Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Imposters: Evan

Evan was barely able to contain his fury and frustration as he stared at the giant oaf across the room, it was all William’s fault that they were in this mess now and it was that lumbering idiot that dragged him into this stupid little group to begin with. Evan huffed as he paced around the room not even making eye contact with the other man across the lounge, he had been quite content tricking and scamming by himself but with his silver tongue William had convinced him that working together could net them both bigger sums of money.  Sure William had been right, he had been richer than ever before but now, now he was holed up with these morons waiting for either the police or the mob to bust down the front door, find them and god knows what else. Evan rubbed his head; surely there was a way out? Surely there was a way he could throw these chumps under the bus? Surely he wouldn’t meet the same fate as these imbeciles?

Evan was the brains of the little band of tricksters, while he still had a toned trim body, a keen eye for fashion and a suave sophisticated look and style it was his intelligence that really set him apart. From an early age Evan had excelled in his studies quickly pulling ahead of all his peers, particularly in maths and computing. The coding and numbers just seemed to come naturally to him and his skill and talent allowed him to be awarded a full scholarship to one of the top universities in the country. Evan’s professors nurtured and supported his natural talent and soon he had graduated with honours and was working alongside them. Evan could have been brilliant, he could have innovated the world with his breakthroughs in mathematics and computer science, he could have become one of the greatest academics of the century, he could have changed the world except he didn’t because while he was brilliant and smart, he was also arrogant, egotistical and greedy.  It had been barely six months before the entire staff at the university had grown tired of his constant boastfulness, his need to constantly belittle anyone he felt was not as intelligent as he was and his continuous moaning of his “meagre” salary.  Evan quickly found himself isolated; no one wanted to work with such a pompous ass even if he was brilliant. Soon his unpopularity spread and the funding for his research dwindled, grants were given to other departments and Evan was left with the bare minimum.

Evan was outraged, his research and work was far more compelling and important than any of his colleagues but none of them seemed to be struggling for funds. Evan was on the verge of losing his place at the university; his last hope was the Setzel Grant, a sum of money that was awarded to researchers making the greatest strides to improve mankind, Evan was sure he would win it, after all his research was clearly the most innovative. Except he didn’t win the money, instead some woman from the biology department won it for an advance in radiation treatment. It was then that Evan lost it, no longer could he stay with these morons who clearly couldn’t see his brilliance and so he quit but not before he took what was rightfully his. It was surprisingly easy for him to code a programme to divert the funds from the biology department straight to his personal account and then for the code to erase itself, like it had never even been there. All Evan had to do was get access to that woman’s personal computer, which was slightly more challenging but with his intelligence he found a way to make it happen.  Evan laughed all the way to the bank, why had he not done this before? If those idiot professors wouldn’t give him the money he deserved then he would just take it. Evan no longer needed the approval of other professionals and academics now that he could just take the money. That’s how his life as a trickster started, Evan would go around universities and research companies conning his way in and then stealing the money he wanted. Evan initially was going to use his stolen earnings to fund his research, but why would he need to bother with that anymore when stealing and tricking others was so much easier and much more lucrative.

It had been roughly three years ago when he had bumped into William on a college campus, coincidence had led them both to the same target who had won a grant for their research in biochemistry. William had worked his magic and feeding Evan’s ego they joined up together, William doing the charming and flirting while Evan created the plans, hacked computers and dealt with the money. Things had been good, while Evan still thought William was nothing but a pretty face he was useful when it came to tricking idiots out of their money, well that was until the stupid muscle head stole from a fucking mob boss’s daughter and of course there was that problem still in the closet.

Evan was becoming more agitated, the stillness of the room was maddening and no matter what way he looked at it he was either going to be in a cell by the end of the night or at the bottom of a deep lake with a pair of concrete shoes on his feet. The only way out Evan could possibly think of was so much of a longshot that it was basically impossible. Evan hated when he couldn’t think of an answer, he felt like a failure, he felt like a loser and he felt stupid and the one thing Evan hated more than anything was being seen as stupid. Evan needed to vent his frustration, his inability to come up with an idea fuelling his anger at himself and the men around him; he needed to break the silence, he needed to explode. Evan was just about to rage at the handsome idiot across the room when….


The three men jumped to attention each of them staring at the door, none of them moving a muscle or making a sound hoping the thudding was just their imagination. Evan’s mind went into overdrive; he was smarter than this why could he not find a way out of this dire situation? Yet the more Evan tried to think the more frazzled his brain became until he was close to screaming. Why had he joined up with these morons? Why couldn’t he think of a way out? Why couldn’t he have just worked hard and continued his research? Why wasn’t he smart enough to know better?

Evan’s mind raced unable to escape his fate, his brain unable to come up with a solution, he was going down just like the rest of these idiots, it was the end. A deafening silence followed as the men stared at the door, the tension in the air made Evan nervous and a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. It was then the dumb oaf William spoke, Evan was just about to scream at the idiot for making a noise but what was the point, they had found them and now there was no escape.

“Fuck” William said as he finished his scotch and puffed out his chest, ready to meet his end. “I wish I was invisible” William said with a quiver in his voice.

Evan was astounded by the stupidity of the muscular giant, not just because he was making a wish but the sheer idiocy of the wish itself. Even though Evan knew it was pointless, his arrogance and ego got the better of him again as he needed to show off how much smarter he was. So with a small quiver and some false confidence Evan made his wish, a wish that he thought would be the only logical way for him to remain safe and a wish he would regret for the rest of his life.

‘I wish I was already being held by the cops at least they’d keep me safe’ Evan smugly answered. Evan would have turned to his colleague across the room to see his reaction to his clearly superior wish but before he could even turn his head a cloud of green smoke had engulfed him and he quickly fell unconscious.

Evan awoke slowly, a few half-hearted coughs escaping his lips, what had happened to him? Had he been gassed? Had his colleague drugged him and left him to the mercy of the mob? Evan’s eyes snapped open immediately scanning the room for danger but instead of being surrounded by burly men like he thought, instead he found himself in a very different situation.  Evan was confused, no longer was he in the luxury penthouse but instead what looked like a cluttered one bed city apartment. The bedroom he was in was connected to a cramped living area and kitchen, it was far from the expensive, up market building he had been in what felt like only seconds ago. Evan’s eyes continued to wander across the unfamiliar bedroom and a disgusted grimace contorted his face, this place was an absolute pigsty. The bed in front of him was unmade and the sheets clearly hadn’t been washed in some time seeing as a strong scent of sweat was drifting off of them. The dresser and wardrobes had clothes haphazardly thrown over them and falling out, the laundry basket in the corner was overflowing leading to dirty clothes being tossed all over the room. Evan recoiled at the sight and smell of a particular pile of well-worn underwear, athletic cups, jockstraps, gym socks and sneakers that had been heaped into a disgusting mound by the door all of which was creating an overwhelming stench that caused Evan to nearly gag. The place was littered with trash, old food containers, beer bottles and worse on the bed side table where a laptop with dubious white stains sat, was a used condom, the cold load of spunk still sitting inside it as it hung limply off the side. Evan didn’t know where he was but he knew he couldn’t stay here, not just because he was still on the run but the smell would soon drive him insane. Evan moved his feet and felt the carpet beneath his toes until he slid over something slimy and instantly he brought his knees up to his chest trying in vain to not see what he had mistakenly put his bare foot in. Wait… bare foot? Evan looked down slowly; there were his perfectly manicured feet, his lithe hairy legs and his ample cock all out on display. Not only was he in a completely unfamiliar place he was also completely naked.

