Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Imposters: William

William stared silently as he held his pool cue and glass of scotch, he wasn’t concentrating on the game, nothing could divert his attention from the future that awaited him and the other two men in the room. None of them were even making eye contact, just idling around the expensive penthouse trying to do anything to take their minds off their impending fates. See William and his associates were criminals, no good cheaters, scammers and con-men, or tricksters as they would playfully refer to themselves. These men would rob and steal from anyone who had a substantial amount of money, regardless of age, gender, race or background, if you had money they would find a way to take it from you. William and his colleagues had met a few years ago and with their combined skills they were able to trick almost everyone, leading each of them on the verge of being millionaires. They could have retired a year ago, be sun bathing on a beach and getting drunk with friends every night but greed had led them to continue and thanks to William all of them were now royally screwed.
William was the leader of the little band of tricksters, standing at six foot five and weighing just less than three hundred pounds of pure muscle, he oozed an aura of confidence and charm that naturally meant others would follow him. Since being in school his size, physique, devilish good looks and charisma had made him the focus point, he could of been captain of any team, got whatever grades he wanted and could of easily had any girl or guy he so desired and with age William’s natural talents only increased. However while William had all the tools to succeed in a law abiding way, growing up the star and assuming he was the centre of everyone’s universe led him to have a sense of entitlement. A sense so strong that when he actually had to work or try hard for something he felt cheated. Why should he have to compete with these other men for that position? Why should he have to wait? Why should he have to pay for that? So using his gifts William found an easier way to get what he wanted all without the hard work, he would simply manipulate and cheat his way to the top. Women were easy, his muscled physique and his intense chiselled good looks meant he could flirt or seduce his way into their minds. People were so willing to please when they thought they actually had a chance with an Adonis like him, a flex of a bicep, a bounce of a pec or a smouldering glare was all it took to get what he wanted. Men were slightly more challenging but thankfully he had been gifted with talents to deal with them too, his height and strength could be easily used to intimidate most men and an accidental viewing of his ten inch bulge would truly emasculate the rest. Plus his charm and charisma could make anyone feel like he was their best friend, a kindred spirit or kind hearted Samaritan, little did they know he would be manipulating their every action and making them all dance like puppets. With all of his devious behaviour it was only a matter of time before William found he could influence people into giving him all their hard earned cash and after a few lucrative swindles he found his likeminded colleagues.

With the skills of his fellow tricksters and his talent for manipulation, there was no stopping them. Each time they would go for more difficult marks and bigger sums of money which is what had led them to their current predicament. William had been out partying at a high end bar when he overheard some suits talking about a girl across the room, she was none too pretty, quite dim and dressed very inappropriately for the establishment she was in, but she was rich so the rules simply didn’t apply to her. William overheard the men talking about the girl being a millionaire, an heiress to a great fortune and that was all William needed to hear before he walked over and introduced himself. If only he had stayed and eavesdropped a moment longer, he would have heard all about Gabbie Matterozani the only daughter of one of the biggest crime families in the country. Within days William and his colleagues had manipulated the dumb bitch and conned her out of her fortune and only a couple of days after that they each received deadly warning from the mob and unwanted attention from the police who unsurprisingly had a close relationship with the Matterozani family. The men had no choice but to flee as their homes and places of work were destroyed or raided by police. They had been hiding for two months now and the noose had been tightening every single day, until now where William and his colleagues had nowhere else to run, partly down to the problem now locked in the closet. William and his fellow tricksters had nowhere else to go and each of them were now just waiting, waiting for the knock at that door where either the police or the mob would be waiting on the other side. Regardless their lives as they knew it were over, either they would be spending the rest of it in jail or it would be coming to a very painful end.

William swirled the scotch in his hand before finishing the rest in one large gulp, he quickly grabbed the bottle and poured himself another large helping. The alcohol was doing nothing to calm his nerves and the pool was doing nothing to distract him from his worry. It was frustrating for William, these emotions had been alien to him for most of his life and now they were good friends.  The sun was on the verge of setting and the light was slowly leaving the room, William knew that as soon as night fell the front door would swing open and he would meet his fate. At least he had another hour before…


The three men jumped to attention as they glared at the door that had been banged so madly, each of them unable to move as fear gripped them. William’s mind was racing, he had always been able to get out of these situations, he was never the one to blame, he always came out on top but as his brain searched for a way for him to trick his way out, it found no solutions. Why had he turned to crime? Why did people have to follow him? Why did everyone look to him? Why couldn’t have just have blended in and worked hard?

The mixture of guilt and fear washed over William as the tall, handsome giant quivered.  A true coward, William looked for anyway for him to escape the consequences of his actions and that’s what led him to make his impossible wish, that and the small wisp of green smoke and the constant banging coming from his front door.

“Fuck” William said as he finished his scotch and puffed out his chest, ready to meet his end. “I wish I was invisible” William said with a quiver in his voice.

William heard his colleagues each mumble something as well but the muscular Adonis did not hear them as by that time the green smoke had already enveloped him, clouding his vision and causing him to pass out.

William coughed as his eyes shot open, what had happened? Had the cops thrown in tear gas or something? Yet once the green smoke cleared from William’s face he wasn’t greeted with a horde of angry policemen, instead he was met with something just as unsettling. William found himself in a bedroom, one he had never been in before. It was small, with a single bed with sheets clean and crisp, there was no decoration on the beige walls, the only furnishings were the chair he was sitting in, a dresser and a wardrobe with a large mirror on the door. Everything was so… bland, there was no extravagance or expensive items just the basic furniture all in basic colours, certainly a far cry from the expensive penthouse he had been in what felt like only seconds ago. The room almost felt clinical with its lack of personality and beige colouring, the only possessions in the room were on the dresser, where a wooden hair brush and a picture frame with an odd looking man in it sat facing outwards at a particular angle, showing there placement was far from accidental. William instantly disliked it, this drab little room was nothing like him and certainly wasn’t suitable for a man of his calibre, so how had he ended up here? A cold chill then ran along his body causing him to shiver and his arm hairs to stand to attention. With his strange awakening and unfamiliar surrounding William hadn’t even noticed that he was now sitting almost completely naked except for a pair of unfamiliar white briefs. Something was very wrong, William moved cautiously as he tried to remember what had happened. He was waiting in the penthouse, in his expensive suit and drinking a glass of scotch when there was that banging and then… William couldn’t remember any more. Except now he was sitting in a cramped, sad little bedroom, in a pair of cheap and rather scratchy pair of tighty whiteys and holding what appeared to be a beer but on closer inspection was completely non-alcoholic. 

