Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another Birthday Wish

It was nearly midnight and for once Brandon was actually looking forward to his birthday, normally it would be a quiet meal with the family but this year it was going to be packed. Not only was he going to be eating and drinking a ton but he was also going to be meeting up with some of his favourite people. First he was having breakfast with Ash, his chilled surfer friend from back home who always wore the cutest undies. Even though Ash was straight Brandon couldn’t help but check out the usually tight, pink underwear that clung to his friends round, toned ass. Next he was meeting up with his best friend Mike for a coffee, the pair hadn’t seen each other in a while so it was bound to be fun. Mike was always the joker, pulling pranks and making everyone laugh, Brandon especially enjoyed it when Mike would rip his massive farts not only was it hilarious it always astounded Brandon how such a foul stink could come from such a skinny guy! After that was a quick PT session with Ryan, Brandon had been going to the gym for a year now and it only felt right training with Ryan. The guy was friendly, encouraging, a good mate and damn was he hot. Brandon would often have to stop himself from staring at his personal trainers rippling muscles as he demonstrated what he needed to do. Brandon was also convinced that Ryan had the plumpest arse he had ever seen, that perfect bubble butt not only motivated Brandon to work out but also to enjoy heading to the gym. Then lastly it was a couple of drinks with his work buddy Craig, usually Brandon would only socialise with him at work but Craig had convinced him to meet at the pub in the evening. While Craig was cool to work with, Brandon was unsure how it would be in a more social environment. After all Craig was renowned for his drinking abilities around town but really that's all he knew about him. Brandon was actually quite looking forward to getting to know Craig better, maybe it could be the beginning of a new life long friendship. Brandon chuckled as he looked at his phone checking the opening times for the cafe he was going to have breakfast at tomorrow. It was certainly going to be a long but exciting birthday… well it would have been.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Time to Gloat (Part 2)

Fredrick felt a shiver run up his spine as he slowly turned around to see the pale blue door slowly swinging open, what should he do? Should he slam it shut and hide with his old disgusting body or run for the hills hoping he would find some way to make the dream end. Fredrick looked at the door and his reflection, he should stay, even if he had to stare at himself for an eternity it would be better than going out that door and continuing one of the worse days of his life. Even just standing with the door open made Fredrick nervous and he moved his hand to cover his fat little nub of cock. Yet Fredrick couldn’t bring himself to close the door, a part of him was still defiant. Why should he have to worry? Why would he care if he had to endure that day again? After all this was just some fucked up dream, at the end of it all he would still be the muscular, playboy on the beach with a cock sucking himbo waiting for him, the changes weren’t real. Fredrick squirmed, the dream was so vivid that his old anxiety was preventing him from being himself and the sad squeaky fart that eeked out of his sweaty rump illustrated everything perfectly, why was he acting like his old self? He was a confident and successful man, not the pathetic boy he had once been, he may have the body but he was not Freddie. With a new surge of confidence and a wisp of green smoke Fredrick found himself stepping closer to the open door. He could do this, it was just a nightmare and whatever was thrown at him he could face after all he had done it before. With a large confident stride Fredrick took his first step out of the pale blue prison that had just tormented him and out into the campus gym, a place Fredrick had never returned to and he was about to relive why that was.

Time to Gloat (Part 1 of 2)

Fredrick couldn’t believe how his life had turned out, here he was lying on a golden sandy beach with a fancy cocktail in his hand watching the waves lap the shore. It was a far cry from the dead end, backwater little town where he had gone to school and college. A place with no opportunities and no future, but Fredrick had got out. Having made millions off an app he developed in college, he now never had to worry about money or bills ever again, he could spend his days on beaches and boats living a life of leisure. As Fredrick sat contemplating his life, a shiver ran down his spine at the very thought of still being trapped in that hell hole. It hadn’t been easy getting to where he was now, his childhood and years in education had always been filled with bullies and those who wanted him to fail. See Fredrick had been quite a typical nerd at school, preferring the company of books and computers to that of people. His dedication to his grades and his thirst for knowledge were not exactly qualities kids his age were looking for in a friend, meaning Fredrick spent most of his time alone. His lack of social skills and friends often led to him being left out and ignored but this was only increased when Fredrick realised he was gay and foolishly came out to the wrong person. Growing up gay in a small community and with immature peers can be difficult and Fredrick had learnt this the hard way. The friends he had made soon disowned him and even the support he had received from his teachers diminished. Thankfully a loving and supportive family were behind him otherwise he could have fallen quickly into despair. However even though he was a nerd, even though he was gay Fredrick faced the most torment over his body and the extra hundred pounds of fat that covered him. People can be cruel, the small comfort Fredrick found was in food not just eating it but making it as well. Fredrick took great pleasure in making all kinds of dishes and desserts, he adored baking and crafting with sugar and chocolate but besides his family he never had anyone to share his creations with, so he ate them. Fredrick had fallen into a vicious cycle, he would be bullied and tormented because of his weight, so in order to feel better he cooked and he ate, the delicious treats only contributing to his already chubby body. It wasn’t until he had escaped that town and the torment where he amassed the funds to finally change his body and his life, now he couldn’t be happier.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Imposters: Evan