Evan sat frozen, how was this possible? How had he not noticed he was naked and where the hell was his expensive tailored suit? Evan took a deep breath, he shouldn’t panic he was smarter than that. Evan stared around the room, he waited and listened, it appeared he was alone which only confused him more. Why would someone go to the trouble of drugging him, abducting him, and stripping him just to leave him alone to escape? It made no sense, unless they wanted him for something else? Evan’s mind raced with possibilities, working for the mob, or returning all the money he own or perhaps even torture. Whatever they had planned for him Evan wasn’t going to stick around to find out, the idiots should have done more research on him then they would have known that a genius like him would be able to escape any situation concocted by some dumb mob boss. With an inflated sense of pride and arrogance Evan stood up ready to escape the strange filthy room but as soon as he was fully upright an overpowering wave of nausea and dizziness hit and he immediately stumbled forward falling to his knees. Evan held his head, the pounding not stopping, what had they done to him? What had they given to him? Evan frowned as he held his head trying to stop it from spinning, the feeling of sickness made worse as he realised he was now kneeling directly in front of an old pair of boxer briefs with a large yellowed stain in the front of them. Evan nearly threw up as the stale scent of piss drifted up to his nostrils. He had to get out of this room, the smells and scents were making his nausea even worse and the last thing he wanted to do was pass out again, especially onto such a sticky floor. With great effort Evan pushed himself up using the bed, he only managed to take a single step before another wave of dizziness hit and this time it was accompanied by pain. Evan’s whole body suddenly throbbed with a dull thudding ache, if it hadn’t of been so agonising Evan would have likened it to the growing pains he felt when going through puberty, but this pain it was far worse. All of his muscles seemed to burn and ache restricting his movement. Evan had no idea what he had been given but he knew that whoever had given it to him clearly didn’t want him going anywhere, but he would show them. Evan stumbled again and crashed into the dresser, his body slumped as his whole body started to seize up. Just a few more steps and he’d be out of the bedroom, Evan was sure that with fresher air to breathe the nausea could be dealt with more easily. but currently holding himself up on a dresser with a pair of damp gym socks by his face he could barely think. Evan could feel his body losing; the dresser next to him seemed to be getting taller as he felt himself sliding down the side. He needed to be quick, with another burst of effort Evan pulled himself forward latching onto the open wardrobe door. His clumsy fumble caused the cheap wooden furniture to sway and a multitude of clothes fell out, including a grey, stretched compression top. The fabric had absorbed so much sweat that the odour was so concentrated and foul Evan almost passed out there and then. Evan was struggling to breathe as the smell encased him; the top now seemed huge and heavy as the wardrobe door handle slipped from his grasp. Now on his hands and knees Evan was reduced to crawling, the dirty gym top still draped over him, but still he continued his escape. He couldn’t let them win, he wouldn’t be tortured and he would not put his face near this filthy stained carpet. Evan crawled, his body aching, his muscles barely moving, but still he kept going, his very life could depend on it. Evan gritted his teeth as he edged closer to the door, the top draping over him feeling heavier as he shuffled further and the carpet feeling thicker between his fingers. In fact the carpet didn’t just feel thicker, it felt longer as well, his hands now sunk much further down than before. Evan looked down at his hands and watched as the carpet grew around them. Evan gasped was he hallucinating? Was this some weird effect of the drugs? Was the carpet actually growing thicker? Evan looked up in his confusion searching for answers but the answer he did find was not one he liked. He hadn’t slipped down the dresser, he hadn’t lost grip of the wardrobe door and the carpet wasn’t growing thicker. As Evan looked up and nearly screamed he watched as the door in front of him grew larger, the dirty pile of underwear grew larger and wretched pair of sneakers grew larger but not because everything was growing but because he was shrinking.

Evan looked back at his body in a panic, the dirty compression top now covered him like a duvet, he couldn’t have been more than 2 feet tall, he had to be the size of a baby.  Evan didn’t know if it was a hallucination, a side effect of the drugs or some terrible nightmare but what he did know was that he needed to hurry. Evan knew he needed to escape before he got any smaller before he was swallowed up by the filthy carpet below. Evan crawled with all his might, pushing through his aching burning muscles and splitting headache. He was so close, he just needed to crawl over that last foul pile of laundry and he’d be out of the sweat and piss scented room.  Evan could feel his body contracting as he continued to shrink; he needed to hurry as he started to traverse the heap of filthy underwear. The once small garments now looked massive as Evan grabbed at the socks and jockstraps hoisting himself over them. He was going to make it, he was getting out of the room, his smaller body finding it harder to grip as the fabric became bigger below his hands, just one last pair of underwear on top of a gym shoe to climb and he’d escape. Evan didn’t care about being small, that’s something he could figure out later, but for now he just knew he didn’t want to be small in this malodourous room. Evan could almost see the top of his underwear mountain, his little body no bigger than an action figure; he just needed to get over that ridge. Evan reached up his arm and pulled, just one more and he’d be over but as Evan raised his arm the shrinking continued as he fell to 7 inches, he tried again as he went down to 6 inches and then to 5 the gap between him and the top of the underwear growing larger and larger. ‘NOOOOOOOO’ Evan screamed as he scrambled to reach the top but it just kept getting further and further away until at just under 1 inch tall Evan lost his grip and tumbled downwards, downwards into the filthy pair of underwear, his face landing directly in a long large brown stain.

To the naked eye no one would see the small bump, the small bump flailing and screaming, the small bump desperately trying to get the smell and taste of skid mark out of his senses, the small bump that was now Evan desperately trying in vain to escape his new prison and the new found smell that now surrounded him and hung in his nostrils. Evan writhed around the sensory overload and his sheer disgust sending him into a panicked fit as he tried so desperately to get his tiny body away from the foul, sludge like stain.  His tiny form looking like a flea bouncing around as the bug like trickster fled to the nearest clean area of the filthy underwear. Evan felt like he was going to be sick, he needed to get clean, he needed some fresh air to breathe but the odour clung to him as did some of the stain. Evan rubbed himself onto the fabric floor frantically trying to reduce the stench that now seemed to be part of him, but that only seemed to make things worse as the sweat filled garment infused another foul stench onto his body. Evan screamed in anguish as got up and just started running, whether it was from fear, frustration or the pure unfiltered smell that now engulfed him, he needed to do something. It may have taken Evan just under a minute before his tiny body reached the edge of the underwear, his minuscule form clawing at the cloth trying to climb out before losing grip and sliding back down. Evan screamed as he sprinted once more at the side of the underwear again, his uncoordinated grasps and kicks failing to gain any traction as he slid back down.  After around the fourteenth attempt Evan collapsed into ball, his muscles burning from utter exhaustion and his nostrils burning from the remnants of the skid mark he had face planted into.

Incapable of moving Evan stared vacantly across the vast underwear plain as he unwilling caught his breath. Evan’s face twisted as he cursed himself for wearing himself out, as it now meant he had to continuously take new sniffs of his vile surroundings as his body gulped for much needed oxygen. Evan slowly pushed himself up as he tried to slow down his breathing, the disgusting smell becoming a small blessing in disguise as Evan’s desire to avoid inhaling any more of the foul odours slowly calmed him down. Now a distance from the stain, the smell wasn’t as strong but still the ordeal had left Evan shaken and repulsed. Evan looked down at his feet that now had a slight brown tinge to them and to the damp fabric they were resting on, how on earth was this possible? How had he gone from being a tall statuesque man to a mite sized speck in a matter of moments? Evan could feel the frustration inside him build as he failed to come up with any explanation whatsoever, surely it was impossible? Evan surveyed his new environment; the giant underwear mirrored a meteor crater, the red threading spread out for miles as it curved upwards into an off grey waistband with the vile stain sitting in the centre. The sides too steep to climb and the fibres too tightly woven to break through, Evan had to face facts he was trapped. Evan couldn’t help but let out a stunned chuckle, this couldn’t be real it had to be some sort of fucked up dream or trick.  Yet the feeling of the cloth below him, the feeling of the slimy sludge on his feet, the foul never-ending smell and the lingering taste in his mouth were too real to deny. Evan was far too intelligent to reject that fact that he was now nothing but a crumb sized man, trapped in a soiled pair of pants forced to smell the intensified odours of whomever they belonged to. It was then a wave of anxiety rippled over Evan like a deathly chill, who did they belong to?

Evan had been too distracted to even consider that the huge pair of briefs may actually have an owner, the same owner that lived in such a squalid apartment and left such disgusting mess. Now Evan had caught his breath he had more time to study his new predicament and who could possibly own such a repulsive pair of underwear. Evan rubbed his head, the smell surrounding him making it difficult to concentrate, this had to be the work of the police or the mob they were the two groups that had such a major vendetta against him but how would either of them manage to shrink him? Surely neither of them possessed that technology? But if they did there would be no way the police would have the authority to do this in such a way, meaning somehow the mob had stolen some kind of technology or drug that has now made him the size of an ant. Evan started to panic if it was the mob that had done this too him, what could they have planned for him at this size and why would they let in shrink in this apartment? By letting him shrink like this they would have no idea where he was… it was then Evan’s stomach dropped, perhaps they didn’t want to know where he was. Evan looked across the underwear and around the room, could this be his punishment, shrunken and left to fend for himself in this filthy, sticky fetid room. Forever stuck at an impossible size never being found, never returning to normal and being tortured by some unaware henchmen. Evan had already started to picture his captor, the underwear he was in was XXl and the skid mark was pretty large meaning he was obviously dealing with someone overweight, however the jockstraps and athletic cups told him he was also into keeping strong. An image of a squat, hairy  man with a pug face came to mind, a thug with a huge pot belly and huge biceps, a guy that knew he had to look imitating but wasn’t disciplined enough to lay of the pasta and pizza. A low level goon that couldn’t afford a nicer apartment, he couldn’t be bothered to clean his room or his ass, a self-described man’s man , a sexist, angry dumb gorilla only good for following orders. A disgusting slob on his own, a man who farts proudly, burps and leaves his cum stains anywhere but has to squeeze himself into an ill-fitting suit so he can look smart in front of the boss. Evan already found himself already feeling disdain for such a moronic ape, Evan sneered as he pushed himself up from the damp sweaty underwear his pride and ego swelling. It didn’t matter if he was under an inch in height; being around such a stupid brute would mean he would easily find a way out of this situation, manipulating such an idiot would be easy especially for someone of his intellect. Those idiots thought he would despair and accept his fate; they obviously underestimated what a genius he truly was. Evan puffed up his chest and looked for the lowest part of the underwear crater; he would find his way back to full size in no time. The way he had been left in this room meant that fat moron wouldn’t even know he was in the room, Evan would find his way to get to him and convince him he was a scientist whose experiment had gone wrong. Evan was almost ravenous as the thought of out playing the mob at their own game, the very idea thrilled him, to Evan no feeling could compare to outsmarting someone else and making them look the fool. For the first time since he woke up Evan smiled and edged to towards his target, little did he know that that was the last time he would ever smile again.


