Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Time to Gloat (Part 1 of 2)

Fredrick couldn’t believe how his life had turned out, here he was lying on a golden sandy beach with a fancy cocktail in his hand watching the waves lap the shore. It was a far cry from the dead end, backwater little town where he had gone to school and college. A place with no opportunities and no future, but Fredrick had got out. Having made millions off an app he developed in college, he now never had to worry about money or bills ever again, he could spend his days on beaches and boats living a life of leisure. As Fredrick sat contemplating his life, a shiver ran down his spine at the very thought of still being trapped in that hell hole. It hadn’t been easy getting to where he was now, his childhood and years in education had always been filled with bullies and those who wanted him to fail. See Fredrick had been quite a typical nerd at school, preferring the company of books and computers to that of people. His dedication to his grades and his thirst for knowledge were not exactly qualities kids his age were looking for in a friend, meaning Fredrick spent most of his time alone. His lack of social skills and friends often led to him being left out and ignored but this was only increased when Fredrick realised he was gay and foolishly came out to the wrong person. Growing up gay in a small community and with immature peers can be difficult and Fredrick had learnt this the hard way. The friends he had made soon disowned him and even the support he had received from his teachers diminished. Thankfully a loving and supportive family were behind him otherwise he could have fallen quickly into despair. However even though he was a nerd, even though he was gay Fredrick faced the most torment over his body and the extra hundred pounds of fat that covered him. People can be cruel, the small comfort Fredrick found was in food not just eating it but making it as well. Fredrick took great pleasure in making all kinds of dishes and desserts, he adored baking and crafting with sugar and chocolate but besides his family he never had anyone to share his creations with, so he ate them. Fredrick had fallen into a vicious cycle, he would be bullied and tormented because of his weight, so in order to feel better he cooked and he ate, the delicious treats only contributing to his already chubby body. It wasn’t until he had escaped that town and the torment where he amassed the funds to finally change his body and his life, now he couldn’t be happier.

Fredrick smiled as he looked down at his rock hard muscled body, it had taken years of hard work, dieting, personal trainers and gruelling workouts but he had shed the pounds of fat and now had the body of a fitness model. Fredrick grinned to himself as he gave his pecs a bounce, a welcome change from the sagging man boobs he had had before. Fredrick ran his hand over his body, his hard eight pack stomach glistened with sweat in the hot sun, his boulder like biceps pulsed with veins, his thick muscular thighs strained against his tight swim suit not to mention his perky bubble butt. Anyone looking at him could see his body was perfection and his whole look was only made better by his chiselled, handsome face and stylish sweeping haircut. The attention he received had almost been incomprehensible to Fredrick, men and women threw themselves at him. At first Fredrick had no clue how to act, he had never been popular before but soon he grew accustomed to the lifestyle of a rich, handsome playboy, meeting and fucking sexy men wherever he went and now was no exception. Fredrick's eyes drifted up from his own body to the one playfully frolicking in the water in front of him, his name was Raul a dancer by trade and a horny slut by nature. The Cuban hunk had flirted with Fredrick mercilessly at a bar, his own muscular body displayed openly in his tight shirt and shorts. Fredrick couldn’t help but admire the giant pair of bouncy butt cheeks, the shapely rear barely hidden by the tight fabric. All it had taken was a few flirtatious comments and a light spank and Raul was begging to be fucked. They had spent the night fucking, Fredrick happily pounding away at the juicy ass cheeks, with every thrust they jiggled and Fredrick drew closer to cumming. Now the hunk was in nothing but a tight speedo his ginormous cheeks slipping out the bottom and his ass crack poking out the top, Fredrick had to reposition himself before he got a very public boner.

