Wednesday, December 5, 2018

See You On The Flipside: Cash Master

Warren hadn’t set out to become what he was now, in fact he was only posting pictures of himself on social media and everything kind of snowballed from there. Warren worked hard on his appearance, he exercised relentlessly to get his toned, muscle bound physique, he styled his hair perfectly, had a beauty regime that would make most girls jealous and he made sure he was always dressed in the most fashionable clothing. Naturally, the attractive twenty year old wanted to flaunt his good looks and style and so had started posting photos and videos of himself online. Warren was used to getting a lot of attention from women in real life but he was both shocked and disgusted at how much attention he got from men online. At first his messages and inbox’s were full of men complimenting his body and praising his physique, however the tone of the messages soon changed. Men would message him begging him to let them worship his muscles, asking him to send them his dirty underwear and pleading him to show his bare ass from them. Warren unsurprisingly ignored all the requests, he wasn’t gay and he certainly wasn’t some plaything parading around for the amusement of some fags on the internet, however once the men online stated how much they were willing to pay Warren had a change of heart. Wearing fashionable clothes and maintaining his body wasn’t cheap and the sums of money being offered to him were all too tempting for the arrogant, greedy jock.
Subsequently Warren started to take small requests, nothing gay or dirty, just some PG shots of him in a towel or skimpy underwear and the money started to trickle in. Once the word got out that Warren was taking requests the number of daily e-mails he received doubled. Warren actually started to enjoy the attention, even though it was just from some pathetic gays online, they worshipped him like a god and Warren couldn’t help but enjoy it. With his increased popularity Warren soon found he could take the money up front and charge a lot for some pictures that took only seconds to take. Most of the time he would just take the money and not even bother with the photos, sure he had a few pissed of people but what were they going to do? But what surprised Warren even more was that some of the losers online he took money from actually thanked him for stealing their money.  They would message him expressing gratitude that an alpha male like him would even pay attention to someone like them and they were all too happy to fund his lifestyle. Warren happily kept in contact with these guys and after a couple months Warren had good set of loyal cash slaves who would pay for anything he asked and all he had to do was acknowledge their existence.

That’s how Warren ended up a cash master; he would drain the bank accounts of the loyal group of losers who thought they mattered to him. Warren could now afford to buy himself the expensive jewellery and watches he always wanted; he could afford expensive treatments at the spa and could afford to live like a king. Except Warren wasn’t just living like royalty, he was a king and his pathetic group of cash slaves were his subjects and just like a King, Warren was disgusted by those he deemed lower than himself. Warren couldn’t believe that people would be so pitiful and lonely that they would give away there hard earned cash to someone just so they could be acknowledged and Warren let his subjects know that. Warren no longer even thanked his subjects, they were lucky if they didn’t receive some derogatory message, ridiculing their sexuality and their life in general. However the money still ended up in his bank account which only led Warren to lose any respect he had left for his subjects.  Warren enjoyed the extra money coming in but being the greedy narcissist he was he felt he deserved more, he was a king to these guys, their alpha, their god and he shouldn’t be spending any of his own money he should just be spending theirs. However even with his subjects he still couldn’t afford to live off just their donations, he needed more and that’s when he received an e-mail from Flipside. 
Warren had just finished off an e-mail to one of his subjects demanding that he pay for his grocery bill when he received a new message from an unfamiliar source. Normally cautious Warren was going to delete the e-mail but when he saw the subject involved an agency that dealt with models he became intrigued, after all the reason why he had started posting pictures to begin with was so he could get a career out of his good looks and style. As Warren opened the e-mail a quick green flash caused him to blink a few times before he continued on to read his new message.

Dear Warren, we have noticed your online presence and think that your charming personality, impeccable taste in fashion and your irresistible good looks would fit in perfectly at our company Flipside. We specialise in giving people the persona they need to succeed in the world of modelling and shows, as well as giving you a free full body make over just for signing with us. We think you’d be the perfect addition to the team and perhaps even our star. With great opportunities to spread your brand internationally, create a real name for yourself and have an even closer and more interactive experience with your fans, we think a position in company would be perfect for someone like you. Further details are below and if this sounds like an opportunity you would like to pursue then send a video reply with the words, “I wish Flipside would change my life!”