Evan was barely able to contain his fury and frustration as he stared at the giant oaf across the room, it was all William’s fault that they were in this mess now and it was that lumbering idiot that dragged him into this stupid little group to begin with. Evan huffed as he paced around the room not even making eye contact with the other man across the lounge, he had been quite content tricking and scamming by himself but with his silver tongue William had convinced him that working together could net them both bigger sums of money.  Sure William had been right, he had been richer than ever before but now, now he was holed up with these morons waiting for either the police or the mob to bust down the front door, find them and god knows what else. Evan rubbed his head; surely there was a way out? Surely there was a way he could throw these chumps under the bus? Surely he wouldn’t meet the same fate as these imbeciles?

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Imposters: William

William stared silently as he held his pool cue and glass of scotch, he wasn’t concentrating on the game, nothing could divert his attention from the future that awaited him and the other two men in the room. None of them were even making eye contact, just idling around the expensive penthouse trying to do anything to take their minds off their impending fates. See William and his associates were criminals, no good cheaters, scammers and con-men, or tricksters as they would playfully refer to themselves. These men would rob and steal from anyone who had a substantial amount of money, regardless of age, gender, race or background, if you had money they would find a way to take it from you. William and his colleagues had met a few years ago and with their combined skills they were able to trick almost everyone, leading each of them on the verge of being millionaires. They could have retired a year ago, be sun bathing on a beach and getting drunk with friends every night but greed had led them to continue and thanks to William all of them were now royally screwed.

See You On The Flipside: All The World's A Stage

Romeo had come from a family of actors, his grandparents, his parents, his siblings even his cousins, aunts and uncles all were actors so naturally Romeo wanted to follow in his family’s footsteps. From a young age it was clear that Romeo had talent and he let everyone know it, he had always stood out at school, getting the lead in every play or musical production. Even the local theatre troupe asked him to join where he would often shine and out class most of the other members.  It was in his youth around eighteen that he was approached by some TV producers who offered him a role on a new teen drama. Romeo gladly accepted even though his family advised him not too, Romeo saw this as an opportunity to really get the attention, adoration and appreciation he felt he deserved. Thankfully his genetics had also blessed him with devilish good looks and a trim, toned body so unsurprisingly Romeo was cast as the school heartthrob, an arrogant jock who spent most of time without a shirt on. The show was a success and Romeo proved very popular, his social media accounts were close to a million and teen girls would notice him where ever he went. Not to mention women practically threw themselves at him and more often than not he was going home each night with a different girl to have sex with.  However despite his talent, good looks, fit body and popularity Romeo never felt he had achieved the same level of success as the rest of his family. They believed that an actor’s true value and talent could only be derived from his performance on the stage and although no one ever said anything to him, Romeo knew his family did not respect his work on TV. Romeo craved their respect and their success and at the first opportunity departed from his TV show to pursue a more rewarding career in the theatre. Romeo was offered countless other TV and film roles but he turned them all down, if he wanted to prove his calibre as an actor to himself and his family he would have to do it the same way they had.

You'll Never Go Back

Jason was doing yard work when he got the notification on his phone, yet another news bulletin that he didn’t know how to switch off. Annoyed he pulled out his phone and soon an expression of disgust and anger washed over his face as he read the headline of the story, another rally protesting against police brutality towards the black community. For most people this would have been a positive thing, a way to campaign for change against something that was immoral, wrong and damaging to society, however Jason didn’t feel that way. Jason saw this as another attack against his white culture and privilege, just another way for him to be victimised as a white male. Jason plain and simple was a racist, a xenophobic conservative living in an area that supported his views but even though he was just as passionate as the next backwards right wing nutjob he was outcast because of his sexuality. Sure he could campaign to keep certain statues up and condemn certain movements but it would all be ignored because he loved the taste of cock. Nevertheless Jason wasn’t going to give up on his ideals and views and still he joined in with his hate filled community and at one of those bigoted meetings he met the guy he was now obsessed over.

Another Birthday Wish

It was nearly midnight and for once Brandon was actually looking forward to his birthday, normally it would be a quiet meal with the family ...