Fredrick let out a sigh, his life was perfect he shouldn’t dwell on the past but he always found himself looking back. Now that he was successful, now that he was the one in a position of power he could finally repay those vile people with just as much torment and harassment, especially one guy in particular. The guy that had followed him through school and university and tormented him all the way, the guy that had bullied him so much that he couldn’t even go near the campus gym, a memory even now Fredrick repressed. The guy that made sure everyone he met knew about the nerdy, fat homo, the guy known as Payton Jackson or “PJ” to his douchebag jock friends. Whenever Fredrick had been at his weakest or most vulnerable, PJ had often been the cause, he would ridicule his sexuality or his body or anything that would get a reaction out of Fredrick. PJ would never let Fredrick forget that he was overweight and gay, whether it would be slapping Fredrick's ass as he walked down the hall, jiggling his belly from behind before class or twisting his nipples in front of a group of people, PJ would find a way to humiliate him. Fredrick cringed as he thought back to the horrible nickname that PJ had started which followed him for years after, ‘Freddy the fatty’. It would be yelled down hallways, across campus or just in his face, Payton made sure that Fredrick never forgot how big he really was. That nickname still brought up feelings of inadequacy and fear even when he said it to himself internally, even sitting on a beach watching a Cuban dancer’s bubbly ass jiggle couldn’t distract Fredrick from those feelings. No one else in his past had treated him that horribly, in fact barely anyone else had ever laid a finger on him besides Payton, in fact he had even stopped other jocks from tormenting him, it was like he was solely for PJ to torment. Fredrick clenched his fists into the sand of the beach, that disgusting human being had caused him so much pain and anguish that the rage was impossible for Fredrick to ignore or let go. Life could have been so much easier for him without PJ, without his constant harassment and attention. Fredrick let out another long sigh, trying to calm himself down, he wasn’t petty like them, he wasn’t a bully, he could never make anyone feel the way he had done, even if they were horrid people. The most Fredrick had ever done was look them up on social media, to his satisfaction most of his bullies now worked minimum wage and were stuck in that dying town. Even PJ with his football scholarship, his big muscular bull body and classic frat boy look had only managed to get a job coaching children rather than becoming the sport star he had dreamed of becoming. The handsome heartthrob, had never left his hometown, never found a partner and now sported a round beer belly. The thought of the ex-jock sitting alone in his boxers, holding a beer watching the big game, cursing his missed opportunities and mediocre life made Fredrick smile; things had worked out for the better.

Now if only Fredrick had just stopped his train of thought, if only he had just gone back to watching that hot Cuban dancer pull up his tiny speedos, if only he had gone back to drinking his cocktail and soaking up the sun, the trickster wouldn’t have become involved and Fredrick wouldn’t have made his life altering wish. Fredrick couldn’t forget about PJ, he couldn’t forget about the torment, he couldn’t forget about the nickname, he couldn’t forget about the bully’s sad life and his own successful one and with only a brief moment of arrogance Fredrick made a wish.

Sitting, still clenching his fistfuls of sand Fredrick couldn’t help but compare his life to PJ’s and just how much better it was, if only he knew that back in college things could have been so much easier. Fredrick picked up his cocktail and took a sip, his luxurious lifestyle something he never took for granted, a lifestyle PJ would never have. With that thought Fredrick lay back onto the sand and closed his eyes and whispered his wish. “ I wish I could go back and show him just what the future holds, I doubt that son of a bitch would be so arrogant once he saw himself with a fat beer gut” Fredrick chuckled to himself as he fell into a sleepy daze and green smoke encapsulated him.

Fredrick woke with a sharp shock, his body almost leaping upwards as he found himself getting up from a seated position rather than laying down. Fredrick instantly froze, no longer was he looking out at a calm tropical ocean with a Cuban beauty frolicking but at a door, a pale off-blue door. Fredrick looked around him and found he was surrounded by two other walls of the same colour and a full length mirror. Fredrick spun around; the small room more frightening than it was supposed to be, where was he? It would be impossible for him to be in such a place being that he was outside lounging on a beach only seconds ago. Fredrick started to calm, he must have fallen asleep, the warm glow of the sun and therapeutic sounds of the waves must have sent him into a slumber, there was no other explanation for his sudden teleportation. While this dream was rather lucid and detailed, Fredrick could not deny that it had to be a dream; otherwise he had somehow been picked up and moved from a beach without him or Raul knowing which seemed very unlikely. As Fredrick relaxed, he started to take in his surroundings with more detail knowing that they surely must be some fabrication of his subconscious, the small cubicle did seem familiar but didn’t all things within a dream and the reflection was him as he had been on the beach, although with one marked difference. Instead of the revealing swim suit Fredrick had been wearing before, he now had on nothing at all. Fredrick did a superficial search around him for some clothes but he could not see anything, however it was his dream why should he be worried about clothing, plus looking like he did, why would he want to cover up? He looked fantastic.