William stood himself up and edged into the middle of the tiny room, placing his non-alcoholic beverage on the side he moved to his reflection in the mirror. He looked OK, well in all honesty he looked great, his muscles and tattoos on display, he chiselled features in a look of pensive anticipation and his size and stature taking up the entire mirror, the only thing different about him was the underwear. Williams slid his hands over the strange pair of briefs, the material was cheap and uncomfortable, there definitely was not enough room for his ginormous cock and bull balls in these tiny things. Although, William stopped and looked at his reflection and his sizable bulge, these tiny undies certainly showed off his impressive endowment. William in all his vanity continued to look at himself in the mirror and he would of for much longer if something very strange hadn’t of happened next. William was busy adjusting his thick cock in his new pair of underwear when a shiver ran down his spine and his reflection suddenly disappeared. William froze as he stared now at the empty mirror; he looked down at his hands and saw nothing, even when he waved them in front of the mirror he saw nothing, he was gone.

"What the fuck” William whispered as he got his face closer to the mirror, expecting to see his handsome mug but instead… nothing, it was as if he wasn’t even there. It was then a weird tingling sensation spread over his body but more so on his face. The feeling was odd, like something was pulling on his skin, followed by tiny pin pricks and an itch. William scratched at his body and went to look in the mirror again but still he saw nothing, something was happening to his body but he had no way of seeing it. William started to worry as the odd feeling continued to attack his face causing him to itch it all over, he needed to see what was happening to him, maybe there was something wrong with the mirror? William was just about to leave the room when a painful burning sensation caused him to cry out and stumble, it felt like he had been scalded with hot water as the pain seared into his back, hands and right arm. What was happening to him? The non-stop itch and painful burn were an excruciating combination; the stinging in his hands prevented him from scratching causing an almost constant stream of discomfort and frustration. “ARRRGGHHHH” William bellowed as he leant on the wardrobe his body overloaded with the unpleasant sensations, he had never felt anything like it, William didn’t know how much more of it he could take, until another shiver ran down his spine and instantly the pain and itching was gone.

William sat panting heavily, the whole ordeal completely draining him; he couldn’t help but rest against the wardrobe behind him. William didn’t have a clue what had just happened, but he did know one thing he never wanted it to happen again, he need to find help. As William caught his breath he pushed himself off from the wardrobe, able to stand William reached for the door handle, when out the corner of his eye he saw something had returned… his reflection. William turned and faced himself; there he was once again standing in the boring room as clear as day, as if nothing had happened at all. Yet the more William stared at his reappeared reflection he realised something had changed,  with anxious curiosity William slowly brought his hand to his face and slid it across his cheek and watched as his reflection mirrored him. What William should have felt was his groomed and styled beard but instead it was totally smooth, but not smooth as in freshly shaven, his facial hair was gone, no stubble, no hair follicles just soft skin. In fact the more William looked it wasn’t just his facial hair that had gone, it appeared all of his body hair had disappeared. William quickly pulled open his tiny briefs to find his crotch completely devoid of hair, his entire body was now as smooth and as hairless as a new born baby.

William shuddered as he looked at his reflection, without his beard and body hair he felt more exposed and naked. William searched his body for any surviving hair but from the eyebrows down he had none. Even his feet and hands didn’t have the little downy hairs covering them, he was completely smooth. William quickly swivelled around, he always hated the patch of hair he had on his lower back but for once he hoped he would see it, but sadly William was disappointed, however William was even more disappointed when he saw he was missing something else from his back, his tattoo. William awkwardly reached his hands behind him and watched as his reflection groped the clear patch of skin, but that’s when he noticed his hands as well, they too were missing the ink he had got only a few years ago. William really begun to panic now, it was one thing to lose his body hair but to lose the permanent inking’s on his skin, now that was something to be afraid of. William looked at his reflection again, with no tattoos and no hair his body was spotless, tidy and clean and William didn’t like it at all, it somehow made him look chubbier, like he had gained at extra 10 pounds of fat from nowhere. Regardless it wasn’t normal for your reflection to disappear and it wasn’t normal for your tattoos and body hair to be wiped away, William needed help, he needed to leave. William puffed out his chest and took a deep breath, giving the outward appearance of confidence and once again reached for the door, but before his fingertips could even make contact, another shiver ran down his spine and once again his reflection disappeared. 

Following the shiver was a very different sensation from the itching and burning from before, this time his whole body felt heavy. William suddenly felt sluggish and all effort to move was harder, even lifting his arm up was a struggle. It was as if the gravity in the tiny drab room has increased, like he was being pulled down, pushed against the floor. While William was thankful he wasn’t in intense pain, the foreign feeling was still unwelcome. William felt like his feet were made of iron as he edged himself back towards the mirror, if it was anything like the last time the feeling would be over soon and so would his reflection. William stared at the empty mirror, waiting for his reflection to return, his eyes locked in place ready to meet his own gaze. However when the shiver returned William was not met with his piercing, smouldering stare but with the very top of his head. William was confused, his head was tilted upwards and he was basically looking over his head at empty space. Slowly Williams gaze started to fall, looking to make eye contact with himself, which took a lot longer than it should have done and once William found himself, he wished he hadn’t.

“FUCK” Was all he could exclaim as he jumped back from his reflection. The once tall mountainous man that should have been staring back at him was now a lot closer to the ground.

