Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Imposters: William

William stared silently as he held his pool cue and glass of scotch, he wasn’t concentrating on the game, nothing could divert his attention from the future that awaited him and the other two men in the room. None of them were even making eye contact, just idling around the expensive penthouse trying to do anything to take their minds off their impending fates. See William and his associates were criminals, no good cheaters, scammers and con-men, or tricksters as they would playfully refer to themselves. These men would rob and steal from anyone who had a substantial amount of money, regardless of age, gender, race or background, if you had money they would find a way to take it from you. William and his colleagues had met a few years ago and with their combined skills they were able to trick almost everyone, leading each of them on the verge of being millionaires. They could have retired a year ago, be sun bathing on a beach and getting drunk with friends every night but greed had led them to continue and thanks to William all of them were now royally screwed.

See You On The Flipside: All The World's A Stage

Romeo had come from a family of actors, his grandparents, his parents, his siblings even his cousins, aunts and uncles all were actors so naturally Romeo wanted to follow in his family’s footsteps. From a young age it was clear that Romeo had talent and he let everyone know it, he had always stood out at school, getting the lead in every play or musical production. Even the local theatre troupe asked him to join where he would often shine and out class most of the other members.  It was in his youth around eighteen that he was approached by some TV producers who offered him a role on a new teen drama. Romeo gladly accepted even though his family advised him not too, Romeo saw this as an opportunity to really get the attention, adoration and appreciation he felt he deserved. Thankfully his genetics had also blessed him with devilish good looks and a trim, toned body so unsurprisingly Romeo was cast as the school heartthrob, an arrogant jock who spent most of time without a shirt on. The show was a success and Romeo proved very popular, his social media accounts were close to a million and teen girls would notice him where ever he went. Not to mention women practically threw themselves at him and more often than not he was going home each night with a different girl to have sex with.  However despite his talent, good looks, fit body and popularity Romeo never felt he had achieved the same level of success as the rest of his family. They believed that an actor’s true value and talent could only be derived from his performance on the stage and although no one ever said anything to him, Romeo knew his family did not respect his work on TV. Romeo craved their respect and their success and at the first opportunity departed from his TV show to pursue a more rewarding career in the theatre. Romeo was offered countless other TV and film roles but he turned them all down, if he wanted to prove his calibre as an actor to himself and his family he would have to do it the same way they had.

You'll Never Go Back

Jason was doing yard work when he got the notification on his phone, yet another news bulletin that he didn’t know how to switch off. Annoyed he pulled out his phone and soon an expression of disgust and anger washed over his face as he read the headline of the story, another rally protesting against police brutality towards the black community. For most people this would have been a positive thing, a way to campaign for change against something that was immoral, wrong and damaging to society, however Jason didn’t feel that way. Jason saw this as another attack against his white culture and privilege, just another way for him to be victimised as a white male. Jason plain and simple was a racist, a xenophobic conservative living in an area that supported his views but even though he was just as passionate as the next backwards right wing nutjob he was outcast because of his sexuality. Sure he could campaign to keep certain statues up and condemn certain movements but it would all be ignored because he loved the taste of cock. Nevertheless Jason wasn’t going to give up on his ideals and views and still he joined in with his hate filled community and at one of those bigoted meetings he met the guy he was now obsessed over.

A Confidence Boost

Thomas stared forlornly out of his dorm window, barely able to comprehend what he was watching. Just outside his window was the girl he had lusted over for so many weeks, Thomas had put in the time, built a friendship and was working up the courage to finally ask her out but it looks like it was all for nothing. As Thomas stared at the beautiful woman he had hoped to make his girlfriend, anger bubbled up inside him. There she was parading outside where he lived kissing some dumb, ape like jock. Thomas couldn’t understand it; he was a nice, intelligent guy why would she pick that dumb, smelly muscular brute over him? Thomas clenched his fists, this always happened to him the girls always went for the idiot jocks not the smart, kind guys.

