Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Time to Gloat (Part 2)

Fredrick felt a shiver run up his spine as he slowly turned around to see the pale blue door slowly swinging open, what should he do? Should he slam it shut and hide with his old disgusting body or run for the hills hoping he would find some way to make the dream end. Fredrick looked at the door and his reflection, he should stay, even if he had to stare at himself for an eternity it would be better than going out that door and continuing one of the worse days of his life. Even just standing with the door open made Fredrick nervous and he moved his hand to cover his fat little nub of cock. Yet Fredrick couldn’t bring himself to close the door, a part of him was still defiant. Why should he have to worry? Why would he care if he had to endure that day again? After all this was just some fucked up dream, at the end of it all he would still be the muscular, playboy on the beach with a cock sucking himbo waiting for him, the changes weren’t real. Fredrick squirmed, the dream was so vivid that his old anxiety was preventing him from being himself and the sad squeaky fart that eeked out of his sweaty rump illustrated everything perfectly, why was he acting like his old self? He was a confident and successful man, not the pathetic boy he had once been, he may have the body but he was not Freddie. With a new surge of confidence and a wisp of green smoke Fredrick found himself stepping closer to the open door. He could do this, it was just a nightmare and whatever was thrown at him he could face after all he had done it before. With a large confident stride Fredrick took his first step out of the pale blue prison that had just tormented him and out into the campus gym, a place Fredrick had never returned to and he was about to relive why that was.

Walking down the old hallway felt incredibly surreal to Fredrick he hadn’t been at this gym for years yet the images he saw were so detailed and as clear as day, the nightmare he was trapped in had been so vivid that it was hard for Fredrick not to think it was real. As he walked Fredrick felt less in control, he could feel his steps and knew his direction but his experience didn’t quite match up. It felt like he watching himself move, as if his body was following some predetermined route and he was stuck on course whether he liked it or not. The more Fredrick moved the less comfortable he felt, the jiggling of his fat stomach and tits, the rubbing together of his thighs and his tired worn out body just made him more self-conscious, the old anxiety starting to infect him. With every step Fredrick could feel his confidence drain, the focussed rational man that left the cubicle was slowly dissolving and the weak, afraid Freddie was coming back. With each moment Fredrick became more aware of his body and nakedness, with every step his body jiggled, with every motion the sweaty odour trapped in his folds was released making the stench worse and with every movement Fredrick could feel his stomach grumble, ready to let loose another putrid blast of gas whenever he was least expecting it. By the time Fredrick had reached the end of the hallway his psyche was almost broken, what was he thinking? He should have just hid in the cubicle why would he put himself through that tortuous day again? Yet he couldn’t stop walking, even when he heard voices, voices that frightened Fredrick to the very core of his being.

“Hurry up Bro, let’s get the video and get out of here, the boys are gonna have a right laugh at this”

“Alright bro”

“Let’s do this”

Fredrick knew what was coming yet he couldn’t stop, just like he didn’t stop all those years ago. Those three voices should have alerted Fredrick and made him run and hide, but that’s not what he did back then. Fredrick was on a collision course with a day he had repressed for his entire adult life and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Fredrick just continued his same fat jiggling steps, until he reached the corner of the hallway where he gingerly started to poke his head around. Fredrick tried to stop himself, he knew very well what he was going to see he didn’t need to look, but his body wasn’t following his orders anymore it was following what Freddie had done well over a decade ago. Fredrick’s body did an awkward shuffle as his huge body poked around the corner, looking straight into the gym, a place where he didn’t want to be, a room that he knew contained three people he never wanted to see again, with one in particular he hated more than anything else in the world. Fredrick turned the cornered and came face to face with the exact same scene he had that day back in college all those years ago, he immediately covered his crotch and froze in fear. There in front of him was PJ filming himself as two of his mates stripped off and presented there ass to the full length gym mirrors.

Fredrick tried so desperately to move, to run away and hope they would never see him, but that’s not how things went down back then. Fredrick remained still, the fear of being seen so overwhelming he couldn’t move a muscle all he could do was watch and wait. Fredrick only noticed now in this messed up flashback dream that there may have been another reason why he didn’t run all those years ago. As he held his chubby hidden cock he felt it twitch as he stared at the three muscle hunks in front of him, two of them parading around with nothing on. Their toned, round bubble butts being presented and spread for him as they laughed and filmed themselves. Their girthy cocks slapping their thighs as the pranced dumbly around the gym as PJ laughed, pleased at the idiotic antics his bro’s were displaying. As the two jocks bent over and laughed at each Fredrick was ashamed to admit his fat little cock was getting hard, he was such a sucker for jock ass. Fredrick felt his almost exhausted body become flushed as the arousal and embarrassment caused his body to blush and heat up, allowing more sweat to drip down his body. Why had he been so pathetic? These men had made his life miserable, he knew if they saw him it would be catastrophic yet he stood there ogling there bouncy, shapely buns, their toned abs and supple pecs. He had put himself at risk just for some spank bank material, why hadn’t he just run? However Fredrick couldn’t be too angry at his younger self, even he was struggling not to focus on the cute white ass of the blond jock as he swayed his hips and bent forward giving everyone a view of his pink hairy asshole. It was only when Fredrick realised that if he continued watching he would be fully erect and naked that his body finally tried to refocus and move away. Yet as the bro’s played around Fredrick was forced to stay still waiting for the inevitable to happen, waiting for the moment when finally PJ would move the camera and catch something else in the recording, something he was sure was a joke, something that would cause a big smile to appear on his face when he realised who had walked straight into his lair.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Freddie the fatty” PJ shouted smugly, lowering the camera and motioning to his two jock bros to turn around. ,

As soon as the jocks turned around they started laughing, seeing their favourite victim standing sweaty in the gym while completely naked was just something that was too good to be true. The fat loser had literally offered himself up on a plate for ridicule and bullying. Within seconds before Fredrick even had a chance to make a bolt for it the jocks had surrounded him with PJ taking up the front, the camera still firmly in his hands. Fredrick eyes were focussed on his childhood tormenter, if this nightmare hadn’t already been so surreal he would have been shocked at the detail of PJ and his goons. PJ had always been handsome but it had become clear to Fredrick that his mind had repressed just how much of an Adonis he really was. Fredrick held his cock and tried his hardest to conceal his semi as he stared at PJ and his body, the muscular jock had just finished a work out as well but he looked very different to Fredrick. PJ’s dark brown hair was still in its flawless quiff, only a light layer of sweat covered his body giving him a slight shine and no part of him was red, puffy or out of breath. PJ had the classic jock body, a toned set of abs with a perky pair of pecs on top, generous biceps but not overly large, strong thighs but not as thick as a bodybuilders and a perfect peach shape ass that would fill out any pair of pants perfectly. Not to mention the generous bulge that Fredrick swore he saw twitch as the jock looked his oldest victim up and down.