William started to panic again as he got as close to the mirror as possible, perhaps it was a trick of perception? Beforehand his body had covered the entire mirror, his head just barely in, but now even as close as he could get, his head was only a couple of inches above the door handles. William couldn’t believe it he had shrunk! William just looked upwards, looking to where he should have been, looking at where he should have been standing and where he was only seconds ago. He was a mountain of muscle, an intimidating six foot five goliath but now he couldn’t have been taller than five foot three and even that was being generous. William looked around the room hoping it was just the mirror, but was brutally disappointed as he saw, the dresser, the bed and even the chair they were all bigger, except they weren’t, he was just smaller now. William had lost over a foot in height in a matter of seconds, how was that possible? How had he gotten so small? How had he shrunk? How had he… gotten so wide? William froze as his anxiety and panic reached a new level, he had been worried before, but what was even more worrying for William was that his body was still taking up most of the mirror except this time he was taking up all of its width. William looked away from his reflection and slowly looked down, what he should have seen was his washboard abs and small firm pecs, but instead William found himself looking at a large bloated muscular gut and two very large, very wobbly pair of juicy man tits. That’s when it dawned on William, the extra gravity, the feeling of being pulled down it hadn’t shrunk him, no it had done much worse it had compressed him.

William stared back at the stumpy, squat little man, a man covered in muscle and fat, a man not much taller than five foot , a man that would have to sidestep through doorways, a man that would have to waddle due to his huge calves and wide back, a man with a gut that he could rest his beer on, a man that William had just been turned into. William tentatively reached his hands out hovering them just above his now bulbous stomach, he had never had a belly and now he had this enormous gut protruding outwards. With a small slap William placed his hands down, feeling his new, smooth rock hard gut. William looked down with dismay as he continued to feel his new stomach, the huge mass of muscle was hard and immovable, an impossible to hide bulge of thick fatty muscle that looked comical on his new tiny frame. A little squat ball of belly and moobs, he looked like a roided out hobbit, a freak, a stocky miniature freak. To add to William’s woes he realised that his new hard gut now eclipsed his view of his pendulous cock and with a lot of effort William found he could barely reach it. William looked at his reflection, what had happened to him? He looked like a bodybuilder had been squashed, how was that even possible? William looked back at his reflection, now looking at his face and saw something he hadn’t seen for a very long time, fear

William had to leave, he had lost his body hair, he had lost his tattoos, he had lost his toned body and his height, he didn’t want to wait around to see what else he would lose, but as soon as that thought crept into his head and sickening shiver ran down his spine and William screamed. “NOOOOOOOO” William cried as a new feeling invaded his body, not one of pain, not one of compression but one of lethargy and of tiredness. William felt his body go limp, his strong legs and arms suddenly felt like cooked spaghetti and even though he wanted to run William now found it impossible. All William could do was stare at the empty mirror, watching, waiting as he felt his energy drain away, until his reflection would return with another unwelcome change. The longer he looked, the weaker he felt and the more foreign his own body felt to him. The tall, muscular confident man was afraid and if he ever wanted to escape this nightmare he could no longer rely on his body and stature, he would have to be smart. The problem was William wasn’t smart, if he was he would have known to have started running a long time ago.

As the shiver returned something peculiar occurred, while William was now staring back at his own face in the mirror, it appeared that was all he could see. William already knew this was a bad sign, he watched as his worried disembodied head floated in the mirror before him, where was the rest of him? William begun to panic, his breathing becoming faster and his heart rate increasing, what had happened to his body? Sure he could live without body hair or his height but not as a floating head! It was then William heard a sinister chuckle coming from behind him, that caused him to immediately swing around, but all he saw was a small wisp of green smoke. See, the trickster had decided to have a little extra fun this time. William turned back to his reflection more frightened than he had ever been, he had expected to see his floating head again but this time it was different, he could now see his neck and a little bit of shoulders. His reflection was slowly revealing itself to him, at first William was overjoyed he wouldn’t be just a head! But the more he looked and thought about it the crueller his situation seemed. William was forced to watch as his body was revealed painfully slowly. First was his shoulders and straight away William was scared, no longer were they as thick and wide as moments ago but bony and thin. The once broad intimidating stance he always took now looked strange as the weak, gaunt shoulders appeared; it was as if all the strength had been drained away, like he had lost of his muscles. Williams’s eyes went wide as he looked at his scrawny shoulders; no they couldn’t have taken that that! Not all of his years of gruelling hard work in the gym; they couldn’t have taken his muscles! William tried to raise his arms into a bicep pose; he needed to feel his strength. He couldn’t wait for his reflection to reveal itself he needed to feel his massive boulder like biceps tense and flex, he needed to know they were still there. With a lot of effort William raised his arms and flexed hoping to feel the mass of muscle harden and flex, but that’s when his arms appeared in the mirror and William felt tears well up in his eyes. 

Gone were his large intimidating, masculine arms, gone was the heavy mass of muscle and gone was the strength to lift any weights. Instead William was left staring at the skinny lanky arms of boy, a boy that had never been to the gym in his life and would struggle to lift his own book bag. William didn’t want to believe it, he continued to flex his biceps hoping by some miracle the muscle would return, that the years spent training and working out in the gym weren’t just undone and that his glorious, daunting arms would come back to him, but he was crushingly disappointed. William could feel his emotions overwhelming him, his new tiny noodle like arms looked so weak and helpless, nothing like the boulder like biceps he had had only seconds ago. He used to be able to flex his bicep and make women swoon, he used to be able to push and shove whoever he wanted and he use to make grown men retreat when he readied to fight but now… now he was a joke. His arm had barely any muscle on it to flex, women would feel sorry for him not attracted to him. His pathetic little arms were now so weak that he would struggle to push open doors, let alone push someone aside and now if he raised his arms to fight his opponent would laugh before simply snapping his arm like the twig it was. William couldn’t believe it, they couldn’t be his arms, they shouldn’t be his arms, but as William stood still in his embarrassing double bicep pose he knew that these were his new arms, pathetic, weak and unfortunately for William his reflection was still revealing itself, as his torso now reappeared bringing just as much distress and disappointment as his arms had done.

