscle, his arms and legs were bigger, his chest seemed wider and his stomach had a very clear and defined six pack. Romeo was surprised to realise that he quite liked the new changes to his body, he looked like a professional swimmer and the new added muscle certainly made him look more desirable. For a moment Romeo relaxed a little to admire his new toned body, with a body like this he would certainly attract more women, plays that required him to be shirtless or semi-naked would certainly see his appeal and think of all the muscle products he could now promote. Wait! NO he wanted to get away from sponsors and promotions, Romeo closed his eyes and had to force the thoughts from his mind. While it was true his new body would certainly garner him more attention on social media, this wasn’t the plan. He wanted to be seen as an actor not some vain social media model.

“What’s the matter Romeo? You don’t seem to be happy with any of the changes I’ve made so far” the trickster asked both playfully and slightly annoyed.

Romeo once again found his ability to speak return to him “Happy? You’d think I’d be happy you psycho? I hate the dumb jock aesthetic, I despise the vain frat boy style and I loathe the spoiled, narcissistic social media model look, yet so far all you have done is made me more like them! I want to be talented actor, I want to be the best, I want the admiration and adoration I deserve and I want to be taken seriously! How in the hell would I achieve that looking like this” Romeo screamed like a petulant child.

The green man seemed a little taken back by the sudden outburst of rage and truthfully so was Romeo, however the stranger soon recovered and a devilishly grin twisted across his face. “It appears you are right again Romeo. People certainly won’t take you seriously with that body” the trickster tone of voice then changed to a much deeper sinister tone “So let’s get serious.” The barrage of green fog that followed hit Romeo with far more force this time and the euphoric energy once again returned as he felt his body change again. Romeo cringed as he felt his body start to expand again however this time it wasn’t slow and subtle, Romeo watched as his muscles started to grow and the energy surge around his body, until a particularly powerful swell found its way to his chest and pectorals causing Romeo to moan.

The sensation was almost orgasmic as the energy focussed in on Romeo’s chest, the sheer euphoria was enough to distract him from his rash outburst and the dangerous smile the green man sported. Romeo stared down as his pectorals started to grow, while previously he had a small pair of pecs, they wouldn’t have been visible in a t-shirt or aroused much attention however that was quickly changing. The pair of muscles on his chest were growing fast, quickly becoming swollen. As they grew they obscured Romeo’s vision of his feet and became an obvious feature to his body, but they didn’t stop there. Romeo started to become alarmed as he realised just how fast they were expanding, no longer was the pleasure enough to distract him from his furiously growing chest. Romeo started to panic as his previously flat chest now had two muscular balloons attached to it, the large tits now stopping him from seeing his feet, stomach and only his miniscule cock head peeked over the top of his giant muscular bosoms. As the energy and bliss receded from his chest so did the growth, Romeo was astounded and frightened by the size of his new pecs he didn’t even realise that he was moving his upper body as his hands moved to touch his chest. The two humungous puffy, pecs were sensitive to touch and curiously Romeo squeezed his nipple which caused him to moan loudly and his cock to dribble.  Now that the pleasure had eased the reality of Romeo’s new assets sunk in, if he ever wore anything of his previous style his pectorals would always jut awkwardly out and even now with his hideous gym look he could imagine his fat muscle tits poking inelegantly from the sides of his tank top, his nipples exposed and ready to be tweaked. Romeo stared at his reflection as the new pair of bulbous muscle boobs he now possessed, he looked even worse than before, not even his family would take him seriously let alone directors and producers, not with these two ginormous beefy breasts.
Romeo stroked and pushed at his enormous chest trying anything to make them not stick out so prominently but it was hopeless the sheer muscle mass would mean he would always have a large defined tit shelf. Romeo caught the sinister green man’s eye in the mirror, his outburst had angered and now he was paying the price. Romeo then felt the energy return and the pleasant feeling washed over his body to his arms and legs, but while the feeling should have been enjoyable Romeo let out a whimper as he dreaded what would accompany the deceptive feeling. The swelling came just as fast and ferociously, expanding Romeo’s muscles, his biceps, triceps, quads and calves all feeling the invigorating surge and all accompanied by extreme muscle growth. Romeo stared in shock as his arms inflated, his previously modest biceps soon becoming huge hard boulders. The utter size of them pushing his arms away from his now bulbous pecs and still they continued to grow. The massive mountains on his arms and bulging muscles made it impossible for them to sit comfortably by his sides, now constantly poking outwards and making Romeo look even bulkier. Romeo quickly looked from his arms to his legs as a new unfamiliar feeling occurred, with a small whine Romeo looked forlornly at his reflection and expanding thighs. The new feeling being his bloated, overstuffed thighs now pressing into each other, sandwiching his small cock and balls in between making his three inch dick look nothing more than a nub. Romeo looked on terrified as his muscles welled around him, large thick veins sprouted on his skins running across his new muscles, the look disgusted Romeo and more kept on appearing as his muscles continued to grow. By the time the feeling in his body start to die down Romeo could only estimate that he had put on at least one hundred pounds of pure muscle. Gone was his slender, sleek and fit body which had been consumed by the hulking, vascular monster that stood before him. Romeo didn’t want to move but when he did he found it much harder, the new mass and bulging muscles meant his body would never work in the same way again. Curiously Romeo tried to touch his shoulder with his new freakish arm and almost burst into tears when he didn’t even get close. Instead his new muscles tensed allowing for even more veins to appear and making Romeo look like a flexing muscle head at the gym.
Romeo looked at his now bulky and cumbersome body, walking normally would now be a struggle he could only imagine waddling along the street people have to move out the way as his ginormous gorilla sized physique knocked people aside. Romeo looked at his now giant body with dismay, never had he seen an actor on the stage with such a body, never had he seen a leading man waddle on stage and be out of breath from heaving his own hefty body and never had he seen an actor perform with muscles like his. Romeo stared miserably at the green man, he wanted nothing more but to tell him to stop, to apologise for his outburst, for him to change him back and to give him the body he loved, but even if he could speak Romeo somehow knew that what he wanted would never happen. Especially now as he felt the energising feeling return to body and with a weak sob Romeo felt the surge focus on his ass.