Fredrick took a nervous inhale, he could smell the manly musk coming from the three jock bros, there sweat giving off a much more palatable odour that the one he was giving off. God why did these jackasses have to be so perfect? The blond jock to the left had a similarly perfect body but with large pecs and the shorter jock to the right was more squat and bulkier but had a much wider and fuller ass. They had no problems standing naked, there large flaccid cocks dangling menacingly and their bodies out for the world to see. They were knights and he was just a troll that had crawled out from under his bridge into their territory. ‘NO, I AM NOT A TROLL’ Fredrick screamed internally trying to assert himself in his own mind. This old low self-esteem was toxic, his old anxiety had invaded his mind and he was struggling to fight it back. These jocks would not look perfect forever, Fredrick knew this, out of all of them he would come out on top, he would be the winner in the game they call life. Yet even with that knowledge Fredrick found it hard not to feel inadequate, how had he ever thought and lived this way? That question was answered very quickly as the PJ began to speak.

“What’s a fat fuck like you doing here?” PJ said while puffing out his chest and flexing his abs.

“G-g-g-going to the gym’ Fredrick cringed. ‘Fuck ‘he shouted internally why was he stammering? Why was he so nervous this was just a nightmare? Wasn’t it? The feelings he felt had never been this real in a dream before, surely this distress should be waking him up? But if it wasn’t a dream then what could it be? Fredrick didn’t have long to ruminate on his new train of thought as the jocks continued their assault.

“No shit dummy, I can tell by the sweat that dripping off your fat gut and the fucking disgusting smell coming from you. Are you allergic to deodorant?” The blond jock sniggered.

“N-no” Fredrick mumbled unable to stop himself from retreating inwards and looking to the ground.

“Don’t be stupid bro; this tub of lard isn’t allergic. It’s because this fatso can’t even reach some his body to wash it, that’s why he stinks like the inside of my old jockstrap” the squat jock snarled.

Fredrick couldn’t take it any longer, he had only been around the cruel handsome monsters for a few minutes but the feelings and emotions were too much for him. Fredrick couldn’t even find the thoughts, let alone the words that a confident sexy play boy would say; all that invaded his mind was the pitiful mumbles of Freddie and his nervous rambling. Fredrick knew he couldn’t stay, he couldn’t endure this for much longer but they only thing that escaped his mouth was a mumbled whisper that said “I need to go”

However before Fredrick had even taken a step the jocks had moved into position, each one blocking off his escape. Fredrick looked at them frightened and saw the look they gave each other, even if he wanted to he couldn’t escape, after all he didn’t escape back then.

“No don’t go” PJ smiled as he started to circle Fredrick “You’re here to work out, so don’t let us stop you. In fact why don’t we give you an exercise to do?”

“N-n-n-no thanks PJ, I just want to go”

“Oh don’t worry Freddie it would be my pleasure to help you” PJ said pushing Fredrick back slightly. ”Now what’s gonna get you fit quick, any suggestions boys?

“I heard star jumps are always the best exercise to lose weight” The squat jock grinned

“I heard that too” The blond jock said while moving behind Fredrick

“Go on Freddie, why don’t you do fifty star jumps for us?” PJ said while grinning menacingly as he lifted up the camera ready to capture everything.

Fredrick didn’t move, his gaze was firmly on the floor, why couldn’t he just leave? Did these jocks really have that much power over him? Did they really frighten him that much?


Fredrick couldn’t describe the fear that washed over him as he heard those words, it was as if all his past horrible experiences with PJ came flooding back and he would do anything just for the jocks to leave him alone. Without hesitation Fredrick started to jump, spreading his legs and one of his arms while the other clung to his penis that he was still trying to hide from the superior naked jocks surrounding him. As he finished the first jump, his stomach rising and slapping painfully downwards Fredrick felt distant. Fredrick knew that this was a nightmare, that this was his old body and that this was a day from his past but he should still feel like the Fredrick that had moved on with his life, he should still feel confident and smart. However as he stared at PJ, as his fat man tits jiggled and as the jocks around him laughed he felt no different from the frightened bullied student he had been on that day. Forcing himself to obey the jocks commands in hope that they would eventually leave him alone and allow him to retreat to somewhere safe. Fredrick knew that it was pitiful and futile but in that moment he felt just as helpless as Freddie, he knew that the torment wouldn’t end soon but he could do nothing to stop it.

“Oh c’mon fat stuff, you know that you have to raise both hands. If not then you just look stupid” The squat jock said garnering laughs from the others.

Fredrick could feel his body go a deep crimson red as he pulled his hand away from his stubby cock, the laughs from the jocks stinging that much more. If Fredrick had real control he would run right there and then cutting short the torture, but the Freddie inside him was too scared to disobey the jocks that had him surrounded made him terrified at what they might do to him if he tried to run. Against every instinct Fredrick had his body started to jump.

Fredrick had only done two jumps when his tired, chubby body told him to give up, the previous workout and the hundred extra pounds of weight on him were just too much for him, but he had to persevere not just out of fear he had to prove he wasn’t the fat loser the jocks and PJ made him out to be. By the eighth jump Fredrick’s body was almost forcing him to stop, with each jump his whole body jiggled, his stomach would rise and land with a hard slap, his tits would almost hit him in the face and his ass was in a constant state of twerk. Fredrick felt so uncomfortable a body like this wasn’t meant for such an exercise, his own folds of fat kept slamming into each other, what’s more if he wasn’t careful when he closed his legs he would sandwich his testicles in between his two chunky legs causing him to wince in pain. Nevertheless Fredrick pushed on determined to show the jocks that what he could do, that their cruel torture was something he could overcome. Yet by the fifteenth jump Fredrick felt as if his lungs were burning and his muscles were on fire, he had no energy left and he was becoming hotter than the sun. Consequentially Fredrick’s body had done only what was natural and had started to sweat again but because of the exercise and the friction his body created not even his sweat could cool him down meaning his tubby body had gone into overdrive. Fredrick has turned a deep crimson while sweat was now running down every inch of his body, droplets formed on his face, stomach, back and ass all of them running down his body in an effort to cool his mammoth body and all of them dripping to the floor. By the twentieth star jump Fredrick’s sweat had formed a slick puddle on the floor and the salty liquid now ran down his face covering his eyes and obscuring his vision. Fredrick wanted so badly to continue, he wanted to have a small victory over the jocks and PJ but on the twenty first jump, a drop of sweat stung his eye causing it to sting, the sudden pain pushed Fredrick off balance and as he jumped his foot slipped in his own sweat. His balance lost Fredrick wobbled and he fell forward, his huge lumbering body falling to the floor like a tree in the forest. With a loud wet slap Fredrick landed painfully on his mountainous gut, his face falling quickly afterwards with the same damp snapping sound echoing throughout the gym. For a second all was quiet, the jocks paused their laughter, PJ pulled down the camera and Fredrick held his breath trying anything to stop his body from what it was about to do. However it was hopeless, as the silence was broken by a rumbling wet nervous fart that exploded out of his sweaty ass. The resulting laughter felt even more humiliating afterwards as he was left bathing in a pool of his own sweat, struggling to even look up as he smelt his own shameful fart.