While his arms had lost all mass, the shrivelled fragile limbs completely lacking any muscle or fat, his torso was a different story. Whereas in his previous reflection William had been staring at two very juicy and large wobbly pectorals and a hard, stumpy gut, he now was looking at much worse. As although his arms had been drained of fat it appeared his torso had not. As his reflection revealed his mid-section William was left with a horrifying sight, his strength, his muscles and definition had all been taken away but two things remained, the two things William wished had gone, his width and his fat.

William lowered his arms and again hovered them above his stomach, only moments ago he had done the same thing when his flat, washboard abs had disappeared and he had felt his hard, muscle gut but as he made contact with his skin this time he no longer felt  anything hard. William watched as his fingers sunk into the large protruding, jiggly belly and cringed as the awkward bulge of fat that now ballooned out his midsection rippled. William was horrified as he wobbled the huge mass of fat that now clung to his torso, before he had looked like a squat rugby player, undefined, rugged but strong and sturdy however now he looked like a short little butterball. A big fat belly with no muscles what so ever, meaning that even sitting up would be hard.  Plus without his muscles and strength his pecs had shrivelled to small mounds of fat giving him the boobs of a young girl. He looked so weak and foolish, his tiny arms and chest were such a stark difference from his bulging belly. It was as if all the fat on his body would only settle in one place leading to now have this fatty, crotch covering gut. William tried in vain to reach his cock again and with his now squishy and soft belly he was able to just about graze it with his fingers. William tired again, with a little more effort and struggle he would be able to grab his fat cock, at least then there would have been a small glimmer of hope. William tried and tried and each time he felt his hand get a little closer, but during the seventh or eighth time he caught his reflection and he stopped. William was a mountain of a man, a 300 pound monster, a beast made of pure masculinity and strength but that’s not what he reflection showed. Instead it showed a man barely over five foot, a man with skeletal arms and a bony chest, a man with a  flabby saggy belly and a man that was now fighting his own body just so he could touch his own cock. He was pathetic. William could no longer even look at himself as he turned away and hung his head in shame. Upsetting him further as all he could see was his tubby tummy.

William could feel the tears in his eyes ready to fall as he looked at his new body, how could this have happened? And why had he let it? William tried to steady himself and collect his thoughts; he knew he should have left as soon as his reflection had disappeared so why had he stayed? Why hadn’t he just run away? William continued to ponder his reluctance to leave as a wisp of green smoke danced under his nose and the rest of his reflection revealed itself.

If like many women and some men you had had the pleasure of viewing William’s behind you would have known what a wonder it was. A large strong pair of firm rounded cheeks, in tight trousers or work out gear it was impossible not to stare at it. How women envied its size and how gay men cursed that they would never get to experience it, it was truly a fantastic arse. Yet if there was someone to look upon it now they would have wept for its demise, the large grabbable cheeks were now gone, deflated and flattened to nothing. The once shapely, masculine ass had been shrunk and shrivelled to nothing but a tiny, narrow bottom that would even be uncomfortable for William to sit on. The fat and muscle that made it so round and pert had been cruelly taken away to leave nothing but a crack and an anus, his perfect ass now nothing but a pale bony bum. A bony bum that was now attached to two stick thin legs, if William had still kept his previous godly booty his legs would no longer be able to support it, his ass would simply weigh too much. So instead to match his skinny bottom he had a pair of scrawny stubby legs, tiny thin thighs and the knobblyiest knees. The poor things wobbled and shook like frightened animals, the weak and pathetic limbs unable to convey the slightest aura of strength, making it now impossible for William to ever look strong or intimidating ever again. Those pathetic legs were then finished off with the longest, flattest feet on a man of his size and stature. William’s now clown like feet would make every moment impractical, the large flat feet would trip him up constantly making him anything but poised and charming but rather bumbling and clumsy. William had been turned into a buffoon, a mere shadow of what he had been before he had appeared in this drab room. He was a joke and as if on cue his now stretched and far too big tighty whiteys fell effortless down his thin little legs leaving him completely naked and completely humiliated.

While William had been facing away from his reflection as the rest of him had been revealed, he didn’t need to turn around to know what had happened. The cold breeze on his bony bare bottom and the now incessant shaking of his knees meant that his lower body had suffered the same fate as his arms and chest. William had no more time to ponder his escape and his failure to move as his emotions took over. Taking away his height was one thing, but draining him of his muscles meant draining him of his strength and without his strength he could no longer impress or intimidate; now he was nothing but a skinny, pot-bellied loser. How could he possibly trick anyone now, he was no longer stronger than anyone, no longer the tallest in the room and gone was the imposing, eye catching figure that people stared at as he walked into a room. Something or someone had changed him and taken everything he held dear, he hadn’t even got a chance to fight back instead he had just stood there helplessly as he lost it all. William felt a tear slip down his face, the lone droplet reaching his cheek before dropping down and landing on a part of his body, a part that was yet to change.

William could only just see it over his large bulging belly, but even just the smallest glimpse of it gave him hope. The last part of him, the last fragment of the big, strong and masculine William, his ginormous, thick pendulous cock. William rubbed his spindly arm over his eyes to wipe away the tears as he turned around and looked at his reflection to see his endowment. William was both pleased and slightly taken aback when he looked at his huge cock, his short stature and scrawny frame had meant his cock now truly looked monstrous.

The guys at the gym had always joked around about William’s third leg but now that statement was more accurate than ever. While at first William was pleased at the new perception of his cock, his body made it look bigger than ever and with a tool this size he would still have no trouble with the ladies even with his weak body. Yet the more he stared the more distressing his overly large cock was, William had always delighted in how thick his cock was, wider than a beer can and a circumference bigger than a bratwurst sausage. Yet, now it made him uncomfortable, his thick veiny cock was close to being the same size as his thin, stubby legs. How weak and pathetic did you have to be to have a cock that was nearly thicker than your leg! William use to revel in how long his extensive penis was, he would make sure to wear the tightest trousers and pants just so its outline could be seen snaking down the side of his muscular thigh. But now, the length of his cock was close to his knees, if he wasn’t careful his shaking knobbly knees would squish his cock in between them. He was now so short and so little that his own cock could have been mistaken for a below the knee amputation.  The more William stared at his now fat, elongated and grotesque cock the more he despised it. Thankfully the trickster was there to help with that and with another shiver down William’s spine, his cock disappeared from his reflection.