The Closing Argument

Terrence fiddled around with his papers; he had been taken by surprise as the criminal he was prosecuting had barged into his office. The guy; Snake Graves was guilty and Terrence’s client was adamant about sending him to jail and was paying Terrence a handsome fee to make sure he went down.  The young punk had been arrested numerous times for a variety of minor offences, but this time it just happened that he stole the wallet of a very important businessman who was pushing for the harshest of sentences. Snake was now in front of Terrence but he wasn’t angry or remorseful in fact it seemed like he didn’t have a care in the world even though after tomorrow he could be spending ten years in prison. Snake would be in his late thirties when he finally would be free, his youth wasted in a cell yet he stood with a cocky arrogance in front of Terrence, waiting for the lawyer to speak. Terrence had only known the man for a few days but he already had a deep loathing for him. The thug was dressed inappropriately, had tattoos and piercings and didn’t seem to care about anything, not even himself. Terrence hated people who had all the ridiculous ink and metal across their body, it was as if they had to be the centre of attention, they had to be different and they couldn’t just fit into society. It was probably the reason why Terrence had become so interested in law, the order and structure was something Terrence enjoyed enforcing and why he hated people like the man in front of him. Snake had made his way in life by mooching off others mostly through crime or manipulation, unlike Terrence who had worked hard to be successful. Snake was everything Terrence despised and staring at the punk now Terrence was glad that a waste of space like him would be locked away. Terrence shuffled his papers again trying to hide his brutal, destructive and hateful closing argument that was sure to extinguish any hope left that this thug should be allowed to go free.

The Perfect Fit

Hugo tensed up, held his breath and mindlessly flicked through the pages of the magazine not even caring to look up at the guy stomping around his apartment, a pathetic attempt to look busy as he waited for his front door to slam shut. Once Hugo heard the loud bang he finally relaxed and let out a long exhale, before getting up from the bed and peeking out his bedroom window as the guy he was seeing marched down the street. Winston was his name and up until very recently Hugo had thought he could have been the one, the guy he would spend the rest of his life with, but after what Hugo had just seen the relationship was never going to happen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Daddy Knows Best

Bobby had just graduated university and had gained a degree in economics and accounting, normally graduates have to search for weeks to find a job however with Bobby’s looks and superior charm he was able to get one just a day after finishing his studies. It had only been a few months but Bobby was already earning just as much the other men at his company, his way with numbers and his way with words meant he was easily climbing the corporate ladder. With his substantial pay check Bobby was able to dress himself in the finest tailored suits, buy the most flashy watches and jewellery; what’s more he now had his own personal trainer to keep him looking muscular and trim. Bobby couldn’t wait to show off how successful he had been to his university friends, all of them had decided to meet at the local mall before then heading out for drinks.

Bobby had just got a taxi from his office and had started walking to the food court when out of the corner of his eye he spotted someone familiar.

See You On The Flipside: Cash Master

Warren hadn’t set out to become what he was now, in fact he was only posting pictures of himself on social media and everything kind of snowballed from there. Warren worked hard on his appearance, he exercised relentlessly to get his toned, muscle bound physique, he styled his hair perfectly, had a beauty regime that would make most girls jealous and he made sure he was always dressed in the most fashionable clothing. Naturally, the attractive twenty year old wanted to flaunt his good looks and style and so had started posting photos and videos of himself online. Warren was used to getting a lot of attention from women in real life but he was both shocked and disgusted at how much attention he got from men online. At first his messages and inbox’s were full of men complimenting his body and praising his physique, however the tone of the messages soon changed. Men would message him begging him to let them worship his muscles, asking him to send them his dirty underwear and pleading him to show his bare ass from them. Warren unsurprisingly ignored all the requests, he wasn’t gay and he certainly wasn’t some plaything parading around for the amusement of some fags on the internet, however once the men online stated how much they were willing to pay Warren had a change of heart. Wearing fashionable clothes and maintaining his body wasn’t cheap and the sums of money being offered to him were all too tempting for the arrogant, greedy jock.