Romeo had never given his ass much thought, a few girls had commented on it calling cute but other than that it had never been a part of him he paid that much attention too, but it appeared the swelling and energy had different priorities. Romeo was completely unprepared from the utter pleasure emanating from his behind that he couldn’t help but let out a moan. However that pleasure also came with growth; from his current position Romeo had no idea just how fast his ass cheeks were growing. In blissful ignorance Romeo couldn’t help but groan at the exhilarating feeling while his previous cute butt ballooned outwards. Each of the cheeks started to put on muscle mass making them grow larger and harder. Every muscle was worked and built giving a pert round shape to the previously flat ass and within moments Romeos ass was already sticking out several inches more and weighed an extra ten pounds, yet still it expanded. The solid pair of muscular cheeks continued to add mass but this time Romeo’s ass didn’t just expand with muscle it was also accompanied by fat. Any fat that was on Romeo’s body had repositioned itself to his growing butt contributing to its ever increasing size. Thanks to the new layer of fat Romeo’s ass had reached a new size and it now allowed some movement from the muscular behind, even with the slight turn or step Romeo’s new ass would jiggle and bounce. Romeo let out an almost pained moan as the surge of energy reached its apex and his ass reached its final stage of growth, his butt cheeks each reaching their limit become full, bloated and shapely. With a final burst Romeo’s ass finally stopped growing, the humungous pair of fatty, muscular cheeks each the size of a basketball and each weighing twenty pounds each. The big fat cheeks now jiggled slightly as their new owner felt the added weight and started to panic. In his lustful haze Romeo had been too distracted to even care about the growth he knew was bound to happen, he cursed himself for being swept away by the orgasmic delight. However that feeling now felt like a distant memory as Romeo swivelled around to see his new bouncy behind.
Romeo gasped, he had expected his ass to have expanded just like the rest of his now bloated muscular body but it appeared that butt had not grown proportionally. His ass almost looked obscene as he stared fearfully at the huge wobbling cheeks now attached to him, with even the smallest movement he could see each of the cheeks jiggle. Romeo gawked at his new ass, while the rest of his body was now huge and bulky his ass was on another level, Romeo could feel tears start to well in his eyes. His new fat bum jutted out awkwardly from his body, his new shelf like ass would easily bump into things and other people, what’s more he would have new problem resting things on top it. The panic and fear started to overwhelm Romeo once again, how would he ever be in a Shakespearian or period piece play ever again. No one would be listening or attending to his monologues when the tights he would be required to wear would so obviously and cruelly show off the two fatty melons he’d be smuggling in the tight fabric. Come to think about it would he even be able to wear trousers, jeans or a suit with such a humungous ass, if he did it would have to be custom made. Romeo’s body blushed at the thought of having a tailor having to measure and fondle his new fat ass. Romeo looked at his reflection in dismay, everything about him was bulky and bloated, from his boulder like biceps to his balloon like pectoral and basketball sized butt cheeks. Romeo caught the eyes of the green man in his reflection, the man had complete control and if Romeo wanted to escape he would have to be smarter.

“Hahaha” The trickster laughed hungrily “Well people are certainly going to take you seriously in this body, I mean look at that chest I doubt you’ll be able to stretch anything over those monster, muscle tits”. Romeo winced as he looked down at the huge mounds protruding from him and blocking his view of his cock and feet, they truly were monstrous. “It would be impossible for people to ignore a guy of your size, no longer will people see the wild, douchebag frat boy but a disciplined and dedicated bodybuilder.” The trickster grinned as his mouth watered at his new hulking creation, Romeo wanted to look at the floor ashamed of his new awkward body but he was only met with his huge chest.  Romeo closed his eyes and pictured his old body and how slender and perfect it was, the right height, size and fitness for any leading role, but now… his body would only be good for one role and that would be the stupid but courageous lead in an action movie, what play would ever hire an actor with the same physique as the Hulk. “Awww don’t get upset” the green man mocked “Just think of all the sponsors and products you can sell now, gym equipment, fitness programmes, protein bars and shakes, you’re going to be rolling in dough” Romeo could feel his eyes water, the green man was reducing him to the very thing he hated, a talentless but good looking face only used to sell merchandise. Yet the trickster still offered hope as he spoke again “But that’s all just a bonus, fear not Romeo that physique and that ass will be perfect for any stage, you’ll still be the talented actor you so desperately want to be.” The sinister then green man edged eerily close to Romeo taking his chin and raising it up so the new bodybuilder and the green man were eye to eye, his voice a creepy whisper “It’s all part of your rebranding. Now let’s continue”