Fredrick was momentarily hypnotised by his own reflection, after years of disgust for his body he was finally happy and learning to love himself for what he was, although perhaps he did over indulge in that self-love. As Fredrick stared, he marvelled at his own impressive physique and the time and effort it had taken to sculpt it into what it was now. His pec shelf was something he was particular proud of, the large perky mounds of muscle were always fun to play with, plus men’s knees went weak when you bounced each one for them. His stomach still glistened and the bronze he had picked up from his many holidays always made them look more defined, his belly had been particularly hard to lose so now that it was flat and toned Fredrick was always took extra care when admiring it. The rounded boulder like biceps were a bonus of the workouts, they were intimidating and imposing something Fredrick had never been, they demanded attention and respect. Whenever Fredrick crossed his arms people always paid more attention, plus the added strength was pleasing, never again would he struggle with an armful of books. Fredrick's eyes then fell to his crotch, he didn’t like to gloat but he had always been pretty well hung, his dick was at least seven inches when flaccid and grew an extra inch erect. When he was finally desirable to the masses he had fucked more twink ass, than a muscle top at an orgy. Fredrick playfully wagged his cock to his reflection and smiled, he couldn’t wait to get a piece of Raul’s delicious cheeks tonight, his ass accommodated his size perfectly. Speaking of ass Fredrick shifted slightly as he posed for himself, he had always been an ass man, that’s why he had made sure his own ass would attract attention. Having a peachy ass had always been a secret wish for him, to be able to shake and walk with a cute tight ass for all the guys behind him to look at was something that always seemed out of reach in his terrible little town but now guys had to hold back from grabbing at his tight muscle ass. Butts had always been Fredrick’s weakness, while he hated the jocks and PJ, he could never deny his lust for their ripe, juicy bubble butts. The way they strained in their sports uniforms and almost burst out of their jeans often led Fredrick to have an ashamed boner, he hated them but their butts were so delectable. Fantasy’s about fucking them had been some of the only thoughts that had kept Fredrick motivated to keep going to school and college. Fredrick body suddenly tensed up, college... this cubicle was from college more importantly it was from the college’s campus gym.

Fredrick had only been here twice before that day where he was driven from the campus gym for good, PJ had made sure that he would never be able to get fit at this gym and if he did ever set foot on this territory again then he would face torment ten times worse than he had that day. PJ and a couple of his jock friends had terrorised Fredrick that day, leaving him more fearful of PJ than ever before and that anxiety had already began to effect Fredrick, even if it was just a dream. The whole ordeal had started a very similar way, with Fredrick naked and afraid having foolishly lost his clothes after a shower. Fredrick cursed himself for thinking about the past and PJ before falling asleep, those were old memories and he needed to learn not to keep recalling them, he needed to let the past die but now that he was in this cubicle Fredrick found it very hard not to allow those old feelings and inadequacies to invade his mind.

Fredrick steadied himself and puffed out his muscular chest, he needn’t feel that way anymore. He was now a strong, handsome and rich play boy that had nothing to fear from the losers that PJ and the jocks had become, plus it was a dream albeit a very real one but he could control it. Perhaps he would meet PJ on purpose just to mess with him within his mind, he had always wanted the arrogant prick to dance around and shake his cute ass for him, maybe in this lucid dream he would finally get what he desired. With a new sense of confidence Fredrick reached for the door handle, ready to take on whatever his subconscious had to offer, yet as he pulled down on the handle he found the door locked. Odd, in a dream this vivid and with such clear and concise thought, Fredrick thought he should have been able to open a door if he wanted to. He tried it again but still found himself stuck in the cubicle with his reflection, he turned and looked back at himself again, at least the view wasn’t bad. Perhaps the dream was a subconscious exercise in loving yourself and planned to have him staring at himself until he accepted who he was, perhaps then the door would open? Fredrick was unsure that his own subconscious would be that clever but still he stopped trying to open the door and stared at himself again, after all his body was everything he wanted it to be and he’d gladly admire it more. However as Fredrick stared at his reflection something appeared different, something very subtle but different all the same, as Fredrick gazed at his body and face the tiniest of details seemed to have changed since the last time he looked at himself. Fredrick scrutinised himself to see if it was true and with a small shock Fredrick took a step closer to the mirror, his abs looked less toned and defined, the eight pack he proudly sported looked closer to a six pack. Furthermore his sharp chiselled jawline somehow appeared softer and less defined. Fredrick was confused as he stared at himself, if he hadn’t just been looking at his reflection he would have barely noticed the changes but since that was all he could do; they had become apparent very quickly. It seemed strange for a dream to make such a minute change to him, wings or a tail would be more fitting to his normal imaginative dreams but slightly less toned abdominals seemed dull and trivial but disconcerting nonetheless. It wasn’t until Fredrick noticed that it was not only his abs and face that looked less defined that the panic start to set in, other small changes had started to occur all over his body, which caused Fredrick’s heart rate to increase. His pec shelf no longer looked as large, his biceps no longer had the thick veins running across them and his ass didn’t look as pert. Fredrick stared with amazement and fear as his body morphed in front of him, he had never had a dream this detailed and he was curious to see what was happening to him, a small chuckle escaped his lips at the thought of him turning into PJ or another jock, his dream turning into some mediocre metaphor of who he would eventually turn into. However as Fredrick stared he quickly became more panicked as he realised even if he was turning into his old bully or a jock they still had slender, toned bodies and his own was still losing definition and at what appeared to be an increasing rate.