“NO NO NO NO NO!” William screamed at his reflection “BRING IT BACK! PLEASE LEAVE ME WITH MY COCK!” William cried, the big man wept for mercy at his eunuch like reflection. William looked down, he could still see part of his cock and if he wriggled his hips he could see his mammoth cock swing back and forth like a fleshy pendulum, but soon that started to change. With every swing, William saw his cock shrink a little, with every glimpse he saw his penis a little bit less as slowly his cock dwindled away. “STOP PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU!” William screeched as by now he had lost at least three inches of length form his ten inch cock, but no matter how much William begged his cock continued to shrink. The trickster couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched the short potbellied man furiously swinging his hips, weeping as he begged and watched his most precious possession disappear. Eventually even the swinging was not enough to see his cock and William tried in vain to grab his cock around his fat belly, trying desperately to grasp at it, to pull at it, anything to stop it from shrinking away. William now bawled like a baby as his cock had now completely disappeared from view and not even his fingertips could graze it anymore. All William had left to do was cry, wait for the sensation to end and then for his dick to reappear in his reflection, and then, then he would see what had become of his once magnificent, thick, lengthy cock.

A blood curdling cry echoed out of the drab little bedroom as William wept in grief, his cock has been drained and shrunk just like the rest of him, leaving the most pitiful and useless cock he has ever seen, which now fit him perfectly. The tiny little penis couldn’t have been more than an inch big, no… half an inch the bunched up foreskin only appeared to make it look like it was a few centimetres bigger. Now with its diminished size William couldn’t even hope to reach it with his massive belly, unless he could shift his weight he would never be able to touch or pleasure himself again unless he had assistance but who would want to be with such a frail, weak and tragically endowed man? How had he turned into this, William looked through his blurry tear filled eyes at the man he saw before him. A living skeleton with a belly that would be more at home on a chubby construction worker, with a cock that could barely enter a condom let alone a woman.  William had lost everything; if it wasn’t for his face he wouldn’t have even recognised himself. Where was the confident, domineering lothario that had been there before? Wait where had been the confident domineering lothario, he may be a helpless clumsy fool now but before he was a paragon of a man, handsome, charming, assertive and a model of pure masculinity so why had he done nothing when it was slowly all taken away from him? Something must have changed him! It was the only explanation, he wasn’t fearful, he wasn’t a useless wimp and he certainly wasn’t someone who could be taken advantage of and watch as his body, cock and size were all taken away from him. William wiped the tears from his eyes as his self-pity drained away and was slowly replaced with his old confidence and anger. Someone had taken everything that made him, him, someone had hoped he would give up, roll over and succumb to this pathetic body but they were wrong. He was a trickster, he could sleep with any woman he chose, he could fight and intimidate any man he encountered and he could steal and charm the last penny from anyone’s bank account, he was not this reflection. Even in his new scrawny body with its fat belly and tiny nub of a cock William felt like his old confident self, he would march out of that door and find a way to turn back to normal, he would not be trapped as this weakling. William puffed out his little chest, stopped his legs from shaking and headed towards the door, ready to change himself back and get revenge on whoever had decided to mess with him. However William made one fatal mistake, as he marched with all his bluster and arrogance his eyes drifted from the door and for only a second he saw himself in the mirror and almost instantly his confidence drained. How could he even think of stepping outside or letting anyone see him like this! What’s more he was still a wanted criminal, who would risk helping him? As quickly as the surge of confidence came it disappeared making William look weaker and more pathetic than ever. How could he even think of leaving? He wasn’t even dressed. Then with that thought a wisp of green smoke rushed over his face and body and William knew that that problem would soon be fixed.

The strange sensation once again attacked his body first focussing on his face, William just stared at his frightened features. His face was the last recognisable thing about him, his chiselled jaw line and intense stare was all that was left although it was more of an anxious wince at the moment. William stared at his face but soon it started to go out of focus, was he crying again? Were the tears welling in his eyes obscuring his vision? But two long blinks quickly told William that wasn’t the case; his eye sight was getting worse. William started to panic; he needed to see he didn’t want to go blind! Yet still his vision worsened his face and features becoming nothing more than a fleshy blob in front of him. That was until he felt something behind his ears and slither across his place. Then just like that, William could see clearly again like nothing had ever happened. Foolishly William had thought the changes had granted him some mercy but a quick glance at his reflection instantly told him that was not the case as now on his face was a pair of old fashion, wire framed glasses. A pair of glasses that now took up most of his face, glasses with prescription lenses so strong that they made his eyes look huge and unnatural. William couldn’t believe it, with one simple change his face now looked nothing like the charming, suave trickster but a goofy nerd and unfortunately for William the changes were not finished yet. William watched in horror as his dorky glasses were pushed upwards as his cute button nose expanded becoming a plump and bulbous, his nostrils growing wide causing his breathing to be louder. William instantly wanted to reach upwards and throw the glasses to the floor and squeeze his new nose smaller but his reflection wouldn’t allow it, he was frozen.  William could do nothing but stare as his lips were sucked inwards becoming thin and near non-existent. His skin turned pale as the melanin vanished from his skin cells, soon bumps and imperfections appeared forever preventing William from ever having smooth skin again. William watched in horror as his beautiful face was destroyed, his eyes turned a dull boring brown, his chin sunk inwards and lost all definition and his ears grew outwards and wide. Then finally his perfectly coiffed hair grew outwards and then fell with a wet slap, as the dull, greasy hairs clumped together and formed a slimy looking comb over.