We hope to hear from you soon and we’ll see you on the flipside!’

Warren couldn’t help but smile as he read the e-mail, he knew he was handsome enough to model and it was only a matter of time before an agency found him. Plus with opportunities to travel and spread his brand he could attractive even more cash slaves to his sad, loyal group of subjects, what’s more he was internationally famous he could raise his prices even higher.  With the money from modelling and the added extra donations from his subjects he would be rolling in money, he might even be able to afford that sports car he had always wanted. After a few haphazard checks on the internet to confirm that the agency wasn’t a scam, Warren happily opened up his computer’s webcam. He was going to be a star; he would be the king of this agency in no time. The cocky jock then clicked a button, starting the video recorder and with a cocky smile Warren said in a sultry, sexy tone:

“I wish Flipside would change my life”

No less than a couple of seconds since Warren had sent the video did he hear a knocking at his front door. Warren had expected a friend or relative but instead he was greeted with a man dressed all in green with an almost sinister smile on his face. 

“Warren, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m so glad you’ve decided to join my quaint little agency, Flipside is lucky to have you. May I come in?” The green man didn’t wait for an answer as he barged his way past Warren and made himself at home in the living room.

“Wait you’re from the modelling agency?” Warren asked confused at how a man dressed all in green could possibly be working for the fashion industry.

“That’s right and I’m here to give you your free Flipside makeover” The green intruder just smiled as he looked Warren up and down.

Warren felt uneasy; he didn’t like how the strange man stared at him. “Hang on. I only just sent the video, how did you know I would work for you?” Warren said slightly worried that the stranger was now making himself comfortable on his couch.

“Oh come now, a young handsome man like yourself was bound to jump at the chance to be in a modelling agency. We just made a well educated guess”

“But how did you get my address?” Warren said, sensing the impending danger he slowly started to step backwards towards his front door.

“Oh I don’t know for god’s sake, let’s just say magic” The trickster said fed up of explaining himself and as he finished his sentence a few wisps of green smoke darted out from behind him and encircled Warren’s arms and legs. Warren tried to make a break for it but the smoke was much quicker than him, he barely even turned around before the green fog covered his limbs and left him frozen in place.

“What the fuck is going on here!” Warren cried as he desperately tried to move his body.

“I’ve told you. I’m here to give you your makeover, to give you a persona that Flipside would be proud to represent. Now come back here and take those clothes off so I can see what I’m working with.”

Against his will, Warren’s body obeyed the orders of the green man and walked back into his living room and stood in front of him. Warren tried frantically to stop himself but his body simply wouldn’t listen as it peeled off his tight shirt, threw off his baseball cap and slipped his jeans and underwear down his legs leaving him completely nude. 
Warren couldn’t help but blush a deep red, he had never been naked in front of another man before and he certainly hadn’t done it against his will. While Warren was overly confident when it came to showing off his physique his wasn’t as cocky when it came to revealing his dick. It wasn’t small but it wasn’t big either, as a strong alpha male Warren had always felt he had been cheated out of a big dick and so had always been ashamed of his average manhood. Now, standing naked in his living room with everything out in the open, Warren was anything but confident. “Dude, what the fuck is this? HELP HE-“ Warren was cut short as a small strand of green smoke darted into his mouth causing him to go mute. No matter how much Warren tried to shout, nothing would escape his lips.

“Now that’s much better, I think its best that you only speak when spoken to.” The green invader then gave Warren a sly wink before he started to encircle the naked jock inspecting every aspect of his body. The green trespasser soon made his way back to Warren’s front a let out a sigh.

“Ok, while I don’t have much to work with down there, the rest is adequate” the trickster said, loving how Warren squirmed with both embarrassment and anger at the demeaning comment.  “Now Warren you’re a money maker aren’t you?  You charge the most out of all the personal trainers at the gym and you make a hell of a lot of money off your fans, you’re a cash master or cash king as you like to be called. Well I think that role would be ideal for you at Flipside, you’re going to make us more money than any of our other models.”