Evan froze, the loud thundering crashes, the unmistakeable sound of giant footsteps and the loud bang of a door being flung open, the owner of the filthy apartment, the owner of the sweat soaked underwear and the owner of the large sludgy skid mark was home.

Evan composed himself, this isn’t what he had planned but he could make it work, if the giant oaf spotted him he’d be able to outsmart him no problem and if he didn’t spot him then he had more time to enact his plan of escape. Evan took a deep breath in to ready himself and instantly regretted it as he inhaled the fresh scent of skid mark yet again; damn this guy was a slob. Evan rehearsed his best helpless scientist in his head ready for the chubby lackey to make his appearance. The loud thuds got louder and louder before a deep exhale could be heard and a large looming figure stood in the doorway. Evan had thought he’d prepared himself, he thought he’d be ready, he thought he had this in the bag, but as he looked up at the huge hulking figure the size of the statue of liberty, Evan quivered. Not just because the man was far bigger and more imposing than he thought he’d be but it was the fact that he was wrong. Instead of an obese big bellied greasy slobby mobster, standing before him was a black, muscled up, sweaty, beefcake… cop.

Evan looked up in shock as yet again the humiliating feeling of being wrong twisted his stomach, his ego taking another knock. Evan took a step back, his confidence draining as he watched the monster of man walk into the room and stop by the disorganised dresser. The large heavy footsteps causing the underwear to vibrate, if Evan was normal height he would of estimated the giant in front of him to be around 6 foot 5 and by the size of his biceps and thighs he must weigh at least 280 pounds of strong, bulky muscle. The guy would have been a giant to Evan even before his shrinking! This wasn’t right Evan thought as his plans were sent into disarray, it shouldn’t be a cop?!  Evan needed to think, he couldn’t expose himself to a cop, he was on the most wanted list and every police officer in the county knew his face. As soon as this guy got a good look at him he’d know exactly who he was and then it would be jail or if the cop was that way inclined he could enact his own version of justice. Evan watched the as the colossal man undid his belt placing his handcuffs and other tools on the side.  If he was seen by the giant who knows what would happen to him, he couldn’t be in prison at this size.  Evan could already picture it, the prison guards leaving him at the hands of some idiot inmates, being toyed and played with, treated no better than a pet. Yet he couldn’t stay how he was now, he’d never be able to survive in this gross room on his own. Evan shut his eyes tight, his hands on his head, he was a genius, he should know what to do next. Evan was only brought out from his brainstorm when a loud buzz echoed across the room as the muscled up stud reached for his phone. That was it, Evan’s hopes were raised, he needn’t get the help of the slobbish cop he would simply call someone else to come get him, someone he trusted, someone from his university days that would no doubt help him for the sheer scientific thrill. Evan looked up, his resolve back, he just needed to get to that phone, Evan stared intently waiting to see where the cop put it down, but it seemed something had got the giant’s attention. Evan looked as the goliath smiled, his huge fingers working the phone, pinching the screen to zoom in. The massive policeman moved his other hand down to his trousers, a tell-tale bulge started to appear before another buzz went off. Evan didn’t even have a chance to register what was happening as the cop threw the phone onto the bed and started to undress.

It was as if the cop had become possessed as he haphazardly started stripping down, Evan dived to the floor of the underwear much to his chagrin as an enormous boat sized shoe was flung over his head and landed with a clatter only inches behind his underwear crater. Evan had no time to think as two comet sized socks were flung in his direction, one a rolled up meteor landed behind him the other a limp, cotton truck landed with a squelch as the damp, sweat socked garment flopped into the underwear. The stench engulfed Evan as a wave of cheesy, sweaty feet swept over him making his hairs curl. The hot, wet sock oozed the foul liquid of the cops feet, the sweat evaporating creating a humid environment as the cheesy fog clung to Evan making him glisten with the putrid perspiration of a man who hadn’t washed his feet in over a week. Evan spluttered and gagged, trying desperately to not let any of the cheesy mist into his mouth and nose, but at his size it was impossible as the salty, vulgar taste covered his tongue. Evan recoiled and tried to distance himself from the sock, but still trapped in his crater he had nowhere to hide from the overpowering stink. Evan covered his mouth as the cop continued to undress, practically ripping open his trousers and nearly popping the buttons of his shirt as he hurried to strip. The cop, now in just his underwear turned his back on Evan as the large brute tried desperately to get his watch off, his hasty actions making it difficult. Evan was left to stare and marvel in fear at the monolith in front of him, the wide muscled back, the strong redwood like thighs and the underwear clad planets that were the cops buttocks. Evan looked at the pale blue undies that were wrapped so tightly around the massive globes of flesh, the fabric strained and ready to tear at any moment, the large damp sweat patch that ran right from the top of the crack all the way down the taint and the very obvious dark stain that sat at the bottom, a stain that Evan was now very familiar with as it was clear the cop was a very poor wiper. Evan looked up in contempt at the ginormous slob, how was it possible for a grown man to be so disgusting and filthy, had no one ever told him how to wipe his ass properly?! Had no one taught him how to do laundry?! How had man so attractive and muscular never been with a person that told him what a slob he was? Evan scowled at the massive man, the sooner he was out of this room the better.

The huge cop was still fumbling around with his watch until eventually with a muffled ‘fuck it’ he gave up and dropped his underwear to the floor his hand instantly grabbing his crotch. The underwear hit the floor with a sickening wet slap, the smell of them wafting over to Evan as the familiar scent greeted him. Evan didn’t realise it as he saw the crumpled, damp pair of underwear on the floor, but this was one of the few times in his life he actually felt empathetic. It was a shame that this time it over an inanimate object but still as Evan looked over at the stained item of clothing he felt pity. The worn piece of fabric that had become engorged with ass and ball sweat, the taint stained heavily with long large brown streaks and the threading and elastic so stretched that it could never return to its original size.  Never had Evan felt so sorry for something, the poor garment could have been worn by anyone else but got lumbered with such a foul and disgusting owner. However Evan didn’t have long to mourn the pair of ruined underwear as with their removal came a reveal. While the scent of tortured undies had wafted over subtly a much more powerful odour had also drifted its way down the miniscule man, the odour of bare ass.

Evan slowly pulled his eyes away from the underwear following the toned muscular legs that turned into a pair of meaty thighs before finishing at the earth sized pair of ass cheeks. The two enormous mounds of flesh could eclipse the sun, each one solid with muscle but with a small layer of fat onto to give them a jiggle when moved and both of them together making a planet size butt. As the cop touched himself, his gentle tugging caused each of his mountainous cheeks to shake and jiggle and every time they moved a bit of stench trapped between them was set free and slowly drifted down to Evan. Even from this distance the smell of the guys’ unwashed sweaty ass was nauseating, the pure unfiltered stench of asshole could easily be smelled over the foul underwear Evan was standing on. Evan now understood why this guy lived alone, after only being around this goliath’s ass for five seconds he was already so repulsed by the smell of his ass he was close to gagging. Evan frowned as the smell continued to get stronger and hoped he would never have to get any closer to such a putrid ass. Thankfully the cop had finished his gentle rubbing and now was ready for the main event as the colossal bodybuilder swung round searching for where he threw his phone he revealed to Evan all of his body in all of its glory.