For a second Fredrick just laid on his stomach, the cool gym floor felt good against his stinging, hot body, plus Fredrick didn’t know whether he could face the cackling jocks. It was as if he was a clown, a fat idiot that fell over and farted for their amusement, his entire life just one big joke to the popular handsome guys. ARRRGHHH Fredrick bellowed internally, this wasn’t it his life anymore! Fredrick tried to regain control in his mind; he tried desperately to push the old Freddie back down into his subconscious, to trap him back in repression. Freddie’s self-esteem had been rock bottom, his confidence didn’t exist and courage was in short supply but he wasn’t Freddie anymore. Fredrick tried to picture himself, to visualise his muscular tanned body, his expensive clothes, cars and houses and of course the sexy Cuban dancer twerking on his cock, he was a play boy millionaire. So why wasn’t he acting like one? This was a nightmare after all, this was something of his own creation, something he should be able to manipulate and control but he wasn’t letting himself do that. From the start of this whole fucked up ordeal Fredrick had allowed himself to be led by the dream, to follow the exact events that played out all those years ago, but now resting on his own supersize stomach and sniffing the remains of his own gas Fredrick chose to fight back. A look of pure determination washed over Fredrick’s face, this torture would not continue, this sick series of events was going to come to end, Fredrick was going to take back his own mind, as soon as he could get up he was marching straight out of the gym and out of his dream. Fredrick positioned his arms at either side of him and pushed, he was going to take control. Except… Fredrick didn’t, because he couldn’t even start to lift himself up from the ground, his flabby little arms were drained of all energy and his body was just too big.

Fredrick heard the laughter as the jocks watched his first failed attempt to get up, but Fredrick was undeterred. With another deep breath Fredrick pushed and with some huffing and puffing he fell straight back down.

“Fuck he’s like a beached whale” the blond jock laughed

“At least we won’t have to throw water over him” the squat jock chuckled as he pointed at the large pool of sweat surrounding Fredrick.

Fredrick could feel himself blushing red with embarrassment again, he could feel Freddie starting to edge back into his mind, he needed to get up now or it would be too late, he would have to carry on with that vile day. Fredrick tried again and again to get up but his lack of energy and vast amount of weight was making it near impossible, soon he no longer cared how he looked, while kicking his legs and flailing his arms Fredrick gained some progress. Even with the chorus of jock laughter Fredrick continued his struggle, with a large amount of huffing and puffing, and his body now totally exhausted Fredrick was able to get onto his hands and knees. His large sagging gut still lightly grazed the floor and his humongous ass was spread wide, his pink little hole barely visible behind his huge fatty cheeks. Fredrick didn’t care how he looked anymore, he knew he needed to get up and get out or his nightmare would just continue to get worse. Fredrick took some deep breaths and tried to compose himself, he would be up in no time and then he’d be gone. However Fredrick made a fatal mistake, instead of focussing on his body, instead of focussing his strength and concentrating on getting to his feet, Fredrick looked up and made direct eye contact with PJ. As soon as Fredrick’s gaze met that of his bully’s the anxiety and fear flooded back into his mind as if a dam had burst.

“Fuck you stink. You look and smell like a fucking animal” PJ snarled and Fredrick swore he saw PJ reposition his dick as he circled the helpless Freddie.

“Yeah like one of those stinking hippos from the zoo”

“Or a huge fat elephant”

Fredrick was desperately trying to hang on, that piercing gaze from PJ had knocked him back further into his own mind, Freddie was surrounding him. All he needed to do was get up, he needed to get away from the jocks, get away from PJ and away from the vulnerable position he was in. Fredrick could feel the motivation and drive inside him, he just needed to let it out, to drive it through the darkness of the frightened, submissive Freddie. Fredrick could feel himself getting ready, ready to jump to his feet and run, that was until he felt the dank air of jock breath on his ear. The sickening smell of protein shake and day old beer so close to his face it made him shiver, Fredrick’s eyes turned to see PJ crouching beside him with an almost animalistic grin on his face. The two little words growled into his ear made Fredrick freeze in fear, the same two little words that had kept him in place all those years ago. “Don’t move” PJ snarled his face almost hungry for what he was about to do. It was at that horrific moment that it hit Fredrick; he had never been in control. All the fight, all the drive to escape, that hadn’t been him, it hadn’t been his confident playboy self, it had always been Freddie. He had tried so hard to escape even back then but never had the courage to defy his bullies, even now as Fredrick remained trapped in his former self he realised that he had still ended up in the exact same position, in the exact same way as he had done all those years ago. Fredrick realised then that he was never going to escape the nightmare, he was never going to be in control, he was stuck as Freddie and stuck until this awful day was over. Whether it was a nightmare, a hallucination or some kind of fucked up flashback Fredrick was trapped, trapped as a passenger in old body he detested and with old thoughts that kept him firmly on the timeline of that terrible day. For the rest of this nightmare he wasn’t Fredrick anymore, he was Freddie the fatty with his bully squatting beside him ready to humiliate him all over again.

“No boys, he ain’t no hippo or elephant…” PJ exclaimed. Fredrick’s eyes were locked on PJ’s as he felt the bully move his hands under his chubby body. Fredrick had never quite realised the look that had been on PJ’s face, it was one of crazed desire, an almost psychopathic craving to grab at and humiliate Fredrick, and only now in this nightmare did Fredrick see the bulge in PJ’s gym shorts grow? “… he’s a big fat fucking cow” PJ snatched Fredrick’s dangling man tits and with sharp and painful tug he pulled downwards.

Fredrick bellowed in pain as his bully continued to pull at his sagging moobs, pulling and kneading the flabby bags of fat. However while Fredrick moaned in pain and humiliation the jocks around once again burst in raucous laughter, all taking great pleasure seeing their fat victim being milked like a heifer. Fredrick fell into a daze, the whole experience was just too much to relive, he missed the jokes about his chubby udders, the jock telling him to moo and the hurtful comments about the size of his breasts all he could do was look forward and focus on the relentless pulling and squishing being done to him by PJ. The jocks hands were exploring his man boobs, feeling up every angle and pulling and squeezing, Fredrick felt so pathetic and so low. He had never wanted to show weakness in front of his bullies, he had never wanted to show that they got to him but in this moment the Fredrick emotions and feelings finally got the better of him and he started to cry.