Fredrick was no longer calm as he stared at his reflection; his abdominals were no longer an eight pack and were barely that of a six pack, his stomach was almost flat. Furthermore his biceps seemed to be deflating like air out of a sad balloon, the once imposing and impressive mounds were now nothing more than gentle hills, his puffed out proud chest had lost most of its girth and his pecs now barely stood out from his chest. Fredrick watched in horror as the body he had spent years sculpting was melting away, his hard work being undone in seconds. Fredrick reached up and grabbed at his body trying somehow to stop the muscle from draining away, his stomach and ribs were now easy to feel and his thighs and arms were dwindling rapidly, he now looked like he barely set foot in a gym, even though that’s where the last years of his life had been spent. Fredrick looked pleadingly at his own reflection as the pounds of muscle he had spent hours, weeks, months and years building vanished, the gruelling exercise routines, the bland protein diets and mouthfuls of rank supplements were all for nothing as his body shrivelled up. His chest deflated, his arms and legs thinned and the edges of his ribs and collar bone strained through his skin, what’s more the healthy glow and tan Fredrick had obtained over countless holiday had also faded leaving him with the complexion of a computer geek. Fredrick swivelled in panic to check his prized accomplishment and let out a small whimper as his worst fears were realised, the perky little bubble he had always wanted and coveted, the cute little ass he had worked so hard to get was now as flat as a pancake and just a bony white boy bottom. The big imposing man with bronzed muscles and an intimidating stance he had been seconds ago was gone and what was left was a skinny, pale weakling.

Fredrick looked back at himself with fear in his eyes, he didn’t like this one bit, if it was a dream he wished he could wake up from it but no amount of pinching awoke him from his daze. Fredrick looked deep into his own eyes and then at his surrounding face, his wrinkles and lines... they were gone, his odd grey hair… nowhere to be seen and that small dull ache in his back had vanished. In fact his whole face looked different, not just because of the softer features and lack of definition but because he somehow looked more youthful and vibrant. That’s when the frightening realisation hit Fredrick, his dream wasn’t taking away his muscle, it wasn’t someway to make him remember who he was, the Fredrick looking back at him wasn’t different because it had lost its fitness model physique, it was different because it was younger. Anxiety and terror gripped Fredrick as he realised what else would accompany his body as it seemed to be plunging back into youth, as Fredrick’s eyes fell to his stomach and the first bubble of growth started, he screamed and yanked at the door handle as young Fredrick was also fat Freddie.

Fredrick pulled and banged on the cheap pale blue door, trying everything to escape the tiny prison he was trapped in, losing his fit body he could cope with but regaining a body he despised and hated was something far more frightening. That old body was a symbol of his past, a terrible reminder of the torment and harassment he had faced and the hellish experiences he had been through. Fredrick willed for his dream to end, for him to take some semblance of control but even as he yanked and pulled on the door handle he could feel his stomach starting to jiggle. Fredrick stopped his pulling; the door wasn’t going to open he was trapped with his reflection and a changing body that he didn’t want to look at. In vain Fredrick covered his face with his hands, trying his hardest not to look out as he felt his arms become heavier, however it appeared his dream had other plans as a wisp of green smoke snaked in between his fingers and into his nostrils, the burning sensation causing Fredrick to lose control. Fredrick didn’t know what was happening, his dream had developed into a nightmare as against his wishes his hands removed themselves from his face and his eyes were forced open and wide. Poor Fredrick had no choice but to stare hopelessly as his forlorn reflection, his body already younger and chubbier, an old layer of fat now covered his body causing all definition on his body to disappear and a very small bulge in his belly had begun to grow. Fredrick tried so hard to look away or close his eyes, knowing what was to come, he had worked so hard to lose the weight, he had worked tirelessly to achieve the perfect body that he was happy with and he had tried all his life to forget the terrible body of his youth, yet now in this wicked dream he could not look away as the green smoke focussed his eyes on his belly.