Evan’s jaw dropped, he had known from the moment he’d had seen the behemoth that he was a gym junkie,  but now viewing him in all of his naked wonder, Evan was filled with both admiration and dread. Marvelling every inch of his physique Evan observed the mountain like biceps, the huge bulges now the size of Everest to a tiny speck like him. These boulder like muscles were so large that they rested awkwardly on the vast, ever expanding chest which also possessed two meaty boulders. The humongous pectorals hung proudly over the cop’s chest, the two giant mounds casting a ridiculously large shadow below. Evan stared as the two soft, chunky hills of flesh would bounce every time the hunk moved his arms and occasionally a ripple of muscle would flex making the huge muscly man tits jump and dance. These heaps of flesh were the apex of a deep canyon of grooves and definition, the strong torso possessed the rippling eight pack abs only seen in the most disciplined of athletes. However while the extreme definition of the cops stomach was impressive, it was what the deep trench of muscle was leading down to that had Evan stunned and afraid. There the largest, thickest, scariest cock and below it hung the most pendulous plump low hangers Evan had ever laid eyes on. The ginormous cock and balls were made that much more frightening at Evan’s size and position, the python like cock was the size of a submarine and the balls were two colossal whales swimming underneath it. Evan took another step back as the cop grabbed his erect cock and ran his hand along it before letting go and allowing it to swing freely from side to side. Evan realised another reason why this cop lived alone, that cock would have destroyed an orifice it could enter no one would be walking right after having that monster inside them. Evan stared up at the impossibly large cock with both terror and envy in his eyes as the cop continued to wag his cock letting out a dumb chuckle.

 A pang of jealously tensed his body as Evan cursed the world for giving a moron such a gift while he was left with something just cresting above average.  Evan didn’t want to stick around for much longer and he had already seen more than enough, but before he could make his move the cop made his.  While the bed would have been at least a couple of miles for Evan, for the cop it was just a step forward, making a beeline for his phone the bodybuilder took two steps bringing his massive size 14 feet down onto the discarded sock and Evan’s underwear crater. Evan didn’t even have time to react as the huge foot came crashing down, the large sole flattening the damp sock and sending a gush of cheesy air outwards. The sweaty shockwave pushed Evan to the ground as he was blasted with the putrid outrush as the sock was squished underneath the giant. Evan was left reeling after being coated yet again in the foul cheesy sweat, however while Evan was coughing and desperately trying to wipe some of the gross sweat from his body, the cop smiled as he received another text message.

Evan was left spluttering as he tried to regain his composure, a simple footstep has knocked him over and left him doused in sock sweat, highlighting just how insignificant he was at his current size. The smell of the stale sweaty sock now covered him, mixing together with his skid mark stained feet to create altogether putrid miasma that tingled Evan’s nose and eyes. Evan gritted his teeth as he was forced to roll around on the dirty fabric below him just to remove some of the sock sweat that had blasted him, yet as Evan rolled around the smell did not lessen, in fact it seemed to be getting worse. Evan put him face to the ground, the smell of the musty underwear was horrendous but a like a bunch of flowers compared to the moist sock cheese that was around him.  The stale cheesiness was getting stronger and the humid moisture in the air seemed to be getting warmer increasing the already disgusting smell. Evan gagged as he continued to rub his face against the dirty underwear floor as he started to panic, why wasn’t the smell going? Had the sock sweat become part of him now? Evan only realised that wasn’t the case as he lifted his head  and saw the giant foot that had plummeted down was now much closer than he previously thought. Evan instantly assumed he had been slowly sliding down the slick, fabric of the filthy underwear slowly getting closer to the gross body part that had been creating all the cheesy sweat and smell, but for a brief second Evan swore he felt a pulling bringing him towards the foot. Evan quickly tried to shuffle back and managed to perch himself on a ridge of the creased fabric of his crumpled underwear prison. Evan looked over in fear at the colossal foot and at the flattened sock below, the ginormous body part glistened with sweat after a long day being incubated in socks and stuffy shoes and now it was finally having chance to breath and release its foul odour. Evan grimaced as he stared at the sticky toes at the front, a large piece of toe jam and lint was wedged under the yellowish toe nail of the biggest toe.  Evan’s heart skipped a beat; at his current size that sodden wedged piece of lint could very easily be him, his tiny form somehow crammed under that dirty nail. The slob would never look closely enough to see his human form mashed in with grime under his nails, his cries and wails would be for nothing, he would just be human toe jam to the giant. Forced to endure the constant stale, cheesy smell, imprisoned in socks and shoes day after day until eventually he’d become loose from all the sweat and become trampled underfoot, nothing but a bug under a dirty, damp sole of a giant.

Evan shook his head he couldn’t contemplate that fate he had to look forward and be positive, he was smart enough to figure a way out of this. He would not be a speck of lint on a sweaty foot. However as Evan was psyching himself up he suddenly had an uneasy feeling, the room seemed quieter for some reason and Evan had the nauseating feeling that he was being watched, slowly Evan raised his head, and his eyes met with that of the ginormous cop who was staring blankly down at Evan. Evan didn’t know what to do, he had been seen, what was the cop going to do to him? Was he going to turn him in? Was in he going to torture him or would he simply shift his foot a few inches to the left and end it all. Evan was frozen with fear and as a ginormous hand reached down towards him and he prayed for mercy.

Except as the hand got close to Evan it didn’t reach for him, it instead reached for the underwear around him, Evan barely had time to register what was happening as the cop grabbed the fabric below him and pulled him upwards. To Evan the force of being pulled upwards was unimaginably strong and he was pushed face down into the undies where he received yet another mouthful of the rank sweaty garment. As the underwear was brought up to the cops face, the upwards forced lessened and Evan pushed his face up and away from the disgusting fabric, the taste of sweat lingering in his mouth. However Evan soon stopped his coughing and spitting as he slowly turned his head to see the planet sized face in front of him. Evan couldn’t break eye contact, no matter how much he wanted to, no matter how much he wanted to jump and plead for his life, no matter how much he wanted to run, Evan remained still, his gaze never looking away from the giant brown eyes staring back at him. Some might have thought it was brave, the tiny man taking a stand against the giant but in reality it was fear that gripped Evan, frozen he awaited his fate just like the coward he really was. Time almost stood still as Evan looked into the deep brown eyes of the hunk in front of him, he half expected the guy to crush him in his fist there and then but instead something even more surprising happened. The large bodybuilder brought the underwear even closer to his face, with Evan only inches away from the guy, Evan closed his eyes and screamed thinking the massive slob was going to eat him, turning him from brilliant trickster to a speck in one of his ginormous bodybuilder turds.   Yet instead of the opening of a mouth and the grinding of teeth, Evan was met with one long sudden sound, the sound of the leviathan cop sniffing.

Evan was so confused as he opened his eyes and watched as he was pulled away from the guys face and saw his expression turn into a barely satisfied grin. Evan was shaking as he stared back at the muscular god holding him in the palm of his hand but this time it wasn’t fear that was causing him to quiver, it was anger. Evan almost burst out into a rage; the fucking slob hadn’t even seen him! He was just checking to see whether the clearly stained and filthy underwear was clean and from the look on his face he believed the skid marked laden garment was! Evan was about to unleash a fury he had never felt before on the muscle head but sadly he never got the chance. The muscular cop was fine with the dirty garment he had found after all he just needed a cumrag and so having grabbed the nearest and cleanest thing he could find he tossed it onto his unmade bed, throwing Evan with along with it.

Evan was in disarray as the world in front of him was a blur, his body effortlessly flung by the giant created an almost zero-gravity experience for him. The tiny man could barely comprehend what was happening as he was lifted away from his underwear prison and he began to fall. Evan didn’t even have a chance to scream as he saw a sea of off-white coming towards him as he fell.  Evan closed his eyes, waiting for his inevitable demise as he was sure he would crumple and flatten as he hit the ground, but yet again the self-described genius was wrong as the miniature trickster landed onto the soft bouncy sheets of the cop’s bed. Evan was more than stunned as he lay on his back staring up at the ceiling, his heart racing. Evan had realised he may have underestimated how dangerous the world now was at his current size, the giant around him was one thing but he could simply fall or be brushed away, he was merely dust in the wind at this size he needed to be much more careful if he was ever going to return to normal. With a deep exhale Evan pulled himself to his feet which was much more difficult on the soft spongey surface of the bed. Evan took a another deep breath although he could still sniff both the skid mark and the sock sweat it wasn’t nearly as strong now he was on the bed, never had Evan been so happy to just smell normal air, in fact Evan decided to savour this moment. With his eyes closed and his arms outstretched, Evan took a large deep breath in, the slightly musty air was heaven compared to what he had been through. For a moment Evan relaxed, for that moment Evan let his guard down, he had avoided being trapped in filthy underwear, he had dodged a colossal foot that wanted him as toejam and he had survived a tumble from unimaginable heights, he may have been less than an inch tall but he was alive. Yet as Evan revelled in the slightly fresher air a huge looming shadow engulfed him, the change in brightness caused the tiny trickster to open his eyes and the miniature genius cursed himself as the tiny man stared upwards at the giant planet sized ass that hovered above him and came crashing down.