Even though Warren was naked and frozen in place his egotistical and materialistic personality listened intently to what the green man was saying. Perhaps this Flipside wouldn’t be too bad, their methods were extreme but if they planned to make him a success and help him make the most money out of all their employees maybe it would be worth it. Warren had always dreamed about being a successful model, travelling the world, performing in shows, making huge amounts of money and fucking a different woman every night. His slightly deluded dream distracted him from his quite perilous situation as he continued to listen to the green man.

“Now in order for you to make the most money we need to make you accessible to a lot of people with a lot of different tastes.  We already have the muscles covered but now we need to make you more appealing to other audiences. Hmm what to do, what to do?” The trickster pondered as he folded his arms. “Ah I know.  Something that only seems to be growing in popularity is the notion of daddies, let’s start with that.”

Warren was confused, weren’t daddies older guys? How was this guy going to make him look like an older gruff dude, sure he could grow his beard out but that wouldn’t make him look that much older. Plus models were always young, hot guys like himself why would he want to look older? However as Warren was trying to figure how the green man was going to turn him into a daddy the green fog surrounding him had already started to take effect. At first the changes were subtle, the thick head of hair Warren sported had started to thin out at the sides and some of his muscle tone had diminished. Then Warren felt a prickling as hair started to sprout all over his body initially just on his face and pubic area but it soon spread. Warren frozen in place was unaware of the vast forests of hair sprouting on his chest, back and down his ass crack. However while the hair on the rest of his body grew the hair on his head retreated and receded further leaving him with very short hairstyle that was had receded greatly at the temples. As the prickling stopped Warren felt weaker as a dull ache came from his back as the years piled on. His once youthful face soon gained a multitude of creases and wrinkles as crow’s feet, laughter lines and a deep furrowed brow appeared on his face. No longer did he sport the tone and muscle definition of a young man but the slightly sagging pecs and flat stomach of an older daddy bear as a layer of flat covered the remaining muscle he had left. As the green smoke finished its work a few grey hairs peppered themselves on his face and chest, leaving Warren a very fit, forty-five year old man.
The green intruder seemed to noticed the very confused and frustrated expression on Warren’s now much older face “Oh how stupid of me, here” With a snap of his fingers and a flurry of green smoke a full length mirror appeared in front of Warren causing his mouth to hang open in shock as he stared at his new reflection. After a few stunned moments of staring at his new aged reflection, the panic finally set in and Warren started freak out. Gone was his youthful twenty year old face and body and replaced with one that was nearly fifty. Nearly thirty years of his life had been taken away from him, he had just lost the best part of his life, this wasn’t what he wanted at all. The trickster noticed the stricken expression on Warren’s face as he stared at the reflection and a devious grin spread across his face.

"What’s the matter Warren, not happy with the new look I’ve given you?”

“Why the fuck would I be happy with this? What have you done to me?” Warren felt like he was either about to cry or explode with rage. “You’ve taken my life away! You’re not turning me into a model your trying to kill me!” Warren shouted, if this guy could make him this old what was stopping him from going further? The thought of being a crippled old man in a wheelchair ran through his head, perhaps he should not be swearing at the man that seemed to be control of his entire being. “Look, I didn’t want this when I signed up for your agency. I think it would be better for both of us if you turn me back and leave” Warren said trying his hardest to sound calm and in control. Warren then let out a nervous chuckle “Plus only certain types of women are attracted to older guys, take it from me the ladies love a young hunk”.

The trickster smiled, this guy actually thought he could just leave if he asked nicely. It was going to be fun bursting his bubble “I’m sorry Warren the verbal contract you have with Flipside makes you their property so I’m afraid you won’t be leaving. Plus you don’t have to worry; while you look older you are still twenty and will still get a full life.” Warren tried to respond but soon found he was mute again and no words escaped his mouth. The now much older man soon lost his temper and mouthed every dirty word under the sun at the smiling green man. “Oh and thanks for your advice but you don’t have to worry about attracting women; your job is to attract the men. I mean that makes things a lot easier for you as they’re the ones you’re attracted too”

If Warren could have talked a loud “Fuck you, I ain’t no faggot” Would have been blasted across the room but instead the older man just shouted nothingness as a small tendril of green smoke darted its way in through Warren’s ear and into his brain.