Fitting In

Kieran always knew he didn’t fit in where he had grown up, he had been brought up a middle child, in a crappy little flat filled with way too many brothers and only their dad to control them, he had been dressed in cheap knock offs and fakes, what’s more had only been fed the cheapest and unhealthiest food. As Kieran grew up he knew he was destined for better things, unlike his seven brothers he tried hard in school and instead of going down the pub to get pissed he did his homework. Instead of playing football down the field he played rugby and joined the school’s tennis team. Instead of robbing houses and drinking beer in the park Kieran had attended after school clubs and studied. Kieran worked hard to get away from the life that his brothers and cousins were doomed to repeat, the life of lower-class scallies only good for manual labour and getting drunk at the pub. Kieran knew he was better than that, so the first chance he got he left the family home, no goodbyes just a note and started his new life in the city. It had been hard but Kieran had found his feet and now at twenty seven he could say he had done it, Kieran had escaped his shithole home town, distanced himself from his lower class, crime ridden family and become a successful banker in the city.

Inferior Superior

Connor had a great time at university; he had got drunk and partied nearly every night and spent his days working out in the campus gym. Although now that he had graduated, Connor regretted not trying harder at his studies because employers don’t hire those who barely scraped a pass. The only job Connor had managed to get was at a local office doing data entry, sure it wasn’t exciting but Connor needed a job and the money. At first Connor didn’t mind his new occupation, he was young and good looking and all the women fussed over him, they would give him easier jobs, bake him treats and bombard him with compliments. They made his job so much easier for him that he didn’t see the point in bursting their bubbles and telling them he was gay. However while the women at his work made his life easier the same couldn’t be said for the men. Having a hot, young, muscular stud of a man move into the building and receive all the attention from the women certainly put them on guard. To Connor it was obvious that they were all jealous of him, while they were older, out of shape and stuck in committed relationships he was the complete opposite, a young, hot, single guy. Most of the men barely talked to him and when they did it was to drop off work to his cubicle, Connor couldn’t believe how petty and jealous the grown men in the office were and worst of all his boss seemed the most envious of all.

Smart Thinking

Cliff let out a long sigh as he stared at the view from his boyfriend’s apartment, well his soon to be ex-boyfriend’s apartment. Cliff turned and stared at the naked, sleeping body in front of him, Max had been perfect in nearly every way, he was kind, thoughtful, protective, funny and was always up for a party, however even with all those amazing qualities Cliff had to break up with him. The problem with Max was that he wasn’t the brightest; he wasn’t dumb really, just impulsive which often led him to make bad decisions. Decisions like adopting a cage of mice, drinking eight bottles of beer upside down, buying candy and soda instead of actual groceries or spending money on extravagant items that they didn’t need or want. Cliff had put up with all those things, but after yesterday he finally had enough. Max had kindly invested all of their savings into a virtual currency and had quickly lost it all. Max had lost five grand in a matter of minutes; but instead of arguing with him, Cliff removed his clothes and led his reckless boyfriend to the bedroom.

Full of Cum

Colin sighed as he looked at his dating profile again, still no matches. It had almost been a week and Colin hadn’t found a single person who was willing to come over for a quick bang. It used to be enough that he was skinny and cute; guys would line up to fuck Colin a few years ago, but now things were different. Colin was older now, he wasn’t a twink anymore, he lacked the totally hairless body, the young innocent face and the cute bubble butt all the guys nowadays seemed to crave. Instead of getting fucked every other day, Colin now spent his time either watching porn or drooling over the guys who attended the gym across from his apartment. Those jocks and bodybuilders use to be the types of guys Colin could attract so easily a few years ago, but now they wouldn’t even look twice at him.  He had tried to work some of his magic over there before, but had been painfully rejected by nearly every guy he had hit on. Just today Colin had been on his way home and was passing the gym when a huge mountain of a man appeared in front of him, the guy couldn’t be older than 20 but had the body of a god. Colin smiled and gave a wink hoping to get his attention, which he did. However the young muscular Adonis didn’t return the smile instead he said “Ew, no thanks grandpa” and continued into the gym.