William was gone, his last identifying features were gone and leaving him with the face of a forgettable loser. “No. Please just stop” William begged and cringed as he realised his voiced had changed as well. No longer the booming, authoritative siren it once was but a whiny, nasally screech. William knew more than ever that he need to escape, his body, face and strength all gone if he ever had a chance of getting it back he needed to leave now, yet he couldn’t move. Forced to look at his reflection, it had kept him there every single time, as soon as he saw himself he had changed and every time he had been too vain or too curious to ignore it and now he was paying the price. All William could do was watch and weep as the green smoke encircled his body and his new attire appeared one by one.

The first item to appear was another pair of tighty whiteys although this time they could not have been bigger than a children’s large, the constricting white pants materialised around his bony bum and pathetic cock. They were then pulled sharply upwards causing William to screech in pain, his new undies now crushing his miniscule cock and now firmly wedged up his ass. To follow were a pair of cheap black dress pants that were far too big for him, they too were pulled up just as high as the undies and this time fastened tight with a worn belt. William could see in his reflection just how high his new pants and trousers were as a sizable chunk of his spindly legs were still showing, thankfully they were quickly dressed in thick woollen white socks that were pulled up to his knees. The white socks and the black trousers causing a terrible contrast. Next to appear was a cheap polyester blend pink shirt, the garment too big for his tiny frame but soon all of it was stuffed into his already pulled up trousers. The pink shirt was soon joined but a scratchy, uncomfortable, woolly, baby blue jumper, the material so coarse and horrendous that it would cause discomfort at all times. Next were the shoes, his large clumsy feet were now adorned with the heaviest and clumpiest black boat shoes, the huge sized footwear would only make him trip and fall over more things which only added to his already uncoordinated and clumsy feet. William cringed as he looked at his new forced outfit, the baby blue jumper clashed horribly with the pink shirt, the high trousers crushed his balls and the white socks and black shoes showed he had no idea of fashion, but to top it off and to finish the already disgusting outfit was a tightly done up bowtie, secured firmly around his next. The outfit now successfully turning William from the model of masculinity to the epitome of a loser dork.

William wanted to look away, he wanted to run but to his misfortune he found that he still couldn’t move.  Instead it appeared that his reflection wanted him to see what he had become, it wanted him to see how far he had fallen and it wanted him to retreat and disappear into his new loser persona. Yet it had the opposite effect, as William stared his anger bubbled and instead of demoralising him his new reflection lit a fire in him.  Even though he was now looked nerdy wimp William still had the fortitude to continue and the resistance to fight, regardless of what he was wearing or what he looked like he was now clothed, which meant he could march out of this house and get help. He would to find his trickster colleagues and he would find a way back to his normal life, the life of a sweet talking, Adonis. He was a giant of man, a smooth talking, handsome god among men and he would not stop until he got his life back. They could take his body and they could take his face but they couldn’t take his spirit! But that’s when William felt another shiver down his spine. 

William instantly looked over his body and face in the mirror, it appeared that nothing had disappeared from his reflection, nothing was gone, no part of him was missing so why did he feel that sensation what was changing? William shook his head, it needn’t matter, regardless of his physical appearance he would return to his normal self and get revenge… well if he had the time. Wait what? William gave his reflection a puzzled look, why had he thought that? He was going to return to normal, he just need to get back to his penthouse and get the help of his colleagues… but only once he had finished his chores and made sure everything at the house was alright. Williams’s eyes went wide as the intrusive thoughts kicked in again, why was he thinking this way? He didn’t know whose house this was; he didn’t have chores…did he? That’s when it hit William like a ton of bricks; the reason why none of him had disappeared in the mirror, the change that was happening this time wasn’t anything physical it was mental.

William could now feel that eerie, terrifying sensation as it rooted around in his brain, he could feel it sucking up his confidence making him meek, he could feel it draining his charm making him awkward and clumsy, he could feel taking away his assertiveness making him indecisive and dithering, he could feel it emptying him of his charisma making him self-conscious and blithering and he could feel it bleeding him of his dominance making him shy and submissive. With every second William felt his personality drain away as the sensation ebbed at him making him forget how to sweet talk people, how to intimidate men and how to seduce women. William started to panic; he was now losing more than his muscles he was losing William. William tried to fight back as he searched for memories and examples of him doing those things, he had charmed hundreds of people but now he could not think of a single one, he intimidated and fought hundreds of men but no longer could he recall a fight and he had seduced and bedded thousands of women but not a single beautiful face or body returned to him… except one. William was confused as an unfamiliar memory appeared, one of him talking to a 400 pound fat woman in her late 30’s, a memory of him paying her nearly a grand for her to take him into her bedroom, then for this obese women to dump her fat ass on his little cock and rub it until it squirted in between his fat cheeks, where she then forcefully made him clean up his mess with his tongue. Then with a snap the memory became known, it was the memory of the first and only time he had ever been with a woman. It was then that William screamed.

William shook his head wildly, the change wasn’t just taking away his characteristics it was taking memories and worse was replacing them. William shrieked and shouted as he tried to fight back the overwhelming force in his head that was shredding his life as a handsome trickster into one of a pathetic nerd attracted to BBW. However even though William tried to fight the sensation in his head he was no match for it as it continued its onslaught onto his life. It started with his time at school, no longer the popular sportsman but the skinny chess club nerd, yet he wasn’t even important enough to be the focus of bullying. Sure he would get wedgied and his head dunked in a blocked toilet but only when he was round other dorks. He was too meek, too forgettable to be a target on his own. William cried as his school career warped, no longer popular but unremarkable, no longer the centre of attention but just back ground noise and no longer average but bottom of the class, leaving school with nothing and no one. William would not be remembered by any of his classmates or teachers he simply didn’t make an impression at all.  William shook his head, he knew that wasn’t true but his new memories had already dug themselves into his mind. Next to be attacked was his social life, his only sexual experience he was aware of but his friends were few or just the one, a fat dork he was at school with, an overbearing and controlling nerd that made William do whatever he said. William was no longer a leader, no longer the one in charge, he was a sheep, a follower and now he followed a fat, smelly nerd. Even then that friend didn’t care about William, he was just the only person that bothered to remember his name. That’s when the sensation ramped up its assault on Williams mind finally digesting all of the traits William held dear and replacing them with shyness, subservience, awkwardness and submission. William was no longer the boss and never would be again, he would always be the lowest status worker but he would always be the one that worked the hardest only to receive no praise, no thanks and no gratification it was just expected of him.