As a weak sob escaped Fredrick’s lips and a tear rolled own his eyes PJ seemed to abruptly stop. Within seconds PJ had let go and was on his feet, readjusting his gym shorts. Fredrick had never been aware of how PJ had reacted before due to his old self being to focussed on crying, but Fredrick saw something different, PJ almost seemed flustered as he looked down and saw him sobbing. Freddie had always assumed there was an expression of disgust or pride on his face, but Fredrick saw sorrow and guilt, it was only fleeting but it was there.

“That’s enough loser, now crawl away like the dumb cow you are” PJ said almost tripping over his words.

Fredrick tried to crawl away but he knew that the nightmare wasn’t over yet, as the other jocks stood in front of his pathetic form.

“Na PJ lets play with this loser a bit longer” the squat jock said while standing menacingly over Fredrick. “See while you think he’s a cow, I’ve got to say that he looks more like a pig to me”

“You got that right!” The blond jock snarled as he landed a hard, open palm slap on Fredrick’s fat behind, leaving a bright red hand print and causing Fredrick to squeak in pain. “See he even squeals like a pig ahaha”

Fredrick looked pleadingly upwards at the jocks around, him the squat and blond jock still had smiles, PJ had taken a back seat a hint of anxiety on his face. It even looked like he was about to say something before the squat jock started talking again.

“Fuck that’s why he stinks; this fat pig has been rolling around in his own shit all day. No wonder he smells like the inside of my asshole.”

“Damn, I bet this loser actually like smelling like a clogged toilet”

“Maybe we should help this piggy out then?” The two jocks then shared a look at each other and smiled, while PJ remained uncharacteristically quiet and still awkwardly adjusting his crotch.

“How about it piggy would you like us to help you out?” The squat jock taunted.

Fredrick shook his head mercilessly, he knew the worst was yet to come and he would do anything to stop it from happening yet Fredrick knew it was hopeless, nothing he had done had stopped this day from playing out in all its humiliating glory, nothing had stopped the jocks from filming him, nothing had stopped them from watching him fall and fart, nothing had stopped them mooing at him and pulling at his man tits, nothing stopped another whining fart escaping his ass and now nothing would stop the jocks from the last tortuous act. The squat jock turned around facing his wide, muscular ass in front of Fredrick, the sweat glistening over the curly black hairs and rounded cheeks.

“You like to stink fatty? Well then you’re going to love this” The squat jock cackled as he started to bend over and push backwards, his ass spreading and getting closer to Fredrick’s tear and sweat soaked face.

The sweaty ass descended in slow motion, Fredrick could do nothing just like he did nothing all those years ago. All he could do was watch as the sweaty cheeks started to spread, a sickening squelch could be heard as the cheeks started to part revealing the hidden hairy hole. As the cheeks parted, they released the smell, the smell of an unwashed, sweaty alpha jocks ass. Fredrick had no choice but to inhale, the vile stench of an unloved and uncared for asshole invading his senses, yet still the smell got worse as the ass inched closer. Fredrick had tried to move away, to hold his breath but just like before the blond jock clambered over and straddled his back, his naked cock and balls pressed into Fredrick’s back. However Fredrick couldn’t focus on the flaccid dick pressing into him as the blond jock roughly grabbed his head and held it in place as the squats jocks filthy ass engulfed his face. The smell was overwhelming, Fredrick had long repressed this most humiliating of moments and the odour of unwashed ass but now every element of that smell was brought back to him and shot up his nostrils burning them with the stench of sweat and hairy buttcheeks. The foul aroma made worse by the intense heat radiating from the puckered ring that was now pressing against Fredrick’s smushed nose.

“There we are, now that face of you can stink as bad as the rest of ya!” The squat jock laughed as he moved his ass around, mixing his ass sweat with Fredrick’s tears, coating his face in the foul salty fart smelling liquid. Fredrick moaned as he tried to breath, the ass was smothering him; he was suffocating on the disgusting rump of his bully.

“Can you hear that? The piggy likes the smell. You know when piggy’s are happy they snort” The blond jock snarled as he gripped Fredrick’s hair roughly. Fredrick needed to obey, he couldn’t breathe, if the jock didn’t move his ass he would pass out and god knows what the jocks would do then. Fredrick didn’t want to, but he also knew he had to, so with the last of his air he inhaled and snorted, like a pig enjoying his slop. The jocks both howled with laughter as the heard the pathetic noise escape the confines of the squat jocks ass. The snort burned at Fredrick’s nostrils the lack of clean air and the stench were vile and he had actively sniffed and snorted for more. Fredrick had never felt so disgusted with himself, he had never felt so humiliated and he had never felt so weak, this was the lowest point in his life and now he had experienced it twice. Fredrick hated this body, he hated this life and he hated how his younger self thought, he was so beaten down that he couldn’t even fight back anymore. Fredrick just prayed the nightmare would end once the torture did as well. As the jocks finished there laughing, the squat jock had one last final humiliation to gift Fredrick, with a grunt and strained look he let rip a groaning wet fart directly into Fredrick’s sobbing, snorting face. The smell was toxic, the heavy dense stench of protein bludgeoned Fredrick’s senses leaving him exhausted, his strength drained he slumped back down onto his fat belly his arms out in front of him as he cried, a blob sobbing on the gym floor. A big sweaty mess, stinking of ripe jock ass and wishing he could be anywhere else.

“See now you’ll smell just right, like the fat piece of shit you are” The squat hi-fived the blond jock and the pair started walking away, laughing at what they had just done. PJ however, followed but was not laughing at all and Fredrick swore he saw a wet patch on the front of his shorts.

Finally it was over, this is where the nightmare should end, and this was where Freddie crawled away to the shower and sat sobbing before finding his bag of clothes. Spending the evening cooking and eating, doing anything to forget what happened. However as Fredrick opened his eyes the nightmare took a different turn, through his bleary, teary vision Freddie watched as green smoke swirled and danced around each of his hands. The green smoke twisted and turned until something materialised under Fredrick’s chubby hands, something flat and partially shiny. With slight curiosity Fredrick grabbed the objects and brought them closer to his face, Fredrick now held in both of his hands some photographs. In one was a picture of him present day, his hunky, muscular body in a tight swim suit, his bulge quite visible, in the other was three balding, overweight men holding beers, each with shirts on that were far to tight that there man boobs were easily visible, it was a picture of PJ and the jocks. Something clicked in Fredrick’s head, something that now seemed like a lifetime away, a memory of him sitting on a beach gazing at a Cuban stud as he wished that he could show his bullies what the future held. Fredrick had now been given that opportunity, even though he had had to go through hell to get there, now was that time. If Fredrick hadn’t had just been milked, mooed at, forced to exercise and stinkfaced he might have walked away, but the hatred inside him gave him a renewed sense of confidence. Freddie hadn’t known what the future would bring, but Fredrick did and now it was his turn, he would show those jocks who would be the winner in the end he could show them who finally ends up on top. He was Fredrick a successful, rich, handsome play boy with the world at his feet while they were beer bellied, bottom feeders stuck in there pedestrian jobs in a crappy town. Filled with hatred, revenge and vengeance Fredrick managed to pull himself up from his puddle of sweat and to stand ready to face his demons.