Romeo looked into the emerald man’s eyes and saw the excitement, the fire and the rage. Romeo wanted to fight back, he wanted to save himself from the transformative wrath of the stranger but last time he had spoken back he had ended up over 200 pounds heavier and with an ass and chest most women would be envious of. If he had any hope of ever returning to his old body he would have to play it smart, wait for the right opportunity and stay calm, he couldn’t afford to make him angry again. Romeo looked at his reflection as he involuntarily flexed his bicep and made his pecs bounce making him shiver in disgust as more veins appeared over his arms. He just had to play it cool, he was an intelligent guy he could figure a way out of this, all he had to do was bide his time and remain composed.

“So far I’ve done a pretty decent job of getting rid of that high-school jock look and I’ve made you very appealing to your new target audience” The trickster smiled the devious twinkle returning to his eyes. “But nevertheless I can do better, so let’s eradicate that jock-boy completely and make you even more desirable” With a small chuckle another flurry of emerald smoke surrounded Romeo, the green wisps making their way into his body via every orifice.

As the smoke cleared Romeo quickly looked to his reflection but was surprised that he saw nothing had changed and strangely he didn’t feel any of the dreaded tingling. Romeo was confused, what did the green man mean when he said new target audience? While his new body would be appealing to some women, a larger number would have preferred his previous look. What’s more his physique was quite the opposite of appealing for directors and producers; none would want a roided out bodybuilder as the gentle lover in Romeo and Juliet or the comedic lead in much ado about nothing, so who was the evil stranger referring too? Romeo’s confusion soon turned to fear, the green man was unpredictable and volatile and what’s more the green smoke seemed to have left him unchanged. He needed to figure out what the strange man had planned if he had any hope of countering it and escaping. 