“Oh you don’t believe me? Warren you’ve hid your sexuality well but it’s quite clear you’re gay”

“Fuck you!” Was all Warren could say as he stared daggers at the tormenting green man.

“Ok well let’s do a quick test and see if you can prove me wrong” The trickster’s smile broadened he was going to enjoy this. “Warren think back to your last girlfriend, picture her naked and having sex with her.”

Warren’s brain automatically began recalling his memories of his last girlfriend, a recollection of Valentine’s Day came to mind. She was wearing skimpy black lingerie, her boobs nearly bursting out the top. Warren remembered slowly stripping her down and running his hands all over his body before then fucking her senseless until the sun rose in the morning, it had been one of the best nights of his life. However as the memory rattled around in his brain no feelings of arousal sprung to mind, his dick didn’t even twitch when he remembered having sex with her and a slight feeling of revulsion appeared in his stomach when he recalled her privates. Warren couldn’t believe it; his dick just remained limp as he remembered then most sexually gratifying night of his life.

“Oh dear, looks like there not much activity going on down there.” The trickster said giving Warren’s dick a sharp flick causing him to wince in pain. “I know let’s try something different, how about you try picturing your last girlfriend’s dad?”

Warren’s eyes went wide as memories of his girlfriend’s father filled his head; the older, hairy man was much like him now.
The memory of accidently walking in on him getting changed dominated his mind, his furry belly, his wide chest and hairy pecs swirled around in his head. The man’s gruff, assertive voice rung through his head causing Warren’s dick to twitch, Warren prayed for his brain to stop but more memories of his girlfriend’s dad came to mind. The strong manly scent of him just coming back from the gym, the sweat patch running all the way down his back to his soaked underwear that was barely covering his wide, chunky ass. Warren’s dick continued to plump up as he recalled the dense forest of hairs poking out from the strong man’s ass crack. Warren was almost in tears as his brain focussed in on his girlfriend’s dad’s bulge, the strong, thick outline of a meaty cock was clearly seen in his tight gym shorts and with that last thought Warren’s dick was hard and a small drop pf pre-cum oozed out of the top. Here was no denying it, Warren was gay.

“Ah now that’s what I was looking for and seems you have a thing for daddies too. Ha and you wanted me to keep you young.” The trickster laughed taunting the newly homosexual Warren.

“No. No this can’t be right” Warren said almost in a whisper. “I’m not gay. I take money from pathetic faggots; I’m not one of them!” Yet even as the words drifted out of his mouth. Warren’s dick was still rock hard at the thought of his last girlfriend’s dad, pounding away at his tight asshole.

The trickster watched on as another blob of pre-cum dripped from Warren’s throbbing cock, whatever he was thinking about was really turning him on. “Hmm that could be a problem” The green man said to himself snapping Warren out of his pitiful stupor.  “As our cash master Warren we need you to be listening to our clients not your cock” The trickster then pulled Warren’s hard cock down before releasing it causing the erect member to bounce up and down. “So I think its best if they control your cock, not you”

Another plume of green smoke then surrounded Warren’s cock, a horrible constricting feeling radiated from his crotch. Warren looked desperately in the mirror trying to see what the green tyrant was doing to his dick, a sharp pulling sensation sent waves of pain through his body as Warren felt his cock being squeezed and pushed. A dull ache seemed now be present as Warren felt something cold wrap itself around his dick, the added weight then seemed to force his cock to hang downwards. Finally as the smoke cleared Warren saw a tiny padlock appear on top of his cock, Warren tried to scream as he sure that the padlock was now attached to a very tight, sliver chastity cage that was happily preventing him from having a full, comfortable erection.  Warren then watched as the green man came and pulled the tiny silver key out of the padlock and placed it on the side.

“Now that’s much better, try thinking about you ex-girlfriend’s dad now”

Warren willed for his brain not to obey the green bully, but once again the memories of the older man’s thick cock and wide ass filled his mind. His cock strained against the cage causing Warren a vast amount of pain and even though his cock couldn’t get fully hard it still leaked pre-cum dripping it all over his new chastity cage.
“I think its best if your fans decide how long you’re in that thing, just think of the money you could charge daily to keep yourself locked up.” The trickster said with the same greedy smile Warren had once had when he first saw the Flipside e-mail; however Warren was far from smiling as he stared hopelessly at his straining dick.