Evan had just enough time to take a jump backwards before the humungous rump came down on top of him, Evan tried to put his hands out to stop the incoming wall of stinky flesh but it was all in vain, his bug sized arms easily crumpled and Evan was engulfed by the dark smelly cheeks of hygienically challenged cop.  Evan assumed that his life would have been prematurely brought to end but somehow he had survived yet again but as soon as Evan took a breath he wished he hadn’t. Evan was now firmly pinned down by the enormous fatty cheeks of the cop, his arms and legs were impossible to move as the weight of 280 pound muscle head was now fully on top of him. His vision consisted of the dark walls of flesh and the tickling wiry ass hairs that brushed against his body. The immense pressure of the bodybuilder had pushed him deep into the sheets meaning he was now encased in the worn mattress meaning even if he could attempt to move he wouldn’t be going anywhere and then there was the smell. Evan had only been given a sample of the odour that encircled the massive ass when he had watched the cop undress and now he was experiencing the terrifying, toxic real thing. The smell was horrific, at a normal size Evan would have been repulsed by the strong, musky odour of the unclean ass but now at the size of an ant Evan was on the verge of throwing up. While studying at university Evan had often seen the jocks corner a nerd, hold him down and laugh as the biggest of the muscular idiots lowered his bare ass onto his face. The nerd would scream and cry as the giant sweaty ass cheeks were rubbed over his helpless face and he was left with the unfiltered stench of asshole dripping from his face. Evan had always laughed at the pathetic nerd, a weakling being tortured by butt sweat however now as Evan was pinned down and forced to inhale the ungodly scent he was far from laughing. In his current state with the foul slob’s ass on top of him Evan would have given anything to be that nerd. At least after the assault the nerd could retreat, he could hide, he could wash, but Evan did not have that option. Crammed between the gross, fat butt cheeks and musty old mattress Evan was trapped and forced to endure the unending stench of unwashed ass. Yet even though Evan was completely immobile, even though he had no chance of moving he felt a pulling. It was subtle, but it was there, a pulling from an unknown force, a pulling that Evan realised to his dismay that wanted him to go deeper. Evan started to panic the last thing he wanted to do was go in deeper and closer to the humongous stinking ass that encompassed him, thankfully the 280 pounds on top of him was keeping him firmly in place… that was until the dark butt cheeks around him started to jiggle and Evan felt his foot move.

The cop, now having gotten comfortable on his bed was still glued to his phone, whoever he was texting was nothing short of persistent as a deluge of photos popped up in his messages each one more explicit than the last. With each photo that appeared the cop’s mouth watered and his cock grew harder until he could no longer just look at the pictures, with his huge rough hand he took hold of his thick 9 inch cock and started to pump it. The muscular titans pumps and strokes sent ripples throughout the giants body, his muscles tensed, his pecs bounced  and the ripples were felt all the way down to tiny little Evan.

Evan shouted and screamed as the quivering cheeks rippled around him, the jiggling fatty cheeks wobbling over his face knocking him around and smothering his muffled shouts as he felt his body being pulled deeper. Evan wailed, he was at the mercy of the two ginormous mountains of fat and muscle as the huge dark hills shook they smacked Evan’s tiny body around. Evan cried as he was essentially being beaten up but a pair of smelly ass cheeks, one would wobble and throw him into the other while the other would shake and knock him right back. The cop had only been pleasuring himself for a minute and already Evan was battered and exhausted his tiny form batted around by the cruel lumps of ass flesh, what’s more the in the deep undergrowth of the cops ass crack, sweat had started to gathered and the two ass cheeks were making sure Evan was getting covered in it.. Evan only screamed louder as he found his wailing cries were now being silenced by slimy wet cheeks as butt sweat was now being forced into his mouth. The humiliation of having to swallow down ass sweat was almost as bad as the revolting taste that accompanied it. The larges beads of salty fluid dripped down the ass crack and over the coarse hairs cleaning them of the disgusting things that stuck to them and fed them to Evan. Soon Evan was covered in the foul smelling liquid and his mouth was stinging with the taste of the acrid salt and butt debris. In all the commotion from the onslaught of the cop’s ass cheeks Evan had forgotten about the pulling, his tiny form now lubricated had meant his minuscule body had been pulled much deeper into the cavernous ass crack, however the pulling had now met an obstacle. In the deepest part of the ass the flesh was thicker, fatter and there was only the smallest of gaps, it was only now that Evan was pushed up against the wall of sweat covered flesh that he realised just how much he had sunk and yet the pulling was still there. Evan felt his body being pulled deeper making him scream again, he didn’t want to go deeper he wanted to get out, Evan tried with all his might to somehow push himself back but with his arms and legs still pinned down by the fatty muscly cheeks he was at the mercy of the unseen force. Evan screamed as he felt the force pull him under the hairy mass of flesh and smothering him and silencing his shouts. That was until with a sickening wet plop Evan found himself free of the crushing cheeks and instead in a dark cave where the smell of ass was stronger than ever.

Evan whined as the fleshy walls undulated around him, while glad to be free from the bullying of the wobbling cheeks and the fact he could now just about lift his head and move his body slightly Evan knew he was now in a much more treacherous place than before. For a start the heat in the moist little cavern was much more intense, the air was thick with evaporated ass sweat drenching Evan’s hair making it wet from the perspiration around him, the foul sticky liquid engraining its stench into his beautiful hair forever meaning his head would always smell like a bodybuilder’s ass. However while the heat and sweat was one thing the smell had become almost unbearable, disgusting stench was now more than just musty ass, it was more than just the scent of  old skidmark, now it was fresh. Evan didn’t want to believe where he was now but he had to be sure, no longer feeling the bristling ass hairs around him he tentatively reached his hands upwards to feel what he already dreaded was directly above him. No longer smooth and slick, the surface above was wrinkled and rough, and as Evan rubbed his hand it immediately became coated with a dark sludge. Evan instantly recoiled as he tried in vain to wipe the disgusting foul muck of his hand, this couldn’t be happening. Evan started to panic, he’s breathing and heart rate increasing only made worse by the constant rancid stench he had to inhale. No longer was in just under the filthy sweaty ass of the giant bodybuilding cop but he was now directly under the puckered, unwiped asshole. Evan didn’t think things could get any worse as he felt the filth on his hand, that was until a menacing, reverberating grumble echoed overhead. The frightening growl made Evan freeze; he couldn’t be what he thought it was? But the rumble continued and Evan couldn’t deny it. ‘PLEASE NO! ANYTHING BUT THIS’! Evan screamed as he tried to scramble away but the cave had no exits. Evan was trapped pleading, shouting for mercy and for help as the rumbling grew louder and louder until the cop remained still and Evan heard a repulsive grunt from the cop above him as the slob unleashed a booming, groaning protein fart directly onto Evan’s sobbing form, the sheer force of the ghastly filthy gale pushing Evan into the mattress and keeping him pinned down until the foul gust of fart was over.

For a brief moment Evan was stunned, his ears were ringing and his body ached from the absolute power the butt hole above had unleashed upon him, for a brief moment Evan was in a daze but he was soon brought out of that daze, back to his cruel reality as the fart assaulted his senses. The noxious, revolting odour forced its way up Evan’s nostrils and attacked his senses, the violent smell of ass burned at his nose hairs as the stench imprinted permanently into Evan’s brain. Evan was sent into a frenzy as the fart continued its destruction, Evan had never smelt anything that horrendous in his life, the heated blast of gas was so raw and unfiltered that it was not comparable to anything Evan had experienced before. If ten bodybuilders all used the same blocked toilet and then each decided to fart ten times, only then could someone understand just a small part of the smell Evan was enduring. In sheer animalistic rage and panic Evan went into a fit, the smell of the ungodly fart was driving him insane. Evan flailed his arms, legs and body around not caring what filth he touched anymore, he just need some reprieve from the never ending smell of slob asshole. Yet while Evan was going crazy over the overpowering ass gas, the cop had barely noticed his revolting emission. The lazy slob was still slowly jacking his cock as he let out a small smile as the smell drifted up to him, pleased at the disgusting odour. It was only as the smell faded that the cop felt a small itch coming from his asshole, hoping he would not have to move the lazy beefcake tensed his asshole hoping to quell the irritating sensation. 

Evan was still screaming and yelling as he punched and kicked at the puckered hole above, the giant ass encasing him meant that there was no way for fresh air to get in and no way the fart could leave so Evan was being fully Dutch ovened by the raw, protein filled fart. It was only when Evan crazily kicked at the dirty asshole and the whole thing twitched that Evan snapped out of his frenzied state. A flash of hope stirred in Evan, the lumbering oaf could feel him, this was it, this was the chance he had to escape the suffocated cave of gas. With all his might Evan wildly kicked at the asshole above him, every few kicks would elicit another flex of the gaping hole above, soon the giant idiot would have to get up or move or something. Evan prayed for the slob to get up, to look at his bedding and so the tortured soul gasping for breath in his sheets, unfortunately that was not the case. The cop far too lazy to even bother to move just decided to tense his asshole more and with a quick few pulses he caught Evan out. Evan hadn’t expected it, he hadn’t anticipated the quick motions of the flexing butthole and he underestimated the laziness of the bodybuilder he was dealing with. As Evan kicked wildly, he saw the asshole ripple and clench but he had not expected it a second time so quickly so before he could stop himself he kicked again, his foot made contact with the wrinkled dirty ring and with another flex Evan’s foot was swallowed up. Evan’s body was pulled along as the filthy circle of muscle clenched together sucking in his left foot and keeping tightly inside it.