A Dirty Little Secret

Eric and Felix had been dating for a few months now and both were still heavily infatuated with each other. However Felix still wasn’t comfortable telling his parents about his sexuality, so the two men’s relationship had been a secret, Eric would have to sneak around and hide so that Felix’s family wouldn’t find out. At first Eric found it quite romantic, sneaking into Felix’s bedroom, stealing the odd kiss out in public and being Felix’s secret love. However it soon became tedious, especially when it came to sex, the couple had barely finished a fuck session. They’d be interrupted by someone coming home or have to be extremely quick while Felix’s family was out, they had planned to go to a hotel but that would have raised suspicions. The last time they had tried to get intimate Eric had ended up hiding under the bed for 3 hours before he had a chance to sneak out. Eric had had enough, he wanted a proper relationship with Felix not a one where he couldn’t even hold hands with his boyfriend just in case someone they knew saw them.  Nevertheless Eric didn’t want to upset Felix and didn’t want to pressure him into anything he wasn’t ready to do, so he kept his frustrations quiet, until today.


Zach was jealous of his frat bros body, while cooking he had been staring at their shirtless bodies; they were all much more muscular and jacked compared to him. Next to them he looked small, Zach himself was ok, he had a lean runner’s body but mainly from his diet and not from exercise. Zach lacked motivation, he wanted to get a muscular body like his jock brothers but could never be bothered to go to the gym and if he was convinced to go he didn’t stay long. However with summer time and pool party season coming up Zach knew he needed to do something. He promised himself he would go to the gym every day and every night before the first day of summer, that way he would be ready to show off his amazing bod. Well after one week of such a grandiose idea Zach was once again on the couch watching TV instead of at the gym.  He was about to binge watch another series when one of his bros stood in front of the screen.

“Zach, get off your fat ass and come to the gym, what happened to getting swole for summer?"

A Birthday Wish

Birthdays are always fun for the Trickster, people are always getting what they want and always make a wish when they blow out their candles. However Aaron had attracted the Trickster for another reason, his abnormal lust and desire. Every day and every night Aaron would pleasure himself to stories and images of airheaded fem boys, overweight slobs and big ass sluts. Aaron couldn’t go a day without thinking about them or an hour without getting an erection about one of them. Even today, on his birthday he was thinking about them and that’s just what the Trickster was hoping for.

See You On The Flipside: A Real Fake

Butch had always been a sucker for ditzy blonde bimbos, perhaps it was all the playboys and dirty magazines he read as a teenager. He loved their fake boobs, their bleached hair, their puffy inflated lips, their completely hairless bodies, their skinny waists and their fat injected asses. Basically Butch was obsessed with any women who preferred the synthetic look; he couldn’t stand any of those frumpy feminists that insisted on an all-natural look. Luckily for Butch the Barbie girls he was so attracted to would often approach him. Butch had always been big, he had hit his growth spurt early and was well over six foot, the sport he played through high school had led him to develop lots of muscles, every girl wanted a piece of the buff jock Butch. After school he instantly got a job in construction leading his body to become even more toned and muscular, a beard and some tattoos later and Butch looked like the epitome of masculinity and god did he know it. Butch put on the façade that he was just a caring, paternal, sensitive hunk and the bimbos fell for it every time, by now he must have left with well over a 1000 women. Often a quick fling is all Butch wanted, fuck’em and chuck’em was his motto and he couldn’t see that ever changing, even now that he was 42.