However unbeknownst to Romeo the green smoke had already worked its magic, invading his body and mind, rewriting and changing something at his very core. Romeo was left staring at his reflection waiting in trepidation for him to grow an extra pec or butt cheek, something that would make look even more like a bloated muscle monster. Yet as puzzled as Romeo remained he did not realise that his hands had subconsciously found themselves on his hips, his new pose eliciting the slightest pleasurable tingle. Curiously Romeo found his hands sliding down, his now large calloused palms stroking his new enormous butt cheeks, the fondling causing a stronger more gratifying sensation. Romeo once again pressed and stroked his bulbous ass cheeks, the added pressure and attention causing the feeling to finally get his full attention. Romeo found his mouth twist into a smile as he continued to play with his bouncy cheeks, each wobble and squeeze sending a shooting bliss to his brain. Romeo was to distracted by his reflection and the possible changes to come that he did not realise that it had already happened, the new pleasant feeling coming from his ass cheeks was something his body was all too willing to explore. Part of him was trying to shout and tell him that it was unnatural, that the pleasing feeling was not there before, but the slight groan that escaped Romeo’s lips quickly silenced that nagging cautionary voice. Romeo was intrigued and soon addicted to the feeling, rubbing his ass and groping at the cheeks, making them jiggle and bounce with his hands and giving each of them a light spank, the feeling was almost exhilarating.
Romeo couldn’t get enough of the feeling, his hands vehemently exploring every inch of his massive, wobbly buttocks. His hands grasping at the giant cheeks and running themselves down, sliding his fingers along his glistening butt crack , until an almost electric spark radiated throughout his body causing Romeo’s knees to weaken as one of his fingertips grazed his tender, sensitive pink hole. Romeo curiously brushed his finger across his puckered asshole again, the same electric feeling was released. The shouting little voice inside Romeo was no match for the powerful sensation as tentatively Romeo found himself slipping his finger into his tight virgin butthole. Romeo had never even thought about exploring the sweaty little back door, but now he needed to feel that powerful sensation again and again. With a small thrust Romeo shoved his finger into his hole and instantly Romeo started seeing stars, the feeling was unlike anything he had experienced before. Romeo pulled and pushed his exploratory finger in and out of his asshole, each time he felt that wonderful feeling, yet he still felt like there was more, as if there was a barrier stopping him from the ultimate pleasure.
Romeo needed more, Romeo pushed his finger as deep as it could go but it still wasn’t enough, he needed something longer, he needed something thicker, he needed a huge fat cock. Romeo yelped in surprise as the thought came crashing down on him, yet he still fingered away at his loosening hole. Romeo had awoken from his sexual haze to his reflection violently fingering his sensitive asshole, his body undulating to his thrusting finger, his butt cheeks jiggling he looked like a horny homo! What was he doing? Why couldn’t he stop? And why did this feel so good? Romeo looked desperately over at the green stranger his mouth salivating at the sight of the horny bodybuilder.  Romeo tried to remove his finger but his body was too invested in the pleasure, his mind had no control. Romeo looked at himself in fear and disgust, why was he doing this he wasn’t gay? He was a womaniser, he hadn’t gone two days without sleeping with a new girl from the gym or housewife who was a fan of his show, he was as straight as they come, yet as Romeo thought about his many conquests it seemed he could no longer picture any of them. Romeo began to panic as he still fucked his own asshole, Romeo couldn’t picture any of the women he had, had sex with. He had brought home a girl only the night before and even she had escaped his mind. Romeo cursed the green man and tried desperately to picture her and remember her name, B.. Be…Be… Ben. What No! Romeo screamed internally as Ben now appeared in his mind, a large hairy, heavyset fellow with a cock as thick as a beer can.
Romeo shook his head but the image of Ben would not leave, how he had picked up the hairy beast of man at the gym, not the cute blond with big tits, how he had sucked on big cock and greedily bounced his huge ass on the thick pole. Romeo wailed as new memories of his sexual encounters replaced all of his old ones, memories of all types of guys black, white, thin, fat, tall, short but all of them having one thing in common, all of them had thick, long cocks. Romeo tried frantically to retain his old memories but they continued to be replaced by huge veiny cocks and the sensation of them filling up his tight tender asshole. Romeo was in a frenzy he wasn’t gay, he couldn’t be gay, he wouldn’t be gay! Romeo tried to fight back but he was fighting a losing battle. His finger was still firmly up his ass and the new memories were coming thick and fast, every girl he had slept with had been replaced with a man. With every recollection Romeo became more aroused and horny as he pitiful little cock grew hard.
Romeo couldn’t allow this to happen, the green man had taken away his body and style now he had taken away his sexuality too! Romeo could feel the new homoerotic memories burying themselves in his mind, making it part of him. Romeo was almost in tears as he looked at his reflection, the big bloated bodybuilder, fingering his ass to thoughts of juicy fat cocks and groaning with pleasure as his cock stood erect at the thought of a 10 inch dick filling his aching hole. Romeo glared at the green man, truly he was evil; he hadn’t just turned him gay he had also turned him into a slut as well. Romeo looked hopelessly at his reflection, his new homosexual self eradicating any heterosexual experience he had ever had, turning him to the muscle fuckboy and cock whore. Yet even though his transformation to gay slut had finished his humiliation had not as he continued to fuck himself and his tiny cock continued to dribble. Romeo didn’t even want to look at himself anymore, he did not want to look upon what he had become, Romeo closed his eyes and wished it all to be a dream. Unfortunately by closing his eyes Romeo no longer could focus on his new physique and gay compulsions and was left with the orgasmic feeling from his asshole and his new memories.

With his eyes closed his fractured mind wandered, perhaps deep down he could still find himself, he could still find the talented straight actor and lover of women.  Perhaps he could find his first time, it had been so perfect, they had lived next door; they were slim and fit, with hazel coloured hair and with a long throbbing eight inch dick. ‘NOOO’ Romeo wailed as he was met with his younger self being fucked bareback by a guy on the football team, his hairy chest and ass so clear in his mind Romeo could almost smell them. Romeo ran from the memory, there had to be something he could find, something he could use to cling to his old straight self. Whilst Romeo was searching his head for his precious old memories he was unaware that the green man had blown yet another flurry of green smoke over the fingering gym rat. Romeo’s hard three inch dick twitched as the green smoke flowed through it and as the tormented actor tried to recall his first sexual experience and was met with the hairy beast his pathetic cock grew. This growth continued as Romeo frantically searched for his memories each time met with another passionate, rough butt fucking. With each memory of a muscle bear at the gym, a hung twink at a nightclub or black chub with a fat cock on a dating app, Romeo’s search for any of his own experiences was thwarted but his cock continued to grow. The three inch dick growing larger, thicker and longer the python slowly snaking down his muscular thigh. Romeo was almost in tears, his treasured memories and thrilling sexual encounters had all be replaced by rough pounding to his bulbous butt cheeks. His last hope was his show, where both his character and himself had had a fling with one of the leading actresses. Romeo could picture it so clearly the two of them shooting at sunset, sitting on hood a car, leaning in and passionately kissing each other. Romeo almost screamed with joy, he had found one, a memory that proved he wasn’t this gay slut the green man had turned him into. He just needed to picture this memory, he just needed to remind himself of the person he used to be, he just need to remember kissing that actress as the sun set, as the director shouted cut and as he walked back to his trailer and licked the assistant directors asshole clean.  As the thought of the sweaty, hairy ass came crashing into Romeo’s mind, his finger rammed itself further into his ass and his cock spurted a generous amount of cum, stopping its growth at an impressive nine and a half inches and leaving Romeo weeping at the loss of his heterosexual self.
Romeo moaned as his cock erupted and with it his previous womanising self, it was hopeless the green man had erased any memory that even suggested Romeo had been with a woman and now he was nothing but a horny slut always on the lookout for cock.  Speaking of cock Romeo looked down expecting just to see the tip of his tiny cock cresting over his massive muscle tits, yet he was only partially surprised to see that too was now gone. Romeo might have been pleased before, the one part of his body he wouldn’t have minded changed had finally grew, yet with all of his growth it too was not proportional. The huge snaking cock was almost grotesque to Romeo, it had thick veins just like his arms and would now be another bulge in his clothing. Not only would it look obscene in most of his new clothing he would be risking exposing his monster schlong with every step. The huge fat cock would be impossible to hide; in fact none of him could hide anymore. Romeo stared at his body, his huge lumbering body and bulging muscles, his long thick cock and basketball sized butt cheeks, he didn’t looked like a stage actor he didn’t even look like he could appear in films, well except a certain type of film.
It was then it all became clear to Romeo, the devious green man had not been lying when he said he would turn him into a great actor that would be adored and admired, except it wasn’t a theatre actor it was a porn actor.

“Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo, it seems you finally understand” The trickster smiled at the now hung, big assed bodybuilder as he struggled against his invisible bonds. “Flipside needed an actor but one starring in adult films would be far more lucrative than one starring in plays” the trickster continued to smile as Romeo continued his fight, he couldn’t let this evil man turn him into a cock hungry porn star. Romeo could no longer keep calm his body, style and sexuality had already been taken and twisted into the ‘actor’ the green man wanted him to be, he needed to escape. However it appeared the green stranger was unfazed by Romeo’s attempts as he continued to talk “But don’t worry Romeo, we at Flipside are committed to helping our clients. You will have the admiration and adoration you deserve, you will have hordes of followers travel miles to see you perform and you will be a master of the stage! However that stage will certainly have more poles, thumping music and grabbing hands than you expected” The trickster laughed. “But first we just need to finish you’re rebranding, after all you want to be the best actor around and well big, hung hunks like you are everywhere. So let’s make sure you’re truly become greatest actor and star on the continent”. The trickster blew another load of billowing green smoke towards the struggling Romeo, his best attempts not even moving him an inch leaving completely at the mercy of the onslaught of green fumes.

Romeo looked down at his body and cringed, from the centre of his enormous chest seemed to be a circle, a circle of lightly bronzed skin. Romeo struggled; the evil man was even planning to give him the disgusting bodybuilder tan, the plastic bronze look that would make his already bulging muscles look bigger. Romeo needed to do something immediately; currently he still had the capability to be himself, to act and to do what he loved. If he could escape, contact his family or friends they would be sure to help him even if he did look like a freakish muscle monster. Romeo just had to concentrate; he needed to focus on his old, trim body and telling himself that he was a stylish, heterosexual bachelor that was going to become the best actor the theatre had ever seen. He needed to fight back the aching feeling in his asshole, reject that new bulky body and discard the stupid backwards cap that was on his head. Renewed with a sense of urgency, Romeo concentrated on his former self, on his dream and ambition, he was an actor, someone who could perform Shakespeare verbatim and not this horny gay whore with the body of a gym obsessed bodybuilder.  With immense willpower Romeo found his arm moving upwards, his hand grabbing onto the stupid, backward cap on his head and tossing to the side. Romeo looked himself in the eyes, he could do this, he could fight back. Romeo looked at his messy blonde hair; now free from the douchebag cap that had hidden it away this was the first step to reclaiming his life and body from the evil green man. Romeo’s eyes then trailed down to the rest of his body and all of the colour drained from his face, the resilient determined face now overwhelmed by panic and grief. The bronzed circle that had spread quite rapidly across Romeo’s body had darkened to a silky, coco colour, making it quite obvious to Romeo that this wasn’t just a tan spreading across his body but an entirely new skin colour.