“I like your locked up look and by the looks of your cock so do you. Perhaps you’re a lot kinkier than you thought. Speaking of kinks, I think you’d be perfect for Flipside’s delve into the dark realm of BDSM. I mean you already know how much money can be made of dominant and submissive relationships, so it only natural that you take part in the same thing at Flipside.” The trickster was almost giddy with joy “Just imagine the requests and donations you’ll get, of course some would be crazy but you’re a cash master Warren, you’ll welcome them all as long as the money follows.”

Warren was actually quite relieved, if his green tormenter was going to change things at least he could still be the alpha male. A small grin appeared on Warren’s face at the thought of dominating and bossing around his fans. All the anger and frustration he was feeling now would all be directed at them, those tragic, wretched fags were going to get it. Cruel thoughts of whips and hot candle wax raced through Warren’s head, devious plans to make his poor subjects scream, he may be older and gay but he could still be a king.

“Oh you seem quite excited by this, so I better get you ready; your first show starts very soon.” The trickster smiled once more as coils of green smoke engulfed Warren’s frozen form.

As Warren stared into the mirror in front of him, he noticed his body didn’t seem to be changing, however what was on his body was. First a jet black jockstrap covered his caged cock and wrapped itself around his wide, hairy ass emphasising its size. Next a thick, chain link necklace appeared around his neck, the weight of it shocked Warren as it settled around his neck, the added mass making it a challenge to hold his head up. Warren once again stared at his reflection as a black armband wrapped itself around his right arm, he actually looked pretty intimidating. He could imagine himself standing over some weak, lowly gay sub, forcing his hairy, smelly feet into his face and demanding the faggot to inhale. Warren’s cock continued to ache in its cage as he pictured all the malicious activities he had planned for his submissive fans. However Warren’s lust was short lived as the green smoke enveloped his wrists and ankles. Thick, black bands wrapped themselves around his joints as a strong metal chain joined them together, Warren struggled in vain as his ankles and wrists became bound together. A long snake of green smoke slithered up from ground and encircled his new wrist restraints before then manifesting into a bulky coil of rope tying Warren to the floor. Warren frantically pulled at his restraints but the tight chains and rope kept him standing in place, he was trapped. As Warren continued in vain to struggle free, he barely noticed the pair of black suction cups that attached themselves to his nipples, the vacuum already getting to work making them bigger and more sensitive. Lastly a sharp pain attacked Warren’s left arm as black ink soaked into his skin, as a few tribal tattoos appeared on his sleeve however nestled in between them was a phrase Warren couldn’t quite see.

“Well Warren what do you think of your new bdsm look?”

“Get me out of these fucking chains now!” Warren had been reasonably calm up to this point, but he could no longer take it, he had lost his youth, his sexuality and access to his cock he wasn’t going to lose his freedom as well. Warren pulled hard at his restraints “What is this? Why am I chained up? How am I supposed to be king if I’m locked up! I’m supposed to be the dominant one, I’m supposed to be the king and I’m supposed to be the alpha ma-“


With a click of the trickster’s fingers a billow of green fog surrounded Warren’s face, his mouth was forcefully pushed open as something large and round materialised in his mouth. The foreign object in his mouth then sprouted two leather straps that quickly wrapped themselves around Warren’s head. As the smoke cleared Warren quickly looked to the mirror to see what had happened and with wide eyes Warren screamed but all that could be heard was a muffled squeal.
“Much better, I like you much more when you’re not talking and I think your fans will to” With another click of his fingers the green man went behind Warren and removed another key from the padlock that had just appeared around his brand new ball gag. The green bully then placed the key next to the one that would unlock Warren’s cock “You see Warren we at Flipside don’t want you to be dom, no no no we have that covered. What we really need are some willing, obedient submissive’s and from the way you’re all tied up I think you’ll be perfect.” Warren tried to shout and break free from his chains but it was hopeless, his screams were muffled and the ropes and chains were far stronger than his aged body. “We at Flipside want a cash master, someone who will do anything for money and who better than a man who describes himself as the cash king. Man, the things you’ll be willing to do for a few donations, it’s crazy really but you’ll do anything to please your fans and your master”