Miles could have been a great investigative reporter, he had the skills, the charm and the knowledge but after he sold his first story about a movie star soliciting sex, he soon found out that working as a paparazzo was far more lucrative.  He could make double maybe even triple by selling a story about a celebrity or politician than some informative piece about an oil company or the Middle East. So Miles had dedicated himself to finding all the juiciest, scandalous and naughtiest secrets celebrities had to hide. Miles had sold stories exposing drug use by musicians, exposed top actresses nude photos, reported on a models mental health issues and even outed several closeted celebrities. Sure he may have ruined a few careers and relationships but he was earning so much money that he really couldn’t care less about the people he was writing about.

Currently Miles had a new target he wanted to expose; Omar Brown was football player and a rising star. He had quickly gained popularity due to skill on the field, it also helped that he was pretty good looking and was particularly charming in interviews. Miles knew that magazines and companies would pay a lot of money if something shameful was exposed to the world about the popular player. However after a couple of weeks Miles found himself trudging home after finding nothing about the player that wasn’t already public.

It was 3am when Miles finally got to his apartment and after a quick snack he sat on his bed going over the information he had gathered over the last few days. Miles sighed, he had nothing on Omar, and the portfolio he had created was basically empty.

Doing anything for a patient


Luke Irwin was a successful doctor, after graduating medical school he decided that he didn’t want to work in the area he had grown up in. His hometown was affluent enough to have a large number of practices and was a place where everyone could access healthcare. Luke decided to move away to a town where his skills were more needed, an underprivileged backwater town with only one other doctor available.

It’s been eight months since Luke moved to his new home and things had been going pretty well. His doctor’s office was going well; he even had managed to make enough money to hire a hot receptionist named Cassie. Coming in everyday and seeing the cute blonde with huge tits made coming to work that much easier for Luke. Life was good for Luke he good looking, the women in this town basically threw themselves at him and what’s more he was raking in the cash. Sadly this was not the case for one of his regular patients’ a sixteen year old boy named Jackson. Jackson didn’t come from a wealthy family and barely a week would go by without him making an appointment to see Luke. Jackson was not a bright boy, he would often come to see Luke with cuts, bruises, sprains and other injuries all caused by the nonsensical actions the boy had engaged in on his farm. Whether it was jumping from a tractor, being kicked by a cow or trying to run through thick thorny bushes, Jackson always had some weird tale to tell about how he got his injuries. At first Luke was worried that there might be an issue with his home life and parents, but as the number of meetings grew Luke suspected the kid was injuring himself just so he could visit his doctor.

A Living Fantasy

Lee always looked forward to Tuesday and Sunday nights, they were the highlight of his week as they were the days his favourite cam model performed. His username was JockGOD and he was a stereotypical arrogant jock, the guy who likes to pose and flex for anyone who will look at him. Lee especially loved how he would wave around his perfect bubble butt right in front of the camera teasing people with the odd sight of his tight asshole. JockGOD totally got off on all the worship and adoration he received from his fans; it would make him super horny when he read the comments of how his followers had blown their loads over his impressive body. However Lee wasn’t that type of follower, the reason he loved watching JockGOD was the thought of him being taken down and turned into Lee’s personal bitch. Lee fantasized about how he would dominate the cocky jock making him rim his asshole, deep throat his impressive cock and then fuck his tight muscle ass until he cried out in submission. The thought of reducing the cocky arrogant jock into a submissive and obedient servant made Lee’s dick twitch and tonight his fantasies were going to come true because Lee had forked out for a private show.


Harry was a privileged individual, having been born into money he had not wanted for anything his entire life, thus far. After attending private schools, colleges and universities, Harry had decided he wanted to be part of politics and perhaps give something back to the community. However that community tended to be other rather rich and privileged individuals. Having been brought up in an affluent area Harry had never really mixed with anyone below his social standing, however in recent years the local council had tried to make the area more accessible. Lower and working class people had moved in and soon Harry’s hometown was flooded with ‘riff raff’. Harry had made it his mission to return his town back to how it should be, for people like him with higher status and higher class.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Drunk and Jealous Wish