“Hey get back here you lowlife, beer chugging losers!” Fredrick shouted, the wimpy submissive Freddie finally being pushed back.

All three of the jocks froze in place and turned around until the squat jock spoke “What did you call us fatty?”

“You heard me, while you’re on top now I know what the future brings. For me it’s sun, sand and sex but for you the future plays out a little differently” Fredrick smiled, for once in his life he was arrogant and he kind of enjoyed it.

“Fuck I’m gonna beat his ass!” the blond jock growled as he marched back towards Fredrick.

“No, no wait” PJ held back his friend as he turned and stared back at Fredrick confused and a little taken back by his confidence. “Freddie are you delirious from ass fumes or something? What the hell are you talking about?”

“No I’m not delirious you sick fuck, here! This is what I’ll look like in the future” Fredrick held up his picture, proud to display his toned, muscular body. “And here this is what you three losers will look like.” Fredrick tossed the picture of the chubby trio to the jocks, who picked it up and studied it. Fredrick expected them to be shocked but instead the group just looked confused. Fredrick’s confidence started to waver it wasn’t the reaction he was expecting but still he continued. “The app I make turns me into a millionaire who travels the world, my laptop and my ideas make me one of the most successful men on the planet. While you three losers barely graduate and live in this same dead end town, working the same dead-end job until you die, you’re only joy is that sad beer you share with each at the end of the week, where you talk about the good ole days. You may think you’re the shit now but in the end your just nobodies with failed dreams”

Fredrick felt a weight lift from him, he finally stood up to his bullies, he had finally confronted them and shown them what there shitty future would bring and it felt good. Fredrick no longer felt imprisoned by Freddie and his fear of the jocks, he no longer felt like the weak, fat loser they made him out to be. Fredrick was finally able to let go of all those unresolved feelings towards his bullies because he knew and now they knew who would be the one on top in the end. Fredrick stared at the trio expecting them to be devastated, he expected them to grovel at his feet and for them to beg him to change the future, well that’s what he wished would happen. Instead the squat jock and the blond burst into laughter once more, while PJ stood with a look of pity on his face.

“Fuck! I never knew my farts could get people high haha” the squat jock mocked.

“What a lunatic” the blond jock chuckled

Fredrick’s confidence was shook once again; this wasn’t how he thought this scenario would play out, but he could still bring it back, he could make them believe. If they wouldn’t consider that that’s what the future held then he would have to forced them to, he would give them details of the future tell them what’s to come and once they happened they would know that what he showed them would be the truth. They would be forced to live out their lives knowing that they would inevitably end up as drunk slobs. However Fredrick didn’t even get the chance, his confidence was almost shattered as he saw what happened next, one of the jocks pulled out a bundle of clothes and a bag from behind a cross trainer, but was not just any bag it was Fredrick’s. Fredrick had never lost his bag when he went to the shower, he hadn’t misplaced it was taken, Fredrick hadn’t ran into them by accident they had been waiting and now they had his bag which also contained his most precious possession, his laptop.

Fredrick was confused this was meant to be his vengeance, his moment to gloat and his moment to finally stick it to his bullies but nothing was going how he wanted it. The nightmare was still not under his control and now it was going into new territory, very dangerous territory. Fredrick didn’t know what was going to happen, this had never happened in the past. Fredrick wanted to wake up now, for a split second he was happy and had finally got the opportunity to show the jocks the future, so why was this all still playing out? Fredrick could feel his grip loosening again; he could feel the old anxious Freddie creeping in. Why wouldn’t this nightmare end? Fredrick stared with morbid curiosity as the squat jock rummaged around in his bag, completely in the dark at what could possibly happen next. Within seconds the naked jock had fished out his laptop and Fredrick heart skipped a beat, which caused Fredrick to lose more of himself to Freddie. The squat jock then dropped the bag and examined the laptop, before looking at Fredrick.

“So you’re telling us, that the key to this brilliant future for you and crap future for us all rests on the app you make and this laptop?” a cruel smile had now appeared on the squat jocks face and it soon infected the face of the blond jock too.

“Yeah that’s right, while I’ll be in the Caribbean you’ll be working 9 to 5” Fredrick tried to remain confident, but the anxiety and nerves were easily heard in his voice.

The blond jock then took the laptop and opened it up. “Oh so what would happen if you didn’t have this laptop of yours huh?”

Panic suddenly set in, this was unfamiliar ground for Fredrick, what was even happening? Fredrick was frantic but tried to remain calm, even if this was just a dream or a nightmare, it shouldn’t matter what happens in it, right? He would still be the hot millionaire when he woke up? However even his own reasoning couldn’t stop Fredrick from going into a nervous frenzy, this whole ordeal had been so real, so life like that the nightmare explanation no longer eased Fredrick’s anxieties. Fredrick’s future was all in that laptop, he needed it to be safe regardless of this whole fucked up flashback hallucination bullshit. So with as must confidence he could muster Fredrick replied “nothing, nothing would happen, everything is all saved. Our futures are set in stone”

“Oh is that so? Then it doesn’t matter what happens to this laptop then, does it? The blond jock taunted.

“Er No, not at all” Fredrick said his voice only wavering slightly.

“C’mon guys that’s enough, just leave the losers laptop and let’s go” PJ spoke, he seemed unusually rattled and it certainly out of character for him to defend Fredrick, perhaps the photograph had more of effect than Fredrick previously thought. However regardless of PJ the jocks continued there provocation.

“Shut up PJ, this fucker called us lowlifes and losers. I think he needs to be reminded who the real loser is here” The blond jock without a moment’s hesitation lifted the laptop high above his head and then slammed it into the ground.

Fredrick screamed as the laptop plunged into the hard gym floor, the plastic shattering and shards flying across the gym. With a pitiful lunge Fredrick found himself falling as well, his huge lumbering body toppling just in front of the mangled, shattered mess that was once his laptop. Fredrick was in shock, he couldn’t quite believe what had just happened to him. Everything he was or would be was contained in that laptop, his app, his business and his future now lay in a cracked mess on the gym floor. Yet it wasn’t over yet, the squat jock then crouched down his feet inches away from Fredrick’s face, as he grabbed a protein shake, unscrewed the top and poured the contents all of over the smouldering mess. The electronics cracking and sparking as the hard drive was completely and irreversibly destroyed and with it all of Fredrick’s hard work.