William was on the verge of a break down as his brain felt like it had received a pummelling from a heavyweight boxer, but there was still one blow left for his brain to take. A punch that would decide how strong William really was, as with one last change William found something else changing…his name. William sensed it immediately and tried his hardest to cling to his name. “William, William, William, William” He whispered to himself, he couldn’t lose that. “William, William, Will… Wil… Wilfred, Wilfred, Wilfred Winkibottom, Wilfred Winkibottom” But the force was just too strong as William forgot his name and it was replaced with something dorky and humiliating. Wilfred Winkibottom or to most people he was just known as Wiff but especially to the guys at work.
William couldn’t help but weep as his life, his personality, his body and his name was wiped from existence. William looked at his crying reflection as he looked at Wilfred or Wiff as the guys at work would call him. It was then William paused, wait… work?  Even though his brain was battered and bruised it appeared it still had one last round to fight as Wilfred’s career made itself known. William barely had the energy to stand let alone fight so all he could do was cry as he his job was ingrained into his mind in spectacular detail.

With the first memory William burst into tears once more, as his gruelling, monotonous and most importantly gross job played out in his head like a horror film. Every morning he would wake at 5am, he would have a short cold shower followed by a bland breakfast of plain oatmeal. He would dress in thick heavy, scratchy jumpers that drew attention to his large unsightly bulging belly and shoes that made it difficult for him not to fall and trip at every opportunity. He would then walk to work as he no longer owned a car, it would take only ten minutes and he would always arrive early for his shift at 6am. That’s when he began his eight hour shift at a place William would never have entered for as long as he existed, a place that actively took advantage of Wiff’s simple and kind nature, a place where the staff were happy to let him do all the most disgusting, degrading and humiliating tasks. William screamed and wept, he had once being on the verge of being a millionaire, a trickster with the finest things and the best of everything but now his new job firmly rooted into his life forever. William was now stuck at a care home, a care home that tried to help morbidly obese men and William, well Wiff, he was the one to do all the personal and intimate care. A huge vivid picture was then beamed into William’s head, his senses alive as if he was actually living it.

An image of him entering a bedroom and being hit with an almighty stink, a smell so foul that William gagged. The cause of the stink was a man, a man weighing over 500 pounds of fat, a man completely naked and man that could not wash himself, who could not get into all the folds and cracks by himself so William was there to clean him up.  The man just shuffled and waited, expecting William to now do his job. William screamed as he watched himself do the most revolting job he could think of, he watched and smelt as he bent down to the large flabby ass only inches away from it and began washing deep into the dirty crack. William felt so degraded and weak, his now pathetic little arms took forever and the giant ass in front of him was nearly as big as he was. William let the tears fall down his face; he was so small, so insignificant that an obese man’s dirty, fat ass was now more important than him.  The image then ended abruptly and so did William’s stand still. William just stood for a moment, his reflection showing a skinny, pot-bellied, nerd with a job that required him to wipe ass’s all day. A weaker man would have given up then, a weaker man would have accepted his fate but William did something surprising, even though he had lost his height, his muscles, his strength, his personality, his cock and essentially his whole life, William did not give up instead…he ran.

The trickster laughed a deep and devious chuckle as the skinny, clumsy nerd bolted through the door and away from the devilish mirror. William barely made it down the stairs without tripping over his huge feet in the heavy shoes but he managed it, his body seemed to take the lead, somehow knowing where it should go. It got to the bottom of the stairs and took a right and barged through a living room door but with only two steps in William finally succumbed to his new found clumsiness and tripped over something, sending him to his knees and causing his glasses to slip off his plump, bulbous nose. William started to panic, the longer he was in this house the more he had changed, he needed to get out quickly but with his new blurry vision he could barely see.  He scrambled for his glasses on the floor, but as he felt around he felt something else, something warm and fleshy. William paused just for a second, weighing up the options in his mind, he didn’t want to look, he didn’t have time to look, so instead he avoided the fleshy lump and slowly found his glasses and placed them on.


The loud cough coming from the side of him made William freeze; he had really hoped he was alone. William continued to stare downwards to avoid attention, his vision focusing again revealed the fleshy lump he had grabbed, a large fat, hairy foot. William didn’t want to move, he didn’t want to know who was beside him, he didn’t want to know who had just been downstairs while he was changed, who had just sat there and did nothing as he cried for mercy.  However as William remained on his hands and knees a smell started to drift into his nostrils, the stench of unwashed feet and sweat. In his panic William’s senses had ignored it but now it was all he could focus on, the dank, grungy odour. William didn’t know how much more of it he could take the smell was so pungent and sour, it was as if the person had run a marathon and then left their feet for a week to stew in sweat. William stifled a gag which unfortunately attracted the attention of the feet’s owner.

“Well, Wiff, is it time for my foot massage? Oh and where’s my beer and cigar huh?” A gruff, older voice boomed.

William slowly turned his head to the side and saw he was now eye level with a hairy, stubby, sweaty little penis, owned by a 400 pound, bald but bearded superchub.

It was with that sight a flash of pain ran through William’s head as a final but important detail defined the rest of his existence. See the care home hoped to rehabilitate the obese men, get them to change their lifestyle and lose weight. The problem was not all of the men wanted to do that, they were happy to eat whatever and allow others to do all the running around for them. Those men would often be thrown out of the programme and left to their own devices, the too stubborn for their own good. Except having so many leave without results was bad for the care home so William’s superior suggested he take his work home with him, he praised him and told him how good he was with the heaviest and most stubborn patients and suggested they move in with him. William shook his head trying to avoid what he knew was going to happen. Wiff happily agreed and now had a house full of hugely obese, bossy, stubborn men living in his house and he was there to care for all of them, the only difference from work was this time he wasn’t being paid.