The control Romeo had regained was lost as the dread and fear overpowered him, the darker skin had now spread to most of his abdomen. The perfect, creamy brown had enveloped his large puffy pectorals, enlarging them ever so slightly to turn them into coffee coloured pillows. His tiny erect nipples had gone from pink to a dark brown, there circumference growing a little bigger as well. Romeo found himself unable to look away as the darkening pigment spread, his new abs looking more defined as the colour continued its assault downwards reaching his crotch. Romeo felt another jolt of pleasure as the invading colour attached itself to his huge cock. Romeo moaned as the colour crept up his expanding dick, Romeo didn’t know his cock could grow any bigger but it appeared he was dreadfully mistaken. Romeo could feel the tears start to well in his eyes, the pleasure unable to distract him as his obscene cock got even thicker as it turned a light brown. The huge pendulous cock, growing an inch longer and the becoming so thick that Romeo would no longer be able to comfortably wrap his hand around it. The massive dick finished its transformation with its cock head bulging out, making sure that its outline would always be clearly seen in any item of clothing. Romeo felt a spasm of pleasure radiate through his body, causing him to jolt and making his new huge brown dick sway and more importantly telling Romeo that his new cock was here to stay.
Romeo was on the verge of having a break down, his chest and cock now completely foreign to him. At least with their increased size they could still pass as his own but now they were completely alien to him. Romeo struggled in vain as the brown colour still continued to spread down his legs and up to his neck. The cruel green man stood behind him watching with a cannibalistic stare, Romeo could only manage a weak plea as the brown colour climbed up his neck “Please… stop”. He couldn’t lose his face, not his beautiful chiselled face, the one that got him laid, the one that got him recognised, the one that got him the part in all his plays and roles, not the face that made him, him.  Yet Romeo’s sad look, pathetic plea and tear rolling down his face did nothing to stop the encroaching brown pigment from reaching his face. The light mocha colour surrounded his face and swept inwards, twisting and morphing the once cheeky, arrogant face. Romeo watched in disbelief and anguish as his features were altered and replaced. His once brilliant blue eyes dulled to a dark brown, his eyebrows thickened and grew until they were large and bushy, and his nose grew a little wider. Romeo wept as his messy, dirty blond hair darkened, the once radiate yellow turned a deep black as did the rest of the hair on his body. His eye brows darkened, his stubble now more obvious and thick, while his pubes turned wild and wiry as they became the same dark black colour. The last feature to change was his lips, growing larger and plumper, each of them gaining a deeper pink colour as they expanded until they were the perfect pair of dick sucking lips.  Romeo looked back at his reflection and saw a stranger; the trickster had been true to his word. He had totally rebranded Romeo; no one would see him as an arrogant, spoiled, white frat boy anymore because all they would see was a gorgeous, slutty, roided out, Latino beauty.
Romeo was about to start his grief at the loss of his body and face, but it appeared his new skin colour was yet to reach one place in particular, a place he was now forced to watched as his body turned to a slight angle to showing him his large rump. Romeo’s new skin colour had now reached the edges of his body, his hand and feet had grown a little and the rest of his body hair was now black, but it was his ass that was the last part to change. The large jiggling ass was surrounded and from all sides the coco colour drifted in. Romeo cringed as his already bulbous ass received another growth, his wobbling cheeks grew rounder and more pert allowing his massive rump to move higher and stick out further. With each inch the colour invaded, Romeo’s ass became fuller, bouncier and shapelier. When the brown colour finally met in the middle an electric sense of pleasure rushed over Romeo as his puckered ass became even more sensitive and his ass became the biggest booty Romeo had ever seen. Romeo had assumed that it was finally over but a tingling sensation started in his ass, then his chest and then his arms. That tingling soon turned to prickling and then piercing as new additions permanently etched itself into Romeo. Large, colourful and detailed tattoos soon spread from each of the tingling areas, there appearance was quick and painful giving Romeo no chance to even wonder what they could be as they stained his new mocha skin. It appeared the green man did not want to leave any part of Romeo, not even his clean cut look. Romeo was left looking at the reflection of a different person, a person covered with tattoos, an ass that looked like two exercise balls mushed together and an increase ache in his asshole telling Romeo that it needed to be filled.
“Now don’t you look perfect!” the trickster smiled as he circled his new creation. “Here, take a selfie I’m sure your fans will appreciate it” the green man smiled as a phone materialised in his hands and he passed it over to the dazed Romeo. Romeo didn’t even have a chance to fight his new urges as he grabbed the phone and opened up the camera. Romeo could only watch painfully as his body almost naturally fell into a slutty pose, pouted its lips and flexed its muscles. Without even a second look Romeo posted the new amorous photo with the caption ‘Feeling horny’.
“Oh Romeo I know you can do better that that. You’re fans want to see more and of course you’ll give it to them. After all you love exposing yourself and showing off” A wisp of green smoke darted across the room and into Romeo causing something in his brain to click. Romeo soon felt a nagging uncomfortableness, but this was different from the unease of being naked and twisted and morphed at will. Romeo felt uncomfortable because of the people in the room, he was naked and there was only one person looking at him. Without hesitation Romeo opened up the app on his phone once again this time making sure to get his whole body in with just his hand barely covering his enormous cock. Within seconds the lewd and risqué photo was on all his social media, hundreds of people liking his slutty picture. The more people that viewed and liked it, the more comfortable Romeo felt. Romeo was able to regain slight control of his finger as he scrolled down on his new social media account, every photo was of him and all of them he was shirtless, bottomless or both. With a single snap of his green fingers the man had now turned Romeo into an exhibitionist, one that had to be exposed and naked all the time. With a single snap of his finger the man had turned Romeo from actor, serious stage performer and heartthrob jock to a thirst trap, muscled up, horny, big bootied, latino who would let anyone with a thick cock fuck him.
“That’s better, that pic is bound to attract more attention” the man said gleefully as he continued to admire the Latin beauty in front of him.  “Now look at you” the green man said turning himself and Romeo towards the mirror. “You’re the best performer on the entire continent, well… the continent of south America that is.” The trickster laughed, the room spun and the view from Romeo’s bedroom window changed. The urban apartment no longer looked out at the skyline of a city, instead that of town square. The noise of people shouting in Spanish, the smell of spicy food and the sound of Latin music echoed throughout the brightly coloured buildings. Romeo could have screamed as he realised he had been moved to an entirely new country one more suitable for his new body.