Warren’s eyes went wide as he heard the last word the green intruder spoke, suddenly a loud banging came from Warren’s front door causing Warren to jump in fright. A look of pure fear appeared on Warren’s face as the trickster let in his new master, the man was a giant he must have been well over six foot probably close to seven. The tall, bulky man took a few heavy steps before standing in front of Warren, his huge frame casting a shadow over Warren’s diminutive body. The man was covered in thick hair, his chest, face and back dense with the curly black fur. His strong barrel stomach and heavy pectorals made him look wide and intimidating, it was a wonder that a man such as this could even go through doors normally. His powerlifter physique wouldn’t be complete without a set of mountainous biceps and thick tree trunk like thighs, his huge hairy ass jutted outwards thick with muscle and fat. Warren’s eyes couldn’t help but gaze downwards as he as the obscene bulge snaking its way down the giant’s thigh, his cock had to be a minimum of eight inches and from what Warren could tell the giant wasn’t even erect. All Warren could do was look pleadingly upwards at the hirsute man, his tattooed torso covered with inked patterns and images of leather daddies smoking cigars. The giant became even more intimidating as Warren looked closer at what he was wearing. Black rubber gloves covered his ginormous hands; with size fourteen leather boots covering his hairy feet. Chains were draped across his chest and a pair of tight leather chaps hugged his bulky legs and thighs, his titanic ass poking out the back only covered slightly but the leather belt which seemed to have all sorts of accessories attached to it, including a whip, a paddle and what seemed like a butt plug. Warren was so afraid but his body betrayed his mind, he was literally drooling from both his mouth and his cock. The powerful man in front of him was turning him on, his overbearing presence, his masculine appearance and his overpowering musky scent had made Warren so aroused that he almost cum just from standing in front of such strong specimen of a man.
“This is Master Atlas, but you will only address him as master” The trickster said while marvelling at the titan standing in front of him. “He’s here to make sure you fulfil any request sent to you, but I doubt you’ll need much persuading you wouldn’t want to do anything to disappoint your master”

A piercing pain ran through Warren’s head as it became filled with new submissive notions and thoughts. Warren tried to think about how he was going to escape this nightmare when an overwhelming feeling of guilt and fear consumed. He wouldn’t want to displease master would he? He wouldn’t dare make master angry? His job was to satisfy and gratify his master why would he ever leave? Warren tried his hardest to shake the new submissive thoughts from his head but it seemed impossible as all his waking thoughts revolved around the giant behemoth in front of him. His life now revolved around the hairy giant and while Warren hated what he was becoming his cock did not, as thoughts of pleasing his goliath caused a pathetic spurt of cum to drip from his dick. A tear fell from Warren’s face as he realised his new body and mind wouldn’t dare even think about leaving his master, he was stuck, trapped with a man who would be his whole world from now on and he didn’t even know who he was.

The trickster smiled as he saw the hope fade from Warren’s eyes, he had nearly broken him but he still had the finishing touches to make to Warren’s new life and persona. “Right then Warren I think it’s nearly time for your first show. Atlas would you mind getting Warren ready and I’ll get this place looking a bit more appropriate” Once again green smoke emanated from the evil green man and spread across the room. Master Atlas proceeded to undo the rope connected to Warren’s restraints and pulled it firmly, tugging Warren to his bedroom. Warren couldn’t even resist as he was led to his bed and pushed roughly onto it, his master then tied the rope to something on the other side of the bed. Master Atlas then made his way around the back of Warren lifting his lower half onto the bed before then restraining his ankles to the bed posts. Warren knelt hopelessly as his fat ass cheeks were spread open and his virgin hole winked at his master.
Warren was completely unprepared as his master shoved a fat lubed up finger into his asshole, violently loosening up his tight hole, his master then slapped his ass hard enjoying watching it jiggle. This continued for some time and all Warren could do was yelp into his ball gag, as Warren lay there his ass being probed the green smoke spread to his bedroom and it’s contents began to change. Warren watched as his dresser top and back wall filled with sex toys, dildos and butt plugs of all different sizes. Fleshjacks and anal beads, chastity cages, cock rings and penis pumps littered his bedroom. A large contraption took the place of his treadmill, at first Warren couldn’t work out what it was but as his eyes looked it over and saw the large black dildo attached to a long rod he realised it he now owned a fuck machine. Warren watched defeated as his bedroom morphed into a kinky depraved sex dungeon and a small setup of a computer and webcam appeared in the centre. The monitor flashed with the Flipside logo and a counter that was close to reaching zero.