‘No no no no no NO NO NO’ Evan cried as he tried to free his trapped foot but the muscle was far too strong.

Evan became flustered as the usually calm, intelligent trickster became frightened at the thought of being swallowed by a hungry asshole. Evan flailed at the asshole and pulled at his leg but it wouldn’t move, the frantic tiny’s struggles only provoking more annoyance from the giant above causing him to flex his asshole rapidly in order to silence the itch below. Instead all it did was cause the irritation to continue as the giant cop unknowingly trapped Evan’s second foot in his humongous dirty bum hole. Evan screamed as he lost his second foot to the slimy, foul smelling hole, if he had been thinking logically Evan would have realised that the anus was much like quicksand, the more you moved the more you seemed to sink. Unfortunately Evan was not thinking clearly as he struggled in vain as more of his body was consumed by the ravenous repulsive hole. What Evan was actually thinking about was the fact that his life could end if he was engulfed by a slob’s unwashed filthy asshole and forced to become part of a turd for the final portion of his life, so naturally Evan continued to struggle against his captor. It was only when the slick sludge covered hole had lifted Evan off of the mattress and had fully encased his waist in ass grime that Evan realised he would have to do something drastic.

Evan was desperate the last thing he could to garner any sort of attention was something he really didn’t want to have to do but his life couldn’t end with him being eaten by a dirty asshole, so with much regret Evan flung his head downwards and took a large bite of the sensitive wrinkled anus. Evan sobbed as his clenched his teeth into the flesh, the foul tastes instantly coating his tongue, but he couldn’t let go, he wouldn’t let it end this way so he kept biting and he kept tasting the stained skin in his mouth. To the cop the itching around his asshole was becoming bothersome but he was still far to lazy to do anything about it, that was until a sudden pinch got his attention and seemed to prolong and much to his annoyance the lazy, horny slob finally decided to investigate. Evan was overjoyed as he felt the ass cheeks around him start to move and a gust of fresh air washed over his face. Seeing the filthy bedroom had been a sight for sore eyes as it was far better than staring constantly at the sweating butt cheeks. It was then Evan saw it, his savour, a large pudgy brown finger coming his way, this was it, his escape. Evan let go of the asshole in his jaws and reached out with his hands towards the giant digit coming towards him, like an angel sent from heaven the ginormous finger was going to save him and pull him out of the disgusting filthy hole and away from the farting orifice. Evan reached out and made contact as the finger came to him, he hugged the finger, subconsciously thanking it as he readied himself for his journey away from the literal hellhole. Except the massive finger didn’t pull away, it was still coming closer. Evan scrambled as he moved his arms out of the way as the eclipsing appendage start to bear down on the tiny man. Evan began to panic as the huge finger started to push down on his head and his body started to sink. “NO NO PLEASE! STOP! STOP!” Evan cried as the finger continued to push down and Evan’s body slid deeper into the slimed coated asshole. Like a human candle on an asshole shaped birthday cake Evan was pushed down, he was pushed deeper and deeper, his wails and pleas ignored until Evan was unable to move and the cops itch was satisfied. Evan sobbed as the finger pulled away and he was left alone, up to his neck in the filthy fart spewing asshole, with no way to move at all.

The cop gave his ass cheeks a shake to make sure the itch had gone while Evan cried as he watched the world go dark again as his body was plunged back onto the mattress and in between the butt cheeks. The flesh around him started jiggling once more as the cop got comfortable and back to the task at hand. Evan was left sobbing as he hung from the asshole, nothing more than piece of extra crap stuck to an already filthy asshole. Evan couldn’t believe it as he had no choice but to inhale the smell of the sludge and sweat surrounding him, he was a brilliant man, a handsome man, an intelligent man, a man with a future but now he was nothing but a speck. Something so insignificant that that a person would even look twice at him if he was smeared along the seat of the cops underwear. Evan whined as the asshole below him rippled and his trapped body was squished around, the foul muck on the inside of the asshole coating every inch of his body making sure that even if the tiny man did escape he would never be able to escape from that smell as it absorbed into his skin. A tear rolled down Evan’s cheek at the thought of returning back to normal but his skin and body forever emitting the stench of a bodybuilders fart. Evan cried, was it pointless to even think about returning to normal size with the current situation he was in? A tell-tale rumbling was then heard once again and Evan didn’t even have the energy to plead for mercy and a rush of hot, putrid gas hurtled out of the hole surrounding but not moving him an inch. The only thing Evan could do was cry as the foul fart attacked himself once more, his nose tingling as the stench destroyed his memories of fresh air. Evan’s poor little head had no choice but to smell the fart that had singed his nose hairs, the raw odour of asshole too strong for Evan to handle as the smell of bodybuilder shit made its new home inside Evan’s nose. He didn’t want this to be the end, he didn’t want this to be his fate, he didn’t want his last memories to be that of a bodybuilder’s wet fart but what could he do? He couldn’t move, he couldn’t call for help and soon he would be unable to breathe as a louder rumble emanated from below him and quickly greeted Evan as another wet spluttering fart assaulted Evan making his eyes water and his nose sting.  As another silent but deadly fart ushered past Evan, he prayed his cruel fate would end soon as he felt himself start to lose consciousness as the foul methane began to suffocate him. All the while the cop was still pleasuring himself unaware of the hell he was putting the tiny trickster through; the giant innocently stroked his dick and unleashed his gas completely unaware that a tiny man was slowly choking on his noxious ass fumes.

In truth Evan would have stayed in that asshole for several more hours, the cop would have fallen asleep unleashing monstrous fart after monstrous fart, each one as foul and gag inducing as the last. Until the next morning when the slob’s stomach would make more than just a grumble and the muscular cop would need to visit the bathroom.  Where Evan would be unceremoniously dropped into a toilet bowl until he was flushed away just like the any other piece of waste. Fortunately luck would have it that this wouldn’t be Evan’s fate, as with a wisp of green smoke a loud vibrating sound of a phone reverberated around the phone and the ginormous slob quickly turned over revealing his plump rear to the rest of the world as he clambered to grab his phone charger. Evan stared vacantly upwards with bleary eyes as a bright white light shone down on him, was this the end? Was it over? All he had to do was walk towards the light and this hell would be done with. Except Evan was soon violently brought back to reality as he tried to reach for the light and still found it impossible to move. As the fresh air of the musty bedroom filled his lungs his mind once again cleared and Evan was taken away from the peaceful, fart induced haze and back to his dire situation.  While no longer trapped between the fatty cheeks and the old mattress he was still trapped in the dirty asshole with no way to escape… that was until another flicker of green smoke danced across the room and a much deeper, ominous  grumble resonated below him. The muscular cop felt the sensation and concentrated as he lay on his back. Evan could feel the vibrations all around, the utter force underneath building steadily as it grew closer. Evan had no way to prepare or protect himself, all he could do was wait as the shaking around him reached the anus around him and a hurtling force rammed into his lower body and pushed. Evan wailed as he felt the hot, filthy gust of air build around his body covering all of it in its stink until the pressure below him was just too strong. With another grunt and a satisfied sigh the cop unleashed the miniscule man along with a thunderous, groaning, meaty ass blast that droned on for five long seconds. Like a cork from a bottle of champagne Evan was rocketed out of the disgusting man’s asshole, while Evan felt like he had travelled miles in reality the ass slime covered miniature had only travelled a few inches before falling with a splat as he landed on the bedsheets below covered in the fart and butt gunk.

Evan once again lay motionless on the slob’s bed, reeling from his hellish ordeal. Evan wasn’t sure what hurt more his battered body or his pride as he was essentially just given birth to by a slob’s filth covered anus; he was nothing but a fart. Evan looked down at his body, bruised and covered in all manner of disgusting things, his hair and beard were wet with sweat and fart juice meaning his was still stinking of bodybuilder fart and crap.  Evan couldn’t even make the effort to wipe away some of the goo that clung to him, he just needed a break. However Evan was not afforded that break as once again a looming terrifying shadow appeared overhead. All Evan could do was whimper as he watched the muscular lump come down on him again, however due to the propulsion from the fart only his legs were crushed by the oncoming dirty ass and his upper body was safely sticking out. Evan cried as the giant lummocks above tried to get comfortable again, Evan feebly tried to free his trapped legs, he couldn’t go back into that cavern again, he’d rather die. Thankfully the strange pulling he had felt before seemed to be working with him now; the strange force was actually helping him get his tiny feet free. Evan could feel his body slowly being pulled away from the tortuous ass and Evan wasn’t complaining, with what little strength he had left Evan pulled. With the last ounce and strength, and the help of the unknowing force Evan cheered as both of his feet popped free. Evan thanked the heavens, no longer would he be held captive by the dirty cruel ass, finally things were looking up for Evan. Speaking of which, that’s exactly what Evan should have done, as the miniature genius was celebrating his small victory he was unaware of the new position the slob had got into and now Evan was once again cast under a shadow. Evan only had time to gulp, as the fragile diminutive man looked upwards and was met with the sight of the two humongous balls hurtling towards his him.