The bubbling and jiggling emanating from his stomach made Fredrick’s skin crawl and his brow sweat, his eyes locked in place unable to look away. At first his belly just looked like he had eaten a large meal, the slight distension and bulge could be done away with after a bowel movement, however that small bulge was not there for long as his stomach growled. The growl caused Fredrick’s belly to shake and along with it came an increasing load of fat, his belly grew outwards until it would be prominent and visible in a tight t-shirt, the shape growing rounder as a his belly grew to the size of a football. Fredrick’s stomach now look bloated and way beyond full, his rib cage had disappeared under the new mass of fatty tissue and his belly button strained at the sudden growth. Fredrick cringed as he looked at his still reasonably small bulging belly, old terrible memories already starting to creep back into his mind. As Fredrick’s stomach grew to the size of a basketball it let out another loud gurgle and growl that gave Fredrick a fright, as a new wave of fat bubbled up from inside him. The rounded ball like belly he had grown suddenly dropped, the firm gut turning into a mass of jelly, jiggling and shaking as it bounced. Fredrick tried to look away with disgust, seeing that belly reminded him of how much he hated himself when he was younger, how his large jiggling gut stuck out and made him have to walk sideways through small doorways, he wanted the dream to end now, he wanted his belly to stop its growth but he knew that he still had quite a few pounds of fat left to build. The shaking belly grew further outwards and downwards as Fredrick’s belly started to sag, the large fold of flab folding over his waistline and dragging itself down to his crotch, Fredrick whimpered as his flabby gut grazed the start of his dick and then rested on top of it. Fredrick wanted to cry, why was he dreaming of such a terrible thing and why couldn’t he wake up? Another gurgle bellowed from inside him, much louder than any of the ones before and with a rush and a particularly loud burp Fredrick’s stomach grew to its old hefty size, love handles sprouted and folded on his sides, rolls of fat balanced themselves on top of his sagging gut and finally his belly protruded further outwards before being pulled down, the hanging gut only leaving the tip of his penis visible. Fredrick almost burst into tears, his toned muscular stomach that he had spent years acquiring was gone and his old, blubbery, bouncing belly was back, now making it impossible to wear anything that wasn’t xxl and making it difficult for him to even reach his cock.

Fredrick tried so hard to try and pinch himself, to slap himself across the face, just anything to wake him up so he wouldn’t have to relive the overweight, lumbering body of his youth but the nightmare he was trapped in was cruel, as the green smoke forced the much fatter Fredrick to look as his nipples and what was left of his pecs. “Nooo, please stop” Fredrick whined as he felt the familiar bubbling sensation coming from behind his nipples, he had been so proud of his pec shelf, so happy at his ability to make them bounce but now they were little more than bumps but they wouldn’t stay that way for long. The fat flowed like jam filling up a donut, Fredrick’s pectorals losing any kind of shape that suggested that he might have ever worked out his chest, until they looked like the boobs of a pre-pubescent girl. However the slow ebbing and bubbling of fat meant Fredrick would be going through puberty very quickly as his small little man tits pumped up with the gelatinously mass. The pair of tits growing wider, the nipples also increasing in size as the pumps of fat grew, soon becoming sizeable chubby tits that you could grip with each hand. Fredrick didn’t want to think about how many times PJ had grabbed at them, squeezing them and twisting his large burger size nipples, he could still remember PJ making him push them together and tell everyone what a girl he was and that everyone should look at his tits. Fredrick wished that his man tits had only been a handful but the terrible bubbling reminded how much bigger they were. Fredrick chubby pecs soon started to sag, no longer two fatty lumps resting on his chest but drooping downwards to rest on the top of expansive stomach. The bubbling seemed to increase and just like someone jumping on one end of a tube of toothpaste, Fredrick’s tits shot outwards filling with fat, his nipples growing stretched and wide, bigger than beer coasters, until finally with a loud cringing slap they landed back down onto his belly. Fredrick’s pumped up bronzed pecs gone, replaced with a pair of sagging, swinging man boobs.

The dream was becoming too much for poor Fredrick, the cruel devastating regression of his body was worse than watching a car accident. He had spent years of his life getting rid of his chubby fat body, he tried to forget those horrible days of bullying and torment and he had moved on to bigger and better things but this dream or nightmare was reversing it all. Fredrick wasn’t the successful hunk on the beach he was still the same fat, weak loser that was the main target for bullies he had always been. Fredrick let out a weak cry as he looked at his gut and tits, the small whimper causing his body to wobble and shake. Why couldn’t he just wake up? Why couldn’t he be back on that beach watching a thicc Cuban jumping around in a tiny Speedo? Why was the green smoke now forcing his eyes to lift upwards and focus on his face? Fredrick’s eyes met those of his reflection, the terrified look and tears in them making him look more pathetic, where was that confident play boy stud now? The answer was buried under layers of fat and Fredrick cringed as the bubbling reached his face in particular his cheeks and chin. Having lost his muscle, Fredrick had almost lost most of his defined features but still with the slightly softer look he had the visage of a homely farm boy, a sweet boy next door look. Men would still find his face attractive, however Fredrick knew that wouldn’t be the case for long, no one besides PJ paid attention to him when he was younger his face and features were buried under an amorphous blob of adipose. The bubbling wasn’t as kind as it had been towards his belly and tits, the fat flowed much more freely now. It was his cheeks that were the most noticeable; they ballooned with fat, scrunching up his face as they filled up making his eyes appear smaller as well as his nose and ears. The cheeks then turned a deep red, the strain of holding in all the fat that had been deposited there made them permanently rosy. The rest of the weight piled on and around Fredrick’s chin, his jawline being completely engulfed as a second fold of fat bulged out under it. However the bubbling did not stop there, as a third and fourth roll of fat sprouted and pushed its way out from under Fredrick’s chin, his fat flabby neck giving him difficulty looking down, his full cheeks flushing red as they strained constantly with fat. Fredrick let a tear roll down his face, the droplet taking much longer to flow over his bigger, fuller cheek before it fell into one of his neck creases, never to be seen again. The bubbling within his face gave one final spurt an extra ten pounds of weight exploded around his necks and chins making them join into one large blob, now indistinguishable from each other. Even his lips looked fatter as they became one Fredrick’s most defining features on his face. The handsome heart throb was no more as it had been lost to rolls and layers of wobbling tissue that drowned out all definition and only allowed one blobish face.