Up until now Romeo had been afraid, his outburst earlier had led to a new bloated body but he could no longer continue to allow the destruction of his life. Changing his body was one thing, but his country of birth and where he lived was entirely different. He had a home, a family and a life and now all of it had been thrown away with a click of some crazy man’s fingers just so he could be the best slutty performer in the whole of Latin America! Romeo was no longer sad, he was now longer frightened, he was angry. With the building rage and fury, Romeo found himself beating down his new urges and body, fighting his way into control.

“STOP THIS NOW!” Romeo screamed and giving his green tormenter a fright. “Turn me back this instant!” Romeo glared at the green man as he stood dumbfounded. “You can’t do this to me, this isn’t right! I had a life, I had a family, I had a career and you’ve taken all away just so you can make money! You’re a monster but you know what!? I’m still a brilliant actor! I can recite Shakespeare and make people weep and you’ll never be able to take that away from me! So no matter what you do to my body you’ll never take away my talent, my ambition and my motivation. I will become the best actor the theatre has ever seen and I’ll do with this freakish body, with this ridiculous ass and from whatever country this is. I will defy everything you have to done to me, I will never work for you, just you wait I will be the best.” Romeo stared at the green man fire burning in his eyes; the white hot rage he felt had sent so much adrenaline around his body he felt like he could run around the earth. Romeo was steadfast as he waited for the evil green man’s response; whatever he did he would overcome it. 

“You’re right” the trickster said hanging his head in shame “This is all wrong. Your willpower and resolve is remarkable, a person like you has no place at Flipside. ” the trickster sighed as he whipped up some green smoke in his hands “You as so very clearly not the Latino, muscle boi with an insatiable need for cock that I’m looking for. I’m sorry I should have fixed this sooner” with a small flick the green smoke gathered and soaked into Romeo’s skin.

Romeo could feel the tears drip down his face; he had never been so relieved and happy in all of his life. The ordeal was over and all it took was for him to reason with the strange man, why hadn’t he done it sooner? Romeo felt the tingling return to his body, he was finally going back to normal, he was going home.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Romeo cried “Thank y- SNAP si si gracias” Romeo hands instantly flung to his mouth. He had wanted to say thank you but instead, was that Spanish coming from his mouth? Romeo looked at the green man; the grin plastered across his face had never looked so sinister. Before Romeo even had another chance to speak a painful sharp feeling spread across his brain causing him to wince and hold his head. The green smoke had invaded his mind once again and this time it was being much more rough and merciless. Romeo could feel his memories being hacked and locked away but these weren’t just any memories these were ones from his childhood. Memories of his home in the city vanished and were replaced with a beaten up apartment above a restaurant. His home and family being changed and twisted, erasing anything that suggested he hadn’t been raised in South America. This meant one key thing changed, he had never learned English. Romeo chased after his old memories trying to hold onto them but all of them were replaced, all of the English changing to Spanish as the people from his memories changed to their Latino counterparts. Romeo screamed as his knowledge of the English language was stripped away from him, his bed time stories were now Spanish tales, the music he had listened to were Spanish translations and the lessons at school were that of Spanish. The only time he could have possibly come into contact with the English language would have been school but he never would have learnt it that was only for the intelligent students. “NOOOOOOOO!” Romeo screamed as another sharp pain chipped away more of his precious memories. Romeo wept and struggled as the memories of his schooling were erased and replaced. He had never been top of the class, he had never got top marks and he had never got full attendance, the new memories burying into his brain told a very different story. Romeo found reading, writing and numbers hard, so hard that he barely even attended school; instead he worked at the local restaurant. Instead of learning even the most basic reading and writing skills he delivered food and washed pots, until he was old enough to go to the gym. Where instead of building his brain he built muscles, muscles that would attract boys, boys he would beg to fuck him and take him to clubs. As soon as he was of age Romeo was dancing in clubs and giving private shows to those who had the money or who had a visible bulge in their pants. Instead of studying Romeo was gyrating and shaking his hips, enticing customers to grab his thongs and push some bills into it. Romeo had quickly got the reputation as a whore and he had fully embraced it making it into a career. He had quickly become the most popular performer at his local club and soon was being booked all across the country.  Romeo shook him head violently trying hard to shake out the new memories rewriting his life, but it was useless the memories were already implanted and his old one were now firmly locked away. Romeo started sobbing, he had lost so much. His childhood and teens replaced, his education lost forever and his ability to communicate in English limited to what he had been taught by foreign clients and customers.  Romeo’s eyes went wide as fear gripped him, if he had lost his ability to speak English and his years of education did that mean… he had lost his knowledge of something else too. Romeo tried his hardest to rehearse the first lines of Romeo and Juliet, lines he had said a thousand times, but instead of the elegant prose he was met with a memory of him learning the word cock from a chubby hung businessman. Romeo burst into tears, the Romeo the world had once known, the talented, intelligent, womanising man was now lost forever and instead he was nothing more than a dumb, himbo whore with an ass in constant need of cock and an uncontrollable urge to show off his body. Then with one last jolt throughout his brain, Romeo received the most painful change of all. No longer was he Romeo but Rodrigo and with one swift move the green man had won.