Evan was instantly pinned down, the weight not as much as the ass but still the two heavy balls were far too much for a man at his size to lift. Evan once again found himself trapped under another part of the giant slob’s body, the huge wrinkled ball sack and plump balls now pushed down on his chest and body, leaving only Evan’s head peeking out so he could experience the torture to come.  Evan couldn’t believe it, was there no part of this disgusting dudes body he wouldn’t get to experience up close? While the feet of the slob had a cheesy odour and the ass had a heavy musk the ginormous pair of balls had a much meatier smell. A smell of sweat that had formed and dried over and over as the balls had been jostled around all day in the tight confines of the cop’s uniform and of course the left over dried piss and cum that the cop had not bothered to dry or wash off. All of them together accumulating into another disgusting stink to offend poor Evan’s wounded sense of smell. Evan looked over at the huge plump sack that contained the giants’ bull balls, even in his current predicament Evan couldn’t help but be in awe. The sheer size was far greater than average as Evan annoyingly compared his on to the giant’s. However the colossal balls were just the teaser to the real marvel and that was the now skyscraper sized dick directly above. From the floor the dick had looked impressive but now it looked frightening. The large, thick veiny appendage was bigger than a red wood tree and no doubt it was just as hard. Evan squirmed under the giant sweaty balls as he felt increasingly inadequate next to such a wonder of the world. What’s more as Evan looked upwards he saw the massive rough hand reach towards the huge erect cock and it appeared that Evan’s was going to be given a front row seat of it in action. Evan groaned he didn’t want to have to hang around and watch this slob crank one out, he had already seen far too much of the giant already, but stuck in his new prison what else could he do except pray? Evan looked up at the giant for mercy, he had already experienced so much, could the universe not give him the smallest of breaks?

Then, like a miracle Evan watched as the hand above him stroked slowly along the erect cock and as it did it pulled at the skin below cause the two humongous balls to rise and the weight to be lifted away from Evan. Evan almost felt like screaming for joy, as he let out a deep sigh, he had finally been granted a small mercy. However as Evan began to shuffle and shimmy his way out he didn’t quite have enough time to escape as just as quick as the balls had been lifted they were thrown down and this time with much more force. Evan shrieked as the ginormous left testicle came crashing down onto his chest the pure force knocking the air straight out of him.  Evan was left reeling as he gasped for air and unfortunately all he could inhale was the meaty heavy air, tainted with ball sweat.  Evan coughed, his chest burning as he looked up at the evil unaware giant above, the lazy slob once again stroked his dick and this time increased the speed, Evan barely had a second of reprieve before the huge stinking sweaty sack was thrown back down on top, making Evan cry out again as the air was knocked out of him and he was forced to breathe in the scent of dried sweat and cum. Evan looked up at the horny giant as his phone buzzed again and naughty grin appeared in the corner of the cops mouth and Evan instantly knew he was in trouble. The cop’s grip on his cock grew firmer and he began to increase the speed of his strokes, Evan was left shouting out for help as the huge sweaty saggy ball sack would be lifted up and thrown back down every second, until eventually Evan didn’t have enough air to shout. Evan was sobbing as he was jackhammered into the mattress underneath, the pair of heavy cum filled balls continued to pound him over and over. Each time Evan would be forced to inhale there foul stench and each time they would keep him pinned to the ground. The pathetic little genius was at the mercy of the giants lumbering balls as the slob masturbated; soon Evan’s body was just too weak to even try to shield himself from the wrinkly sack of flesh that was now pounding him into the ground. Evan was now nothing but a cushion that the hairy, sweaty balls could bounce on as much as they pleased. All the while the cop was happy to pump away at his huge dick, his bouncing balls no concern to him as he continued to pleasure himself to the pictures unaware of the poor little man he was flattening with his might testes.

Evan was only given a break when in the sexual haze and lust the slob dropped his phone and with a muffled ‘shit ‘clambered to grab it. This small motion was enough for Evan to become free and although exhausted, although reeking of foot, ass and ball sweat  and fresh from a beating from the giants balls, the tiny genius shuffled himself away from the heavy sweaty pair that had been assaulting him and managed to get to a safe distance from the pulverising nuts. Evan knew he didn’t have long, he had learnt from his previous mistakes that he had no time to relax and no time to wallow in self-pity if he was ever going to return to full size, Sure he had nearly being flattened by testicles and he was now covered in a new disgusting smelling sweat but he could not dally. Evan picked himself up from the spongey floor, ready to make a move, ready to get as far away from the disgusting dude as possible, ready to become a full size functioning human again. Or he would of if the same pulling sensation hadn’t held him back, until a large black hand swung in front of him grabbing him and pinning him against the semi hard, thick cock behind him. Evan wanted to scream but his mouth was muffled by the enormous hand, his wide eyed, shocked little face was the only thing that could be seen as the giant wrapped his hand and around his cock and wagged his dick.

Evan snivelled as his body was crushed by the giant mitt as it was forced into the pulsing erect dick behind it. Evan sobbed as he knew very well what was about to happened next and his miniature form could do nothing to stop it. Evan bawled as he felt himself being dragged up the long hard shaft of the veiny black cock and pulled all the way back down.  The sweat covering the entire dick happily coated Evan and allowed him to help lubricate the cock and aid the slob’s masturbation.  All Evan could do was blubber as he felt the speed of the stroking increase, his tiny body taken along for the ride as it was rubbed vigorously up and down the hard shaft.

Evan couldn’t believe his life has come to this, being held prisoner against a cock and used to help a giant slob wank his cock. Evan felt so small, so insignificant; he was nothing more than a speck for this slob to torment and unfortunately the torture was not over yet. All Evan could do was whine as the pressure around him grew and the speed he was being rubbed increased. Evan knew what was coming; it had been building the entire time he had been tortured by the large muscular beast. As the phone buzzed again Evan felt the hands grip around increase and the slob let out a small moan. The muscular cop then went into a frenzy, jacking his cock off faster than before as he stared at the image on the phone, all the while Evan was helpless thrusted up and down the cock as drops of pre-cum started to slide down the sides. The clear sticky liquid globbing onto Evan’s hair providing a protective coating to ensure the foul stinks that had been absorbed stayed there permanently. Evan was in tears as the speed of the stroking reached its peak his tiny body barely able to survive the pressure and movement. Until, with a deep roar the slob finally unleashed his load, sending ropes of thick, heavy cum down the side’s of his hard dick. The huge heavy vicious blobs drenched Evan and his body; the thick salty fluid dripped over him and was forced into his mouth.  Evan was weeping as he was forced to swallow mouthful after mouthful of hot bodybuilder cum, if he didn’t he would likely drown in the thick white sea of sperm. Yet no matter how much Evan was forced to ingest it couldn’t stop the copious about of spunk that dripped down, completely covering Evan and losing him in a sea of sticky, hot cum.

As the cop took his hand away Evan’s exhausted body slid down with the rest of the thick load of cum, still swallowing a mouthful Evan finally emerged to the surface as he slumped down to the bottom of the shaft and rested in a pool of cum on top of the cops’ balls. Evan barely had enough energy to wipe the cum away from his face, he was just so tired. The ordeal was now over as it was pretty obvious from the cops reaction to his orgasm that he now planned to take a nap, the lazy slob wouldn’t even bother to clear up his sticky mess instead Evan was left to wallow in it.  Evan may have only been sitting there at the base of the cock covered in cum for 30 seconds before he heard gentle snoring and also felt a gentle tugging. Evan needed to get up now, now while his unaware tormenter was asleep he could finally enact his plan and try to get some help. Even from his position on top of the balls he could see the discarded phone of the slob still open on the sexy picture he had been viewing. Yet even though he wanted to get up, the tugging was still there. Evan was annoyed what was that pulling? It had pulled him closer to the rank cheesy foot, it had pulled him deeper into the musky ass and it had pulled him closer so he was swept up and held against the ginormous cock. Evan looker around his stained and stinking body but could see no earthly reason for the pulling, Evan then tried to get up but now found it difficult, not just because he was slick from the now cooling cum but because something was keeping him in place. The pulling was keeping him closer to the softening cock and not only that Evan actually found himself being pulled up it.