Fredrick’s eyes seemed to have freed from the nightmares control, they darted around looking over his ridiculous body, his fat bloated stomach, his sagging, big nipples tits and wobbling chins and face all held up on some spindly legs and twig like arms. Fredrick looked in horror at his freakish body, for once he hoped the transformation would continue to stop him from looking like some deformed obese clown, that was when Fredrick felt a pressure on his body, an unknown forced pushing his sagging gut inwards. At first Fredrick was thrilled as hope filled his mind, the fat was receding once more, perhaps his protests and tears had been heard by his subconscious and he was getting back the body he had worked so hard for and desired. However that hope was short lived as the pressure on his stomach wasn’t the fat receding, it was just the wobbling, rippling tissue being pushed, pushed outwards to his arms and legs and filling them up. “Nooooooo” Fredrick moaned and sobbed as his the pressure increased and his arms and thighs started to fill like giant flabby sausages. The humiliation was too much for Fredrick as he openly cried as his arms sagged as they became giant flabby chicken wings and his thighs grew closer together and grazed each other. Fredrick watched with hopeless sorrow, he felt like a freakish, fat whoopie cushion, his big round body being pushed down on and the fat escaping in all directions like the air escaping the prank when someone had sat on it. The fat now farting out down his arms and to his hands, making them swollen and chubby, ten meaty sausages now wiggling in each bloated hand. The fat aided by gravity fell to his thighs and calves, as they filled out they started to look like prime pieces of meat you would find on an animal. Fredrick whimpered as his thighs now pushed painfully together the gap he had once had now closed forever, the fatty thighs now always painfully rubbing against each other unless he walked in his old awkward, obese person gait. But the saddest part for Fredrick wasn’t seeing his arms inflate or his thighs bloat, it was watching his one impressive cock dwindle away as it was eaten up by all the fatty tissue around. The obese pubic mound had already swallowed a good couple of inches but now with his thighs pressing inwards and invading even more of his cocks space it appeared nothing more than a nub, a fat little chode to go with his big fat body. Fredrick let out a fresh cry as he realised he had used that same cock to fuck Raul only hours earlier and now it was back to when he was in college where he would have to lie in awkward positions just so he could jerk his dicklet, making his whole body shake. Fredrick cringed as a deep repressed memory of using his own fat to wank himself off came flooding back and reminded him just how pathetic he had been.

As the pressure on his stomach subsided, its size remained unchanged despite his larger arms and legs. Fredrick felt the pressure subside but the strange bubbling feeling still danced around keeping him nervous, why this just his old anxiety returning? Fredrick looked back at his old body defeated, surely it was over? The horror of seeing his muscles dwindle away and the anguish of seeing his wobbling fat physique return had reduced him to a sobbing mess, his subconscious surely wouldn’t keep him locked in this dream any longer after this ordeal? However Fredrick tensed up again, his heart rate through the roof as he felt the bubbling inside him increase yet again. It appeared the nightmare still had one cruel aspect of Fredrick’s body to change, a part he had sculpted to be perfect and now was going to be returned to its previous expansive and gelatinous form. Fredrick whimpered as he body moved without his consent and turned him around, the green smoke making him crane his neck painfully, his fat chins squishing and jiggling. Fredrick started sobbing as his eyes were forced to fixate on the last part of his body to change, he even let out a small plea for mercy under his breath as his eyes were forced to look at his pale, little white boy butt.