“Now. Now you’re the latino, muscle boi with an insatiable need for cock. Rodrigo Gran Culo, the best porn actor and stage performer South America has ever seen. Although people from all across the world will come to see you perform on stage and watch your many productions. ” The green man announced triumphantly. “Speaking of performing we better get everything ready for your latest production.” A plume of green smoke erupted from the man surrounding the room, giving Romeo no chance to grieve. The smoke thinned and Romeo was no longer alone, his room now full of people and equipment. Cameras, lights and microphones littered the room all with the Flipside logo plastered across them, each piece of equipment with a man standing behind it ready to operate it. However it wasn’t these men that got Rodrigo’s attention. There lying lazily on his bed was another man, a man that was completely naked and with a rather large erect cock. The fit looking man sported a similar complexion to Rodrigo, he was slightly muscular but not as bloated and oversized as Rodrigo but his baseball cap showed he had the same style. The cocky young man was waiting patiently, his huge cock bobbing in front of him, his huge pendulous balls the size of oranges. Romeo wanted to look away, but Rodrigo could focus on nothing else as he eyes fixated on the guy’s fat dick and cocky grin.
“Go on Rodrigo, why don’t you help him get warmed up” the trickster prodded.
Romeo so desperately wanted to resist, he wasn’t gay he would never suck cock especially not in front of so many other guys that were recording it. However this wasn’t Romeo’s job, this wasn’t Romeo’s home and it wasn’t Romeo’s body it was Rodrigo’s. Without a moments hesitation Rodrigo had climbed onto the bed and plunged his mouth on the huge cock.  Romeo had never felt so defeated and humiliated in all his life as he hungrily sucked on the fat cock. His body naturally deep throating the massive schlong, causing the cocky guy to groan in pleasure. Romeo could feel all eyes on him, the cameras filming every second as he licked and sucked on every inch of the long dick in front of him. It was made worse by the top grabbing his hair and forcing him to hold the massive dick down his throat, Romeo struggled for air but was only allowed to breathe once the top allowed it causing him to splutter and choke on the cock. Yet instead of feeling used and degraded, his own massive cock was starting to grow. Rodrigo craved being used, he longed to serve any piece of monster meat shoved in his face and he couldn’t help but dive back onto the cock for another choking session. Romeo wanted the ground to swallow him up as he felt the cameras pan downwards, his position on the bed had meant his now massive butt cheeks had spread but due to their size it was only slight. However that gap was still big enough for his new sensitive hole to peek through and the cameras were all too happy to show it to the rest of the world. Rodrigo Gran Culo’s famous ass and hole.
“Good job Rodrigo!” the green man exclaimed before then landing a hard slap on Romeo’s huge fat ass causing him to yelp and choke on the cock in his mouth. “It’s time for the main event; give the people what they want”

This was Romeo’s last chance; he couldn’t allow himself to be fucked up the ass no matter how much his body ached for it. If he allowed that cock to penetrate him, Romeo would be lost, he could no longer call himself a serious actor, he could no longer call himself a womaniser and he would no longer respect himself. The green devil had said it himself, he had the willpower, he had the resolve and he could find a way to make this work. It would be difficult, being a tattooed, muscular, gay, man of colour but he would find a role for himself in the theatre. He would find his way home, he would make his family proud and he would be the performer he had always dreamed he could be. With all his strength and focus Romeo found himself turning away, getting away from the lazy, cocky top and getting out of this nightmare. He would turn his back on this life just as he was turning his back on his hung ‘scene partner’. Romeo turned and faced the cameras, he faced the green man and he faced the door. He didn’t know what would await him outside but he would deal with it.

Romeo was just about to climb off the bed when an intense, orgasmic spark ran through his body and something large grazed his hole. ‘No No NO NO I’M SO CLOSE’ Romeo screamed internally but unfortunately he had never been in control Romeo had been lost as soon as Rodrigo had took his mouth to that cock. He had turned his back on his scene partner not to escape but to present his famous fat ass. With a jolt of pain and pleasure the top plunged his enormous cock into the bouncy thick cheeks, the force pushing Romeo to the very back of his own mind. Trapped in a cage forever watching his body act like the slutty Latino whore he now was. The once talented rising star was gone forever and replaced with the best porn actor and stage performer the gay porn scene had ever seen.
The trickster smiled as he backed out of the room leaving Rodrigo moaning with pleasure as he was filled by the enormous cock. The green man smiled as he walked away, it appeared that Romeo really was a terrific actor because from the look on his face you really did believe he had never taken a 10 inch cock before.  



Coming to a club new you RODRIGO GRAN CULO! The sultry Latino god will be performing all night. With private performances and meetings available after the main event. This bubble butted beauty has starred in over thirty different films in just one month and he still can’t get enough. With 70 shows already sold out, can you guys make it 75? Will you be there to see the best performer the stage had ever seen? Get your tickets now and maybe get a piece of that ass as well.


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