Wiff was too simple and too naïve to know that he was now working for free, the men in his house now treated him like an employee and took advantage of him constantly. William wanted to cry again as he realised he would now be caring for fat, stinking men 24/7 but he couldn’t let the reeking foot man see him cry, he should really start that foot massage instead. William slapped his own head at that thought, he couldn’t, he couldn’t give into this life. So with all his might William picked himself up, avoiding eye contact and sprinted to the opposite door.

William ran he couldn’t, wouldn’t let this be his life, but even now the fat bears instructions niggled in his head, he should have done what he said and he should have obeyed. It took all of William’s strength to ignore it as he barged open another door.

William gasped at the sight, another obese man crawling on his bed trying desperately to reach his own fat hairy ass.

“Finally! Wiff I have that itch again right in the middle of my crack, now get you puny little hands in there and get it! .Then once you’ve done that I want chilli dogs for lunch and a bottle of soda, I’m starving.” The repulsive, fat slob then belched loudly expecting his orders to be followed.

William’s body desperately wanted to obey, it wanted him to scratch the disgusting fat ass but still William was able to fight back, slamming the door and running. William felt himself move on auto-pilot his need for escape from the house and this life driving him forward. Then he saw it the last door on the left, it had to be the way out! With a violent swing William ran through the door, except once he was in he didn’t see the outside, he didn’t smell fresh air, he wasn’t free. Instead he was in another bedroom, one with the foul heavy odour of ass hanging in the air and there in the middle of the room was the biggest guy he had ever seen. A six hundred pound superchub, laying on his side staring at him, waiting.

William watched as the large black man rolled slightly, then staring directly at William he slapped his ass cheek hard.

It was clear to William from the smell and the ass slap what the man wanted him to do, what his body wanted him to do, he wanted to wipe that disgusting ass clean. His body was betraying him as the foul smell in the room clouded his mind weakening his control, his body wanted him to be pathetic, his body wanted him to be a nobody that wipes up mess, his body wanted him to be forgotten by the world and become a skinny loser in a disgusting degrading job, his body wanted him to be a pushed around nerd that made no impact on anyone he met, his body wanted him to become Wiff. William felt his body step forward, this was it, this was his last chance to escape to be free, to be William again, he just had to fight. With all his strength and fortitude William felt his body stop, he could feel it returning to his control as he took a step backwards. It was working he was going to escape, he wouldn’t be trapped here in this ghastly house with these disgusting men, he was going to be William again. With another step backwards William felt in control, not even the man’s annoyed stare could cause him to waver. Just a few more steps and he would be out the door and away from this wretched life. A few more steps and PLLAPP! William felt something behind him, not the wall but something soft, but he should have felt nothing? He should have been out the doorway. William turned his head upwards and let out a short gasp.

"Fucking hell Wiff! Get in there and clean that shit up! It stinks!” The huge fat beast then shoved William deep into the room nearly causing him to fall straight into the dirty ass of the superchub on the bed.

Then with that command and his face only inches around from a dirty asshole it was over.

The need to obey, his new submissive nature and his duty of care to the fat fucks around him was to strong.  So with the stench of unwashed ass fresh in his nostrils William screamed as he was pushed and shoved to the very back of his mind, losing control to Wiff, now forever trapped as a passenger in his new life but experiencing all of it just as clearly. He would now care for and serve huge, fat, smelly men for the rest of his life, none of them ever taking an interest in him, none of them seeing him as a friend but just someone they could get to do all the work for them. A skinny loser dork, with a fat belly, tiny cock and dim personality, a nobody that made no impact or impression on anyone, a person that was so forgettable that people only knew him as Wiff, a person that no one would look twice at, a person that was completely invisible. William would soon learn very quickly why he was called Wiff, because he would be made to do all of the foulest, messiest, smelliest and most disgusting jobs and he would never say a word. Therefore people just assumed he liked the foul smells and now he would be experiencing them daily. Williams sobbing echoed out in his mind as Wiff took control, so with a deep inhale of the dirty fat black ass in front of him Wiff and at the very back of his mind screaming William got to work in wiping the lazy slob’s ass and becoming the submissive little slave to his big fat smelly house guests.


William’s life was on endless repeat, he cared for lazy, smelly fat men at work and then he would care for them at home. As time passed he took home more stubborn, lazy men never giving him a moment to himself, he even had to share a bed with whoever would let him. So even after a long hard day’s work William found himself curling up at the disgusting smelly feet of a lazy fat slob, after all he didn’t take up much room, yet whoever’s bed he slept in, the morning was always the same. William would always end up right near the big, stinking fat ass of his bedmate and every morning the fat beast of a man would yawn, and sit up.  Their huge, sweaty, fart filled ass would then smother poor little William and he would greeted with a large whiff of their morning gas.

No matter how much William would shout, no matter how much he pleaded, no matter how he tried to avoid it, it would always end up the same way, with a filthy, foul fat ass on his face, with a butt load of disgusting fumes. It was almost as if the chubby men didn’t even notice him, William’s wish had been granted because as the 500 pound obese man farted onto the screaming little nerd, to him, William was completely invisible…

The trickster laughed as he watched the former so called trickster and former conman struggle under the dirty fat ass. An evil grin plastered across his face as the slob got up not even looking back at the barely breathing nerd. The trickster chuckled and wondered, how many more fat slobs he could cram into that small house for William to serve, before whizzing off to the next man that dare call himself a trickster.


  1. Looking forward to your next story! Such a treat to read.

  2. Yeah man, loved yours stories on tumblr, and Im looking forward to your next one!


Another Birthday Wish

It was nearly midnight and for once Brandon was actually looking forward to his birthday, normally it would be a quiet meal with the family ...