It was painful enough having to crane his chubby neck over his fat shoulder, but staring at his sorry little ass made Fredrick weep, he knew all too well what was going to happen. Fredrick had worked hard for his cute bubble butt, he wanted the attention of other young hot men and for them to get aroused at the sight of his cheeks, but he had always wanted a cute ass for another reason, to avoid ever having the monster he had possessed in his youth. If people had stared at his ass back then it wasn’t with lust or desire it was with disgust or humour, even now as the familiar terrifying bubbling started in his cheeks Fredrick felt his legs reposition to make way for the ass that was coming. Fredrick was forced to look at his reflection, his small little ass looked strange on his big obese body yet Fredrick would have preferred this compared to what was coming. As the bubbling continued to build Fredrick saw his pale ass cheeks begin to wobble as they slowly started to expand. The once small butt was now already average sized as it filled gradually with fat, his cheeks still had a defined shape to them and each one only wobbled slightly, it was an ass that would still garner the attention of muscular hunks like Raul, but the green smoke in its cruelty was quick to do away with such an ass. The wobbling and the bubbling only increased as more fat started to fill out each of his shapely butt cheeks, his ass ever expanding and growing. Within seconds Fredrick’s ass had filled out with another twenty pounds of fat, his butt cheeks now starting to lose the definition that separated each of them from the fat thigh below, the wobbling that was shaking his ass now made the meaty cheeks jiggle for longer as the chubby behind swayed back and forth. Fredrick could only stare miserably at his expanding backside, his ass would now be considered fat, its large cheeks would now strain any pair of trousers he put on and sitting on a stool or chair would be difficult. Nevertheless, much to Fredrick’s dismay the bubbling continued and so did the shaking of his ass, with each sway from side to side the growing butt cheeks took longer to reposition as more gelatinous fat was crammed into them. Fredrick felt a surge race through his body to his butt as the bubbling ramped up, a sudden outpouring of fat and growth hit his ass making his jiggling ass cheeks bounce outwards. The new layer of fat making his chubby cheeks connect with his fat thighs, the whole flabby leg joined together to make one large wobbling blob. Fredrick let a tear run down his swollen cheek as he watched his fat ass wobble and shake, the fat still being pumped into him. The bullies had always used his ass as point of torment, its size made it difficult for Fredrick to move and an easy target for PJ to land a hard slap on. Fredrick struggled not to break down into tears yet again as old repressed memories came flooding back so vividly it was as if he had only lived them the day before. Memories of being wedgied and his fat arms not being able to reach around and pull his underwear out of his cavernous ass crack, memories of the bullies forcing him to bend over and rip his shorts or trousers so everyone could see his fat ass and memories of PJ forcing him to wear an xs small pair of shorts just so it would reveal his chubby cheeks as he ran away on campus. Fredrick focussed back on his ass, the old memories too much to bear, what was this nightmare? Why wouldn’t it end? And when would his ass finally stop growing? Even now as his cheeks reached a new expansive size, Fredrick couldn’t recall them being so wide, his hips groaned as more weight was put on them and the flowing fat spread down the sides of his cheeks giving him a large awkward pear-shaped body. The wobbling of his cheeks now caused a ripple effect as the wave of vibration radiated throughout his obese ass. Fredrick then felt something inside him, another surge was building. The incoming fat was like a tidal wave, there was calm before a humungous flood of fat exploded out of his already massive ass cheeks. Fredrick’s ass cheeks were filled to bursting, the large pale cheeks dimpled with fat, the size expanding in all directions causing his fat ass to act like a shelf as it stuck out behind him. As the bubbling died down so did the shaking, yet his fat ass kept jiggling, the humungous cheeks each having a life of their own as the twerked without music. Fredrick’s fat ass had returned to the gigantic, chubby, monstrosity that now made him waddle instead of walk and need two seats on public transport. Fredrick snivelled, even he didn’t recall its true size and shape, he cursed the nightmare for reminding him in such great detail. It made Fredrick painfully aware that the cute bubble butt he had wanted and worked so hard for was gone; the shapely cute butt he used to entice men had been lost under a mountain of fat, a mountain that would take a decade to remove. Fredrick had lost his most prized attribute and it had been replaced by his worst nightmare.

Fredrick body soon swivelled back around, his new fat ass easily poking out at the sides, the layers of fat covering his body gently undulating at the slightest movement. No longer were his perky pecs or toned abs his most defining feature it was his giant flabby ass that stood out even from his flabby body. Fredrick tried to move, his old body was back, if this nightmare was going to end it had to be soon, there was nothing else to add or was there? Fredrick sobbed as he felt the terrifying bubbling sensation return but this time it felt different which only made Fredrick more on edge. This time the bubbling felt deeper, like it was coming from inside him, a change that was going to affect him on a deeper level. As the bubbling continued Fredrick started to feel warmer, like someone had switched off the air conditioning in the gym however that warmth soon turned into an intense heat which to Fredrick’s displeasure seemed to be increasing and spreading throughout his body. Naturally Fredrick’s body did what any other body would do when it was warm, it started to sweat. The first droplets appeared on his forehead and his pits became damp, however it soon became clear to Fredrick that this was more than just some slight overheating. As the bubbling inside him increased so did the heat and so did the amount of sweat his body was producing, Fredrick looked disgusted in his reflection as his body started to glisten as droplets of sweat started forming across his body and his fatty folds. Soon the sweat started to drip, the liquid starting to run down his back and face, his hair becoming damp and sodden as his body produced an ungodly amount of the salty fluid. The bubbling and heat inside soon reached an unbearable level, Fredrick felt his limbs start to feel weak, his arms and legs now struggling to hold up his own weight. The sweat now pouring out of his face, his sagging moobs and fat thighs drenched in the liquid, Fredrick didn’t even want to see what his ass looked like, the cavernous trench of an ass crack was now sticky and swampy, his fat buttocks ready to leave a disgusting damp print if he were to sit down. Fredrick didn’t know whether it was the panic or the heat inside him, but his breathing started to increase, his lungs now having to work that much harder with all the fat on top of them. Soon Fredrick was slick with sweat, red with heat and puffing out air, his whole body tired and weak, somehow the nightmare had found a way to make him look even more unappealing to himself.