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See You On The Flipside

Kevin was one of the best looking guys on campus, years in the gym had meant his body was toned and lean. His wealthy background meant that he could afford all the right foods and equipment to maintain his perfect body and with the right connections he had found himself at one of the best schools in the country even though his grades were pretty average. However while Kevin looked perfect on the outside, Kevin was pretty darn ugly on the inside. He was racist, homophobic and prejudice to anyone who didn’t have the body type he had, which meant his number one enemy was Robby.  Robby was a shy, overweight black  guy who enjoyed the company of men, he had been extremely excited about attending college hoping to find people similar to himself and to avoid the discrimination he had faced in his rural town.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Getting to know his neighbour

Jake had been spying on his new neighbour for weeks now, she was just his type: slim, fit and her skin was the perfect shade of brown which reminded him of milk chocolate. Sometimes Jake would spend hours watching her out his window while she sunbathed in the yard and then spend several more hours jerking off to her. It had started to worry Jake just how obsessed he had become with her especially as he hadn’t even plucked up the courage to even ask her name. However Jake ignored his better judgement and continued to watch her, he realised that if he was lucky and at the right angle he could sometimes see her in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Jake had even thought about get a small video camera so he would never miss an opportunity to ogle his perfect neighbour. If only he had paid more attention to what was going on around his neighbour rather than just her body he wouldn’t be in the mess he was now.

New Friends

I was happy; I had a good job, a great boyfriend and some close friends all of which were gay like me. While this had its benefits, my particular group of gay buddies loved drama and gossip, which I found quite boring and tiresome. Our lunches and nights out were always dominated by whatever scandalous thing someone we kind of knew had done and I really just could not  give a rats ass,  I mean who cares if Bobby flirted with Carl last night?

It was during another dinner date where my friends had started talking trash about some guy who hadn’t texted one of them back, that I made my wish. I had gone to the bathroom to get away for a while and as I washed my hands I wondered if straight guys had similar conversations. I let out small chuckle thinking about some of the monster guys at the gym complaining about another guy’s slutty outfit, naa that’s not their style. Then just under my breath as I was just about to leave I whispered

 ”I wish I had straight friends”

Unfortunately for me I wasn’t alone in the bathroom; sitting in one of the stalls was a magical being that loved mischief – a Trickster.  He pounced on my thoughtless wish as quick as lightning, before I knew it I was engulfed in green smoke and I fell unconscious.

I woke up to a loud muffled honking sound which was followed by a terrible smell, as I opened my eyes I saw the two pale ass cheeks and little hairy arsehole. I was stunned, too stunned to move when another rank fart was blasted into my face, I rolled away and was surrounded by laughter.

Two guys across the room had filmed the whole thing and were cracking up, the guy that had farted then grabbed my hand and helped me up off the floor. “Dude you are the best guy to prank, that look on your face when I farted was hilarious” I was red with embarrassment as I hurried to escape and managed to shut myself in a room. I was still trying to make sense of it all, this wasn’t my home and who were these guys, but for some reason the room I was in seemed familiar. As I looked I saw my possessions and clothes, what were they doing here? I grabbed my phone to call for help but none of the contacts seemed familiar, what was going on. It was then I heard a voice seemingly coming from nowhere.

“Enjoy your new straight friend’s hahaha”

A wisp of green smoke then left out of my new bedroom window and something in my brain clicked, I think my wish was granted.

So now I live in a sweaty, smelly apartment with Chad, Hunter and Joey, three straight guys that love nothing more than talking about hot chicks, the gains they’re making at the gym and how big their last dump was.  Plus I could do without all the “pranks” they pull on me; I mean Chad can clear a room with one of his protein farts. It’s horrible, but for some reason I can never leave them for too long and I feel obliged to do stuff with them, it seems they’re my new friends from now on. Well I’m off to the gym with Chad now; maybe it will be better when it’s just one on one? 

Or not…

Another Birthday Wish

It was nearly midnight and for once Brandon was actually looking forward to his birthday, normally it would be a quiet meal with the family ...