Fredrick didn’t know how to react, he knew the bullies were bad people but he never had seen them as pure evil. Fredrick was devastated and Freddie took control, the overwhelming feeling of loss, hurt and ruin swarmed his mind. All rationality was lost with the destruction of his laptop; even if it was a nightmare the experience was too real. His whole life was over, finished, and like never before Fredrick started bawling, wailing and crying without stopping, his eyes becoming blurry with tears, as the jock walked away. With each cry of pain, with each new tear shed Fredrick’s eyes became blurrier and with it the green smoke started to surround him, the last thing Fredrick saw as the smoke pulled him away was PJ walking over and crouching by him and just before he woke up he swore he heard the word sorry.

With a loud gasp Fredrick finally woke up from the most vicious, and frightening nightmare of his existence, he was terrified, he could feel the sweat covering his body and his breathing was laboured and difficult, but he was just glad that it was now over. Except something wasn’t right, instead of seeing the clear blue sky up above and hearing the gentle crash of the waves, Fredrick was staring up at a ceiling and the sound of a clock ticking could be heard. Fredrick immediately tensed up, this wasn’t where he was supposed to be, and this wasn’t even his hotel room. Where was he? Where was Raul? Fredrick slowly tried to look down to get a better look at where he was but it was difficult, like there was something blocking his chin and neck, something forcing them apart, something soft. Fredrick almost didn’t want to, but the sensations in his body came back to him and his body didn’t feel like the muscular Adonis that had been on the beach, he was taking up much more space. Like ripping off a Band-Aid Fredrick pulled back the covers. Fredrick only caught a glimpse but before he could look any longer he had propelled himself out of the foreign bed as his body led him into an unfamiliar bathroom, where he slammed the door shut and locked the door.

Somehow Fredrick knew that there would be a mirror behind him, a mirror that would show his entire body, a mirror that would let him see what he had become. Fredrick turned and looked at himself, there he was he was back to his appropriate age but this wasn’t his body, this was the body of Freddie.

Fredrick was on the verge of crying as he stared back at his large sweaty body, how had this happened? Why had this happened? Was this still part of the nightmare? However as Fredrick ran his hand down the front of his large bulbous gut he knew in his heart that this was real. Fredrick could only stare as the tears welled in his eyes; the body of his youth had followed him out of his nightmare and morphed into one suitable for his age. Instead of the toned, hard stomach he had before, instead of the gut he had in his youth Fredrick now sport a huge sagging belly with a huge fat apron that now covered his cock completely. His popping pecs gone, his man tits now hanging much lower than ever before and his nipples now truly looking like udders. The chiselled features he had earned had disappeared, the chubby chins he had gained had doubled and now it was difficult for him to even look down. His entire body had gained more weight and with the effects of age it all sagged much lower. Fredrick turned a small part of him hoping that perhaps his ass had been spared the alterations, but a large part of him knew that wouldn’t be the case. Fredrick looked in the mirror and let a tear fall down his face as he gazed at his massive hairy ass, the two mountainous cheeks dimpled with fatty creases and no definition what so ever, it was just a wall of fat, a giant cushion to rest his giant body on.

Fredrick couldn’t understand it, why wasn’t he his muscular handsome self, why had his old Freddie the fatty body followed him? What in the world had happened to him and his life? What kind of sick joke wa-


A loud trumpeting fart echoed throughout the bedroom next door and into the bathroom Fredrick was standing in. Fredrick froze at the sound, where had it come from and who from? Fredrick crept towards the door, unlocked it and let it creak open just slightly. Fredrick had been so startled by his own body he hadn’t fully taken in his surroundings. He had been in a bedroom; a bedroom built for two, two sets of oversized clothes littered the wardrobes and drawers around the room. Photos of two people smiling and laughing were seen in every corner and in the centre was a supersize bed, that would hold two supersize people and in that bed was one of them. A huge lumbering figure was sleeping, the breathing gently undulating the covers; a chubby arm then emerged and waved around a feeble attempt to rid the room of the foul smell it had just released. Fredrick stared, who was he sharing a bed with? Was it Raul? Had he stayed with him through this whole ordeal? Fredrick had no idea, but he wouldn’t have to wait very long to find out who his bed companion was, as with another grunt and sigh the body in the bed rolled over, its arms stretched out looking for a person next to him. However when it found only an empty space its head popped up and Fredrick slammed the door, it couldn’t be, it could never be, it would never happen. However as Fredrick opened the door barely a centimetre, he saw him as clear as day, the person he had been sharing a bed with was PJ.

This couldn’t be possible; Fredrick pinched his fat thigh just to check that he was real. Never in a million years would he choose to be in the same room as that monster let alone sleep with it. Fredrick stared hopelessly at his chubby reflection looking for answers and the trickster happily gave them to him, with a sharp searing pain Fredrick’s head stung as he received an avalanche of new memories.

The first strong memory Fredrick gained was of that tortuous day, the day his laptop and al his work was destroyed. Freddie no longer had a final project, he no longer had any assignments to submit so he was failed and forced back to his home town, where- Fredrick shook his head wildly.

“Wait no this isn’t real, my laptop didn’t get destroyed, that was a nightmare. It wasn’t real” Fredrick cried as he stared into his own reflection, but the new memories invading his mind told him otherwise as he brain ached again as more memories crammed their way into his mind. The force of them too strong for Fredrick to ignore

The next set of memories told him of PJ, how its turns out his bully did not hate him; he did not despise but in fact desired him. PJ was afraid of his sexuality and afraid of his feelings towards Freddie, he had seen how the school had treated him for being gay and did not have the courage to stand with him, so he did they only thing that would always keep him near Freddie, he tormented him. PJ used every opportunity to be near him, to touch him, to be close to a person he found unbelievably attractive and sexy. PJ lost sight of his feelings for Freddie as they were warped by his own perception of forbidden desire, leading him to become a bully that was unaware of the damage he was doing. Yet he convinced himself that it was ok, he would never let anyone else torment Freddie unless he was around and he would destroy anyone who would physical harm Freddie. Following the destruction of his laptop on that day, PJ almost received an awakening, he had never seen Freddie in such pain before and he knew he could no longer deny his feelings for the sobbing man in front of him or deny what he was. Once he heard Freddie had been failed he confessed everything immediately, getting himself and his two jock friends thrown out. PJ had hoped Freddie would return to college but the damage had already been done. PJ had decided on that day that he would devote himself to the man he loved and desired even if he feeling would never be returned, after all what he had done was unforgiveable. Fredrick now remembered as clear as crystal the day PJ had appeared on his doorstep, he almost slammed the door but seeing his bully in tears he hesitated. Freddie was not cruel and stood and listened to what PJ had to say, the one thing Freddie had never expect was a declaration of love, of fear, of cowardice and regret. His bully was on his knees begging for forgiveness, that he would do anything to make right what he had done. Freddie may have been kind but he wasn’t a saint, the jock in front of him had caused the worse days of his life and he wasn’t going to be able to forgive that any time soon. Yet PJ would not give up as everyday he worked to win over the affections of Freddie.