“Well looks like it’s nearly time for your first show Master Atlas and Warren.” A pensive look appeared on the green man’s face and Warren’s stomach churned dreading what his tormenter was thinking up. “Hmm Warren just doesn’t flow anymore, that’s the name of a strong, alpha male, someone who takes charge and is the envy of all other men and well you just not that anymore “ As if to illustrate the point Atlas landed another hard slap onto Warren’s hairy jiggling ass causing him to yelp in pain. “I think it’s best if we take that name away from you. I mean your master here only refers to you as his slave so why shouldn’t everyone else?” The evil grin on the green man’s face caused Warren to shiver in terror as another spasm of pain ran through his head.  He didn’t want to be called Slave he was… but nothing came to Warren’s head the only name he could think of was Slave. Warren tried frantically to recall what his name had been before, but as he searched his memories only Slave was present. Warren’s eyes began to well with tears as he realised his old life was gone and his new life as Slave was just beginning.

“You ready Slave? It’s time to reveal your new Flipside persona to the world” The trickster laughed as the counter on the computer reached zero and almost immediately the chat filled with hundreds of men watching and waiting for what was going to happen next.  Warren tried desperately to get free from his shackles, he didn’t want the world to see the once dominant, alpha cash master be reduced to an old perverted slave, however Warren’s new persona was in control now and Slave happily wiggled his fat ass at his master begging it for attention. As if on cue a loud ping could be heard from the computer as master Atlas peered down and walked over to the wall of sex toys.

“Looks like your first request and donations are already coming through, you really will be our biggest money maker” The trickster chuckled as the giant then plucked a large black butt plug from the wall and returned to his waiting slave. Both Warren and Slave screamed, one in pleasure the other in pain as their master shoved the thick plug violently into their virgin hole. Tear’s ran down the tied up slaves face as he was brutally fucked with the unnaturally wide toy, before it was wedged deep in his ass as another dreaded ping rung out through the room. While the tears dripped from Warren’s face, his new slave persona took more control; his cock was once again rock hard as he gained sexual gratification from pleasing his fans and his master. His body now eagerly and nervously awaited the next punishment as Slave squeezed his ass around the ginormous plug.
“Oh look another request already and that donation is sizeable” The trickster said with glee as Master Atlas returned with a large wooden paddle. The first strike across Warren’s hairy ass caused him to wail in pain, his ass stinging from the strike; however that pain only intensified as his master continued to spank his fat ass. With every strike Warren cried new tears and his cock dripped more pre-cum, he looked pleadingly up at the green man as he walked in front of him, his eyes begging the green tormenter to let him go.

“Look at all the money you’ve made and its barely been five minutes” Warren’s eyes strained to look at the tip counter on the computer that was already close to becoming a four digit number. “And its only your first show, you’ll be rich in no time” The trickster then chuckled “Well Master Atlas will be, after all it would be silly to let a slave handle its own finances. Perhaps if you lucky he’ll spend some of that money on you” But as Master Atlas landed another harsh blow on Warren’s reddening ass the trickster highly doubted it. “Well I better get out of the way, the shows only just begun and I’m sure your fans have a lot of things planned for you” The trickster walked away leaving Warren’s crying defeated face, which soon contorted into a pained expression as another fierce spank struck his sore ass. Gone was the dominant, cocky jock who thought he was superior to all homosexuals, gone was the man he demanded money from his fans and gone was the man who had his own life and personality. Replaced by a man who would submit to his master without hesitating, a man who would do anything for his perverted fans, a man whose life revolved around his giant tortuous master, gone was a man replaced with a slave.

The trickster smiled and rubbed his hands together as he walked away from Warren, his muffled cries of pain barely audible through his ball gag. The trickster then let out an evil laugh, if Warren was crying now just wait until he see what happens when someone tips over a thousand.


Oh well it looks like he won’t have to wait very long after all.

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