Fredrick was slightly confused by the last change; while he did sweat a lot when he was younger he never would have made a puddle on the ground like he was doing now. It was only when the bubbling slowed and Fredrick was still left in his weakened state did he realise what had happened, he wasn’t panicking, he wasn’t hot and he hadn’t been given some cruel new over-sweating attribute, his body was just worn out like if he had just finished a workout. Fredrick squirmed in his old uncomfortable body, it was like he had just finished one of his first sessions at the gym. Fredrick eyes widened and a nervous squeak escaped his chubby lips, the dream hadn’t just recreated his youthful body, it had recreated it just like the day he had been at the campus gym. One of the first times he had used a gym properly and overexerted himself so much that he was left in a sweaty, red mess. Painful flashbacks suddenly reminded Fredrick of exactly how he had been that day, how worn out, how worried and how much panic he had been in after losing his clothes before even getting to the showers. That’s when Fredrick’s stomach started to grumble again, the growling echoing throughout the tiny cubicle, his anxiety only increasing more. “Please no, no more changes this is it. Please!” Fredrick pleaded, wracking his brain for anything else from his old body that was yet to return. However Fredrick soon found out he was very much mistaken, the growling and rumbling wasn’t the green smoke and it wasn’t another horrendous change to his body. The rumbling pushed down deeper, and with an unconscious tilt forward Fredrick involuntarily let rip a sloppy wet fart. Fredrick looked down at the ground ashamed, he almost felt like bursting into tears as the foul smell reached his nose, why was this dream being so cruel? Fredrick didn’t even want to move, he didn’t want the nightmare to continue, the vivid picture his subconscious had painted had not only brought back his old body but also his old habits. As Fredrick watched the sweat drip down his body and he sniffed his own disgusting fart he realised the cruel dream had also gifted him with his old nervous flatulence problem.

Fredrick was close to breaking point as he was freed from the green smoke’s control, not that he wanted to move. All he could to was stare at his reflection, how his eighteen year old body had returned in excruciating detail, how his whole body now felt hot, how he was drenched in sweat and worn out just like he had done a workout, just like one of the worst days of his life. Everything about that day had been was recreated in all its hideous glory and detail, the nightmare so vivid Fredrick could have mistaken it for real life if it wasn’t so surreal. Fredrick tentatively ran his hands over his old body, his fat heavy stomach jiggled from his laboured breathing, his flabby arms grazed against his sagging moobs, the fat being squished under his arm as the sagging tits struggled to stay in place. His humungous thighs crammed together, a red patch of skin having formed from where they now painfully chaffed together as he moved. Then nestled at the top in between his thighs and underneath his overhanging belly was his once proud cock, now only visible because of its chubby purple head. Fredrick looked in disgust as the many droplets of sweat poured down his body, the effect of a minor workout causing him to look like a runner at the end of a marathon. The sweat had fallen into his many rolls and creases, and had then started to dry causing a malodorous stench to start emanating from all over his body, particularly his crotch, ass and pits. Fredrick could only imagine what Raul would think if he was on the beach with this whale of a body instead of the hunk who picked him at the bar, he would probably laugh at him and make fun of him like everyone else. The old memories of social anxiety caused Fredrick’s gut to grumble again and another spluttering nervous fart escaped his fat ass, the fetid stench making his whole situation that much worse. The sight, the smell and the sensation were all so detailed and horrendous; it was all too much for Fredrick as he fell back onto his fat ass. Fredrick sat slumped on the changing cubicle bench, his body was so tired, it stunk strongly of B.O and farts and his fat still jiggled from his last movement. Everything was so painfully real, Fredrick was sure the shock and anxiety would wake him up, perhaps in a pool of his own piss, but nothing happened. Fredrick was still left staring at the body he hated, still stuck in the campus cubicle prison his mind had created for himself, trapped with his reflection, the reflection of Freddie the Fatty.

Well that was until a loud click was heard and the door beside him slowly creaked open.

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