Evan couldn’t see how this was possible, he wasn’t moving, he wasn’t falling, and somehow the force was lifting him upwards along the side of the semi hard monster cock. Evan started to panic as the force started to increase and Evan found himself being pulled closer and further along the cum covered cock. Evan started to scramble, the force had always put him in some disgusting situation before and he wasn’t going to let it happen again. Evan flailed and tried to grab the fat cock below him but every time he tried to grip it, the skin would slip away, his body and the cock were too slippery with cum for the tiny man to get a hold.  Evan’s pathetic struggles were no match for the strange force and every weak attempt the diminutive trickster made ended in failure. Evan had no clue about what was happening, he could not think of any scientific reason to how his body was being pulled towards the tip of the fat cock and this both scared and angered Evan. Yet again, even in this dire situation his massive brain was letting him down, Evan felt nothing short of moronic loser as the force finally brought him to the top of the black bodybuilder bulbous cock head.  Evan was both perplexed and frustrated, what was pulling him here and more importantly why?! However as the pulling started again it didn’t take a genius to work out where it was coming from. Evan’s eyes went wide with fear as his foot grazed the gaping piss slit of the giant’s cock. Evan became frantic just like he had done before when he begun to swallowed by the filthy asshole, except this time he was fighting against a force he had no way of fighting. Within moments Evan found his feet being swallowed by the cum covered hole, Evan couldn’t go back inside the giant he wouldn’t! The miniscule, little man begun to scream and cry as he begged for mercy or to whoever was causing him such anguish. However those pleas were ignored as the force increased and the hungry cock swallowed Evan’s waist and pecs. Evan looked around for anything that may help him, but all that was near was the giant’s cum. ‘Wait that’s it!’ Evan thought as he turned to look back at the sleeping giant, he was his last hope. If he could wake the giant, get him to see him flailing around in his cock, then he’d have to grab him, pull him away from the gaping maw that had him and bring him to safety. Evan no longer cared if he went to jail, he didn’t care if the giant decided just to crush him, he couldn’t fall down the bodybuilders cock.  Evan had to summon all of his strength he had left as the desperate tiny man punched at the side of the dick head and screamed the loudest he could. Evan wailed and cried his voice becoming hoarse as he lost more of his body. He had to get the giants attention; this was his last chance, his last chance to be saved, his last chance to return to normal, his last chance to ever be Evan again. Yet not even the loudest of shrieks stirred the slumbering giant.

Evan was more than desperate now as his arms and shoulders were soon swallowed up leaving just his neck and head. In all of his panic and all of his woe, Evan was suddenly hit with a terrible bout of déjà vu and instantly Evan knew what he had to do. Without any hesitation at all Evan reared his head back and bit down hard on the sensitive cock head below and success! The giant above stirred, he moaned as he stretched his legs out. “YES YES YES!” Evan cried with the cum covered mouthful he had. ‘That’s it now look at me!’  Evan thought with glee as he continued to dig his teeth into the tender flesh. The biting caused the cop to jerk, sending the almost flaccid dick downwards, the slimy schlong hung down sending Evan’s world upside down, leaving Evan almost touching the sheets below. ‘God dammit’ Evan cried, this would make things harder but still he could succeed, he had to. With the piss slit now dangerous close to his mouth, Evan had one last chance; with all his might he took one last hearty bite.

The slob stirred… and his hand reached down towards Evan.

‘That was it!’ Evan cheered, he had done it, he knew he would, his intelligence was superior to anyone’s and if anyone was going to escape this vile torment it would have been him. Evan almost started to cry as he watched the hand get closer, once he was back to full size he was going to show the world just how brilliant he was, once he was back to full size everyone would know his name, once he was full size the world would be at the mercy of the smartest trickster on earth. Evan smiled as he watched the hand lower towards him however Evan’s stomach sank as he watched the hand sail pass him as the bodybuilder stuck out his ginormous finger and gave his asshole a scratch. Evan quivered with anxiety as the massive hand adjusted the dick but didn’t not touch Evan. Evan looked upwards, his hopes, dreams and future disappearing with that hand. Instead what the hand had done was line the dick up and Evan perfectly with a great view of the bodybuilders stained, puckered asshole. Almost like a leaving present, the giant stopped groaning and unleashed the loudest, wettest, booming fart Evan had ever heard and as the smell hit Evan he gagged, coughed and his grip was lost. ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’ Evan screamed as he sank down the dick, the smell of bodybuilder shit fresh in his mind as he was pulled away from the light and into the darkness leaving the giant slob to continue his nap in peace.

Evan didn’t know how long he had been out but he had, had the worst dream imaginable and now he felt like crap.  Still bleary eyed, Evan grimaced at the horrible vivid dream he had just had, how real the stink of foot had been, how far he had flew when being farted out of an asshole and the scarring experience of being swallowed by a slob’s dick. Evan needed to wash, if not just to get the memories washed from his mind but as Evan tried to get up, he found he couldn’t, he fact Evan realised he couldn’t do anything at all. It was then that Evan fully opened his eyes and whimpered at what he saw, he wasn’t in the penthouse, he wasn’t at a hotel, he wasn’t anywhere he wanted to be, and instead he saw the same filthy disgusting bedroom owned by the slob that he had seen in his dream. Which meant…it wasn’t a dream. Evan began to freak out as his lifeless body refused to listen to any of his commands, he tried to speak but no words came out, he tried to blink but his eyes were now forced open, he couldn’t even look down on himself. All he could do was look forward and stay completely immobile, that was until something behind him moved and so did he.

Evan whimpered as he heard the snoring of the giant black slob, splutter and stop, he was waking up. Evan desperately wanted to run for cover, to try and escape the onslaught of the disgusting foul smelling man, but his body remained still. As the cop stirred Evan found himself moving as well, what had happened to him? Where was he now? Was he glued by cum to part of the slobs body? Evan didn’t get a chance to think on it any longer as the cop pulled himself off the bed bringing Evan along with it. As soon as Evan was off the bed he felt his whole body fall, he clenched as he thought he fall to his demise but something caught him and he swung in the air before something long and dark swung in front of him. Evan was so confused, he could feel his body hanging yet he wasn’t holding on, he was able to swing from the force of the giant but he wasn’t able to move on his own. Evan was smart, he may have been one of the most intelligent people in the country but not even he could answer his own questions. Instead they were all answered by a mirror that lay on the floor in amongst the dirty clothes, food containers and condoms. A mirror that Evan’s eyes just happened to fall on and what he saw made him scream. There was a reason he couldn’t move, there was a reason why he didn’t fall off the bed, there was a reason why he swung so freely in the air and that was because Evan was no longer a miniature man stuck to a giant slob, he was now part of that slob. As Evan screamed the cop rotated his hips swinging his dick and two much larger, heavier now fully sentient balls.

Evan broke down into fits of anguish as he stared at himself, his humanity stripped away as he had been absorbed by the slob turning him into the cop’s giant pendulous testes. Now nothing more than the cum producing sex organs for a hygienically challenged bodybuilder. No longer would he strut around in fancy clothes but instead be encased in stained, sweaty underwear, no longer would he have his hair expertly styled but instead a matted jungle of pubes would cover him, no longer would he ever interact with any other human being besides the slob he belonged to and the person he had sex with, he was now nothing but a pair of impressive balls. Evan wailed as he grieved for his former life as he swung around as the cop walked towards the bathroom. There had to be some way out? There had to be so way of communicating with the cop? This couldn’t be his fate? But as the massive 280 pound cop sat down on the toilet and unleashed a long groaning pre-shit fart, Evan howled in pain knowing that he was stuck. As while he was now just testicles he had still been allowed the ability to smell.

The green man laughed as he watched the ‘so called trickster’ dangle over a toilet bowl as the bodybuilder unleashed his morning waste. Evan had so much potential but now he had his wish, he was safe forever and held by a cop, it was shame that the cop farted at least a hundred times a day and was a total slob but Evan would get used to it eventually…or not. The trickster smiled knowing that Evan would never be heard from again and only briefly seen when the cop needed to make a video showing off his impressive balls to anyone who wanted to a taste. Evan’s old lavish trickster life was over and now his new life as a pair of sweaty balls, trapped with a slob and only inch away from an asshole had begun, and would last for a very very long time.  


  1. Keep up the great work! Your stories are the best :)

  2. I would so like to suck on those big balls

  3. Love it so much. waiting for new posts from you buddy. Hope you're well :)

  4. Love the 2 stories. Curious are you ever going to get the 3rd Imposter written? I'm very curious.


Another Birthday Wish

It was nearly midnight and for once Brandon was actually looking forward to his birthday, normally it would be a quiet meal with the family ...