“AAAAAHH” Fredrick screamed at his reflection. This isn’t what was supposed to happen, he didn’t drop out of college, he never received a declaration of love from his bully and he never would have allowed him anywhere near him. Fredrick clawed at his head trying with all his might to rid his brains of the new memories of life he didn’t want to lead. Nevertheless the green smoke danced around his head as even more memories were forced into his brain.

The new set of memories detailed PJ’s devotion and redemption, every day Freddie would somehow receive a note, a phone call of meeting from PJ asking what he could do to make it up to him. These quickly became annoying to Freddie and one day his anger got the better of him as he told PJ to humiliate himself, just like he had done to him so many times over the years. Freddie had forgotten about his remark until the end of the day, when video that had been posted on social media appeared on his computer. The video was titled “I’ll do anything to make it up to you” and the contents both shocked and aroused Freddie. In the video was PJ completely naked, he was laying on his bed. The jock had then lifted his legs up revealing his virgin, pink puckered hole to the camera. He then retrieved a black butt plug from his bed side drawer, smothered it in lube and shoved in deep into his ass, wincing in pain as he did. Freddie couldn’t quite believe what he was watching, his bully, the most popular guy in town was now fucking himself with a butt plug all for Freddie’s benefit. At first Freddie felt guilty but as he watched the video, that guilt soon dissipated as he jacked his cock, enjoying how far the mighty PJ had fallen.

Even now Freddie could remember shooting his load when his big bad bully pulled out the used butt plug and shoved it in his mouth wiping it clean.

“NO NO NO” Fredrick cried this never happened, his brain was scrambled the memories of him being a rich play boy clashed with the new one infecting him. He didn’t fail college, he didn’t watch PJ fucking himself and he didn’t still have the body the size of a small car. He was a millionaire, he travelled the world, he had the body of a god and he fucked hot studs like… like… r-r. “ARRGH” why couldn’t he remember that guy’s name, he had it early what was it? But as Fredrick searched his memory for the hunk’s name he could not find it and the more he thought about it the less he remembered about him. Fredrick’s eyes went wide with panic, the memories weren’t just being added to his existing memories, and they were replacing them. Fredrick tried to focus, the more memories he let in of the new life the less room there would be of his old perfect one, he needed to remember who he should be, but even with his new resolve the new memories peeked into his mind.

Another sharp pain ran through his head as more recollections found their way into Fredrick’s mind, recollections of revenge. Even after his humiliating video PJ would still ask on a daily basis what he could do to make it up to him and now Freddie had some devious ideas. It started off with a chastity cage, one so tight that his cock would shrink, an inch lost for every year of Freddie’s life he made hell. Sure enough PJ showed up the next day with a cock cage and a key which he gifted to Freddie. The cock cage remained on for years and now PJ’s once proud cock was just as stubby and short as Freddie’s was currently. Next Freddie demanded that PJ never be allowed in a gym again, he had forced him out the gym so now he should be forced out as well. Without fail PJ ripped up his membership and over the coming weeks his body lost definition and became softer as it gained a decent layer of fat. That weight only continued to climb over the year, his old muscle still sometimes visible giving him more of a muscle bear vibe, but PJ could no longer be considered a jock. Finally Freddie demanded a daily humiliation from PJ, just as he had humiliated him on a daily basis PJ would now face the same punish. Now with an account on video sharing website PJ would upload a daily video of himself, sometimes it would be wedgies, sometimes it would be public humiliation but Freddie always had a thing for the chubbing out jock fucking his hole with his butt plug.

Nearly a year passed and PJ’s reputation was in tatters and his old friend’s had deserted him. At first Freddie was glad that the arrogant jock was now in the same place he had been, he was now living the miserable life he had inflicted on Freddie. Except Freddie wasn’t a cruel man, he saw the look of sadness, he saw the defeat in PJ’s eyes and it was almost heart-breaking to see part of himself in PJ. So the next time PJ asked what he could do to make it up to him, Freddie asked that he just be nice to him and so started the long courting of Freddie the fatty by PJ the bully.

Fredrick was almost dizzy as the new wave of memories settled in his mind, Fredrick knew he was losing himself. He could feel his old self being pushed back, just like how Freddie had taken over his mind before , he starting to do it again except this time he was much stronger. Fredrick was no longer in a timeline where he existed, all this world had ever known was Freddie, the poor, fat, kind Freddie and not the successful, rich and confident Fredrick. There had to be a way to reverse all of this, there had to be away to stop himself from changing the past. However Fredrick could only do one thing at a time, he could either defend himself from the onslaught of new memories or think of a way to reverse his new life. Then in that brief moment of indecision and another flock of memories flew into his mind.

Fredrick felt like his brain was on fire as the memories once again overwhelmed him, memories of the daily dose of happiness PJ promised to deliver. Every day a new gift was left for Freddie, the started off as standard presents, flowers, chocolates. DVDs etc but as the days rolled on they became more personal and more thoughtful. Love letters and poems, art and craft projects all left for Freddie and all displaying PJ’s love and devotion to him. As the days turned to weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years the daily dose of happiness was always there waiting for him and PJ covered nearly everything under the sun. PJ didn’t just stop at material goods, he paid for Freddie to attend a cooking school, he found him an internship once he graduated, he got him a job as a sous chef at a restaurant and even found listings for good apartments for him. It took over five years but finally Freddie agreed to let PJ take him out on a date and the rest was history. PJ was completely and utterly devoted to him, he was kind, he was caring, he did everything for Freddie, he even made him love his body, he made him comfortable. He encouraged him to follow his dreams to become a chief, to share his food and creations with everyone and now the pair of them owned a restaurant, one of the best in town. Freddie no longer had any insecurities about his physique, he was comfortable in his body and who he was and he had a loving devoted man that would literally do anything for him. He was doing something he loved with someone he loved. He was enjoying every day, he felt loved, and he felt protected he felt happy and even Fredrick could sense a bliss and euphoria of everything being just right, that he had never felt before. Freddie and PJ were truly happy together. Nevertheless Fredrick wasn’t Freddie.

Fredrick hadn’t lived those memories; he didn’t feel any kind of love or affection to the chubby beast in the bedroom behind him. In fact he detested him, that man had cost him a future of luxury, he had taken away his body, his money and his success and now he lived in a crappy apartment with his former bully, working every day in this cumbersome body. Freddie tore himself away from his reflection and stared at the yawning monster in his bed. If Fredrick could afford the mental resources he would was dived on that son of a bitch and done away with him regardless of the consequences. Yet the more he stared at the man that ruined his life the more he felt his body warm to him and his cock get hard at the sight of him. Fredrick was losing the battle and if he didn’t do something quick he would be trapped in his own mind as the new Freddie continued to live out his life of mediocrity. Fredrick tried to focus on his anger, he tried to focus on all that the man in the bedroom had cost him, he had lost his body… but now he was comfortable and secure in the one he had, he had lost him his business… but instead had created a new one for him where he could do something he loved each and every day and he had lost him his future… but instead he had a new one filled with fulfilment and love. Fredrick screamed internally no matter how hard he tried Freddie’s’ memories of love, compassion, forgiveness and optimism drowned him out. However nothing would be able to convince Fredrick, PJ had tortured him and he did not deserve to be part of his life. The as if on cue a light knocking came from the other side of the bathroom door.

“Hey babe, you want to mess around before work? I know how much you love this ass”

Fredrick cringed at the thought, he literally just heard the fat brute rip one, plus the thought of pleasing his bully disgusted him.

A sudden flash allowed for Freddie’s current memories of PJ to seep into his brain, the once arrogant, muscular jock was a far cry from what he used to be. Years of wearing a chastity cage had meant the impressive eight incher PJ had once possessed had been shrunk and shrivelled to a tiny two inch stub, plus when Freddie was feeling horny he would lock PJ up just for fun and tease him about how much more his cock had to shrink. The muscular, athletic physique PJ had always used to intimidate and entice people had been lost thanks to a ban on all gyms, his muscles had now been covered a generous layer of fat and with all the treats Freddie would cook, those layers were only going to get thicker. PJ now had a similar body to young Freddie, his body jiggled with any movement and his ass had grown exponentially making it the first thing anyone would notice about his body. PJ was never that comfortable with the changes to his body and cock, Freddie would sometimes catch him looking in the mirror with a forlorn expression, wishing he still had that hot, physically fit body. However PJ had lost that arrogance, the confidence and dominance he had in his youth to ask for it back, his devotion to Freddie had made him meek and submissive which Freddie would exploit, especially in the bedroom. Even now just picturing PJ naked was getting Freddie hard…

… ‘No! Snap out of it Fredrick’ Fredrick cried before giving himself a hard slap, however Freddie and his stubby little cock felt differently he was ready for a little bit of morning fun and headed towards the door. With the first step taken Fredrick knew that this would be the defining moment as soon as he engaged in any sexual acts with the monster next door he would be pushed back, trapped and forced to live out a life he had never wanted to live. Fredrick had to focus on that day, he had to focus on all the humiliation PJ had caused, how he made him feel worthless and pathetic and as Fredrick recollected those awful feelings it appeared that he was winning. Fredrick felt himself take more control; he stopped himself from taking another step as he pictured the jock next-door pulling on his man tits. As soon as that door was opened Fredrick knew he couldn’t stay, he just had to head for the door, naked or not he needed to escape the life Freddie had made for him. Fredrick pictured the hurtful jock in his mind, how he filmed him jumping as the jocks around him laughed and the feeling of complete and utter humiliation as his friend farted in his face. With a forceful push Fredrick opened the bathroom door and was met with an all mighty sight.

The huge spread ass of his lover drove Freddie mad and the sight of it, the lust and pure sexual attraction beat Fredrick out of control with in an instant. “NOOOOOOOOO” Fredrick cried as his stubby little cock got hard under his fat apron and he waddled up to the huge fatty cheeks. Fredrick had lost with absolutely no resistance Freddie shoved his cock deep in PJ’s waiting ass, the stinking butt cheeks only driving Freddie that much more into a sexual haze. PJ had successfully ruined Fredrick’s life for a second time, his huge fat butt causing him to be pushed back to a passenger in his own mind, watching and weeping as his huge sweaty body grinded into PJ and his new fat belly slammed down on top of his bullies back.

“Fuck me harder, Freddie the fatty”

“Take it all, PJ the porker”

Fredrick cried as he mourned the loss of his old life and his old perfect body. While Freddie was happy, Fredrick never would be, he knew the what if’s, he knew what his life should be like, he knew what PJ had cost him. Now he would forever be trapped in a loving relationship with a man he could not stand, forced to kiss, hug and fuck the demon that had cost him his millionaire play boy lifestyle, The only consellation in all of this and the only time Fredrick would truly be in control was when he got to fuck PJ hard and fast, making his former bully scream into the pillow below. Again Fredrick would be the one that came out on top but this time it was literal.

Well that was only when he didn’t have to eat out his PJ’s butt first and of course Freddie was sucker for former jock ass.

Somewhere not too far from here…

Now the trickster wasn’t one for leaving people out, see the future had also changed for the squat jock and the blond jock as well. Both had been expelled from college for their behaviour and a news story quickly blacklisted their names throughout the community. Big news in a small town travelled fast, no sports teams would have them and no business would hire such terrible people, so they were both left with minimal opportunities. The squat jock couldn’t stay in the town and became a trucker, travelling around the country, never having any friends, never having a connection with anyone. That sporty muscular body was hard to maintain when you’re sitting on your ass all day and eating nothing but fatty foods, so the years had ballooned him into an obese superchub that hadn’t touched his own cock in years.

The blond jock didn’t have the courage to leave his home town but the only job offered to him was one of a garbage man, his colleagues weren’t thrilled to have a homophobic bully that looked like a handsome teenager heartthrob join their ranks so made his life hell. They made him do all the work and took half of his pay check as well. His confidence was soon crushed as well as his self-esteem; while he maintained a somewhat trim body thanks to all the work he was forced to do people would avoid him like the plague thanks to his overpowering stench. Working with garbage made him permanently smell foul, so bad that even his parents didn’t want him in the house. The blond jock was forced to rent a basement from one of his colleagues who wouldn’t even let him use the shower or the washing machine. The blond jock smelt like a mixture of garbage, B.O and shit, his clothes were stained yellow and brown, people could smell him from at least ten feet away.

No one would even consider him as a friend, except one person. The squat jock and the blond jock would meet up whenever they were both in town; they would find a hotel room, buy some beers and reminisce about the good old days. The drunken pair both sad and alone would often finish the night with a drunk, sad blowjob, both of them sobbing as they remembered what their lives use to be like. The squat jock reliant on others to touch his cock and the blond jock just happy that someone would be around him for more than a few seconds. The squat jock would have to stand and lift his huge gut just so the blond jock could get to his hidden cock. The night would end with regret, disgust and sadness but it would happen all again the next time they met up. It’s a shame they ended up this way, if only they could go back change how things turned out, if only they made a wish.

Unfortunately even if they did, the trickster wouldn’t be listening.

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